Beach Bums

Story by Zylen Andel on SoFurry

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#18 of Patreon Stuff

This is the last story in a bunch of overdue stories from my Patreon. This is also the first appearance of Brock Harding which turned into a major character in my Rainbow Reverie story and shows a bit of his life before that story series begins.

This story contains:

Public Sex/Exhibitionism


Rough Sex

Brock and Seth are (c) to me,

Beach Bums

Written by: Zylen Andel

Brought to you by: My Lovely Patrons

If there was one thing that Brock Harding needed right now, it was a vacation.

Stress had eaten the Doberman's resolve to keep a smile on his face, leaving his otherwise handsome feature buried under a menacing scowl. As a Doberman people tended towards apprehension on approaching him, but seeing him clearly upset made that approach even more terrifying. The white and black furred canine, sighed heavily as he leaned against the donut counter. The confectionary treats displayed within making him hungry, but they also made him smile.

"Cute little donuts." The muscular and pierced Doberman seemed to be a strange fit for a donut slinger, but he enjoyed his work. His golden piercings standing out against his dark fur, but the color of the piercings was chosen in an effort to match the color of his eyes. A slightly darker goldenrod painted the rings of his irises, which were joyously jumping from one sprinkle to the next. The stress of the day had once again gotten to him. All the rich spoiled people who walked in here and addressed him as if he was some kind of slave. And the kids... they were worse; screaming and crying when they couldn't get what they wanted. Who could get be so upset about donuts? The brightly colored sprinkles and toppings caught his gaze again, bringing another smile to his face.

"It may not be my dream job, but I could do worse."

Brock stood back up and took in a deep breath, tasting all the sweet flavors on his tongue. The shop did have a great location too; right next to the sparkling beach the town was famous for. Tearing his gaze from the donuts, Brock settled his gaze on the beach across the street. The floor to ceiling windows of the shop allowed anyone inside to examine all the beach-goers having fun. The Doberman was looking over them all, not jealous that they were having fun and he was stuck working - quite the contrary. He enjoyed seeing people having a good time. The thought of being one of those free spirits frolicking on the sandy beach, warmed by the light of the sun, and playing games with strangers that are too involved in the fun to care who they're playing with was all encompassing.


The voice exploded into the Doberman's ears, but he knew already it wasn't angry. The tone of the voice was loud to get his attention, but its aim was not to strike fear into his mind. Brock turned to his left and saw the elderly owner of store, a goat that wore a simple white apron over a muted green shirt and brown pants.

"Mr. Jiang!" Brock sighed and lowered his head a bit, embarrassed that he had been caught daydreaming.

"It is slow day," the goat said in the same matter-of-fact tone he always used.

The Doberman sighed again, tearing his gaze from the beautiful beach outside the window and back to the counter. "Yeah it is. Maybe we need a way to attract customers?"

"Maybe. Zat is good idea." There was a pause before the goat continued, "Ehh... no one want doughnuts today. We close early. I close up and you go have fun... like handzome young man should."

It always surprised Brock to know how perceptive the old goat was. He knew exactly what was going on with most anyone he saw - and Brock was no exception. He turned to face the goat, who only offered a smile to the younger man. "Thanks, Mr. Jiang."

"You welcome!" Mr. Jiang hugged the canine male and then set himself to task about cleaning up the shop and closing the store early. Brock was happy about the unexpected turn of events and quickly took his apron off and folded it neatly. He left the discarded garment on the glass counter top, giving the goat another warm hug before he left for the beach he was only a moment ago fantasizing about.

This was a beach city that he lived in, so Brock was always prepared by having his swimsuit in his car. He climbed into his pick-up truck, taking a moment to relish how the truck surrounded him with familiar sensations that felt it was hugging him. It was a bit awkward stripping his clothes off and tugging himself into the ice blue thong he liked to show off with. The tight fabric showed off all the right spots on his body, so he just slipped his shirt back and left. There was a small part of himself that felt guilty about leaving Mr. Jiang to clean up, but knowing the goat so he also knew that he wouldn't be welcomed back. The goat was stubborn, but selfless, and right now Brock was thankful for that.

