The Two Lovers of a Dumb Fox - Chapter Seven

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#7 of The Two Lovers of a Dumb Fox

Nick confesses to Finnick and Judy why he panicked, and together the trio come to a decision about the future of their burgeoning relationship to one another. This is the final chapter of The Two Lovers of a Dumb Fox. Thanks for reading. <3

This story is the continuation of a series originally written thanks to support from my Patreon supporters. It contains poly romance, M/M/F sex between consenting adults, and takes place in the world of Zootopia. :3

The Two Lovers of a Dumb Fox - Chapter Seven

The three lovers spoke. They spoke for hours.

Sometimes, it was pretty pleasant. Laughing. Joking. Smiling as they sat around in the back of Finnick's van together. At other points however it was less so. There were tears. Words spoken in frustration if not outright anger, then mournful apologies.

None of them were perfect, and certainly not at this. But as time passed, and with weariness came truth more unguarded and honest, Judy and Finnick learned what it was that had sent Nick fleeing from the sight of them together.

"I felt like the weight of it... it all fell on me. And in that moment, no matter how much I wanted it, I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to hold it together. What if you broke up? What if things didn't go well after this first night, or the night after... and just when things are so close to being as perfect as I'd ever dared dream, it all falls apart. Who's to blame? Not you, Judy. Not you, Finn. I'd be to blame. At least, that's how I saw it. How I still do now, kinda. B-because... all of this, it was my idea. It was me who decided to be in relationships with both of you, and if I hadn't done that, if I hadn't fallen so hard for both of you... I might not have been so eager, so helpful in bringing you guys together, too."

And in return, as the tension hung heaviest of all within the van, Nick learned how his lovers felt about his greatest fear.


Judy whispered softly, tears shining in her eyes.

"That is so... unbelievably... dumb."

Finnick snorted with dry laughter, and nodded as he reached out, clasping one of Judy's hands in his own.

"I've gotta side with the bunny on this one. That's some dumb ass shit right there, fox."

Judy rose from where she was sitting cross legged before the two men, and padded over towards Nick. She placed her hands upon his cheeks, and leaned forward until they were eye to eye, nose to nose.

"I am going to say this slowly and calmly, and you're going to listen. Okay? You're going to listen so hard, so carefully that you'll remember every word I speak for the rest of your life... or face the consequences. Okay?"

Nick tried to nod, but Judy held his face steady with surprising ease.

"Me and Finnick are just as smart as you, Nick. If not a little more so judging by your actions right now. We are grown ups, and our relationship is our relationship. It's up to us to be adults. To be mature, and sensible, and to handle whatever our relationship is right now or what it might become in the future. We don't need you to be our chaperone. We don't need you to be our guardian angel. We need you to be our boyfriend. Nothing less. Nothing more. You can care for us and support us and worry about us in all the ways you have before, just like we care for and support and worry about you."

She fell silent for a moment, and a playful smile crossed her features for the briefest moment.

"You got all that? There's gonna be a test."

Nick swallowed and attempted to nod once more. Close by, Finnick just watched, listened as Judy spoke practically word for word what they had come to realise while searching for Nick the night before.

"As much as you worry and care for us though... it's not your duty, not your obligation to make things work, or fix them if they don't. Not for our relationship. You worry about yours. About me and you. About you and Finnick. You handle your heart. We'll handle ours. We're already entangled enough, each juggling romantic feelings for two different people. Adding the pressure of a whole other relationship, one of which you control neither side's thoughts and feelings? You'd have to be insane to try and take that responsibility onto your shoulders too. Insane, or just plain dumb."

She stepped back, letting go of Nick's face and leaving the fox sitting, staring at her with wide eyes that looked on the verge of spilling fresh tears. He held them back though, and replied in a soft whimper, emotional but fighting to hold himself together just as Judy had through her speech.

"I... I'm sorry."

He looked from Finnick to Judy, then back again.

"You're right. And... I know that. I really was dumb, acting like the two of you aren't responsible enough to deal with this yourselves. I... I just hope... and please, let me be dumb this one last time. I haven't spoiled things, have I? I haven't... made you guys reconsider, because of all this?"

