Kaleidoscope XI - Time of Death

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#23 of Refractions

The gang discovers a lost civilisation and Iolvin steps up as ambassador. Relations get heated and leave the gang with a sticky situation. Sydney and her family learn that the only thing worse than mixing curiosity and 'kats is facing them off against the junkyard dog.

This chapter is a good example of why I love writing. Firstly, I seem to have gotten back in the groove and it feels amazing. Second to that though, my characters are living in my head again and not just residents. I've been roleplaying them as I write again--my typical style in the past--and I think it leads to better character building and more meaningful interactions without having the world force their paws. This chapter sees Yoyo doing his thing, being his concerned, loving self. It sees Sydney not only regaining her hindpaws with her old security habits, but doing so as she aims to be a good mother. I think the characters are really popping and breaking out of their distant tropes, and it makes me as a writer endlessly happy that they are no longer objects or roles but PEOPLE. This is why I'm not concerned with being published or famous. It isn't about me; I write to give my characters true lives.

Oh, and there's tons of sex. That too. :3

Honestly the sexual side of things is... wearing on me, but I wouldn't say in a negative way. I just prefer character interactions over obligations, and sometimes I feel like sex has become an obligation in lots of my writing. It fits here though, as it's a bonding tool used to bring characters closer. It absolutely has a place here, but I think I may critically decide to have cleaner chapters when it doesn't make as much sense as it does in this chapter. I guess you could say I'm more for sex with meaning and romance than for meaningless sex only for gratuity. I'll have to think about this. Just stating my thoughts out loud for you guys and gals.

Enjoy the story, friends.

Kaleidoscope XI

Time of Death

Darius Prime

Third Planet of The Darius Star System

Unknown Universe

03:24, 36/2/2

"Was it this chilly last time?" Artemis crossed his arms over his chest in a modest attempt to retain body heat. "Maybe we landed somewhere warmer for this planet?"

"It's a little brisk, yeah. It might not work the same here, but we're closer to the equator of this planet. I dunno." Iolvin chuffed and softly punched his son in the shoulder. "You picked the spot, so no complaining. Otters are built for worse conditions anyway."

"Your son is half panther, you know. He deserves a break there." Ilaria strode out of the Hermes' loading bay gate and gave her twin brother a similar punch to his robotic arm. "Ha! You're poofed up all the same, Yoyo. I knew it was smart to wear my heated suit."

"Eh, it's alright. I'm sure it's warmer inside in any case." Yoyo made note of a group gathering on the edge of the massive wall surrounding the apparent capital city. "Remember, no sudden moves and no speaking unless addressed first. We don't know what they're capable of doing to us."

"Y-Yeah, th-they c-c-could--"

Yoyo found his very furless wife and pulled her into his arms to share his own pelt. "You don't need to tag along, Zoë. I think we'll be fine considering the technology we're seeing."

"They have swords. I have a sword. I'm s-staying right by your side, honey."

"Right. Well let's see if we can't find you a fire somewhere at least." Yoyo led the party forward, then paused as a group of children made themselves known with whispers behind a broken wall. "Anthropologist, coming through..." He eased into a lean around the cover and presented a toothless smile. "Hello, there. No need to be scared, little ones."

The bulk of the small group went wide-eyed just prior to scurrying toward the larger city wall. A single remaining specimen sat still, a girl by all accounts. "Gratoah!"

"Eh... Son, did you bring your brother's watch by chance? I think we'll need some translation help from Prisma." Yoyo crouched to reduce his imposing height and tried again. "It's okay. We're friendly, little girl."

"Nashuo, neh gadou..." The girl moved a few tentative steps toward the wall, then took a breath and stopped for a better view of the whole group. In doing so she gave the gang a closer look at the locals, whom at first glance may have been mistaken for human but under closer scrutiny had closer features to dragons. "Neh... Neh gadou?"

"She's just as confused as we are. That's not a bad starting point, honestly." Yoyo reached out a paw low to the ground, trying to show a willingness to bond but sending the girl backpedaling a few extra steps. "Son?"

"Sorry, I was working things out. I've got a Link to Prisma through my Sense. She's listening now."

"It's okay, little girl. Could you try that again, please?"

"Sachui sach fa ii nora." The girl turned her side to the others, letting the light play across her features in doing so. Her skin seemed smooth yet somehow matte, a dark brown that contrasted slightly with black hair running from her head to the tip of her thick tail. Along the way black stone-like lesions dotted her skin like broad, thick freckles, hinting that the locals had a hardier form than the mammals they now met. In dim shadow however one could note the most tender areas of skin near seams or stretched sections had a light hum of orange light,strengthening on facial features like her iridescent tongue. "Lao... Lao na gadou?"

"Uh, doesn't seem to be enough for a match. Sorry, dad." Arty sighed at the slow process and pulled Cherenkov's lantern from his belt. "I wonder if Cher could help. She's been locked in this thing far too long anyway..."

"D-Don't... M-Mast-ter..." Cheren's lantern shut itself despite Arty's actions, but the seal remained open. "I d-don't... uh... I need t-time..."

"Cher? What's wrong?"

"New un-nivers-se..."

The hint of fear in the Djinn's voice caused Arty to ease the chem light back to his belt. "Just... Take your time, Cher. We can talk it through once we're settled. Okay?"

"Ok-kay, Master."

"Sorry, dad. No dice."

"Sounds like you have bigger concerns, son. Tend to your lady friend. I'll be fine." Yoyo returned his attention to the girl, his paw lifting slowly yet remaining fully open. "You can touch, if you're curious. It sounds like you're asking if I'm a friend so... I'm not going to hurt you. Here."

"Chikaos!" The girl suddenly breathed a lick of flame, using the distraction of Yoyo's flaming fur to join her friends. "Kaos!"

"Fuck!" Yoyo tucked his paw between his legs and squeezed his thighs together, smothering his flaming fur before the danger spread out of control. "I'm lucky that's the fake paw. Damn, that might not grow back otherwise."


