First time at the club

Story by kleet on SoFurry

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A commission for Atypicalfox on FA.

Stadler adjusted the collar around his neck. It chaffed a little, but it was apparently dress-code for the new club he was hoping lived up to the hype. The forums he frequented said it was seedy, which to him meant "perfect for showing off his body". The tall collar was yellow and red striped, with a thick black faux-leather border. It was the cheapest on in the nearest adult shop. It showed over the collar of his trenchcoat as he hurried to the club's entrance.

Inside, the place was not the bustling club he expected. Instead, a dark and crowded bar greeted him. Looking around, there was a lot of body (and bits!) on display. Towering doms and rubber-bound gimps wandered around, mixed in with more typical fetish-wear patrons.

"Well, I'm in the right place" Stadler said, his tail swishing slowly in anticipation. He spotted the cloakroom and checked his trench coat in, the small dachshund in a bell-hop uniform taking it from him and gasping at what lay underneath: the entirety of the cross-fox's pelt on full display. A thin harness and hip-hugging boxers were the only things blocking the greys and browns of the fox's body. Stadler took the receipt stub and placed it into the waistband of his boxers before walking away.

He started moving towards the bar, carefully moving through the crowd. Many of the larger patrons were holding leashes, their collared subs kneeling or crawling on the floor under them. Stadler could feel his cock trying to swell inside its cage at the sight of the less lucky subs, the ones with their limbs tied up so they had to crawl on knees and elbows.

A "pig" (apparently a cat in pink latex) began oinking nearby, distracting the cross-fox just long enough for him to bump into a towering bear dressed in black leathers. The grizzly turned around, the angry look on his face quickly turning into a mischievous smirk.

"What we got here, foxy. In a hurry to get somewhere and not looking where you're going?" the bear asked, Stadler's tail curling between his legs as the figure loomed over him.

"S-sorry, uh... sir?"

"It's Brutus. And I'm liking what I see here. You lookin' for someone, foxy?"

"Uh... it's Stadler, and -"

"I don't care about yer name, foxy. I'm asking if you wanna have some fun" Brutus said, one hand running over his black and yellow striped collar.

Stadler started smiling, realising that he found what he was looking for.

"Sure! I'm up for some fun times. What do y-yah!"

Stadler's question was cut off as Brutus reached out and grabbed him by the o-ring on the frond of his harness, pulling him closer and lifting him so he was pinned against the bear's large tummy.

"Let's get to one of the fun rooms, foxy. I've been drinking a while and could use a lil' relief"

Stadler tried not to squirm in the bear's tight hug as he was carried to one of the sides of the room, a row of mostly open doors showing small rooms stocked with various equipment. Brutus headed for one with a toilet symbol on it, but inside was just a mostly empty room, some chains lining the walls and a large wooden trunk in one corner. He placed Stadler down near the wall, turning him around to face the bear and quickly locking his hands in manacles.

"Brutus... uh... what are you doing?"

"You still don't know? Real easy, foxy. I'm gonna get a funnel, and I'm gonne stick it in yer mouth. And then yer gonna drink all the piss I put in it. Or, you'll drown. That sound like fun?"

Stadler could feel his cock pressing against its cage, the abuse he was receiving pushing several of his buttons. His adventurous side was slowly overcoming his nerves. He could see Brutus pulling out a black hood that looked too small for him, and a very large funnel. A short hose linked the two.

"Open wide, boy" Brutus said, turning the hood inside-out so the 3 inch dildo that filled the muzzle could be seen. "Last chance to back out, foxy. Once this is in, it won't be coming out of that mouth until I'm done"

"I... I'm a little nervous. But, I wanna do this."

"Then open up and take it"

The rubbery dick slid into Stadler's open mouth, not enough to cause him to gag, but enough to stop him talking. A steel ring slid just behind his front teeth, preventing him from biting down, and then the rubber was slowly slid over his head by the bear. He quickly realised there were two very small nose holes, the only way he could breathe normally was through the hose connected to the funnel. He shut his eyes as the rubber rolled over his head, the tight hood quickly snapping into place around his neck. His hearing was muffled, but he could still make out the sound of the bear unzipping.

Soon, hot bitter liquid began to fill his mouth. He started gulping it down, surprised at the volume the bear was producing. After a few gulps, he paused to take a deep breath through his nose. He could hear a bit of gurgling from the pipe as the piss began to back up.

"The fuck you doin' cheating like that, foxy? You breathe when you're done, and you better not let this funnel over-fill. Wasting my piss is a crime, and you don't wanna know the punishment"

Stadler was gulping down another mouthful when he felt the bear's hand cover his nose.

Fuck, this guy knows how to play rough!, Stadler thought. He started swallowing quicker, downing larger mouthfuls of the potent warm piss. Soon, he needed another breath.


"Keep going, fox"


Stadler started thrashing slightly, making it known that he needed to breathe.

But the bear just kept pissing, until the funnel was filled. Brutus' expression darkened as he felt the fox attempt to thrash his head around to free his nose. Soon, the fox was forced to exhale, air shooting into the funnel and spraying urine onto both of them. But as he breathed in, his lungs filled with the foul liquid. His body kept struggling, but weaker now. And weaker. A few more bubbles crept up through the hose, the fox's body convulsing and then finally going limp.

"Such a fucking disapointment. Couldn't even drink a few gallons, eh? No wonder yer collar's so clean."

Brutus removed the fox's chains, letting the body fall to the floor and the urine flow to a nearby drain.

"Well... maybe there's something useful under yer boxers at least. Gotta get some use out of ya"

IIRO - dragonkin executioner

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Incomplete ideas relating to orcs

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