The rabbit looked at the fennec fox, and he looked back at Judy. Finnick pulled himself to his feet, reached out, and took Judy's hands in his. They stepped close to one another, smiled, and looked pointedly towards Nick for a moment before Judy dropped to one knee and their lips brushed together in a gentle, tender kiss.

They parted soon after, and with a happy growl Finnick shook his head towards the fox.

"No. We're good, Nick. And... so are you."

The fox looked towards his two lovers, eyes getting slightly wider as Judy rose to her feet once more, both of them turned on their heels and began to move towards him.

"Finnick's right. In fact, I think we've had entirely enough drama for one day. Enough upset. Enough tears and frustration and deep, intense soul searching."

Bunny and fennec advanced upon the fox, each grabbing him by one hand and barely even moving him, just dragging him down to the bedded base of the van's rear once more. They dragged blankets up and over all three of them, and with Judy on one side of the fox and Finnick upon the other, they cuddled up around Nick.


Nick began to ask something, but as soon as he did he felt Finnick squirming up closer to him. The fennec's body resting over his, and planting a soft kiss upon his muzzle. He groaned happily, feeling Judy cuddling up to him on the other side of his form as the two men made out in front of her. Only when Finnick had withdrawn naturally, and he'd had a chance to catch his breath of course, did he try again.

"Do you think..."

Judy kissed him this time, and by the time she was done and Nick saw the flash of a devilish grin pass between her and Finnick, he realised their intent.

"Okay fine, I promise not to try and..."

His attempt to admit defeat, to swear not to bring up any more topics that could be remotely deep or serious, was in itself cut short as all at once both Judy and Finnick's fingers buried themselves in the fox's flanks, starting to tickle him and driving him into howls of frenzied, uncontrollable laughter. He kicked and thrashed as the two smaller figures attacked him mercilessly, and by the time they ceased a minute or so later he was too out of breath and worn out to even raise a finger to retaliate.

"Anything else to say, Nick?"

Judy kissed him on one cheek as she whispered.

"Or do you just want to relax? Chill out, and enjoy some time with the two folks in this world silly enough to love your sweet ass."

Finnick kissed him on the other cheek, and as Nick wrapped an arm around each of them, they murmured happily and sank into his soft, bare fur.

For a short while they lay together in perfect, peaceful silence. Cuddling. Revelling in the shared, three-way intimacy that was precisely what Nick, and indeed both the others in increasing amounts, had always sought.

It wasn't too long however, maybe fifteen, twenty minutes, before Nick felt Judy's hand rubbing at his right thigh. Both hers and Finnick's heads were resting on his chest, and as the fox tilted his gaze downward he saw them mouthing something to one another. He said nothing though, just enjoying the warmth, the intimacy, the pleasant if slightly stimulating contact.

When Finnick's hand began to massage his left thigh however, Nick let slip a soft growl. Both the lovers by his sides smirked, and Judy giggled softly.


Nick shuddered as he felt their hands wandering closer to one another. Moving towards the centre of his body. He tensed, gasped as Judy's paw began to massage his balls, and Finnick's fingertips traced over the already swelling length of his member.

"Guys... y-you... ah. You don't have to... o-ohhh..."

Again Judy laughed, and Finnick just murmured to Nick on both his and the bunny's behalf.

"Of course we don't have to, Nick. But... we love you. So we want to."

Judy nodded, her hand joining Finnick's own upon Nick's cock. Together they stroked. Squeezed. Worked together, using all their experience and knowledge of what Nick loved to drive the fox wild. And sure enough...

"Ahhh... ahhhyes!"

Their hands moved faster and faster, and as they watched the bulge in the sheets twitch and bounce where they were rubbing Nick's cock, they felt the fox squirming, thrashing and listened to him howling between them.

"Finnick! Judy! I... I'm...!!"

He was a dumb fox. And they loved him, they adored him not in spite of that, but because of how dumb and goofy and sentimental he could be.

And now, they were going to make him cum. Not for the first time individually, and certainly not for the last time together.

"Cum for her, Nick."

"Cum for him."

"Cum for us."

And with an ear-splitting howl that echoed out though the van's metal walls and out to the vacant lot beyond, overwhelmed by the affection of his two beloved partners, Nick did just that.

By Jeeves

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