The next few minutes were spent in relief as Brock easily found a place to park nearer to the beach, so he didn't have to leave his truck at the bakery. The scent of the warm salty air and the sounds of the waves always brought peace with them. It was like perceiving nature in all of its glorious action. He hadn't brought any food or drink with him so it might turn into a short stay today. Setting foot on the warm sand, however, brought with it the resolution to stay here as long as he could. There was a lot of hot guys at the beach today all having a good time, so Brock smiled while thinking about exactly what fun he wanted to have today.

There was a group of men playing volleyball together and they offered Brock a spot in the game, which he did consider. Their tight athletic bodies making the Doberman even hotter than the temperature. Each jump showed off the men's strength and each landing showed off the weight in their speedos and thongs. They knew they were getting looked at - and not just from Brock. The Doberman waved them off, deciding not to join their game now that he had a new reason to be here.

"That was a hot game to watch," Brock said to himself while continuing his aimless journey down the beach. There were men of various shapes and sizes that caught his eyes, so he felt spoiled for choices on a partner to help him scratch his sexual itch. There was so much choice that Brock felt lucky and when he felt lucky he liked to push it to see how far he could go. While he did enjoy most men - and any of these sexy men would do right now - Brock had a thing for scales and set them as a priority as he walked along the sand.

After a few more minutes of walking, Brock was about to give up on his search for a scaly hunk to have some fun with when-

"YES! You lose!"

Brock turned towards a pop-up bar set up on the beach underneath a large sturdy canopy. There were only a few tables, but all the men and women sitting at those tables were looking towards the center table. There was enough space that Brock could see a wolf throwing some cards down on the table in frustration, but the other male was what captured his attention. The wooden chair seemed to strain to support the buff, dark-skinned tyrannosaurus' weight. His gray body was only covered by a tight pair of swim trunks that - like every other male on the beach today - left nothing to the imagination. From his perspective, Brock could clearly see the round mounds of the rex's butt cheeks, flexing as he celebrated his victory at some card game. His large tail was hanging off the side of the chair and as Brock moved his eyes up and took in all those luscious back muscles bulging with their own arousing power he knew - he had found the conquest for today.

Before he knew what he was doing, Brock found himself advancing towards the bar. The gathered crowd began to return to this own tables as the wolf stood up and stormed off in a rage, but he was focused on the hunky dinosaur. When he stood up too, Brock reached a hand out and touched the rex's shoulder.

"Whoa there, big guy, hold a second."

To look at the large male dinosaur, was to know that he was muscular with bulging, yet well-proportioned, muscles covering his tall masculine frame. But to feel those muscles under his hands and fingers derailed all of Brock's other thoughts as he got lost in an all-consuming flash of sexual heat. His thong got tight quickly as he groped the muscles in the gray-scaled arm, imagining getting pinned by those arms as the nameless theropod.


Brock looked up at the slab of man meat, surprised by the unexpected voice, "Uh... what?"

"My name is Seth. If you want to play cards with me, you can sit down. But if you don't want to lose your arm you better get your hand off me."

The smile the tyrannosaur was sporting confused Brock, but believing it was some form of teasing he removed his hands. "Fine, fine."

Brock made a show of compliance by removing his hands from the dino dude, but as soon as the big slice of beefcake turned around - and showed off his fine ass again - there was an audible strike of skin on clothed skin. Brock had swatted those delicious looking butt cheeks, keeping his hand there with a grin, "I'll just have to put them somewhere else."

Seth was surprised by the smack to his nearly exposed posterior. He turned slowly to glare at the smugly smirking canine, all of his friendly banter was gone now. This canine wanted some fun, did he? Seth unsheathed his claws and in one swift movement sliced the cotton shirt right off the frightened dog's body.

"AHH! What the-?!"

"You slapped my ass in public and now you're suddenly sheepish when I want to play too?" Seth grabbed the furry chest, groping the large pecs with strong hands. "Oh yeah, we're going to have some hot fun."