"I'm fine, Zoë. Nothing Ari's girls can't fix." Yoyo regained his composure and slowly resumed following the children to the main gate. "Okay, so we're dealing with a world where the dragons ate all the knights. I don't see us doing so well until we find a common form of communication. You might have had a point, Kiddo."

"Damn right I did." Zoë readied her hands to draw her estoc at a moment's notice. "Just stay close. I'm not letting them singe another hair on your body, real or otherwise."

"Well I trust you still remember where to draw the line, hon. Let's try a friendly approach and chalk that one up to kids not knowing their limits." Yoyo stood tall by the gate, waved his burnt paw, then bowed for good measure. "Let's see if we get an official welcome party. Got my tail, Lulu?"

Ilaria hooked her thumb beneath the string of her shouldered bow. "Every time, Yoyo."

"Well looks like we get to find out how far the rabbit hole goes." The heavy gate opened under some form of smoothly powered system, making itself known by pulleys and motors once fully wide. Then to the otter's better expectations a group of elegantly dressed females walked forth, including some of the same height as the 'child' from before. "Oups. I may have insulted an elder back there. Layno. Durnyy z mene..."

"Durnyy?" A mid-sized woman reaching about to Yoyo's chest in height stepped forward, her gold-embroidered dress signalling a point of status above the others. She took a moment to look Iolvin over, her hands idly gliding up and down her exposed, umbra-blue hips. "<Speak language? Speak?>"

Both Ari and Yoyo perked up at that sudden response in a language similar to their own Ukrainian. Yoyo grumbled as he thought about his new options. "<Yes. A few of us do speak this language, or one similar to it perhaps. I am-->"

"<This dress... Advanced, yet wrapped simple... You have strong following as well.> The apparently young woman stepped forward to face Ilaria directly, a move that for one reason or another brought hands to the guards' weapons. "<You have name? Speak, or this one speak for you?>"

"<I, uh... I can speak, but my brother here is a better ambassador. That's his profession these days, so... uh...>"

"<Ah. Man speaks for leader. Interesting choice.> The girl moved over to Yoyo for another inspection, a sigh hinting that she wasn't impressed with her survey. "<Come. We talk about visit. Others stay here until we find terms.>"

"<That sounds more than appropriate. Certainly.>" Yoyo glanced to his twin and she got the hint to explain the situation to the others. "<I am sure we'll both become good friends soon enough.>"

"<F-Friends?>" The girl gained a blue hue beneath her cheeks, then turned around and tugged Yoyo through the gate by his wrist. "<Come. We talk about friends in private.>"

"<I'm glad to see you're welcome to making friends so readily. You're not concerned we're from another world? Do you have contact with other races often?>"

"<You are first. Never others desire make friends, even others of our kind.>" Again the girl seemed to hide her blushing behind her duties. "<We will attempt. You will fail, I think.>"

"<I think you'd be surprised. We may have weapons, but we aim to be peaceful. We like making as many friends as possible.> Yoyo caught a hint of a gasp, something likely lost in translation, stopped the two near the gate of a central castle, then broke the ice with a little charm. "<I must be missing something. Let's start over here. My name is Iolvin. What's yours, if I may be so bold to ask?>"

"<You may not bold!>" The girl yanked hard on Yoyo's arm, her lower center of gravity working surprisingly well to her advantage. "<...but if you must, my name is Excelle. Now come.>"

"Interesting. And you have access to the castle, eh? On the right track..." Yoyo shut down his mumbling as the two long, side-extended ears on the girl swiveled his way. "<I take it you're authorized to talk on your nation's behalf, Excelle? Or are we heading to your leader himself?>"

"<You jest! A man!? No, man make bad leader.>" Excelle led Yoyo through a series of doors, each posted by a guard equally ready to clear the path of the girl. "<Queendom of Obrenheim not employ men to lead. We are smart people.>"

"<A Queendom by choice, eh? So your society is matriarchal, then?>" The two briskly entered a dimly lit room and Yoyo was shoved into the side of a couch or small bed. "<Oh, we're here? Such a nice room...>"

"<We lead, yes. Men better at work. Very competent this way.>" Excelle shuddered for a breath, then untied the top of her dress and let it slide down her to frame her quite perky breasts. "<Now make friends. Fail quickly so we may get to negotiations.>"

"<W-Woah! Excelle, I don't think you understand what I meant by 'friends' there.>" The dress fell completely, leaving the girl completely in the nude as she stood over Iolvin. "<You... want to have sex? Why?>"

"<I cannot answer to man who cannot... 'sex' me.>" Excelle rested on her back beside Yoyo, her hands reaching to spread her somewhat humanoid nethers. "<Sex if you can, male. Fail and we cannot talk.>"

"Oh... So you have ritual sex as part of negotiations. Adri, Zoë... don't hate me for this." Yoyo unlatched his belt, then began shoving down his pants as he lined up to lick Excelle's alien pussy. "<You... are different than I'm used to. Are you sure we're compatible?>"

"<No. You still sex, yes?>"

"<I'll give it a try, yeah.>" Yoyo took a good look at his next hurdle--the lips of this alien's sopping wet clam--the main difference appearing to be two clits that bent inward mysteriously. He leaned forward and gave a tentative lick, recoiling at first at the very salty taste. "<Um... Very different, yeah.>"

"<Wh-Why d-do you--!?>" Excelle shoved Yoyo's head back as her two clits slithered out of her cunt and wriggled defensively. "<No mouth! Use... man parts...>"

"<You want me to skip the foreplay? I... I'm not used to that request, honestly. I like to make my mates feel their best.>" Yoyo finished removing his pants and diligently lined up his fake cock with his diminutive partner's nether lips, where it was quickly probed by the alien's very dextrous clit tendrils. "<I think I'm a little large for you. Are you sure you don't want to loosen up a bit? I'm happy using my tongue.>"

