Special Assignments - Chapter Twenty Six

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#26 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Twenty Seven to follow soon...

"Is everything all right?"

I turned to Lachlan and smiled.

"I feel great," I said, reaching out to take his paw.

He responded with one of his smiles, causing the dimples to appear in his muzzle. The sight made a warm feeling gush through me. I smiled back and turned to look out of the plane's oval window.

There was a line of clouds below that looked so smooth and solid it was as if I could step out of the door and walk across them. Above, the blue sky stretched on as far as the eye could see.

"It's beautiful," Lachlan grinned.

"You, or the view?" I replied, giving him a wink.

Lachlan splayed his ears slightly and fixed me a bashful smile. I responded with a grin. However, in my mind, parts of the conversation with my mum kept replaying in my mind.

I had still felt repetitive twinges of guilt as I woke up the following morning after the phone call, showered and gathered my belongings by the front door.

Lachlan arrived promptly at seven thirty and helped me to load my bags into his car.

"Ready my dear Shep?" he had grinned as we climbed in.

"Ready," I repeated, giving his cheek fluff a kiss.

The drive to the airport didn't take too long. Lachlan parked the car and I followed him to the terminal. We dropped our bags, made it through the bottleneck that was security and found our way to the gate.

"Are you excited?" he asked as we sat down.

"I am," I replied, thumping my tail, although I was still a little melancholy.

"Are you thinking about last night?" he asked, fixing me a look of concern.

"I was," I admitted. "I mean, it didn't go badly, but still," I sighed.

"It's okay, these things take time to overcome," Lachlan replied, giving me a quick but tender nuzzle. "It's probably not helping that we're about to go away, I imagine you feel it's more appropriate to be with your mum."

"Oh, no I'm looking forward to going," I said, although I knew Lachlan had a point. "Genuinely, I can't wait."

Lachlan reached over and squeezed my paw.

"Wait here. I might get us a surprise," he had said, gently patting my hind-paw. "Are you okay with me leaving you? I can stay if you'd rather."

"Not at all, I like surprises," I grinned.

Lachlan wagged his tail before getting to his hind-paws and grabbing his rucksack.

I read my book until he returned with two takeaway cups of coffee and a couple of croissants.

"That's not the surprise," he chuckled, handing me a cup. "It's in my bag, but I thought you might want something to eat and drink."

We drank our tea and ate our croissants. Our gate was called shortly after and we boarded.

I wondered what the surprise could be.

"Look, there's mountains."

I was brought back to the present as I noticed Lachlan pointing out of the window.

I followed his paw and gazed down at the sight. The clouds had broken and below was a range of snow-capped mountains. I smiled and took Lachlan's paw. There was something wonderfully thrilling about being thirty thousand feet up with my lover and gazing down at the mountains. On the ground those mountains would look so tall and mighty, but at that moment I felt on top of the world to be looking at the mountains through the small window.

"Wow," I breathed.

"It's quite something," Lachlan agreed, giving me a quick nuzzle.

Thankfully, the seat next to Lachlan was not occupied so we could stretch out and be affectionate.

"I feel like king of the world. Although I'm not going to stand on the front of the plane like Titanic," I said with a grin.

"Hah, probably wise," Lachlan laughed. "Anyway, I should mark a few more essays before we land," he added..

Lachlan had perched his laptop on his tray table.

"I should probably start writing that book review plan," I replied.

"I promise I won't peak," Lachlan grinned.

"Mark mine like any other student," I said. "I promise I won't take offense if it gets a bad grade."

"Of course, but I'm sure you won't get a bad grade," Lachlan replied.

"No pressure then," I laughed.

I reached under the seat for my laptop bag and pulled it out, but the views out of the window were too distracting.

You know what, I'm just going to enjoy the journey.

_ _ I sat back and continued to watch out of the window with my ears perked up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon be making our descent. Now is a good time to use the bathrooms before the seat belt sign is switched on."

