Two Wolves, a Rabbit, and an Aerosmith Song

Story by Incognito Pichu on SoFurry

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Clearly, the song I mean is "Walk This Way"

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


Two Wolves, a Rabbit, and an Aerosmith Song

"Ah! Ah! Duuude looks like a lady!" "Ah! Ah! Duuude looks like a lady!"

The speaker started blaring the song as soon as we walked into the door, and right away, I knew it was going to be a bad night...

"Who's the new girl?"

"Fuck, she's hot..."

"Shit, I need to transfer to her school."

I could hear the voices of everyone else as I walked into the party. Regardless of the resoundingly loud music or the dozens of voices talking over each other, I could clearly hear the comments from the other students as soon as I walked in.

Problem is... I'm a guy... A 19-year-old wolf guy... currently dressed as a girl because of stupid mistake...

"Alright, Kyle, your friends saw us walk in together, let's make the rest of this quick."

"What? No way, Alan! I'm lovin' this shit! I never get to walk in with the hottest girl in the place"

Kyle is my 15-year-old brother, the guy that I walked in with, and the whole reason that I'm in this mess in the first place.

It was yesterday evening that he caught me dressed in the outfit that I currently have on, which is basically a schoolgirl's uniform, with a very short skirt. It's not something that I do regularly, but every so often, I'll make sure no one's home, and put on the clothes, I just like the way that they look and feel. Last night, however... after I had already checked to make sure no one was home, Kyle, apparently short on cash for whatever he was doing, came back to ask me if he could borrow a few bucks, and caught sight of me, in full schoolgirl attire.

Of course, the first thing he did was take a picture with his phone, the second thing he did was a bit more unexpected though... Apparently, I look, to use his words... pretty fuckin' hot dressed like this, so he proposed a deal; if I came with him to his party, then he'd delete the pic, and never tell a soul about it.

Obviously, I was enraged, but to tell the truth, I was also just a little flattered, probably more than I should have been, which is probably the main reason that I agreed to it.

So now, here I am. Alan Crawford, 19-year-old college student, posing as my little brother's girlfriend at some high school party.

"Dude, Kyle! You weren't lying!" A raccoon guy, assumedly one of Kyle's friends strode up to us excitedly, he turned to me, "Kyle's been telling us all year that he had a girlfriend that went to some private school. We all thought he was full of shit, haha!"

Oh... so that's why he was so adamant about this deal...

I guess it's not surprising, a 10th grade kid lying about having a girlfriend, of course he'd jump on the chance to "prove" her existence.

"So, you're the Melissa he's been telling us about?" The raccoon boy continued on, and based on his question, I assumed that was the name that he came up with for his fake girlfriend.

Mustering up the most girlish sounding voice I could manage, I answered, "Yeah, that's me!"

Apparently, my voice was convincing enough, the kid smiled and turned back to Kyle, "Man, she could do a LOT better than you, you douche! Haha!" He playfully shoved Kyle as he walked past us.

"See!" Kyle turned to me, and spoke in a somewhat hushed tone, "Told you no one would recognize you! This'll be fine!"

It was going somewhat smoother than I had expected... It did make sense though, the majority of party-goers looked to be freshmen or sophomores, so most of them wouldn't have even been in high school yet when I was still attending. Not to mention, I'm not a particularly big wolf... I'm about five-and-a-half feet tall, and slim to boot. Even my younger brother is basically a slightly taller, and better-built version of me... It's a bit emasculating that I can successfully disguise myself as a 15-year-old girl, but at least that means I can avoid being recognized by anyone here...

I scoffed at my brother, "Tch... whatever. I agreed to come, but that doesn't mean that I have to put up with your annoying friends approaching me all night."

Kyle shot me a sarcastic smirk, "Gonna go hang out with the other girls?"

** FUMP **


I elbowed him in the gut, leaving him reeling for a moment as I continued to walk through the crowd. He caught back up to me a moment later, and I continued my thought, "I'm gonna find the least populated area of the party, and that's where I'm staying until you're ready to leave."