"<You listen to woman, not woman listen to you. Know your place.>" Excelle took a moment to grasp Yoyo's manhood with her relatively small hands, barely able to fully encircle his girth. "Boushka... <You sex, quickly. Size mean nothing.>"

"<You don't have to push yourself for me. My mates do enough of that already.>" Yoyo slid his tip downward, then shoved inside the extremely tight and exceptionally hot confines of his partner's depths. He groaned for a moment, drawing a smile from Excelle as she seemingly made the otter's advances as hard as possible. "<You're too tense. Just relax, Excelle.>"

"<No. You fail.>" Just as Yoyo almost painfully reached some sort of barrier, Excelle impossibly clamped down even tighter until Yoyo's cock snapped free of its socket. "<There! You fail, and now I have right to demands! No one insult princess with male envoy!>"

"<You intended to do that!? What the hell!?>" Yoyo grabbed his dong from the girl's snatch and wrenched it free. "<Fuck. I guess that explains why you guys let the women rule.>" He checked the attachment point and sighed as he successfully clicked his manhood back into place. "<That's a hostile way to conduct negotiations. Maybe we should--?>"

"<You... keep your man parts? This...>" Excelle shook as she seemingly relented into opening her legs wide. "<You have superior parts. You... sex until you finish now. You earn that right.>"

"<So... Wait, that was a test?>" Iolvin tentatively pressed his cock against Excelle's cunt, only to find her two tongue-like clits pulling him inside to a far more pleasant environment than before. "<Really? Okay then. I'll try to hold out for you, Excelle. Does it feel... good?>"

"<It feels like man inside me.> The alien gasped as Yoyo again reached her inner barrier, though without the tightness it seemed like he could easily go further, very much unlike a typical cervix. "<You finish like this. We... have better negotiations after you take your prize.>"

"<Prize? At this point I just want to make you smile, Excelle. Are you close?>" Yoyo pumped his hips quickly into the soft barrier, finding his partner gasping for air in intensity relative to the force of his thrusts. She began tightening down again, but only enough to make it known she was milking Yoyo to a faster orgasm. "<You just want me to finish? You don't want to feel good yourself?>"

"<It d-does not m-matter. You earn release. I fail, so I m-must allow.>"

"<That's no good. How can I start friendly negotiations if my caretaker goes wanting?>" Yoyo kept pummeling away at that weak spot deep inside until it started to falter for some unknown reason. He noticed his knot had all but fully inflated and that's when the signs hit him. "<You're holding me back with your clits. That's why it feels so good for you when I bottom out, huh?>" He put more of his superior weight behind his thrusts, inching his knot forward and causing the nerve bundles in those clits to spasm from the added pressure. Then he finally pushed enough for those clit-tongues to swallow his knot whole and tie him sturdy. "<B-Better?>"

"<I-Id-diot-t!>" Excelle's demeanor shattered under the weight of her suppressed orgasm, her inner tongues slithering and swallowing around Yoyo's tensing cock. Within seconds the little hint of a remaining barrier fell away, pulling Yoyo into a sort of antechamber to the alien's true cervix. "<R-Release...?>"

"<Houng! F-Fuck yes, release!>" Yoyo pressed even deeper into the surprisingly voluminous cunt, noticing a small bulge as he pressed against Excelle's womb. As the alien's insides clamped down for dear life around his knot, his balls tugged and tensed with heavy, full blasts of his magenta cum. He flagged and whipped his tail a few times, then instinctively leaned forward and pressed his muzzle to the girl's searing hot lips. After a long, sloppy kiss he was spent, and to the pair's doubled surprise Excelle's stomach bulged with an indigo-hued swell. "<F-Fuck... I may have gotten carried away there. Shit, are you alright? Did I hurt you, Excelle>"

Excelle stared blankly and shook her head for a few seconds, some sort of realization passing over her that Yoyo didn't quite interpret. "<N-No. We Gnome women... can fit any man...>"

"<You look like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong, Excelle? Is it too much? I forgot my knot can lock it all in with some people...>"

"<No... I feel good. I... have never felt so good with a man...>" Excelle rubbed her very translucent tummy in amazement, touched her lips, then softened up as she touched the burnt skin of Yoyo's lips. "<My king, I have burnt you! We shall require aid>"

That last bit took a moment to register properly in Iolvin's brain. "<King? No...?>"

"<You now have claim the princess.>" Excelle averted her eyes at the realization from her own angle. "<My... My king Iolvin now earn... me.>"

"<That can't...>" Yoyo took just one look into the glowing pools of defeat that were Excelle's eyes and suddenly understood the message she was delivering. "<You said I would fail. Why? You intended to snap my manhood off?>"

"<For man to propose man be equal to princess... Challenge was set.>" The girl tugged testingly at Yoyo's knot, the biology of his tie baffling her. "<Is my duty to respond, to defend honor of family.>"

"<Ah. So it was out of line for a man to be an ambassador to a queen's family. I see now.> Yoyo tugged on his cock, but two hard, boney ribs inside Excelle kept him lodged in place. "<So you planned to defeat me by castration, which failed. I don't think I understand what happened after that.>"

"Man that survives earns reward. I allow you claim your reward, but not claim me.>" Finally the two parted, the temperature inside the Gnome releasing a pocket of steaming fluids at the same time as a stream of cum. "<Ah... B-But you defeat my second defense, the strongest of all Gnome women. You reach my womb. I... I cannot believe you have... such hard man parts.>"

"<Hard? That's how it's supposed to work for us. Your men don't get hard like this?>" Yoyo rubbed his sore cock, noticing a substantial amount of absorbed heat that might have boiled the appendage alive if it were real. "<We get hard just long enough to finish having sex, then we go soft again. It's not the same for... Gnomes, you said?>"

"<Yes, Gnomes. And no, Gnome men grow but they do not become... solid like rock. We squeeze bad men out, then remove their parts if that fail.>" Excelle rubbed her overly stretched nethers for a moment, then perked up and made a specific whistling sound. "<I know way. I show you.>"

"<Show me...?>"

A very similar young male entered the room shyly and donned his head. "Shibab, Excelle?"

