How Long Can They Last?
vignette knew that kiba was going easy on him.
Sometimes, I sit here and ponder how my imaginary friend that I put on paper would act in response to an imaginary stimulus. How would combat would work if we could shoot flames from our fingertips? How much slowly immolating hate can a good man take...
Hey Puppy~
#18 of patreon reward vignettes first vignette for fa: circutron and last vignette of march! so, circ has a variation on his sona that is himself with his lewdness turned up to eleven and satyr attributes.
That's the Boss?
#29 of patreon reward vignettes first vignette for fa: kobaltthewolf kobalt wanted to do a video game kind of thing with his character using his powers to take down a dragon, who is the boss of the dungeon he's been soloing.
Daddy's Forever
#89 of patreon reward vignettes finally getting back to posting. the last few vignettes i posted in my hiatus were causing my wrists to act up.
Shaking Things Up
Fa: honorablethief 's review on patreon: i love beastars even as this vignette from last month is being posted publicly the vignettes on my patreon for this month are going up!
#8 of patreon reward vignettes for his second reward vignette, i had another bad end to offer fa: spottedsqueak though i'm not sure how much of a bad end it is....
Melting You Down
#56 of patreon reward vignettes another second person pov vignette, fa: basilsanguine 's fourth, but his seventh vignette overall! you've ordered a nice slow churn in clover's stomach at in the mix.
Between Jaws and Jowls
#53 of patreon reward vignettes fifth vignette for kent fa: womblesfan badger! direct followup to treating the cold. craig is still at the ski lodge and runs into gerome when he's off-duty.
Tongue Bathing
#46 of patreon reward vignettes due to recent events i had to take a break from uploading for a bit. getting back into the schedule with the fourth vignette for fa: saki directly following up from heat on the beach.
Unexpected Massage
#28 of patreon reward vignettes the randomizer wheel i used when deciding which vignette to write decreed who was last in april was first in may!fa: honorablethief wanted a followup to wet sauna, dry sauna!
Possessed and Processed
#50 of patreon reward vignettes second vignette for lengban, following up from hitting it in the showers!