Bad Partying

Story by garou1500 on SoFurry

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"I'm going out tonight and I am taking the car." Jenny said to her twin brother Jeremy, with authority. Jenny was a vixen of nineteen. She has a fine fur coat that hugged and accented her every curve, she had red fur, with a cream colored belly,which continued all down the underside of her arms, and up to her chin, though she lacked the brown "boots" on all her paws that normal foxes had, her ears did have a caramel color to it that blended into her red fur with no visible line, and a cream colored tip on her tail, almost like someone dipped it in cream. She had an athletic figure, most men tripped over, from running long distance, which got her a full ride scholarship to about five different schools. She was a little, only a little, scared to go to college by herself, so she chose the college her brother got accepted to.

"Aw my games are tonight. I need the car." Jeremy was also a fox but he didn't have the normal coloring. His fur was stark black which accented his yellow eyes, and almost made them glow. He almost looked like a wolf if it wasn't for his shorter, narrower snout, and bushy tail. He was a little nerdy, and was in decent shape. He had a little bit of muscle on him, enough to make him look good, but it was his fur that made him an outcast, not many furs had stark black fur, but he found some friends.

"Games again? You really should find yourself a girlfriend." Jenny said.

"Yeah well I haven't found a girl who wasn't put off by my fur. Which is why I have my games, they take the edge off."

"Yeah, that and masturbating every night," she said sticking out her tongue at him.

"I do not masturbate every night! Just when I get the urge," he said, obviously blushing though it didn't show through his fur.

"Ok I'm sorry, but I could hook you up with a girl if you want."

"Just so I can watch her running and screaming the minute she sees me, no thanks," he said.

"That was just the one time and she told me she was sorry, plus she asked for you to give her another chance."

"Nah, one embarrassment is enough for me. Anyway, why don't I drop you off, and pick you up when I am done? If you have any problems you can call me. Thats the great thing about games, there is that proverbial pause button," said Jeremy.

"Alright, fine. Let me finish getting ready and then you can drop me off."

About ten minutes later Jenny came out wearing a revealing black dress, that hugged her curves as well as her fur did. Jeremy looked as his sister and his jaw dropped. He eventually came out of his shock when she giggled. "I guess you like the dress," she said.

"Uh...." was all that he could get out.

"Ok lets go," she said grabbing her purse.

Jeremy grabbed his books and said, "Gee sis, are you going to get fucked tonight?"

Jenny said teasingly, "Maybe," sticking her tongue out at him.

"Oh god, I didn't need to hear that." He said as they headed out the door.

Jenny was going to a party with her friends from school. As they got there, Jeremy realized that this party was not just a small party with a few friends, it was a big party with a lot of people there. Jeremy instantly got worried, "Jenny be careful tonight, you might attract some bad guys."

"Oh don't worry, I'm plenty capable of taking care of myself," she said getting out of the car.

"Fine, just call me if you have any problems, and also if you are going to have another ride home."

"OK... DAD!"

"Whatever, I just want to make sure you are ok."

"I know, I'm just picking on you. Have fun at your games."

With that Jeremy drove off to his favorite comic book store. About ten minutes later he got there. He spent about thirty minutes getting a game set up, when his phone rang. It was his sister, he picked it up to hear a hysterical version of his sister on the other side, "Jeremy! I need you to pick me up NOW!! You were right about the guys, I need you to pick me up NOW!!"

"OK I am on my way," grabbing his keys he rushed out of the store leaving all of his stuff at the store.

It took him about half the time it took him to get to the store to get back to the house the party was at. When he stopped the car he saw a red blur run behind the car and into the passenger seat. It was his sister, she looked like she had been roughed up, and she was missing her dress leaving her in her underwear, and purse. Jenny was crying. "He tried to rape me! I barely got away!"

Jeremy said, "Who tried to rape you, Jenny? What did he look like?"

Jenny sobbed, "His name *sniff* is Chase, he is a wolf I met at school. He seemed like a... a nice guy. He is on the male track team."

Jeremy had already felt the rage build inside of him. He got out of the car. When his sister said, "What are you going to do? Don't start a fight, lets just go home!"

Jeremy didn't hear her, he stormed up into the house, and yelled, "CHASE WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" Nobody answered, he looked at the closest wolf, who pointed upstairs, "Second door on the right." Jeremy ran upstairs and kicked in the door to find Chase finishing getting dressed.

Chase said, "Who the FUCK do you think you are? Don't you know that closed doors mean 'occupied'?"

Jeremy walked up to Chase and punched him in the jaw, which sent Chase reeling into the bed frame. Jeremy said, " You tried to rape MY sister, I should fucking kill you right now but I know something that will be just as satisfying."

Jeremy spread Chase's legs, who was still recovering from the punch, and gave him one swift kick as hard as he could between Chase's legs. Chase went into the fetal position. Jeremy knelt down and said, "If I ever hear that you are talking to my sister, or rape anyone EVER again, I will hunt you down and chop it off. You hear me?" With that Jeremy got up walked out and closed the door as well as he could with a broken frame.

He went out to his car, got in and started driving home. Neither one said a word. When they got home Jeremy said, "What did I tell you about some of those guys?"

"I know, he seemed like a really cool guy. We were laughing, having a good time, but when we got into the bedroom he started advancing on me too fast, when I tried to stop him he wouldn't and ripped my dress off."

Jeremy sat down next to her, putting his arm around her, "Jenny, look I know you were being careful, I am sorry. There are some guys out there that are really good about putting up a front of being the 'nice guy'. It's hard to figure out if they are good or not."