"Aw, worst girlfriend ever..."

He snickered audibly, and backed off a bit as he said it, knowing that another attack was imminent, had he been in the range of my elbow.

I walked through the packed living room, and up the stairs, feeling all of the eyes run over my form, and hearing every comment being made about me. As humiliating as the situation was, it was hard to not be proud of the reactions that I was causing. Nearly every guy in the place was climbing over stuff to get a glance at me.

Concurrently, Kyle's plan seemed to be working flawlessly. My brother had been getting high-fives and pats on the back nearly non-stop since we arrived. I couldn't imagine that there were really that many people that he specifically wanted to impress.

"Ugh, it's just as packed up here..." The party was bigger than I expected, just like the first floor, the second floor was nearly completely full with teenagers laughing, drinking, and just in-general acting stupid.

With a sigh, I turned, ready to head back down the stairs, when I felt Kyle's paw grip my wrist, "You can hang out in here!" He tugged me through the hall, and into one of the bedrooms, a decidedly pink bedroom. The walls were all painted pink, pictures and posters depicting flowers, rainbows, and fairy princesses were all over the room. It likely would have been a safe assumption to say that the girl was that of a little girl.

"I can see why this room is empty..."

"Heh... yeah, but it's empty, that's what you wanted, right?"

I turned back to my brother, "Kyle, as soon as someone realizes that this room is free, it's gonna turn into a make-out room, I'm not gonna be some creepy dude, hanging out, just watching a bunch of high-school kids awkwardly grope each other."

He rolled his eyes as I walked past him, and back out of the room, "Alright where then...? I want to make at least a few more passes before we go, make sure everyone has a chance to see you and be jealous, hehe..."

I thought for a second... "Backyard looked like the best option, I guess..."

We made our way back through the hallway, and towards the stairs again, almost making it back to them, when an unfamiliar form slid in front of me, blocking our way, "What kind of universe do we live in, where a dumbass like Kyle Crawford here can get a girl as hot as you...?"

It was a white-furred rabbit boy, right around Kyle's height, give-or-take an inch, someone that my brother apparently knew, though not someone that he was real fond of, it seemed.

"Fuck off, Arren." Kyle spoke bluntly, reaching forward and pushing him aside.

"Heh... Just asking a question, dude... Can't blame me for asking a girl if she wants to upgrade, when she walks in with a puppy like you."

Kyle gave him another light shove, "I said fuck off, and stay the hell away from my b--err... babe!"

The two pushed back and forth for a moment, I would have intervened, but honestly, I was hoping this might actually result in us leaving the party.

I took a step to the side, closer to the stairs, glanced over, and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Oh, shit...

Standing at the base of the stairs was a guy, a dark brown-coated stallion, someone that I knew from school, and more importantly, someone that I knew that would not be fooled by my disguise...

"Kyle! Come on!" I moved quickly, grabbing my brother's wrist, and in an effort to get away from potentially being seen, moved back into the empty pink room, making sure to close the door once we were in.

After a moment of awkward confusion, Kyle turned to me, "Uhh, problem?"

I heard him, but I didn't bother to answer, to busy worrying about the potential outcomes that his presence meant... "What the fuck is Clint doing here?!? He's in college, and still frequents parties for 15-year-olds?!?"

"Uh, who's Clint...?"

I almost hadn't even realized that I had said that out loud, until my brother asked me about it, "He's a guy in a couple of my classes, and in my study group..."

"Oh... why's he at this party?"

I tossed up my paws in confusion, "Fuck if I know! But he sees me like fifteen hours a week! He'll recognize me! And he's one of those kind of guys that will make sure that everyone at the college knows about it!"

I put my ear to the door, trying my best to hear if Clint was heading in our direction, but with the party as raucous as it was, I couldn't hear anything.

I turned back to Kyle, "Alright, enough. I'm not risking this, we have to leave, now."