"Va batun soh fatruun nii gathi. Samulanel va... corsote?" Excelle nodded with the boy and then he began undressing. "<Brother show man parts of Gnome. Then you see-->"

"Etoun, 'Celle" Yet another lookalike stepped into the room, this time a taller, bustier clone of Excelle. "Na rout zor... gachou? 'Celle..."

Yoyo diverted his attention to the male now that he was fully stripped, a floppy, conical phallus dangling between his legs from some sort of protective slit. "<That sounded... sad? Something important?>"

"<Sister... is worried. I lost to man, and now I am prize. Brother own sister, and I own brother... so now you own all.>" Excelle pulled her sister down next to her, then lifted up her dress skirt and fumbled with her silky panties. "<You... still hard, my king. Letao ready to serve, if you wish.>"

"<No, I... I think I'm fine. You showed me how your men are too, so... I, uh... appreciate that. I don't want to impose.>"

"<But Ocillo not even stiff. Perhaps... you watch act of... of 'sex'?>" Excelle whispered something to the both of her siblings and they paused for a moment, a nostalgic expression of mixed terror and lust painted over their faces. "<Letao sex Ocillo now. Watch, my king.>"

"<They... are you sure they want to do that? Is that normal for your people, to mate with family?>" Yoyo leaned over and took note that Letao was dry as bone all things considered. "<Your sister isn't wet like you were. At least let them lick each other a bit or something. I don't want anyone feeling uncomfortable.>"

"<Gnome cannot... lick other Gnome. It is disgrace enough man lick woman, make her rely on man for pleasure. But woman lick man? No. Woman only submit to such shame if man is owner. You now Letao owner, not Ocillo.>"

"<I'm not watching them have painful sex, Excelle. What if I order it? Do they have to follow my orders, shameful or otherwise?.>" Yoyo tested Letao's pussy gingerly, barely able to dip his fingers into her both from her dryness and her immense heat that evaporated any traces of her juices. "<Either someone gets licked wet or everyone stops here.>"

"<But sister is...>" Excelle sat herself upright, then leaned over to her new king's side. "<Gnome not used to such... such different requests. Certainly not one to lick while... owner not even involved. Is... embarrassing.>"

"<Then involve me. Are you saying it's fine if I join in?>" Iolvin presented his renewed erection with a guiding paw overhead. "<So what should we do? I just want everyone licked, lubed, and happy. Then we can get this demonstration over with and rejoin my friends.>"

"<Everyone lick? Then... I... I lick?>" Excelle leaned over her king's tip and fought to give him a lick of her glowing tongue. "<Yes. I lick and... brother follow. Good, yes?>"

"<Sounds like a good plan, yes. Besides, it seems... maybe we can teach you about the fun of oral sex, as a gesture of good faith.>" Yoyo huffed out a light groan as Excelle kissed the head of his cock, her inner flesh searing hot but barely manageable. An odd part however was the princess' reaction, gasping out a silent moan as her tongue licked the very top of his manhood. "<That's... really intense. You seem a bit nervous though. Are you having trouble breathing?>"

"<I... I am breathing, y-yes. I just have... hard time with... feeling pleasure.>"

"<Pleasure? From just that? No... That couldn't be why you're ashamed to...>" Yoyo reached for the side of Excelle's head--surprised at both the rocky exterior of her ear versus the soft inside--as well as hooking his paw with the sanded nub of a horn. "<Um... Right. Could you show me your tongue, Excelle? I'm curious.>"

"<My... Yes, my tongue. Of course, my king.>" Almost reluctantly the Gnome opened her jaw, allowing over a foot of thick flesh to roll out. "<M-Mah Kihng?>

"<Wow. That's impressive already, but...>" Yoyo carefully touched the girl's appendage, dragging his claw faintly along the length. In doing so he could have sworn he'd set off a dozen orgasms in the Gnome by the way she shook. "<Your tongue is sensitive in a sexual way? I'd love to have that super power myself. If I could go down on Zoë and get myself off at the same time... Oh, right. Is that it? You're sensitive there?>"

"<Gnome sensitive... anywhere we glow...>"

"<Really?>" Yoyo tested the theory with a rub of Excelle's inner ear to slightly less effect. "<The softer the better, it seems. Hm. Well then... Maybe use the whole tongue now? It's really attractive when a woman enjoys herself giving muzzle to a partner, after all...>"

"<For your kind... licking is desired?>" Excelle took a moment to harden her resolve, then positioned her mouth over her king's scepter. "<Let no one say... Obrenheim family not negotiate with worthy partner...>"

"<At'ta girl. See? We trade values and eventually we'll find things we both like.>" Yoyo grit his teeth as that tongue coiled around his manhood, then winced when the whole molten mouth followed. "<Damn, you're hot! Ah!>"

"<I should--?>"

"<Nope! You're fine like that, dear!> Yoyo grabbed both of Excelle's ears and kneaded them as he used them like soft handles to guide her. "<N-Not bad for a n-newbie. Now... try sucking a little? A little suction goes a ~long~ way...>"

Excelle did as requested, her inhuman diaphragm allowing her to tighten down stronger than a vacuum cleaner. Just as he was about to lose his mind, Letao reached over and cupped Yoyo's kneading paws. "<M-My... My king? You... You not humiliating Excelle? You try to... please her?>"

"<You speak this language too? Is it c-common?>"

"<No, only few speak. This is language of another queendom. Obrenheim family taught it since small imps.>" Letao took the hint and slid her hands beneath her sister's arms, kneading and pinching her nipples to set off the first of many orgasms. "<My king... has new tastes. Odd but... good hearted.>"

"<I care for my partners. I care for y-you right now. So please... prepare yourselves for sex however you--!>" In the midst of a renewed climax, Excelle fluttered her tongue around Yoyo's cock and took nearly the whole thing into her convulsing furnace of a throat. "<Excelle! I'm going to cum! Y-You should--">

Without warning the Gnome coiled her tongue around Yoyo's knot and drew it tight. The otter didn't stand a chance, instincts telling him he'd just tied the hottest, tightest cunt of his life. He jut his hips upward a few times, dry firing before the contents of his balls achingly flowed forth from his flesh fountain. Unsure what to do and suffering the throes of her own blissful high, Excelle mashed her lips against her king's knot and swallowed all she could manage. This only encouraged Yoyo to yank down on her ears, which in turn prolonged both their peaks. When Iolvin finally managed to collect himself again, he was laying sideways watching each of her convulsions force a jet of his own cum from Excelle's quivering clam.

