Birthday Breedings

Story by ElijahHusky on SoFurry

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#3 of One-Shots

Birthday present for my one and only!

Long time no see! I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything, so what better than to drop some random smut? Well, not totally random I suppose, as it's my favorite shep's birthday today! He really wanted me to write a story for him as a present, so I whipped this up for him! He's got no idea what it's about, so I'm hoping he enjoys it! Apologies if there are grammatical errors, it's been a while since I've broken out the writing, I'm rusty! Hope you all enjoy, feel free to leave a fav/rating if you liked it, and I'll see you all at the bottom of the page! -Elijah

"Thanks for coming! Drive safe you guys!" I shouted as I waved to the last of the last of our friends who'd come over to help celebrate Riley's birthday. It had been a great success, most of the night was spent playing drinking games and joking around with good friends. As I closed the door, I turned to find said shepherd standing over me and eying me hungrily, his eyes glazed over with lust.

"Party's over, little curl. You're mine now." I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he whispered in my ear, and I shuddered gently at his words. He'd been touchy-feely all night, giving gentle gropes and ear nips at every chance he could. We'd sworn off any sexual activity for the week to ensure that tonight would be one to remember, and it was having an adverse effect on him in combination with the alcohol.

"W-We should probably clean up-" he shut me up by pushing his lips firmly against mine, and I couldn't help but exhale with a low whine into his muzzle as I kissed him back eagerly. He pressed himself up against me, and I could feel the warm bulge in his jeans press against my shirtless belly, the article of clothing having been lost sometime during the party. My paws slid underneath his red tight-fitting shirt, feeling the toned yet not overly pronounced muscles along his abdomen and chest. A blush consumed my face as one of his large paws found its way down to cup my rump, causing my eagerly wagging curly tail to gently thump against his paw on each backswing. He finally relented the lip-lock and nipped at the side of my muzzle as he spoke.

"We'll take care of it in the morning, pup. For now, you have more important matters to attend to." He said with a playful growl in his voice. Taking one of my paws, he led us through the messy house towards the bedroom. He sat me down on the edge of the large king-sized bed before closing the door behind him, turning back to grin hungrily down at me. I found myself being pushed down on my back on the bed, the tall shepherd gently lifting my legs so that he could step between them and push the ever-present bulge under my tail. My legs wrapped around his hips as he gripped my paws and pinned them over my head before leaning down to press his lips against mine again. I shuddered at the dominant behavior, surrendering a quiet moan into his muzzle as his tongue found its way into my muzzle, dancing with my own. My own pants were quite tight by now, and I was extremely eager to get out of them soon.

We laid there for many minutes grinding and making out on the edge of the bed before the shepherd finally pulled away for air. We both panted heavily, my face flushed and tail wagging rapidly between my legs. I grinned sheepishly up at him before tilting my head as he helped pull me up off the bed. My blush only grew redder as he gently tugged me towards the bathroom where he turned on the shower before turning back to me.

His jeans were tented visibly at this point, the outline of his length could very easily be seen through the constricted fabric. I knew it had to be uncomfortable, so my paws quickly set to work on his fly while the water heated up and soon his jeans were puddled at his feet. He stepped out of them as I sank to my knees on the cold tile floor of the bathroom and firmly pressed my muzzle against the obscene bulge the red jockstrap he'd worn that night. I'd seen plenty of it throughout the night as he teasingly tugged the back of his jeans down as a method of distracting the other team during beer pong. The musky scent permeating through the fabric was one of my guilty pleasures, I often found that I was never able to get enough of the scent no matter how long I spent between the shepherds' legs.

Steam began to fill the enclosed room as a paw landed on top of my head with a gruff chuckle, gently ruffling my head fur. Looking up at him with a smirk, I hooked my fingers into the elastic band of the jock and gently tugged it down, the latest article of clothing to fall to the shepherd's feet. I found myself face to face with the angry red rod belonging to the dog, who flexed the organ causing it to bump against my muzzle. A long, teasing lick was the first of many tastes I would receive that night as one paw cradled the low hanging sack between his legs, my other paw beginning to work on my own constraints.

I set my muzzle to work, drawing a quiet groan from the shepherd as I sunk down as much of his length as I could handle on the first go, lubricating the thick spire with saliva. With the button of my jeans popped, my own blue jock could be seen poking up between my legs, stretched by my own length. I continued working on his dick, muzzle bobbing along numerous thick inches as I tried to reach my nose to the fur around his groin. The paw on the back of my head grew more persistent, gently pulling me forward to help sink the last remaining inches into my maw, finally succeeding drawing a heavy groan from the taller dog. With that he tugged me off his length reluctantly, taking note of how one of my paws was gently tugging at my cock behind the fabric that was now tinted a darker blue as pre leaked through the jock. Helping me to my feet, the shepherd pulled the red shirt he'd been wearing off as I worked my jeans and jock the rest of the way down my legs, shaking them off into the pile of clothes before following him into the shower.