He held u his paws in concession, "Yeah, okay... you're right..." He started moving towards the door, "I'll wait outside, and let you know when it's clear..."

I let out a sigh of relief. As much of a little jerk as my brother was, at least he could tell when something was important... He stepped outside the room, and then less than a second later, pulled himself back in, and swiftly pulled the door shut again.


"He looked over to me, "Uh... This Clint guy... Dark brown horse? Black mane?"

My eyes shot wide, "H-How did you--"

"He's the only one out there that looks like he's 20..." He paused for a second, "Also, he's kinda headed in this direction..."


** THUMP **

Something bumped into the door from the outside, likely someone outside, stumbling into it, not too far-fetched of a possibility given the situation. It wasn't until I heard the voice from outside that I started to panic.

"Nah, babe... I can teach you all about how we do it in college, heh..."

It was undoubtedly Clint's voice, and it was undoubtedly coming from right on the other side of the door.


I snapped my head back and forth, desperately looking for a place to hide in the room. There was no closet, the bed was a cub-sized bed that I would not have effectively been able to hide behind or under. I even lunged for the window, only to see that the window had some sort of safety-latch on it, that prevented it from being opened more than a few inches. Assumedly a precaution, since the room clearly was that of a small child.

I was honestly considering smashing through the window to jump out, it was only the possibility that Clint might hear the sound, and immediately enter the room that stopped me.

Not that it made a difference a moment later, when I heard the doorknob begin to turn.

SHITSHITSHIT! I'M SCREWED! Nothing in this room is big enough to hide behind!





I didn't have time to think, I was moving purely out of desperation, I grabbed Kyle and shoved him into a sitting position on the bed with his back to the door.

"A-Alan? What are you d-doing?!?"

I quickly dropped to my knees, spread Kyle's legs wide, and furiously pulled open his pants.

"Just... act natural! And, keep my face hidden!"

The door began to creak open, and I didn't waste any more time, I tugged down the front of Kyle's underwear, and slurped the head of his dick into my mouth.

"W-Whoa! W-Whaaaa?!?"

It was then that I heard the door open the rest of the way, followed by a few footsteps into the room, "Whoops, heh... Didn't know this room was taken." Just as I feared, that was definitely Clint's voice.

Kyle turned his head a bit to answer, "Ah--hah... Y-Yeah... my g-girl really needed it bad... You know h-how it is..."

I listened intently, hoping that finding that the room was occupied might be enough to make Clint take his business elsewhere in the house. My luck, however, wasn't that good.

"Heh, cool... Don't let us bother you, we'll just be over here."

"Uh... o-okay..."

Kyle turned his face back forward, unsure of how to proceed. I, very carefully, tilted my head a bit, and glanced around Kyle's side to see the equine with his arms around a fox girl as the two made out.

The hell...? Clint's almost 20... Did he really come to a high-school party to make out with 15 and 16 year old g--Wait... KYLE'S DICK IS IN MY MOUTH!

I had done it so quickly, that I almost didn't even realize exactly what I was doing, I turned my gaze towards Kyle's face to see a shocked expression, not that I could blame him, I did literally have his penis in my mouth, and neither of us really knew how to proceed.

That's when the door cracked open again.

Right away, Kyle swung his head around to see, and I was expecting, or at least, hoping that the next words out of his mouth would be "Okay that Clint guy left, let's go." Unfortunately, instead of hearing the words, I felt Kyle's paws discreetly moving to the back of my head, and pressing down a bit.

What the hell is he doing?!?

I got my answer a moment later, when I noticed the new presence suddenly sitting next to Kyle on the small bed.

"What the fuck, Arren?!? A little space?"

Arren? The rabbit-guy from before? Why is he here?

The white-fur leaned in, and spoke in a hushed tone, "I may not know the details, but I did notice your chick here panic when she saw horsie over there..."


I was speechless, not that it mattered, as there was cock in my mouth, but it was becoming increasingly obvious that this was going from bad to worse.

