Heat of the Pridelands - Chapter 3: The Power of Temptation

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#3 of Heat of the Pridelands

Heat of the Pridelands - Chapter 3: The Power of Temptation By TheTiger - Creative Commons 2006 80x15.png Content warning: Cub * * * It was mid morning when the entire pride had assembled in front of the cave. Daniel and Nala would be leaving for the neighboring pride soon, but not before Simba had wished them good luck. 'My dear,' he spoke with honor but also with some fear. 'I am confident that you can resolve this problem we are having with Mahiri's pride. But if for any reason it doesn't work out, please just come back.' Nala sat across from her husband together with Daniel who, as a sign of respect, sat on his knees to be at the same eye level. He held his head low a little as he listened while Simba spoke. 'Daniel will accompany you on your trip,' Simba looked over to Daniel with a dead serious face. 'I trust you with the safety of my wife, Daniel. Please don't violate that trust.' With his paws folded respectfully behind his back, Daniel looked up at the king and shook his head. 'Not a hair on my body would even consider it, your majesty. I will do my best to bring Nala home save and sound.' The lioness next to him looked at Daniel for a moment, offering him a gentle smile. Simba proceeded to nod at latest member of his pride. 'Then I wish you good luck on your journey,' he said proudly and then gave Nala a genuine lion hug by rubbing his head against hers. 'I'm sure my father will keep you both save...' Daniel perked his ears at Simba's remark, but didn't clearly show his interest. If he could he would have just asked everything in one breath, but he realized clearly that he would have to figure stuff out bit by bit. Yesterday afternoon after his encounter with Zira and his nap, he went to see Nala and questioned her about where they were headed. Nala had chuckled at his response when she told him that it was a two day walk, but now that didn't seem so bad. He could use that time to get to know Nala a little better and maybe ask her a bit about Simba's past. A picture of him mating and kissing with Nala flashed trough his head a moment, but he quickly banished it. Zira he could live with, not to mention that she threatened to kill him if he didn't, but not Nala. If only out of respect for Simba, he would even keep his fantasies on a leash. 'I guess we better go,' Nala said, interrupting his thoughts. A smile appeared when she saw his confused face. 'Right,' he replied, looking around the pride members once more. He nodded at Simba in a respectful manner, and then followed Nala down the slope. He was stopped in his tracks when Kovu suddenly came running after him. 'Danny! Hang on! I need to ask you something!' Nala looked back with surprise to the little one, before directing her gaze up to Daniel. He gave her a nervous smile back, then grabbed Kovu and dragged him behind a bush where no-one could hear them. 'What is it?' he whispered and kneeled down next to the cub. Kovu let his eyes wander over the ground a bit. Eventually he looked up to Daniel, there was a little bit of guilt or shame in his eyes for some reason. 'I just wanted to know something before you went...' he looked up the slope, where Daniel saw Kiara sitting looking down to them with perked ears. 'Oh... You and Kiara having... hm?' he grinned a naughty smile at the cub even though he didn't really intend to bring them together. Not like that anyway, but now that it had happened he couldn't really see why it would do harm anyway. 'I wanted to...' Kovu explained. 'But she doesn't have what you and me have to play with... you know?' He poked Daniels sheath to make a point. 'That.' Daniel giggled at the touch and if he wouldn't have had a couple of by standers looking from the distance, he would probably have asked Kovu for a blowjob before he left. 'That's because Kiara is a girl,' he whispered back with a gentle grin. 'Girls have other fun stuff to play with.' He winked at the cub before he wanted to wander off again, but Kovu grabbed his arm before he could get up. 'Wait, how do I play with what she has?' Daniel restored his balance that Kovu had almost ruined and showed a toothy grin. 'What would the fun be if I told you everything there is to know about sex, hm?' he put his paw on the cubs head, ruffling up his tuft of mane. 'I'm sure that together with Kiara you can find plenty of ways to amuse yourself. And when I get back I'll teach you some more stuff, alright?' Kovu's eyes started to sparkle instantly; he stood up with perked ears and leaped his front paws up against Daniel's arm. 