Brock was thinking about pushing the dino away and was beginning to wonder why it hadn't happened yet. Then he realized that his arms were held behind him now - secured in pair of handcuffs that seemed to appear out of nowhere. He looked back up into the hungry dominant eyes of the sexy reptile and felt a cool chill rush over his body. But he also felt the warmth of his arousal radiating from his tight thong.

"You seem a bit...constricted. Don't worry, pup, I can help you with that." Another swift and careful swipe of his sharp claws brought the canine's aching erection into Seth's view.

"Hey! Let me go, you je-!" Brock was cut off by something being shoved into his mouth. He blushed and with a furious expression as he saw the tattered remnants of his own thong wedged into his mouth, with Seth tying the thong around his muzzle to stop any further use of his voice.

Seth grabbed a shoulder and roughly pushed the dog down across a table, forcing him to bend over. He used his own legs to push the furry leg's apart, exposing that sweet little donut hidden between the mountains of muscle. The wooden table creaked under the weight, but Seth held the dog firmly against it. His own body was still covered by tight swim shorts, but with a grin they disappeared off his body as if dissolved by some unseen force. The tyrannosaur's junk came exploding out as the tension was loosed and the mammoth meat pole landed with a thud on the dog's butt and lower back.

The spontaneity of the situation meant that no one watching was prepared for the show, but now that it was here no one was leaving. All eyes were on them, but Seth didn't care about them. No, he had a puppy to train. "You feel my dick on your spine? You're going to take it all... right up to my balls. But before that, I like to soften my toys up a bit. Mumble anything if you want that."


"Great." Seth kept a hand on the canine, keeping him held firmly in place as he spit on the furry butt. He chuckled as the male struggled for freedom he wasn't going to get. But there was something he was going to get - whether he wanted it or not. With his free hand he scooped up his own saliva and began to rub it into the cleft between the pronounced buttocks.

Humiliation burned in Brock's face with a heat so intense it was visible even under his black fur. He tried in vain to get the gag out of his mouth, but every time he tried to push it out with his tongue he tasted the small bit of precum he left there before they were slashed off. He knew that also meant he was aroused just before getting stripped naked - and that he was still aroused by this brute manhandling him. The other patrons were just watching him get prepared by this masculine stud; the embarrassment keeping his arousal red-hot.

"I knew you were a slut when I first smelled you," Seth said as he worked his fingers inside the canine's tight ass. "I can feel you clenching on my fingers like a bitch in heat."

Some of the men in the crowd laughed at that, making Brock feel even more exposed. Brock growled and tried using his upper body strength to push himself up off the table. He managed an inch or two before he felt the hand at his back renew its strength and drive him back down against the sturdy wood.

"Naughty puppy." Seth pulled his fingers free and used his large hand to swat the helpless butt cheeks hard with more than a few strikes. Each hard impact sounded delicious to Seth and only added to the glorious sight of seeing the dog squirming on the table. The butt cheeks had started to turn red under the harsh swats, the large hands easily able to cover both buttocks so there was no relief. The heat in the cheeks making Seth smile as he dipped his hands and swatted the male's thighs too. A few firm swats at each thigh was all Seth wanted to do as he pulled his hand away and pulled the dog up to his feet. "This has turned into a fun day, hasn't it? But don't worry, it can always get better."

Brock's eyes went wide as he was spun to face the domineering dinosaur, then another rough push backward forced him to lay his back on the table. For Brock, a large and muscular male Doberman, it was strange to find someone that would be willing to be this rough with him. This guy was indeed a strong male and Brock was being put on display as his conquest. His legs were pulled up and open, once again, exposing the hole that would be ruined by this brute. Brock tried to pull away, but he was in no position to mount an escape with his arm tied behind him and his legs seized by stronger hands.

Seth eyed his target and pressed the thick head of his cock to the entrance, taking pleasure in the wide-eyed expression of the dog once he felt just how big the scaled tool was. The power he had over the other male was exquisite and while he wanted to enjoy himself a little longer, his sex drive was engaged and there would be no slowing down. He drove his hips forward hard as if his cock was a battering ram. The tight ring offered what resistance it could, but the force of the thrust ensured the dinosaur's dong punched its way in. The pressure from the tight ring of muscle trying in vain to squeeze him out made the rex grin with wicked glee. He set himself to the task of pounding that tightness out of the dog and began to fuck him hard on the table. The wood creaked under the weight, but Seth wasn't careful - he dared the table to break.