"You are the only one who is good to me."

"Besides he won't talk to you anymore, and he probably won't walk straight for a couple of days."

"Can I tell you a secret? I'm still a virgin."

Jeremy's jaw dropped for the second time that night, "You mean with all the guys that you have gone out with you are still a virgin?"

"I have been waiting for someone who is good to me, but the only one who seems to be that way to me is you." She said looking up almost seductively.

Jeremy looked down at his sister and said, "What we are brother and sister, we can't do that!"

Jenny looked a little shocked and said, "Oh my god, I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry, look I'm going to get into the shower." She got up and went into the bathroom closing but not latching the door.

Jeremy sat and watched her leave, thinking about what she did. He didn't hear the shower come on right away, and heard her sob a little. Jeremy yelled, "Are you ok?"

Jenny yelled, "Yeah I'm fine." After that, she turned on the shower drowning out her crying.

Jeremy got up and went to the bathroom door. He peeked in and saw that she had gone into the shower. He went in and said, "Jenny?"

Jenny gasped a little, "Yeah?" Sounding like she had obviously been crying.

Jeremy was watching her bathe herself through the curtain, it was just a blurry picture but his body had started to respond. "Look I'm sorry, you are very beautiful, and if you weren't my sister, yes I would."

Jenny opened the shower door and said, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have thought that."

Jeremy looked at his sister standing in front of him bare naked, and you could literally hear his erection take off.

Jenny looked down and saw his pants tenting, and she giggled stepped out of the shower and started walking toward Jeremy swaying her hips.

Jeremy said, "Uh, oh hell." He then started walking toward her, reaching out and wrapped his arms around her, then he looked into her eyes and bent down and gave her the best kiss he could.

When they broke the kiss, she said, "But we're brother and sister?"

Jeremy said, "Yeah well, I figure it's just a label, besides you are the only one who doesn't run at the sight of me."

"You aren't an ugly guy, a lot of people are just so shal--"

Jeremy stopped her with another kiss, this one better than the last. When they broke, Jeremy said, "Lets finish the shower." He then pulled off his shirt.

Jenny started undoing his pants, and let them drop to the floor, then she grabbed his boxers and started pulling them down when his 10 inches of black fox cock popped out she said, "Maybe I should call you my Big Brother."

"Well I was technically born bef--" Before he finished she pulled him into the shower and closed the door before pushing him to the wall and kissing him as passionate as she could.

Jeremy's hands started roaming to her perfect ass cupping each cheek, and lifting her pushing her against the wall. Jenny spread her legs wrapping them around Jeremy. Lifting herself higher until she felt his cock pop from between them. She reached down between the two bodies and lined his cock up with her wet folds. He slowly let her drop, impaling her on his cock; first the head, then an inch, then two, that was when he felt it. She wasn't lying she really was a virgin.

He said to her looking in her eyes, "Are you sure about this?"

She said, "Yes, more sure than I was about anything else."

He said, "This is going to hurt for a minute, or that is what I heard anyway." He pulled back and pushed in feeling her hymen break. She started grunted a little, and kissed him hard. He held her up for a little until she broke the kiss. She said, "Ok it doesn't hurt anymore." He pushed until he had hilted in her. She felt full, not painful, or uncomfortable, just full.

He waited for about thirty seconds and started to pull out until he was just two inches still in and thrust in all the way hard, gaining a moaning scream from her. He kissed her and repeated the process still kissing her still. She moaned again, breaking the kiss.

He started a little rhythm, then he hooked his arms under each leg and pinned his hands against the wall, holding her up. After that he had more leverage and started pushing into her harder and faster. She could only hold on to his neck, then she took one of her hands and started rubbing one of her ample tits, while he kept thrusting into her. She was enjoying this very much. Just when she was about to cum he stopped out of breath and pulled out letting her down.

He said, "Lets finish this on the bed, I don't want to hurt you or get hurt."

She opened the door and pulled him to the floor, and with pure lust in her voice she said, " I want to finish this now."

She spread her legs and lined him up with her folds one more time. He pushed and penetrated her to the hilt again eliciting a moan of pure lust and pleasure from her.

Building up his rhythm again he felt her thrusting back and his knot growing bigger. He said to her between thrusts, "Do... you... want... me... to... tie... you?"

"OH GOD YES, TIE ME WITH YOUR BEAUTIFUL COCK!" With that he thrust more vigorously and pushed harder, each thrust his knot pushing farther and farther into her, and with one final thrust he pushed as hard as he can, and with an audible pop felt his knot push into her. She moaned as her orgasm hit and she came thrusting as hard as she could onto his large black cock. He could feel her pussy milking his cock for all it was worth. It was the best feeling he could have hoped for, his cock swelled to its final size finishing the tie and he started cumming himself, pumping her with rope after rope of his seed. He thrust pumping what felt like a half gallon of sperm into her belly he finally collapsed on top of her.

She reached down between the two of them and started rubbing her clit vigorously. She came again half a minute later tightening her already tight grip on his cock. Being over senitive he pulled her hand from her clit and let her orgasm subside. He then looked at her in the eye and said, "Ow that hurts after I cum, I am very sensitive."

"I couldn't help myself."

He sat up still tied to her and said, "Well this is going to be interesting from now on."

"Yeah, next time we should do it in bed." She said, giggling.

"Next time? I could do a 'next time'." Jeremy said. When he finished she pulled a little.

She said, "Oh yeah?"

"Ok OK just let us untie first, and give me about a half an hour. Can I tell you a secret too, I was a virgin too." He said.

"Haha big secret bro."