'Really?!' he asked with great enthusiasm in his voice. 'Like what?' 'It's a surprise,' Daniel replied, petting the cub again before standing up. 'You just have a good time with your girlfriend until I get back.' Kovu let his ears flatten. 'She's not my girlfriend...' he whimpered as if Daniel had accused him of something. 'Not yet anyway,' Daniel grinned to himself. 'See you later kid!' Kovu ran out behind Daniel, climbing his way up the slope and standing next to Kiara. 'Bye Danny!' he yelled out from the top. He sat down with a happy face and watched together with some others how Daniel and Nala left Priderock and left on their journey to the kingdom's borders. After a minute or so, he leaned over to Kiara and poked her side. 'You still want to play?' The pair headed in the general direction where Daniel had initially came from. It was quiet for a little while, but by the time they arrived at the waterhole to stock up on fluids before they would start the long journey things became a bit more relaxed. 'So, two day walk...' Daniel thought out loud and crouched down near the water for a long drink. Nala nodded and paused her drinking for a moment to answer him. 'One day to get to the kingdom's border and another to get to Mahiri's pride.' Daniel didn't bother to answer or look up, and just spend some time licking up the water. It was a fun way of drinking, but not a very effective way. 'So, Danny,' Nala teasingly said when they were both done and wandered along trough the tall grass, obviously putting emphasis on the nickname Kovu gave him. 'What's with Kovu being attached to you so badly? He's not usually the type to hang out with the grown ups...' Daniel raised his shoulders, making an unsure gesture ahead of him as he looked down on Nala walking next to him. 'No idea, maybe he doesn't see me as a typical grown up...' he said. 'I do stand out a bit, after all.' The lioness nodded slightly. 'I won't argue that,' she grinned up at him. A silence struck them once again and the duo casually wandered along in the burning sun, leaving Priderock further and further behind them. Daniel wondered if now would be a good time to ask about Kovu, unless Nala didn't want to talk about it either. He didn't feel very comfortable with intruding in their personal live, but then again it wasn't quite that personal since he already knew most of it. 'What is Kovu's story anyway?' he then asked, not to forcing as he didn't want to make Nala uncomfortable. 'Simba told me that Kovu is his uncle's son... so where is his uncle?' The lioness smiled a little while she thought back. 'It's kind of a long story, really,' she started, without actually looking at Daniel. 'But since I guess we have time...' She sighed, collecting the memories needed to tell the story. 'When Simba and me were both still cubs, around Kovu's age, Simba's father was king. His name was Mufasa.' She looked up at Daniel briefly to check if he was actually listening. And of course he was, he had his ears perked the best he could to listen to what she had to say. 'But Scar, Mufasa's brother, wanted to be the king. So, he killed Mufasa and made Simba believe he was responsible.' She sighed for a moment, squeezing her eyes and looking down to the ground as she continued. 'Simba fled. Scar took control. He...' she paused, sniffing twice and quite obviously trying to keep herself from crying. Daniel put his paw on her back, petting over her soft golden fur as they walked along. He was about to tell her she didn't have to continue if she didn't want to, but she already did. 'By the time I had grown up, I fled the kingdom as well, to look for help.' She looked up to Daniel, the expression on her face hurt Daniel inside, even when that shimmer of a smile came trough. 'By pure chance, I found Simba. He was living at a small waterhole, sleeping under the open skies and hunting all by himself. Compared to the handsome strong lion he is now, he looked like a wreck back there. It was devastating to see what had become of him in the time he had been away.' Some stuff now at least started to make sense to Daniel. If Simba never made it to the jungle after he fled the Pridelands that would explain why Timon and Pumbaa weren't around at Priderock right now. They never even met. After that he wondered if his being here maybe changed the story's past somehow, which in turn made him wonder what else would be different. Another thing he suddenly realized was that Kovu was the only cub around in the pride next to Kiara. But if Kovu was originally the last born cub that Zira had given birth to, where were Nuka and Vitani? Zira still living at Priderock could have had something to do with that, though he didn't quite figure out how yet. 