"Just as I start working," Lachlan chuckled as he stowed his laptop.

He reached over and took my paw. We kept our paws intertwined as the seatbelt sign was turned on and I felt a lurch in my stomach as the plane started its descent.

I glanced out of the window and saw the ground steadily coming up to meet us. We passed over the airport ring road and Lachlan gave my paw a squeeze just as the plane's tires connected with the runway. The wind howled as the pilot put the engines into the reverse, but we were soon coasting towards the terminal building.

Lachlan smiled and gave my paw another squeeze before everyone clicked out of their seatbelts and stood to leave. I grabbed my bag and we followed the slow moving line of people out of the plane.

The line through immigration was like the bottleneck to get through security back in England, but we made it through and walked side by side to the carousel for our suitcases.

I could help but shiver with excitement. Lachlan noticed and chuckled.

"We have to navigate the red tape of the car rental desk next," he laughed.

"Even so, I'm excited," I replied, wagging his tail.

Lachlan responded by wagging his too until our suitcases came into sight. I watched as he hauled them both off the conveyor belt.

"Follow me," he said. "Are you ready to be surprised by where we are going?"

"Yup," I grinned.

I followed Lachlan to the car rental desk and watched as he conversed with the calico behind the desk in Italian.

"I didn't realise you could speak Italian?" I said.

"Well, I can converse in it, I'm sure my pronunciation is pretty bad though," he laughed.

The calico tapped away at her computer and looked at Lachlan's passport before handing a set of keys over.

"Grazie," Lachlan said as he took them. "This way my dear Shep," he added with a smile.

I grinned back and followed him outside.

As the automatic doors swished open I immediately felt the pleasant warmth in the air. The sky above was a clear blue and the sun was shining. It felt like a late spring day, like the sort of day it had been when I'd first set eyes on Lachlan.

"Here we are," Lachlan said, unlocking a red Alfa Romeo.

He opened the back and heaved both of our suitcases inside. I climbed into the front and thumped my tail as Lachlan settled himself into the driver's seat.

"I can't wait to see where we're actually going," I said, panting with my tongue hanging out.

Lachlan responded with his smile, causing the dimples to appear.

"Normally I find it goofy when us vulpines or canines hang our tongues out, but you look especially cute," he chuckled. He gave me a lick on the nose followed by a kiss. "Although I'd better put the air conditioning on."

He started the engine and I felt the welcome sensation of cool air blowing over my fur. Lachlan had his sunglasses hanging from his shirt. He slid them up the bridge of his muzzle before we pulled off.

I gazed excitedly out of the window as we left the airport and began driving along a motorway.

"Now you've got to tell me where we are going," I laughed.

"My mother almost ruined the surprise," Lachlan replied above the noise of the engine. "Although we're not going to look at the Austro-Hungarian battle lines as I had planned with the PhD student, we're going to look at the site of one of the fiercest battles during the Second World War. In April 1945, the allies launched a huge offensive in the North of Italy which ended with the surrender of German forces in the country. It's now known as the Battle of Po Valley. We're going to one of the main sites."

"Wow," I replied, thumping my tail. "I can't wait."

"The view will get a little more scenic," Lachlan chuckled, gesturing out of the window. "I promise."

"Oh, I'm enjoying it," I grinned, although I was looking at him, not outside.

Lachlan was wearing a dark blue polo shirt and white shorts. As always, his outfit emphasised his toned build. His sunglasses reflected the passing scenery, but as he turned to me to smile, I could imagine his eyes narrowing slightly thanks to his cheek fluff.

I smiled back and turned to glance out of the window.

"You've done this route before," I noted. "You're not using a map or sat-nav."

"I have, as part of my PhD research," Lachlan replied. "I have a knack for remembering routes from memory, but I do have a map in case I screw us up and we get lost. I'm sure you'll like where we're going to stay, I found us a place that's a bit more glamorous than when I last went. That was a rather grotty hostel."