Kyle took a quick glance to make sure that Clint hadn't noticed the rabbit's words, "So, what are you--"

"Here's what's gonna happen." Arren cut off my brother, "I can either draw his attention directly to you guys... Or... your little slut here can give me a little attention instead. That way, horsie doesn't notice you, and your girl gets a taste of a full-sized dick, rather than that toothpick that she's using right now."

Kyle didn't respond, assumedly not wanting to make the decision, when I was the one who'd be doing the work.

I weighed my options as quick as I could. This situation had already escalated way too far, but frankly, the alternative had as well... If Clint saw me now, it wouldn't only be the cross-dressing thing, I'd be caught giving head to my little brother, while cross-dressing...

Having considered the options, I brought up my left paw to the rabbit boy's waist, and placed it affirmatively between his spread legs, much to the satisfaction of Arren.

Kyle looked at me with eyes wide, "You sure about this, er... Melissa?"

"Your girl made her choice, dude. Let her get on with it!" Arren let his paws drift over to his front as he began to undo his belt and pants, though, he kept his eyes glue to me, "Oh, go ahead and continue working on Kyle's little nub, keep that tongue nice and ready for me."

Shit, if I don't go through with this, he's gonna get suspicious...

Kyle didn't move, he didn't know what to do, he still had his grip on the back of my head, but he wasn't moving, clearly waiting to see what I was going to do. His cock had been in my mouth for a few minutes now, and even with it just sitting idle in the wet warmth of my mouth, it seemed to be effected, at least to a degree, as evidenced by the tip I could feel beginning to nudge against the back of my throat.

With a deep breath, I pulled my mouth up and off of Kyle's cock, let it slide out of my maw, and got an actual look at it.

What the hell? Since when is Kyle this big?!?

My little brother was thick, to the point here I wasn't even sure how it all was in my mouth a second ago, and 7... maybe even 8 inches long, at least... so far...

I kept my composure about me as well as I could, knowing that I had to make it look believable to avoid blowing our cover. For all the rabbit-boy knew, I was a 15-year-old wolf girl, all set to orally please my boyfriend. I hesitantly extended my tongue, and started going to work.

"Ah--nnggh..." Kyle couldn't hold back the moan as my tongue ran up the side of his erection, "Ohh... man..." I could feel the pulse of his organ against my tongue, as it seemed to get slightly bigger than it already was.

"Fuck yeah, get all over it" Arren's voice piped up, the rabbit-boy was apparently enjoying the show, and had begun working himself towards full-mast, "Probably gonna want to get it down your throat though, otherwise it won't be prepared for the stretching it's about to get."

My brother looked to be now completely erect, and had to be a good 9 inches long. The fact that the other boy was seeing this, and still seemed confident that he was bigger was definitely not helping my anxiety towards everything that was happening.

I opened my maw as wide as I could, and then, following Arren's advice, took Kyle's dick in as far as I could, only pausing upon feeling his broad tip bump into the back of my throat. It took every fiber of my being to suppress my gag reflex enough, and let the thick flesh slide further, and actually enter my throat.

"Ah... Ohhh... Fu--uuuuck..."

Kyle spoke it almost at whisper-tone, but it was audible enough to be a very clear indication that he was enjoying himself.

"Alright, Crawford..." I flinched a bit at hearing my last name, before realizing that Arren was talking to Kyle, "I admit, you're packing a decent size... kinda surprised that your girl handle it. Heh, you two must do this a lot..."

I had never as much as thought about giving a blowjob before, and I'm pretty sure Kyle's never received one, so I suppose that our performance was at least somewhat persuasive, despite our inexperience.

I rocked my head up and down, trying to take more of Kyle. Even with the thick spire beginning to pierce into my throat, at least half of it was still on the outside of my mouth. If I wasn't so concerned with getting through this whole situation, I'd probably be more-than-a-little flustered that my little brother is that much bigger than me. At the moment however, I was rather focused on trying to not choke on the persistent spurts of pre that he was producing.