'Eventually,' Nala continued after a deep breath, 'I convinced Simba to come home so he could take the throne from his uncle. Unfortunately Simba had to take it back by force, which ended up in his uncle dying.' Nala looked back on the figure at the horizon that was Priderock getting smaller and smaller. She gestured in its direction with her eyes for a moment, catching Daniels attention. 'Zira, one of the lionesses in our pride, was Scar's queen. Kovu was born from those two.' Attempting to keep the conversation a little light hearted, Daniel brought up a smile while he kept stroking over Nala's back. 'Didn't Simba get angry at Zira for that?' he pondered. She nodded. 'At first, yes,' she sighed. 'But Zira didn't choose to be with Scar. It was a forced relation at first, and voluntary later as time progressed. When I explained that to Simba, he decided to let it go. He allowed her to stay with the pride, but they haven't been on very good terms since then.' Ah, that might have been the reason Zira's turn was skipped so much then. With over twenty lionesses to choose from, no-one would mate with one that he hated. Daniel grinned. Ah well, more for him. 'And I take it he doesn't like Kovu very much either?' Daniel questioned. 'Simba knows the little guy is not to blame,' Nala answered, then twitched her whiskers for a moment. 'But him being the son of his uncle, who killed his father, obviously puts him in a conflict of interest.' Daniel nodded. That was understandable. In that aspect Kovu was lucky to be alive in the first place. It wouldn't have been very strange if Simba would have just killed him, but then again that was probably not really in Simba's nature. Nala was already cheering up a bit again, which was a cue for Daniel to remove his paw and mind his own body again. There was just one little thing he still wanted to know before dropping the subject. 'Was eh... Was Kovu Zira's only cub?' he asked casually. 'Oh no, she had three of those little rascals,' Nala said with a smile while she shook her head lightly and thought back of the three troublemakers with a grin. 'Kovu, Nuka and Vitani.' Daniel frowned down on Nala; confused as hell he waved his hands a little uneasy. 'Well then why is Kovu the only one around?' 'Nuka, Kovu's brother, was getting a bit to dominant, or at least tried to be, by the time he was an adolescent. So Simba kicked him out of the pride with little effort.' 'And Vitani?' Daniel asked eager to hear the answer. Nala smiled up at him from aside. 'She's another reason we are going to Mahiri.' Meanwhile, behind Priderock, two young cubs sat quietly across from each other. Kovu was staring at Kiara, but she was staring at the ground. 'Kovu, I just don't know if we should do this...' she said in a shy manner. 'My mom says sex is for mommies and daddies...' 'She told you about sex but not me?' he reacted with great surprise in his voice. Kiara giggled at Kovu's funny response. 'I walked in on them, so mom had to explain it to me,' she giggled some more. But meanwhile Kovu had his ego hurt. He was older then Kiara! He deserved to know about adult stuff like that before little princess Kiara! 'Did she tell you how to play with a girl?' Kovu asked bluntly. 'No!' Kiara breezed at him, then got back to her royal pose and pretended to be an innocent young lioness cub. 'She told me that I should only have sex with a lion I love very very much...' 'You do love me!' Kovu interrupted her on an angry tone to make a statement. 'We promised each other to stay together forever, remember?' 'Sssh!' Kiara hissed and rose to her paws. 'We also promised to keep it a secret! And she also told me that I should wait until I'm grown up, like her.' Then she raised her muzzle in the air, closing her eyes and sat there like a stubborn little girl, which she was. Kovu knew exactly what that meant, and in turn decided to try something else to get his way. 'Well okay,' he said casually. 'But you don't know what you're missing... This great shivering feeling going trough you, being all warm and tingly inside...' And it worked, because it didn't take long before Kiara opened one eye, then another, and soon she had her ears perked and came sitting closer to Kovu. 'Is it really that nice?' she carefully asked, trying not to sound interested. 'Like you would never believe,' Kovu said enthusiastic, but then changed his expression to a teasing one. 'But you always listen to your mommy, so you'll have to wait until you're grown up.' 'I don't always listen to my mom, Kovu!' she yelled at him and stood her ground before him. 'Yes you do,' he said teasingly. 'You're mommies little girl, haha.' He sat in front of Kiara proudly with a straight back, looking at her and waiting for the reply. 'Am not!' Kiara defended herself. 'Are too!' Kovu responded again, starting to find it rather funny. 'Am not!' 'Are too!' 'Am not! Am not! Am not!' Kovu leaned forward, close to Kiara and playfully looked at her. 'Then try it...' he grinned at her. Kiara looked back at him with a doubtful face, not really sure on what to do but not wanting to seem like a wuss to Kovu either. And... if Kovu had done it then she wanted to do it too, but her mother strictly told her... 'Did Danny tell you it was okay?' she asked in a gentle and shy manner. Kovu nodded. 'Danny told me that sex is fine as long as you enjoy it,' he answered. The young lioness stared at the ground, then at the sky and eventually at Kovu. She took a deep breath and sighed. 'I guess... I could see if I enjoy it...' she said softly. A smile appeared on Kovu's muzzle, curling up his whiskers. 'You'll like it, I promise!' he said and stood up. Then he wandered over to the base of the rock, and got comfy sitting up against it so he could reach his sheath. 'So... what do we do?' Kiara questioned and took a step closer to watch what Kovu was doing. 'What's that? I don't have that.' She gently stood closer and inspected Kovu's equipment with great interest. 'That's because I'm a boy,' Kovu said proudly, quoting what Daniel had told him. 'Boys have different stuff to play with.' He started to rub his right paw over his sheath and his balls, after that it didn't take long before the tip of the youngster's cock was poking out. Kiara watched all this with fascination, never having seen a male lion's penis up close, or at all, for that matter. But when she saw Kovu stroking over his pink shaft and moaning softly, it did seem quite interesting to at least try. 'Okay okay, how do I do that?' she asked impatiently and ducked next to him sitting up against the rock, looking at Kovu stroking from a different angle. When she looked down on what she had to work with, all she could find was what she used to pee with. Kovu looked along with her, pondering about how to work the female version of his equipment. 'Uh, try stroking over it...' he tried, remembering that Daniel told him to do that at first and it seemed to work with him. The young lioness looked at Kovu for a moment, unsure on how to stroke, before extending her right paw down and making a few strokes over the area. She moaned a bit as a nice feeling gathered in her belly. 'It does feel kind of nice...' she said with a giggle and stroked over her opening again. Her warm pink lips sliding past her paw digit. As she kept stroking, her paw became a little moist, but that only seemed to help. Kovu meanwhile was well under way with pawing off, the pink flesh sliding trough his paw over and over again. Occasionally he glimpsed at what Kiara was doing next to him which only seemed to excite him more. 'Should I try a digit inside?' Kiara asked with a soft moan after a few minutes of stroking. Kovu looked over, surprised at the question. The fur around the young lioness' pussy was all moist; same went for the fur on her paws. 'You can do that?' he asked, not really believing her. 'I think I can,' she replied and questioning eyes. 'Should I try it?' Kovu nodded with curiosity and kept watching as Kiara slowly pushed one of her paw digits against her swollen lips, the moist flesh underneath slowly guiding it inside leaving the young lioness moaning loudly. 'Doesn't that hurt?' Kovu asked with a painful face as he watched the paw digit slowly disappear inside the lioness. 'Nohho...' she moaned. 'It feels great... ahmm...' 'Really?' Kovu asked, letting his attention wander from pawing off and instead was intrigued by what he saw Kiara do. He got on his paws again, circling around the young lioness and lying down with his muzzle between her spread hind legs. 'Kovu?' she moaned as he got down there. A long moan followed directly after it when a warm wet stroke passed over her paw and her clit. 'Kovu... ahh... what are you doing?' Kiara pulled her digit out of her tight vagina, letting Kovu do whatever it was he was doing. The young lion didn't answer and merely licked at Kiara's moist pussy lips, the sweet taste spread over his tongue. 'Ooohh...' Kiara moaned loudly as the rough tongue scraped over the sensitive clit. 'Ooh, Kovu... this is really nice...' And it was about to get nicer, inspired by the paw digit Kiara had inserted before, Kovu pushed his tongue firmly between the lips of the young lioness' vagina. And as soon as it slid in, Kiara screamed out the pleasure of the warm tongue inside her. 