"<Ex.. Excelle... You can stop sucking now...>" Yoyo peeked up at the mentally broken girl as her tongue milked his whole length and her lips locked over his tip. He reached to pet her head in thanks, but hesitated at the sight of her still-inflated, translucently magenta belly. "<You... swallowed all of it? I think I just came a whole gallon. Fuck.>"

"<Feels... very nice...>" Excelle placed a paw on her belly, then guided one of Yoyo's to join hers. She gave a firm press and her tummy gave way, almost like a rubber balloon. "<Where Gnome feel pleasure, Gnome also pliable. Feels... amazing when my king fills me.>"

"<No... No shit? You need to catch me on a good day. I could fill you like this four times over given a few hours.>"

"<Excelle... may make good queen for her king, perhaps...>"

"<M... Maybe, yeah.>" Yoyo gave his lover a slow pet down her side, but she moved his paw back to stroke her sensitive belly instead. "Adri and Zoë are going to kill me."

"<Ah! My k-king!>" Letao hissed as she was repeatedly filled by her brother, the two apparently finding whatever they needed to start doing the deed. "<My king, my brother... sexing me good... Soon he will claim me...>"

"<What? No. I don't want that.> Iolvin pressed onto his knees and reached over, pushing the two apart. "<I didn't want to see you get pregnant. I was curious what was supposed to happen normally if a woman didn't want to have a child.>"

"<You... wish me to remove my brother's p-parts?>"

"<No, by all means try to feel good. Finish if you can, just not in a way you'd have children.>"

"<Iolvin, here.>" Excelle guided a paw to Ocillo's thick, almost spongy cock. "<This how Gnome man get hard. See?>"

"<I... see that. It's stiff, but still flexible. I think I understand now.>" Yoyo tugged that searing hot slab of Gnome meat and guided it back to its awaiting sibling opposite. "<How do you prevent a man from giving you a child? Excelle mentioned there's a way to let him finish without risk.>"

"<Oh! You mean the woman's strength!>" With a nod Letao told her brother to finish, and in but a mere ten strokes he began filling his sister full of blue jizz. She couldn't hold as much inside her as when Yoyo tied her sister, but Leota still grew a sizable ball of glowing blue in her belly while her eyes rolled back into her head. "<Man... has reward... and so does woman...>"

Yoyo quirked his head at the sight of Ocillo removing himself from his sibling to what would be considered normal coitus. "<I think I'm missing something. Excelle was doing something with her... clits for lack of a term. How did you stop him from inseminating you?>"

"<My king... does not like to wait, I see...>" Leota slowly moved the entire glowing ball of cum from her false womb and shoved it onto the bed with the use of her clits. "<No man passes to the real womb. Woman blocks with... 'clits' as you name. Barrier stretch like belly.>"

"<So that's the trick... You plug up the real womb and the effort and pressure from the guy strengthens the seal? Very interesting. And this...>" Yoyo reached out and lightly grasped the two clits, stroking them until they convulsed and coiled in a successful test. "<Ah. So I managed to stimulate Excelle so much with my knot that hers moved out of the way. Damn, it's a good thing we're probably not genetically compatible. Probably. Hopefully.>"

Excelle produced the cutest of flaming burps as she sat upright. "<Does that mean... I will not have my king's aire?>"

"<It does. I already have a few sons though, and I think that's probably enough of my genes to go around for now.>"

"<You still need good, strong daughter.>" Excelle sat her leaking groin over Yoyo's softening manhood and used her clits to idly tickle him at the thought. "<We have better daughter than me. She stand up to your challenge. Obrenheim name will remain strong, even bad odds.>"

"<I... I can't guarantee my other mates will appreciate that. We...>" Yoyo fell backward on the bed and took Excelle with him, the pair thoroughly exhausted. "<We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, let's get ourselves acquainted properly while you two... uh, drain...>"

"<Yes, my king Iolvin.>"

Gemstone Garden, Outer Sanctum

Obrenheim Castle, Northern Darius Prime

05:40, 36/2/2

"Yoyo! Damn, brother! You had me worried!" Ilaria tackled her brother's shoulder with a hug, unaware of the importance of the person at his other side. "You were gone hours. Please tell me we're better off for it."

"Lulu... Um, yeah. Yeah, we're in good with these fine people. Is Adri off the ship yet? I need to talk with him about that, actually."

"You slept with someone, didn't you? Sometimes I envy your job. Sometimes." Finally Ilaria noticed Iolvin's new friend, not recognizing Excelle at first due to her change of dress and demeanor. "Should we speak in the mother tongue? It would make us better guests, right?"

"I don't think a little private chit-chat is rude. We really should come up with a solution to the language barrier though. Right now only you, me, and Carbon can translate." Iolvin rubbed Excelle's shoulder to steal her attention away from scouting the rest of the crew. "<Extra, you can explore if you like. Our people are friendly, even if they can't understand you.>

"Ah, so she's the one. And what's Extra coming from? I'd rather use a real name."

"Hey, her name is like a living joke. Shortstack here is called Excelle, or 'XL'... Extra Large? Get it?"

"Yes, and no. That's cruel to give a girl that name, Yoyo. I like the other one..." Ari gave the short, curvy Gnome a quick inspection, nodding once she understood the physical charm. "I might steal it for Pillow, actually."