"Alright, gimme a little of that attention, girly."

Arren had apparently gotten himself ready enough, and was eager for me to get started on him. I looked up at Kyle, and met his gaze of uncertainty. Just as he pulled his paw up away from me, I lifted my head, and let the sizeable cock slip out of my maw with a slurp. With a hard swallow, I turned my head slightly, to get a look at what my next task was to be.


I was able to hold my tongue, and not say anything aloud, but it seemed my expression was enough for the rabbit-boy to pick up on what I was thinking.

"I think your girl's impressed, Crawford." He turned his gaze to me before continuing, "Careful, if she decides on upgrading, I got no problem taking your girl from you."

As annoying as the rabbit-boy's comments were, he was right about me being impressed. The hard organ that I was attempting to wrap my fingers around was almost as thick around as a soda can, and at least an inch longer than Kyle, not that I was in any position to judge. Either of them was at least twice my size, and very capable of giving me more than a mouthful.

I moved hesitantly to my left, where Arren was sitting on the bed next to Kyle, and ran my eyes over the intimidating cock, as I moved my body into position, I took one more careful glance towards the door, confirming that Clint and his little friend were still there, in the exact same spot, right by the door.

Guess I'm really doing this...

With an internal sigh, I leaned in and began licking at the tip of the big rabbit shaft, and taking in that strong musk. Before I even realized it, I had moved my paw to begin lightly caressing the heavy balls just below the shaft.

"Heh, yeah... glad you're getting a feel of those nuts... I'm gonna need you to pick up the pace with your mouth though." Before the words even left his mouth, I left his lips, I felt his paws grip firmly on either side of my head, and I was pressed downward, making me instantly take in several inches of the lapin erection.


I couldn't hold back my gag that time, nearly the entirety of my mouth was suddenly taken up by warm pulsing flesh, and right away, it threatened to breach my throat.

"Heh, too much for you? Too bad, you're not even halfway there yet..."

He pressed forward again, not even giving me a chance to get used to it. He forced another inch in, now definitely in my throat.

"Man, ease up on hi--her!"

Upon seeing Arren's rough treatment, Kyle spoke up, doing his best to keep his tone somewhat quiet.

"Tch..." Arren scoffed, "I'm sure your little slut can take it, Crawford." Gripping right by my ears, he pulled my head up slightly, then brought it back down, just as rough as a moment ago, "Isn't that right, little slut?"

He held me steady, assumedly waiting for a response. Not wanting to risk that he'd do something to alert Clint, I turned my gaze upward, and nodded, at least as well as I could from my current position.

"That's right, little slut knows her place, heh." His smiled curled a bit adding an inflection of deviousness to his demeanor. It was as if he was testing his limits, and just discovered that he could basically do whatever he wanted, without me grousing about it.

Very satisfied with my submissive state, he started up again, getting even harsher than before, he pulled my head upwards, and snapped it back down again, and again, even starting to move his hips in time with his thrusts. Eventually, it evolved into a full-on face-fucking, the rabbit violating my maw with wild vigor.

"F-Fuck yeah... you're gonna take ALL of me, bitch..." Each of his thrusts dug ever-so-slightly deeper into me. Five minutes in, and Arren was managing to get nearly the full length of his absurdly large cock into my warm cavern, and I wasn't quite sure how.

Spurts of slick, watery, pre poured into my mouth and throat nearly continuously, either overflowing from my mouth, and dripping down off of my chin, or spilling down my throat. He was clearly starting to get close. He ravaged my face, knowing that I wasn't going to resist, determined to get himself fully past my lips. It wasn't until I felt those two golf ball-sized weights clash against my chin that I believed that it was actually possible.

"Feel that, slut? My balls on your chin, my cock bulging through your throat... You're loving all of this aren't you?"