'Aaaah! Kovu!' she screamed and locked her legs behind Kovu's back. She pushed her front paws on his head, pushing him tightly against her cunt without giving Kovu any chance of getting out. With his muzzle pressed firmly into her crotch, his nose rubbed over the sensitive clit while his tongue explored her insides. Kiara was going crazy, pushing him tighter and tighter between her legs as his tongue set her on fire. After a moment, Kovu felt her body shock underneath him, the juices that slid over his tongue became twice as much and the flesh of her pussy heated up. He kept licking and rubbing, even after Kiara had let go of his head and relaxed her legs. Her body kept shocking, the juices kept flowing. 'Kovu! Stop... I can't go any further... aaahh...' Kovu looked up at the young lioness, smiling up at her. She was panting heavily, staring down on the cub between her legs with a content smile. 'I told you you would like it,' Kovu said teasingly. The orange glow that spread over the land was a good indicator that the sun was starting to set, meaning it would be dark soon. Daniel and Nala had been walking all day, taking only short breaks to catch a breath or have a drink at a waterhole or river they encountered. 'We should be at the border by the time the sun is down,' Nala said. 'We'll get some sleep, then continue to Mahiri tomorrow, okay?' Daniel nodded and yawned. 'Sounds like a great idea,' he moaned. A day of walking had not done his muscles a favor. He was completely exhausted and would probably fall asleep in seconds. To his surprise, Nala seemed to be pretty energetic; she didn't seem tired at all. By the time the last bits of the sun had disappeared behind the horizon, the duo arrived at what Nala said was the kingdom's border. Daniel was fascinated on how she knew, but suddenly he knew why. A strong musky scent penetrated his nose, Simba's scent no doubt. It smelled kind of nice, he thought. As he wandered around the area a little more, he also picked up another scent. Mahiri's probably if this was the border between the kingdoms. 'We should get some sleep,' Nala suggested. 'It's going to be a long day tomorrow.' Daniel nodded immediately. Sleep was good. He followed Nala to a nearby rock surrounded by some bushes and heaps of grass, where the lioness curled up against the rock. Daniel looked around for a place to lie down, and after a while he settled with one of the bushes next to the rock. His tiredness kicked in immediately, his eyelids got heavy and moving was definatly out of the question, but he didn't fall asleep for some time. 'Nala?' he asked, opening one eye to look at her. 'Yes?' she replied from across him. 'About tomorrow...' he sighed and moaned half a yawn. 'Why is Vitani over there, and not with us?' The lioness switched position a little, then looked over to him with her big cat eyes. 'Mahiri wanted a young lioness of royal heir that could marry his son so he would have a queen later on,' Nala explained. 'With Scar as king at the time, Vitani fitted that description.' Daniel blinked his eyes, looking up at the sky that was slowly getting darker. 'He just gave her away?' he question with disbelieve. Nala nodded softly. 'In exchange, Scar could expand his borders a bit. But since Scar isn't king anymore, Vitani isn't royal heir anymore.' 'So we're getting her back?' he pondered and once again Nala confirmed it. Things surely took strange twists, Daniel thought. Simba living alone at a waterhole, Vitani being send to a neighboring pride. What else would happen? He sighed and rested his muzzle on his paws, looking at the orange glow against the horizon. As the last few rays of sun disappeared from the sky, so did the warmth of the land. Without a sun, temperatures went down fast and without Priderock to act as cover, they were subject to the cold wind blowing over them. Daniel was about half way asleep when he heard Nala panting a little. With some effort he opened an eye, wanting to see what was wrong. 'Are you okay?' he whispered. He could see Nala nodding slightly and curling up tighter. 'Just a little cold, that's all...' she replied and chuckled. 'I usually have Simba to curl up against, his mane are always nice and warm.' Daniel smiled at her for a moment, but at the same time realized he wasn't exactly warm himself. He raised his arm, gesturing his head to Nala. 'Come here you,' he gently smiled at her. 'I have warm mane as well. Besides, I'm cold too.' The lioness raised her muzzle in surprise at Daniels offer. 'Are you sure?' she asked, a slight smile on her muzzle at the generous gesture. Daniel nodded at her with a grin. 