"What? 'Shortstack'? Don't you dare; 'Pillow' is perfect." Yoyo sighed as he loosened his nicknaming rules for a lover. "Right, Shortstack it is. I guess she's average size for her species anyway, so..."

"What did you learn? Anything we should know?" Zoë stole Yoyo's shoulder from Ari and latched on tightly after a greeting kiss. "You better not say you've got nothing. They only have hard seats out here, you know. My ass is numb--on top of frozen."

"Well I can loosen you up again if you'd like." Yoyo gave the human's rear a grope and left his paw there for light kneading, Excelle nudging closer jealously. "We... had a productive time. Turns out the Gnomes here aren't aggressive, just defensive. Their planet is a bit hostile on the surface and they are still colonizing from their underground origins."

Ari took note of the Gnome's clinginess but chose to leave the sleeping dragon lie. "So they... the Gnomes really did live underground. That might explain the lack of technology as well--"

"Actually, that's part of where Adri comes into play here. They have a surprising level of technology, more advanced than ours in a few ways. In fact... You know how they understand Ukrainian? Some several thousand years ago an offshoot of Gnomes actually split ways and launched starships. I'd guess one made it to Earth." Iolvin rested an arm down both his ladies' sides to passively calm them. "Computers and shit I get, but these guys do everything with chemicals. And before you think they can't defend against our guns, they have some sort of chemical shields, a bunch of crazy water guns of doom, and some fancy exploding arrows you might want to check out. In fact, I think Cid might need to hear this so she can make sure we don't set off an accidental war."

"Actually, I... lost Sydney a while ago. We entered the castle and she... did her commando thing, apparently. Maybe we'll be lucky and she just went to keep Carbon company while he tends to his mech." Ilaria rolled her eyes to the side as she thought further into that. "Actually maybe Carbon's the one getting lucky in that case."

"I bet Cid's just exploring, maybe getting her bearings for security reasons. Any other missing people I should know about?"

"Cid's girls ran off, I think to look at something on the Hermes. The Ems ran off as always but I don't worry about them since they legitimately can't be caught sneaking. That's about it though." Ari raised an eyebrow at the concern. "You're acting a bit more like a leader than normal today. Change of pace?"

"I have... a new sense of duty, I guess. Fuck..." Iolvin took a slow breath and showed a rare hint of meekness. "<Ielunschra... I'm in a bit of a bind. I have to tell my mates something, but... it's complicated and I'm not sure how it'll play out.>"

"<Brother? This is... a bit concerning.>" Ari tugged her twin away from the others so she could share a word that neither could understand. "<Iolvin, what did you do? This young lady isn't your bride now or something ridiculous, is she?>" A pause of nothing but guilty staring sent a chill down Ilaria's spine. "<You're kidding me. Again? You couldn't stop with Zoë?>"

"<Actually... there's more.>" Yoyo looked over to the princess' sister and assistant, then to her brother turned butler. <I... may have rolled more than her into the fold.>"

"<You--!>" Ari hushed herself and took a breath. "<You fucked all of them? And they're now your mates?>"

"<No, just the princess-->"


"<Lulu, don't.. Make me regret sharing with your for once...>" Yoyo brought his sister a few steps further from the others due to her outbursts. "<From what I understand, I accidentally made Princess Excelle my property. That makes me the next to the throne, I think... Or maybe I'm already the king? They're a matriarchy so I don't know how coups work with males involved.>"

"<You... You're royalty now? Yoyo... can you turn this down? We aren't even from this universe.>

"<It took some time to explain, but Shorty doesn't care. She wants to perform her duty and, well... bear me a daughter, apparently.>" Yoyo hissed out a sigh of frustration as he noticed Adrian being led into the garden. "<Damn. Sis, I don't... I can't think of how to explain this to my mates. Usually this sort of thing is honorary or harmless, but...>"

"<Tell them, Yoyo. Don't wait. Don't hide it. I'm telling you this as a wife that almost never got the chance to tell her mate, 'Goodbye,' even. Don't hesitate.>" Ilaria leaned in close and placed a soft kiss on her twin's cheek. "<They're good people. They're family. You know our family always makes it through what crosses its path. Just remember that they love you.>"

"<Thanks, Lulu. I... needed that. Wish me luck.>" Iolvin flagged down his husband with a wave, yet the look they shared said more about the state of things than words. "Adri, over h-here... There's something I need to tell you and Zoë and... someone you need to meet."

Ilaria watched her brother nearly fall over with the concern and care held in Adrian's coming hug. "You don't need luck, Yoyo. You have love."

Inner Sanctum, Northern Wing

Obrenheim Castle, Northern Darius Prime

05:22, 36/2/2

"The bloody hell is this?" Sydney crept through a vacant hallway and stopped next to a strange lava lamp built into a column. She took out a pen and touched it, finding that not only was the liquid suspended without a container, but it melted the plastic on contact. "Either that's the most dangerous lamp you could ever leave unattended or they've got some bloody serious security tools."

"...cync da boros..." A soft male voice drew Cid's attention and found her slipping flush against the wall while a pair of sentries passed. "Darkow! Jarra, ha ha!" The larger of the two slapped the smaller as they walked by, sharing a joke with the ottkat instead of their weapons.

Cid eased away from the wall and took a breath. "Might want to find a room."

"Yeah, not all of us can bend light or float." Evelyn made her presence known with a smile and finger-heavy wave from the lofty gothic ceiling above. "Sorry. Carbon wanted to curb your slinking habit considering the consequences this time."

"Hush, love. Room...?" Cid found a T-junction at the end of the hallway, a guard nearby watching a room but the other side holding a clear, open doorway. "Room. Careful, love."

"Naturally." Eve slipped into the new hall and used her mass to bend light for a hint of obscurity. "I'll cover you. Scoot, Sydney."

"Much appreciated, love." Sydney slipped past the gap in sight Eve created and hid just inside the doorway of the new room. "Hurry along now..."

