Year of the Dog: Chapter 6 (Patreon Platinum)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#6 of Year of the Dog (Platinum Premium)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Chapter 6 of Year of the Dog, a story that is apart of my Platinum content of my Patreon. Premium content is plot driven with recurring characters and are significantly longer than other uploads and are uploaded every Friday

Awesome art by:

A maid by the name of Leslie has caught Ruul's eye and he proceeds to show her what the dog god can offer.

Read the full chapter here:

Needless to say, Ruul's mansion was huge. The size of it necessitated the use of salaried staff to keep it clean and organized. Of that stuff were two mice sisters that would come in twice a weak to maintain the residence. Jaid had hired them because they had decent records and a curious propensity to sleep with the male head of house on occasion. This often got them fired, though in the times that a male without a spouse was involved, there would be a much more free reign situation.

It wasn't entirely the mouses' fault, many considered them to be rather cute and charming. One named Leslie was the most devious though. She was considerably attractive. She had a chubby figure with a wide backside and large breasts, kindred to a fertility goddess, desirable to many males that laid eyes on her. Though, perhaps there was some blame to be hand on her end, as whenever she was in the presence of the homeowner she would often bend down in front of them or let her shirt slip down enough to show off quite a bit of cleavage. When she would wear a skirt to work she would often forgo her panties, which made for easy flashes and even easier access for a hungry male to fuck her.

Leslie had just finished her work in the kitchen and was now vacuuming along one of the hallways that passed by several rooms. It was the second floor of the mansion and she was keeping herself quite busy, often thinking about how she couldn't wait to get home.

It was a more quiet than usual day, the normal loud sounds of sex weren't present and so she forwent the earphones and music she would have normally been listening to. She had seen Ruul before on a few occasions, he would often stride about naked and he seemed to not care who would see. It was during these times that she would so boldly stare at his incredible physique and his large sheath. Given her personal lusts, it was frequent that she would daydream about him fucking her.

But today the husky seemed to be absent, at least as far as she could tell. She had reached the very end of the hall with the vacuum and was beginning to double back towards the outlet that constrained her motion when there was the sudden presence of the god in front of her. The mouse startled and stared up at the towering canine. He stayed as still and domineering as a stature, not an article of clothing on his form.

He seemed to have appeared soundlessly out of nowhere. Of course the mouse didn't know him for who he truly was, few within the mansion really did. But that didn't keep him from being so intimidating. There was a clear size difference between the two of them as the mouse's head barely came up to the middle of his chest and he seemed to be four times her weight.

Ruul looked down at her with his powerful, glowing gaze while saying nothing. Leslie stayed just as still and just stared into his eyes. The expression that he held was blank, almost contemplating what it was that she was doing. The mouse didn't quite know what to do or say, so she offered a simple "Hello, sir."

"Afternoon, Leslie," Ruul said back, his voice deep and reverberating in the close confines of the hallway. "I hope I'm not bothering you."

"Oh, not at all, sir. I'm just finishing up here," she replied in a friendly tone that she had perfected. She tried as hard as she could not to look down at his sheath, despite how badly she wanted. Since she didn't know this dog very well she couldn't afford to upset him. Though understanding her words, the towering canine shifted out of her way.

Leslie snuck past him and gathered the cord of the vacuum on her way to the outlet, and Ruul followed. "Where might your sister be?" he asked as he kept pace with her but stayed at a distance to maintain her personal space.

"Oh, I think she might be in the living room," she replied and kept her face pointed away from him in fear that she might be blushing too noticeably. For anyone else she wouldn't have been, but the dog god didn't miss anything.

A low chuckle rumbled form the husky's throat and he grinned. "Hmm, that's not quite right," he said and turned so that his nose pointed back down the hall. Leslie blinked in confusion and did turn to him so that she could look down where he was looking. But he wasn't really looking, he was listening. The subtle twitch of his ears was what told her so, but that didn't relieve her mind.

"What...?" she squeaked while letting the vacuum cleaner cord hang down by her waist.

"You don't hear that?" he offered and turned back to her. Leslie put her paw up to one of her large ears and then perked it up in an attempt to concentrate. But again, nothing came to her so she shook her head. "Follow me."

Without waiting for her, the dog began to move. He strode with a casual purpose back down the hall to where a flight of stairs lead to the first floor. Leslie fell in behind him and stayed quiet. The two of them went down the stairs and across the living room where she had thought her sister would have been. All the while she wanted to ask the husky where they were going but she was sure that question would be answered shortly. And it was.

As the two of them seemingly got closer to where the husky was leading to, a very faint sound began to come to the mouse. It was immediately recognized as rhythmic thumping, and it could almost be felt as much as it could be heard. They seemed to be going towards its source, and right when the thumping had grown sufficiently in volume there came another new sound.

It was the recurring sighs of moans and blissful squeaks that now came to Leslie's ears. She recognized both voices at once, one she knew to be her sister and the other was the mink manager, Jaid. Heat rushed to the woman's cheeks and she bit her bottom lip while she stared up at the back of Ruul's head. She expected him to turn back towards her or to do literally anything else to acknowledge these blatantly obvious noises and what their cause likely meant. But he simply continued on.

The two entered a short hallway and the sounds were unmistakable. The rapid squeak of a bed frame rattled the walls and the sharp smack of two bodies coming together rang through that portion of the mansion. The moans were loud and screaming now, phrases of "Don't stop" and "Fuck me harder" were being shouted at the top of their lungs.

Leslie no longer needed Ruul to determine which room of the hallway the sounds were coming from, but she continued to stay quiet. As soon as she had come to realize what the noises were, the mouse's pussy began to grow wet. The closer they came to her sister and the mink the more horny she became as well.

Ruul stopped at the closed door to the room that now doubt had the pair inside. He twisted the knob and pushed in just slightly enough to peer inside. With his other paw, he beckoned Leslie closer and she obeyed.

He didn't open the door very far, he didn't need to as the bed was against the opposite wall of the room. When Leslie lined her eye up to look inside, she was given a full view of everything.

Leslie's sister, Jilly, was on her side with her front facing towards the door. She was completely naked, her body a stark contrast to her own. Jilly was thin with smaller breasts and a more curved butt, and she preferred having a thick patch of pubic hair to cover her cunt than Leslie's own shaved landscape.

Jilly's leg was lifted nice and high and settled between her thighs was the equally nude Jaid. The mink wore a thick, black strap on and was hugging Jilly's leg as she would vigorously thrust back and forth. The plastic sex object was one that Ruul recognized. It had an equally large dildo shoved up inside of the wearer's cunt and both appendages vibrated with the power of a jackhammer. It certainly made sense to the husky as to why both women were moaning out so loudly.

Leslie was stunned and staring wide eyed at her sister. This wasn't anything near the worst that the mouse had seen her sister doing, but for some reason this particular scene was making her hotter than normal. She was fixated, seeming to be unable to look away. It was during this moment of frozen interest that she felt Ruul's paw brushed against her shoulder.

Read the full chapter here: