Teaser: Love Potion #9 - Part 5

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#20 of Teasers

The return of a long-dead series, summoned zombie-like from the grave. Adam Lanksy finds out that life as a dog doesn't HAVE to be boring.

In one week the full version will be posted, but if you want early access for this story and all my stories, please consider pledging your support at the $3 level on Patreon! Please consider pledging your support at www.patreon.com/thakur

I'd made it three more days without getting caught by Bruiser. The sheer boredom of being a dog was the worst part for sure, though, and reading wasn't going to cut it. I was going to have to whine at Janet until they put a T.V. in Sarah's room.

I'd been a female Doberman for only a week, and I had 11 more to go before I'd finally give birth. I felt like I could_feel_ the disgusting little puppies squirming around inside me, even though I knew that was impossible. What a nightmare! But I knew I deserved it. Well, maybe not this exactly, but considering what I'd tried to do to get Janet into bed, I had at least settled with myself that I would be a better person. Once I was no longer a dog.

I could smell Bruiser, even though he was downstairs, and I was certain he could smell me, too. My heat was still raging, and I was grateful (and disappointed) that the big Doberman was locked away from me. But the itch was incredible. I'd taken to ripping off my diaper immediately, licking myself a hundred times a day, but my tongue could never satisfy that itch. Only Bruiser (and Janet) had managed that.

I might have suffered like that in silence for the rest of my captivity if it hadn't been for Sarah getting sick. She got dropped off by her mother, sneezing constantly, with a wicked cold she'd probably gotten from Daniel. She spent the afternoon in bed, trying to sleep. But with hours to go before the rest of the family would get back, Sarah changed my forced confinement forever. Coughing, she said, "If I can't sleep, I might as well enjoy myself."

My eyes went wide, sitting on the floor, as the thirteen-year-old girl reached over to her nightstand, rooting around in the very back, before procuring an odd-shaped device. It took me a few seconds to realize what it was - a battery-powered dildo! How had she gotten one of those!? I had to suspect Janet. I guess it made sense. I knew now that girls really did feel just as horny as boys. I dropped my jaw, realizing she was going to use it right now, right in front of me.

She tossed off the bedcovers, her naked body shivering in the cold, holding the device with her right hand. From where I was sitting near the foot of her bed, I could see it all - her bare, spread legs, her lightly-haired mons pubis, even her small breasts. I mean, I had watched her getting covered by Daniel Tomlinson, but this was completely different. The disgusting classmate wasn't blocking my view of the attractive eighth-grader, as she did something so, so very naughty.

There went any thought of becoming _less_horny. I licked my lips, eyes locked between her legs, totally forgetting my resolve to be a better person as she lowered the buzzing, vibrating tip to her pussy.

"Oh!" she gasped, sniffling as she pushed the device deeper. She'd done this before, that was clear, and she knew what she was doing, pushing it in just a few inches. It trembled there between her legs, and soon the teenager was pumping her hips and moaning, "Daniel..."

Like her sister, she had terrible taste in guys, and I flattened my ears whenever she called out the boy's name, but it didn't matter. I could see and _smell_everything, her thick juices starting to coat the head of the dildo. I panted, hopping up to get a better look, but she was too distracted to notice or care what "Addie" was doing.

"Daniel!" she gasped again, spreading her legs wider. I watched every sweaty ripple of her smooth mound, her soft folds parting easily for the toy. "What are you doing? I told you to use a condom!" she panted.

He'd wanted to fuck her without one, but she'd demanded it. I licked my lips, realizing that her resolve there wasn't nearly as strong as I'd thought. She was getting off to the idea of the fourteen-year-old giving her a nice, wet creampie. Did she want to get pregnant, or was this just a new fantasy?

"No...stop, get off me!" she moaned, still grinding herself against the vibrator. My eyes widened again, and I climbed closer, half-way on the bed now. She was imagining him _raping_her. Maybe she _did_deserve an asshole like Daniel? "Don't!"

I was drawn by my nose, hopping onto the foot of the bed, now just a few feet from her grinding, sweaty hips. This wasn't Janet. Sarah had no idea I was anything other than a dog. She smelled so good. Discarding every last thought about being a good person, I stepped up right between her legs and licked. My tongue touched soft, inner thigh, before colliding with her pussy and the toy.

"Hey!" she gasped, dropping the vibrator and staring down between her legs at me. "What do you think you're doing!?"

Now, her wet cunny was free and open. I ignored the young girl, licking again - this time landing a hit directly on her slit. Hands jumped to my head, pushing me away. "Stop that!" she yelped.

I was too strong, and I knew what she really_wanted was someone to ignore her. Digging my hind feet in, I pushed up again and licked her, pushing my wide, wet tongue between her easy lips. She smelled good, and tasted _great. I'd certainly developed a taste for dogcum, but this was almost as good. I curled my tongue and guzzled the thirteen-year-old, gulping fast.

"Ohhhh, Addie!" she whined, still trying to push me away, but her legs were obediently spread as I began to eat her out. I slurped deep, enjoying her weak little humps. "W-we can't," she gasped. "This is...wrong..."

That was all the resistance Sarah was able to muster.