Brock wanted to scream out all of his pained sensations as he was pounded relentlessly by the gray brute. But it seemed with the gag in his mouth there was no relief from the pressure building in his body. He knew he would be feeling the sensations anyway, but not being able to moan or scream out made it seem as though the sensations were even stronger. He could only squirm as the solid schlong struck his prostate and slowly shifted his pain into pleasure. The rough thrusts were making his body cringe as the beef cake went at him like some great feral beast. There was no restraint and the impacts spanked his ass as if he was being hit by a steel paddle. He clenched his fists trying to fight off the crushing sensations, but it was fruitless fight. He was right where the other male wanted him and there was nothing he could do - a fact that made his own stiff tool throb with even more precum slinging out of the bouncing shaft.

"You're making a mess puppy," Seth teased, grabbing the dog's cock and stroking him just as fast as his thrusts were coming. He squeezed the cock in his hand mercilessly and watched the canine trying to withstand the barrage of pain and pleasure. The sensations clearly overloading the male's brain as his body twists and squirms trying to escape them, but still Seth didn't stop. The impacts of his thrusts sent rippling waves of force through the muscular male's body and sounded like wet gunshots with every collision, but still Seth didn't stop. The muffled cries sounded of desperate pleasure with a fountain of precum spewing from the penis he was pumping, but still Seth didn't stop.

The warm beach air washed over Seth's taller frame as he had his way with the smaller male - well, smaller to him. Seth let go of the cock he was jerking off and instead grabbed the male's arms, lifting him up from the table. He shifted his feet to adjust his balance as he began to bounce the dog on his lap, supporting him just by his hard cock inside his ass. Seth continued to assault the canine's ass with thrusts, but assisted by gravity the impacts felt even more rough, making the gagged male groan even louder.

"Still begging for more, huh?" Seth had to admit, the sexy dog had a hot ass that had been milking him expertly since he started. He felt himself closing in on his orgasm and he hoped the dog was too, because he wasn't going to slow down. With a mighty roar he picked up the dog's weight as high as he could with his cock still inside the warm tunnel and then, with a crashing thud, brought the man to bear upon the table they had been fucking on.

The crowd gasped, Brock grunted in pain, and Seth growled. But he lifted the dog again, pounding him a few times as he put his power on full display. He threw the dog back onto the table again, with loud cracking noises silencing the cheering crowd. Seth growled in frustration as he was so close to his orgasm! He humped the dog with reckless abandon, hammering his abused hole with all the power his large frame could generate. The cock that was trapped between his scaled chest and a set of furry abs was blasting globs of precum as a signal of the other male's nearing climax. Seth picked up the squirming bitch again and roared in defiance of his teasing orgasm, slamming the dog into - and this time through - the table, cracking the wood and dropping them both to the floor underneath. The impact of this action drove the thick scaled cock into Brock's body with such force that both men screamed in unison. Seth roared in triumph as he shot his cum into the male's ass, pumping his guts full of dinosaur cum and thrusting to keep the cum inside the furry ass.

Brock too hit his climax but had no control over himself as his hard-throbbing cock erupted. The hot cum was slung all over the bar and his own body, but Seth caught the spurting member and wrapping his lips around the tip, sucking the cum straight from his balls. After a few moments, he relinquished the cock and pulled out of Brock. The dog was panting in the gag still tied into his mouth, but he felt himself get yanked up to his feet and hefted over the broad scaled shoulder.

With a firm smack to the abused butt cheeks, Seth grinned widely as he said, "You're coming with me. We're going to have so much more fun at my place." Leaving the beach without even getting dressed again, Brock was in no position to say no... not that he wanted too. Wherever this hunk was taking him would be a good place as long as he was just as rough in private as he was in public.

~~F~~ I ~~N~~