I nodded and thumped my tail.

The view outside was indeed getting more scenic, with fields stretching outwards and mountains rising in the distance. I looked closer and noticed the fields where in fact vineyards with rows and rows of grape vines.

"Look at all that!" I grinned.

"Yup, a lot of wine is produced around here," Lachlan nodded. "I'll make sure we get to sample some. It'd be a crime not to."

I wanted to enjoy the view and the thought of having wine with my fox, but the nagging feeling of my mother kept coming back to my mind. I wondered if feelings of romance triggered it.

Lachlan sensed something was wrong.

"You okay, I hope you're not feeling overwhelmed?" he asked.

"I'm fine," I replied.

"Are you thinking about your mum again?"

"Yes," I admitted. "Sorry, it won't go away, even after we've flown here."

"You don't have to be sorry," Lachlan replied, reaching over and putting a paw on my thigh. "It's an emotional thing to deal with, don't feel you ever have to be sorry for feeling these things."

"Thanks," I said, not feeling sure of what else to say.

Lachlan responded by taking hold of my wrist and giving it a gentle squeeze before putting both paws back on the wheel.

"How about some music?" he suggested. "I'm not sure what the radio is like around here. Sadly I didn't splash out enough cash to get a car that you could plug a phone USB into."

"Oh don't worry," I laughed. "Sure, put the radio on."

Lachlan reached forwards and tuned the radio into a local station. What sounded like a fifties era song filled the car; it was sung by a woman and had a gentle, melodic sound.

"That's pretty, whatever it is," I mused.

"Mmmhmm, Italian is a very romantic language," Lachlan agreed.

I kept listening to the various tunes that played on the radio as we continued driving. The mountains towered ahead and the road wound its way through the hills. The traffic was also thinning which was good. I could appreciate the views more.

"Are you feeling hungry at all?" Lachlan asked.

"Not right now, but maybe I will soon," I replied.

"There are some nice places to eat coming up," Lachlan continued. "When you start to feel hungry let me know. If not I requested the house leave us a hospitality pack that should have food in it."

"Sure," I replied. I realised I was smiling and my tongue was hanging out again. "I want to try real pizza in Italy."

"Heh, although a lot of places in the countryside don't serve it until dinnertime. They spend the day heating up their ovens. However, we'll certainly have some whilst we're here."

We drove on through the country. I continued gazing out of the window. My body was starting to feel tired. I reclined back into my seat and closed my eyes. I could feel the sun on my face through the window, then soft sound of the music and the gentle rocking of the car was sending me to sleep.

I felt Lachlan reach out and give my paw a squeeze before I drifted off.

"Hey, Malcolm, we're nearly there."

I opened my eyes.

"How long was I asleep for?" I yawned.

"You were out for over an hour," Lachlan explained. "I didn't disturb you though, you've had an exhausting twenty four hours."

"It feels like I barely fell asleep," I replied in a groggy tone. "It's one of those things where you fall asleep but don't feel rested."

"Perhaps some food will help," Lachlan said.

I looked up to see we were driving down a narrow driveway hemmed in by olive trees. Snow-capped mountains towered up ahead while hilly and rolling fields stretched out in all other directions.

"Here we are," Lachlan said. "I admit, I had to use my phone GPS to do the last part of the journey, and it led us in the right direction."

There was a small stone villa at the end of the driveway. It was nestled in the rolling hills and looked quite cosy.

"Nice," I grinned.

"I got it at a reduced rate as it's out of season," Lachlan said.

We pulled up outside the front door and I climbed out. The warm evening air hit my face and I began panting.

"There's a lake nearby if we want to swim," Lachlan explained. "The villa has a pool but it's not heated, so it depends how tolerant you are with cold water."

I nodded and glanced around at the scenery.

"It's beautiful, but where are we?"

"Near a town called Matela," Lachlan explained as he hauled our suitcases out of the car.

I opened my mouth to reply but my stomach let out a loud rumble.