Evelyn slipped through the doorway and shut the stone door quietly with her heightened strength. "This is a heavier door than the others. A secure location, maybe?"

"It's likely. Aside from our glows I can't see a thing though. Hm..." Sydney found her bearings, gaining a new source of light when she touched a device incorporated into a side wall. "Aha. Looks like a computer of some kind."

"Great. Now ignore it and start thinking of getting back to less dangerous territory. I'd choose the cozy lap of our mate in the privacy of the ship, maybe sans clothes..." Eve shook her head and groaned as Sydney continued unabated. "Paths, you've got a goal. Whatever it is, it's a bad idea and you know it."

"It's our daughters. Lea... may have taken a liking to exploring restricted areas from me. I'm only serving the same purpose as you right now, getting those two out safe." Cid smiled as she figured out how an analog keyboard of various stones managed to function. The screen of the device, or rather the wall itself, shifted colors to show an image of the hallway they'd just crossed. "Oh. Those things are security cameras? Made of molten liquid?"

"You mean the odd columns? I don't detect electricity from them. In fact, this whole castle including this room feel barren of power to me." Eve touched the controls and the image protruded from the wall in three dimensions. "This is beyond me for once. You're the security expert; could you find our girls with this?"

"I'm unsure. It seems each of these stone buttons controls a single column... like so." Cid grabbed a glowing switch and lifted it up, rotating it slowly in its column-like form and socket. "We just need to hope they are in range of one. We can make this work. Now how to switch cameras...?"

"Probably a different style of switch? This maybe?" Eve lifted a rectangular plate along the side of the panel, hoping it represented progression. Instead it triggered making the opposite wall of the room turn partially transparent. "Oh. That's actual light moving through. Well I hope that's only one-directional."

"I would assume so. So this is also a direct monitoring room, eh?" Sydney walked over as her eyes adjusted to the light, then fell limp at the sight presented to her. "Y-Yoyo?"

"Is it ever. Wow." Evelyn crossed her arms and let out a low whistle. "He's as busy as ever too. You go, boy."

"He's... Gods, I should..."

Eve clasped her mate's shoulders and kept her from turning away. "I'm sure he doesn't mind if it's you watching. Might as well enjoy the opportunity, right?"

"I... suppose you're right..." Cid clenched her thighs together as she watched two of the local women licking and sucking on her fellow tribesman's totem pole, each already covered in copious amounts of magenta gloop. "Just how much does that idiot have in those massive, full... eh, balls of his?"

"Not much at the moment, from the look of things. Hah." Eve slid a paw down to her love's crotch, then dipped a few fingers into her pants. "You're soaked yourself. Maybe you really should find Carbon... or perhaps you've got a sweet tooth for Iolvin? Maybe?"

"I don't... understand what I'm feeling right now. I just thought it might be nice to be one of those girls. They look... satisfied, to say the least." Sydney shook herself free of Eve's hold and pulled out her Slate. "Well in any case, I'm documenting this. The dufus might deserve a little teasing later to get his head straight. He can't go cheating on his mates so often."

"...You're just going to paw to that, aren't you?" Eve dodged a soft whack with a giggle. "I'm not judging. Fantasies are normal, and having something real to make it more tangible is... fair game. Just maybe... share it with me too? This really is sort of hot."

"S-Sure..." Iolvin erupted pink all over the two ladies, giving Cid a good cue to shut off her recording... right after getting a shot of Excelle swallowing the whole of Yoyo's cock to suckle his last dregs. "Okay. Yoyo has that... under control. Let's get the girls in a similar state."

"What, slurping otter batter?"

"I'm going to hit you for real, love. Now I'm guessing ourroom is vacant at the moment by similar threat." A certain respect still held between them, Sydney shut down the clear wall and tried another similar panel. "And behind door number two?"

"A... very nice bedroom. Impressive." Eve walked over to the much longer window of the wall deepest in the room. "These people have a really nice æsthetic going with all the dark stone and... lava, though I'm guessing it's something much safer than that judging by it being colored."

"If they can make cameras out of the stuff, I'm sure accent lighting is a doss." Cid walked over to the wall, but had to find a sweet spot where the grain density of the different stone didn't obscure the image. "Well this looks like the room of someone important. Small bed though. Huh."

"Well a fair number of the locals are a bit short compared to us. I'd say that's quite large taking that into account."

"Well no girls here. Let's get the controls figured out on that--" Sydney held her tongue as she spoke too soon, Leannan dragging Caitlyn into the room by a shared paw. "Well this just got easier and harder at once. You don't happen to know the layout of this area, Eve? How do we get around this wall?"

"I came from the floor above and it has a similar layout. I think we can manage." Eve touched the wall and let out a soft whistle at the surprising chill it held. "Want me to move ahead while you keep an eye on them? Radios are struggling in all this stone, but I should be able to hear yours well enough at this range."

"Yes, that. Brilliant, love. I'll track them, you round the lovelies right up." Cid tested her radio with a few beeps over the morse code button. "We checking out?"

"Picking you up just fine, dear. I'll be back soon--if they don't move again." Eve reached for the door, then rolled her eyes at the powered hinge she couldn't sense before. "The door only operates from inside. Good, you can lock it behind me. Keep me updated, honey."

"Absolutely, love." Sydney discovered an obvious representation of a door on her controls and twisted the stone hinge so her mate could leave the room. "Try not to spook them. Cait has a bad habit of squealing when she's scared."

"On it."

"As dependable as always, Eve." Cid glanced at the girls as they inched their way through the room and examined the furnishings. "There's got to be a way to listen in on them, right?"

"There was a pair of buttons by the larger window toggle. Could that be it?"

"You're a good luck charm, love. Let's try it." Cid found the buttons, one on each side of the larger pane and each seeming to point outward. "They look directional. Let's see..." She depressed the one pointing 'inward' to the other controls about halfway until it clicked into place, then the sound came through along with a draft of air. "This is... more than a monitoring wall. I think things can move through it if you press these buttons all the way. It's a... hidden security door more like it."