The sad thing is, I think I actually was enjoying it... The insults, the domination, the roughness, I wasn't sure what, but even as Arren jammed the last bit of his dick into my mouth, I was just as hard as he was.

** BUMP **

It only took a couple more thrusts, and just as I expected, my nose met his abs, his full double-digit-inch length had somehow been fit into the tightness of my throat.

"Fuck... I'll admit, you got a talented bitch, Crawford. Not many girls can handle everything I got." He looked down to me, "I might just keep you..."

Kyle's eyes were glued to the scene, he wasn't even responding the rabbit's clear attempt to agitate him. I could barely see out of my peripheral vision, he was simply stroking himself as he watched his classmate dominate me.

Arren held still for the first time since he started, just keeping my face flush against his body in-between his spread legs, "Just admiring for a second, you can really see the outline of my cock through your slut's neck, Crawford."

"F-Fuck off... Arren." A fairly weak retort, but Kyle finally responded to him, seemingly satisfying the rabbit enough to get him to move on.

"Heh... About done anyway." With the statement, he unceremoniously reaffirmed his grip on my head, and picked up his thrusts right where he left off, this time jackhammering into me, pounding my face with his abs, enough to actually make me a bit sore, thankfully it was just a moment later that he began pulling me up and off of him, letting 10 thick inches of rabbit dick slide wetly out of my mouth.

** GASP **

I took in a mouthful of air that I hadn't been able to, but before I was even able to exhale, my face was angled directly in the line-of-fire as Arren jerked himself furiously.

"Ah! F-Fuck!"

A thick beam of white fluid, splattered across my face, followed by another, and another, and another...

"Ugh..." I turned my face, and held up my hands as best I could, but the damage had been done. Arren had left a mask of rabbit cum on my face, and streaks of it all over my clothes.

"What the fuck, Arren?" My brother clearly a bit upset by the impromptu facial I have just received, turned with a look of anger on his face.

Arren looked over, the same shit-eating smirk on his face, although with a hint of gratification behind it now, "Relax, Crawford... You're up..." Still gripping my head, the rabbit teen pulled my head over, and roughly shoved me face-first onto Kyle's still-present erection, "C'mon slut, you're not done, get that mouth moving again."

It was a struggle to reestablish my balance as I attempted to get my body back over closer to Kyle's front, but the pressure against the back of my head urged my quick recovery, I didn't have much choice but to once again part my lips, this time to accept my brother's slightly smaller, but still throat-widening member.

"D-Dude... back off!"

"Just showing you the right way to handle your bitch, Crawford..." Arren didn't relent in his forcefulness, continuing to urge me downward, already making me feel Kyle's cock threatening to choke me, "Fuck that letting her take her time bullshit, ain't got time for that shit..."

Kyle didn't seem to have softened at all while I was working on Arren, I could still feel his squirts of pre slicking the inside of my mouth. I moved my paws to his thighs to steady myself as best I could, and his paws found their way to the back of my head as well, joining the rabbit paw that was gripping me tightly.

"Ahh... wait, w-wait..." The sounds of Kyle's confusion indicated that his mind was unsure of the still developing situation, though his body seemed very much eager to continue. I felt him tremble through the grip he had on my head, I could tell that he was doing his best to hold himself back, but it seemed a pointless effort, he was undoubtedly getting close.

Another push on the back on my head forced another inch into my throat, and I could hear another light chuckle from the rabbit, "Heh... C'mon bitch... Just pretend it's mine, you had no problems a minute ago." He accompanied his words with another, sharper press getting Kyle's erection almost entirely past my lips, and eliciting yet another moan from my brother.

"Nnnggh... f--uuuuuuck..."

Be it involuntary or not, Kyle's hips finally began gyrating, even if barely noticeable. His grip firmed on my head, and his trembling started to subside. He was getting into it, and as odd as it seemed, I think I was too. My tongue was rapidly lapping around the intruding flesh, at least as much as it could, given the very limited amount of free space inside my mouth. I swallowed around his length, and massaged the flesh with the sides of my mouth, despite the fact that I was being made to take more than I could handle, I couldn't deny that I was actively working to get him off.