'Yes, now come here. We'll keep each other warm, okay?' Nala nodded at him thankfully, quickly walking over to him and curling herself up against him. Daniel wrapped his arm around her while Nala did the same and buried her muzzle in his mane. 'Hmm, your manes are nice and warm,' she sighed, getting comfortable in using them as a pillow. Nala had wrapped herself with her stomach against his, and Daniel could feel her breathing and heartbeat next to his own. He sighed, resting his muzzle over the lioness' head, closing his eyes and trying to go to sleep again. It wouldn't really work though, as his mind was at what they would be doing tomorrow. What kind of lion would Mahiri be? In any case he seriously hoped this could all be resolved without a fight breaking out, because he didn't know how to fight as a lion, let alone an anthro one. 'Is that for me?' Nala chuckled from inside his mane. Daniel gulped, with the warm body of Nala pressed against him so lovingly and tightly, he had gotten a little excited. He had hoped she wouldn't notice, despite his solid erection which was rubbing against her belly. 'I'm so sorry...' he quickly said, hoping he hadn't insulted her. He repositioned himself a little so that his erection wasn't against the lioness anymore and hoped that he didn't make a fool out of himself. Meanwhile the lioness had unburied her muzzle from his thick mane, looking at him with her muzzle close to his. 'Don't be,' she gently smiled. 'I'm flattered.' Daniel didn't know what to say to that and barely managed to smile back, staring into the lioness' beautiful blue eyes. He gasped when she suddenly rubbed back against him, his erection rubbing over her fur again and he could feel moist warm flesh rubbing against his balls. Nala half closed her eyes, something that made Daniel immediately think back on the sexy stare she had in the movie. It was like two drops of water, exactly the same. The lioness proceeded to rub her nose against his, closing her eyes as she let her tongue stroke over Daniels closed muzzle. 'Nala...' Daniel said with a shiver, looking away from her eyes, down to the ground for a moment. 'We shouldn't do this...' She opened her eyes again, looking at him and not fully understanding what exactly he meant. 'Please?' she whispered softly, stroking her paw over his shoulder. Daniel looked into her eyes again, reaching for her paw and gently putting it off him. 'What about Simba?' he asked in a sigh. It took him a huge amount of effort to resist temptation like this, but he couldn't go trough with this. Not after Simba put his trust in him like that. He could never look at Simba again. Nala's smile disappeared and gently she shoved her belly away from his equipment again. 'You're right...' she sighed, realizing what she was doing. 'I'm sorry...' With that she buried herself back in his mane, sniffing every once in a while. Daniel didn't really know what to do, but he did think he did a good job in turning her down. He never expected that he would be able to do that, especially since she came on to him. Nala was still sniffing in his mane in the meantime and gently Daniel placed a paw on her head, stroking her gently in trying to comfort her. 'Hey hey...' he said soft and caring. 'We'll just forget it happened, okay?' 'I'm a terrible mate...' Nala whispered sniffing as a tear rolled down her cheek. 'You are not a terrible mate, Nala,' he comforted her while petting her head. 'Simba is very lucky to have you. Besides, it's not your fault you wanted to do it, everyone wants to with me.' The lioness looked up from his mane, looking at the huge toothy grin Daniel had on his muzzle. She grinned back at him while shaking her head. 'You're awful,' she laughed at the huge ego Daniel pretended to have. 'I know,' he laughed back and stroked over her head as he stared into her eyes again. 'Come on, let's sleep. We'll just pretend this never happened.' Nala kept quiet for a moment as she looked at Daniel, then gently smiled. 'Good night, Danny,' she said, digging her muzzle back in his mane and getting comfortable again. Daniel wrapped his arm around her again, but this time kept his lower body well away from the lioness. With his head resting against hers, he looked at the dark sky and the stars that now filled it. For what it was worth, he hoped that any kings up there would make sure things went smoothly tomorrow and that he could bring Nala back safely, like he promised. While he was thinking of their adventure, he slowly started to doze off and a while later was asleep with the beautiful lioness wrapped in his paws against him.