"That wasn't a landslide down the mountain, was it?" Lachlan chuckled. I grinned and splayed my ears. "C'mon, I think you could do with something to eat."

I grabbed my rucksack and followed Lachlan to the front door. He had pulled a printed sheet of paper from his pocket.

"The rental description said the caretaker had hidden the key under flower pot sitting on the left, aha, here we are," Lachlan moved one of the flower pots to reveal a front door key sitting underneath. "I think it's a cliché place to hide a key, but it works for our arrival I suppose."

He unlocked the door and we made our way inside. I sniffed the air and glanced around the house. The place was decorated like a traditional Italian farmhouse, or what I imagined an Italian farmhouse might look like. The walls were rough stone and the floor was polished tiles. Bare wooden beams crossed the ceiling and oil paintings of the countryside hung on the walls.

"What do you think?" Lachlan asked, pulling me into a hug.

"It looks perfect," I replied, burring my muzzle into his neck fluff.

We hugged in silence for a minute until my stomach let out another rumble.

"We can eat something and then unpack," Lachlan suggested.

"Yeah, oh wait I've got to let my mum know we arrived," I said, feeling another pang of guilt.

"The house has WiFi, let me find the code," Lachlan replied as he sniffed about the living room. "Ah, here we go."

He read it aloud and I entered it into my phone.

"Thanks," I said, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Lachlan took me in his arms and gave me a lick on the nose.

"I'm so happy you came with me," he said, giving me a quick kiss. "Anyway, I'd better let you talk to your mum. I hope she's not too worried."

My phone had connected itself to the internet and I found my mum's number on WhatsApp. I tapped it and listened as the tone rang.

"Malcolm?" my mum said. "I'm so glad you've called, I was worried."

The anxious tone in my mother's voice caused another heavy feeling of guilt.

"I'm fine mum," I insisted. "We landed safely and we've just got to where we are staying. It's really nice."

"That's good," mum replied. "Malcolm you will be careful, and call me every day?"

"Yes," I sighed.

"You know I worry about you," mum continued.

"You don't need to worry," I said, trying to suppress another sigh. "I'm fine."

"I'd like to Skype to see your mate when you have time, did you take your laptop?"

"I did."

"Good, now I'd better be going to bed."

"Goodnight mum," I said.

"Goodnight Malcolm, and thank you for calling," she replied before hanging up.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and made my way through the house, following Lachlan's scent. He was in the kitchen examining packets of food on the counter.

"How was your mum?" he asked.

"Anxious," I sighed.

"She's probably worried about you, I can understand her predicament," Lachlan replied.

I walked over and he pulled me into another hug.

"So, they left us some pasta and sauce in a tin, oh and a bottle of wine," he said, nuzzling me between the ears. "I can cook the pasta with the sauce. It's not fancy restaurant standard, but I'm sure the wine will be nice."

"Anything you make is good," I replied, burying my muzzle into his fluff.

My nose was filled with Lachlan's sweet aftershave and vulpine scent.

What can I do about skyping with my mum?

_ _ I decided I'd cross that bridge when I got to it, or hold off for as long as I could. Lachlan gave me another kiss and a squeeze before releasing me.

I watched for a moment as Lachlan began heating up water on the stove for the pasta.

"Let's open the windows, it's a warm evening," he said.

"I'll get it," I replied.

I opened the kitchen window and took in the view outside with the rolling hills and mountains in the distance.

"And I'll get rid of this," Lachlan said, stripping out of his shirt and draping it over a kitchen chair.

I felt my tail give an involuntary wag as I watched his muscles flex as he opened the bag of pasta and poured it into the boiling water. I smiled and shed my shirt too. It felt good to be half-naked after a day of travelling.

I walked up behind Lachlan as he began heating the sauce and wrapped my arms around his chest. Lachlan fixed me a smile over his shoulder.

"Thank_you_ for taking me with you," I whispered.