"Y-You're s-s--ooooo good... Can't hold..."

I braced myself, knowing what was coming. Arren, slammed me forward once more, right in time with one of Kyle's gyrations, and I found my chin right up against my brother's balls, my nose pressed against his front, but unlike with the rabbit's orgasm, he held me in place, I didn't really think anything of it... until, I felt Kyle's knot begin to grow.

"Mmph!" I tried pulling back realizing what was going on, but between Kyle's grip, Arren's grip, and the knot already getting large enough to help impair me from getting away. The knot inflated a bit further, and the paws on my head were no longer necessary, I was locked in place... My 15-year-old brother had just knotted my mouth...


With that last moan, his knot filled out completely, and I felt the telltale shudder. The dick in my mouth began to pulse, as thick wolf cum flowed through it, and deposited straight into my throat. Kyle was so far inside my face that I didn't even need to swallow. I could feel shot after shot, rope after rope of sperm flowed straight down my throat, a load voluminous enough to rival the amount that Arren had just plastered me with. I wasn't able to really move my head to check, but I would not have been surprised to learn that my belly had even bloated slightly from the amount.

"Ah... hah... haaah..."

Arren's paw released my head, and Kyle's grip relaxed dramatically, the only thing that could be heard in the room was the exhausted sounds of my brother's breathing. I almost expected him to collapse backwards, though thankfully, he kept his upper-body sitting upright, keeping me hidden from the horse that was stallion that was still right next to the door.

We remained unmoving for around a minute before the shifting of the mattress drew attention to Arren standing up and zipping himself up.

"When you get tired of puppy boy here, get my number out of his phone. I'll give you a pounding much more thorough than what you just got... and from the other end..."

Flashing one more asshole smirk, Arren turned and walked towards the door, stretching his arms as he did. He raised a paws as he exited the room, "Later, Crawford. Let me know if you have any other bitches that you need me to fuck for you, haha..."

The door closed behind him, and both Kyle and I let out a sigh, at least one of our crises having been averted.

"Crawford...? Thought you looked familiar." I froze, and a shiver ran through me at hearing Clint's voice, the only thing I could think of was how screwed I was. Time stood still for a moment as I waited for the horse to continue.

"You look just like that douche wolf I know, you're related to Alan Crawford, aren't you?"

Kyle turned slightly, "Uh, yeah... my brother..."

"Thought you were him for a second, but that little fuck is probably out somewhere giving a blowjob instead of getting one!"

Kyle forced an awkward laugh out, "Ha ha... Y-Yeah, he definitely uh, sucks... sometimes..."

The horse let out a laugh, "HA! Damn right! Anyway, you two probably wanna get a little more horizontal, so me and little foxy will find another spot." I heard the door click open, "When you see your brother, tell him that I'll see his bitch ass in class."

The door closed behind Clint, and instantly, both of us just about collapsed, not that I could really move anywhere with my brother's baseball-sized knot anchoring my mouth in place.

We remained quiet for a good five minutes, not that I really had a choice, before Kyle finally broke the silence, "About 15 more minutes... maybe 20..."

I turned my gaze up at him, questioningly, waiting for him to continue.

"For my knot to go down, I mean..."

He scratched his head awkwardly, not sure of what to say, "S-Sorry about that by the way... I really didn't plan to do that, you were just... really good..."

I couldn't really voice any kind of response, but I think I blushed a bit at his words. I was honestly still hard in my pants, or rather... skirt. I had definitely enjoyed it on some degree, and the thoughts were already forming in my mind that another attempt, in a less dire situation might be something I'd possibly agree to... and I had a hint that Kyle might be interested as well...

"So uh, Alan... I was thinking... next time you have on that outfit... you might be willing to go out again, if it's somewhere a little, y'know... less... public...?


At least I had a good 15 minutes to think about it before responding.