"You've got sound then?"

"I have airflow, actually. Now hush before you get caught."

"I don't have to speak to make radio waves, dear. It's fine."

"I think..." Lea found a small control panel near the bed and played around until half of the room's lighting shone light blue and the other pink. "Heh, nice. His and hers, maybe?"

"More like 'hers and hers' you mean. It is pretty though." Cait nervously looked back to the door, obviously uncomfortable. "Maybe we should set it back before we get noticed. We're not supposed to be here, sis."

"We're fine, Cait." Lea sat on the blue side of the bed and rested her submachine gun against the side. After making herself at home by crossing her legs over the covers she pat the pinker side invitingly. "And I didn't misspeak. Care to make the 'hers' for my 'his'?"

"You...? Oh." Cait slowly approached the bed, her eyes locked on her sister's crotch for some reason. "You're like that right now? Then... m-maybe we could go back to the ship and... have somewhere quiet to continue?"

"Cait, love..." Leannan reached up slowly, gently took her sister's paw, and met muzzle to muzzle. "You'd deny me a chance like this? I'll protect you if things turn sour...!"

"So unfair... Lea, you meanie..." Caitlyn melted into her sister's arms, then soon atop her whole body as the two rapidly began shedding clothing. "I love you, sis."

"Oh gods..." Sydney collapsed to her knees as she watched her children disrobe each other with the purest of passion. "This can't be... happening..."

"Sydney? I don't like that tone. What's wrong?"

"Our kids..." Cid shut her mouth, unsure if this information should leave the room. Then her Slate in her off paw raised up, the security expert in her knowing full well the necessity of evidence to wild claims. "It's... nothing, Eve. I overreacted."

"Are you sure? I've never heard you like that before."

"I'm fine for now." The Slate started recording, a feeling of anguish filling Cid's gut. "How far away are you?"

"There's a wall here that wasn't above. I need to backtrack a little but... maybe ten minutes max? They're not moving, are they?"

"They're staying very well put." Sydney fought a gasp as Lea exposed her groin and a devious length of flesh sprouted forth. "Eve? C-Can you do something for me, even if it doesn't make sense right now?"

"I... I will, if it's important. Is this related to what's bothering you?"

"It is. Sorry, it's... classified for now." Cid looked away as Lea rolled atop her sister and quite obviously filled her with what she knew deep down wasn't a toy. The camera held true, but Cid nearly lost her breakfast. "E-Eve... Don't enter until... I say it's clear, please. Can you...?"

"Just keep in mind how long they've been there. If nobody gets caught, I'll follow your lead for now." There was a pause even though the line remained open, Evelyn forgetting to shut off her transmission as she remained in thought. "It'll help to get it off your chest, dear. If you decide to share, I'll swear not to let it spread. I kept Carbon's secrets for decades and I'm always ready to keep yours, my love."

"Thank you, Eve. I... might need some time though." Cid looked up at her Slate to check the time--05:41--and her eyes locked on the pistoning of her children into each other. She once again found her body betraying her, a rather large wet patch bleeding through her underwear and staining the crotch of her pants. "This is so fucking wrong... Uh... Eve, it's getting pretty late. If you don't mind sharing this... maybe you should enter and get the girls out of there. Just be... prepared for anything."

"I'll... be careful with th--"

"...Eve? Evelyn, love?" Sydney checked her radio and found everything in working order on her end. "Eve? I think you finally cut out if you can still hear this."

"Ah! L-Lea! K-Keep doing th-that!"

"Bloody..." Cid slammed the control panel and shut off the sound flow, the distraction becoming too much considering the issue at paw. She set her Slate down on end to finish its task in silence, then began manipulating the control panel until she figured out the camera swap function. "I'll find you, love. I'm not letting your tight jackal bum get captured."

The whole castle shook and the lava lighting spilled over the floor, sending both of the girls into a shock. "That... felt ominous, Cait..."

"I just got chills. You're sure mum didn't plant a bug on you again, sis?"

"No chance. She'd never sick Ex on us over this anyway, would she?"

Sydney kept quiet as she realized there were two-way cracks in the secret wall. "Eve... If you can hear me, get the girls now."

"Is that light?" Cait immediately reached for her clothes and dressed in jitters. "She's found out! I can feel it! I t-told you she'd freak out!"

"It's fine, Cait. We love each other and that's all there is to it." Lea pulled on her pants and grabbed her gun, her top coming last on her priority list as the castle shook again. "Stay behind me. I'll protect you no matter the cause."

"...Good girl, Leannan." Sydney found her favorite black and silver jackal in a busted hallway... only it wasn't her jackal leading a squadron of various aliens through the gap. "Not good. Girls! We--!" Cid looked up and her only children were already gone, Lea's training to seek greater numbers apparently paying off. "Be safe, you two. Now where are you, Eve?"

Carbon's voice faded in through the static fuzz of the radio line. "--ney! Sydney c-- you hear me!?"

"Carbon! I'm picking you up in bits, but yes!"

"Cid, I'm flying ov-- castle in Ex. We're under attack from orbit. Copy?"

"Got it. Orbital bombardment scenario." The ottkat sighed in relief as she discovered Evelyn passed out and pinned in a collapsed hallway. "Eve is down. I'm going to get her out of there. Can you find me somehow?"

"No radio on this planet, so it's easy enough to track your signal. Leave a tone on your unencrypted line and I should f-- you."

"Good." Sydney cranked open the door controls and examined the layout of the camera switches, realizing with the adrenaline rush that they were placed in their relative positions to each other. "Our Eve is on the... designated east side of the building, second floor. I'm heading there. Gaia is near, so hurry your arse up."

"No promises. I can see enemy troops but I'm not sure if I'll collapse things further. How close can I fire?"

"Anything non-explosive will do. This place is built like a bunker." Cid rushed out the door as a huge waft of smoke and debris particles took her place. "Clear me a path, love. I'm bringing Evelyn back."