We both took some time to soak our fur thoroughly, lengths bobbing together in the warm water. I didn't notice the playful grin on the shepherd's face as he put his paws on my shoulders and turned me around to face the wall opposite of the shower head. I didn't have time to tilt my head back to see what he was up to before an involuntary moan was forced from me along with a throb as I felt his muzzle dig in under my tail. The sensation forced me up on to my toes as I searched for some sort of purchase on the smooth tile, wishing for something to hold onto.

Quiet whines and whispered swears escaped my muzzle as the shepherd's tongue wedged against my tailhole, trying to break through the resistant ring. Finally he succeeded, causing me to cry out as his paws firmly pulled my cheeks apart so he could better reach with his tongue. Biting my lip, I pushed my hips back against the invading muscle, nails dragging uselessly against the wet and slippery tile wall. My tunnel clenched hard around his tongue causing my length to bob in the warm, humid air, desperate for more of the incredible sensation rushing through my body. After a few minutes the shepherd pulled away, much to my dismay. I wasn't left hanging for long though as I felt his dripping body press in behind me, his swollen length resting under my tail. A low growl in my ear made me shiver and raise my tail higher against my back.

"I've been eying this tail all night in those tight jeans you were wearing, I've been wanting a piece of it all night..." He spoke in a low, gravely voice that was laced with the same growl. The hot water pelted his back as he shifted backwards ever so slightly, enough to place the tip of his length against my tailhole. He dragged his cock back and forth across my taint, breathing heavily in my ear. I closed my eyes and prepared for the initial penetration that I knew would hurt at first, but quickly flipped them open again as I heard the water turn off. I looked back at him quizzically, and the shepherd only grinned in response.

"Get dried off and meet me in the bedroom in a few minutes, pup." He emphasized the last word as he opened the door to the bathroom causing the steam to rush out of the room into the bedroom before closing it behind him. I quickly did as I was told, ears perked and listening to the occasional rustling occurring just outside the door, wondering what the bigger dog was up to. Upon opening the door with now mostly dried fur, I was met with the sight of the shepherd sprawled out on his back on the bed. The room was dimly lit with a few candles scattered about, enhancing the shimmer of both the dog's cock in his paw and his eyes as he watched me hungrily from his position on the bed. He beckoned me over with a finger and patted his lap, and I grinned as I crawled onto the bed and straddled the bigger dog's hips. His length was shiny, already lubricated and ready for action as his positioned himself under my tail.

"Ready, pup?" He asked quietly, though he didn't wait for an answer as he used one of his strong paws to pull my hips down towards his, sinking the tip of his cock into my entrance without much ceremony. I hissed quietly and bit my lip to keep from whining in pain as he stretched me out. Having not taken him in the past week had caused me to tighten up a bit, but the earlier rimming in the shower helped indefinitely. He stroked a paw gently up and down my back as he continued to guide me down his length, pausing at certain intervals to allow me to adjust. I could see the glimmer in his eyes as I stared down at him, a loving smile tugging at my lips as I finally bottomed out against him. I let out the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding as I fought to adjust to the thick cock buried underneath my tail, the first telling signs of his knot just beginning to appear as I squeezed around him.

After a few moments I began to lift myself off his length, pulling a quiet huff from the shepherd's lips as I let gravity drag me back down against him. I repeated this motion, beginning to quicken the pace after each descent. I placed my hands down on his chest, giving me leverage to continue bouncing along in the shepherd's lap. His paws found their way to my rear, hugging and groping it gently as I began to feel his hips beginning to roll underneath me in time with my movements. The next few minutes were a blur as the shepherd took over, pulling me down against his body as he pulled his legs in and used them as leverage to thrust his hips, dragging his cock along my insides before pushing firmly back inside. Each thrust forced some unmanly noise from my lips as the larger dog rocked my world, making me see stars as he pushed in to the hilt each time. My cock drooled between us as it rubbed against our belly furs.

A growl in my ear pulled me out of my trance as two strong arms wrapped around the small of my back, and I quickly found myself being rolled over onto my back, the shepherd's cock still wedged deep inside me. The thrusts started right back up as I now stared up at my lover, his lips drawn back ever so slightly in a snarl as his hips worked to saw his length in and out of me. Loud whines and moans flowed freely from my muzzle as I was taken roughly. The once neat and folded bedsheets were now completely disheveled as the once tender love-making session devolved into a passionate and wild breeding session. The larger dog began to lick and nip around my neck and collarbone as his hips moved like a blur, his churning balls slapping against the base of my tail. His knot was beginning to swell at this point, and if there was going to be any chance of shoving it home it would have to be soon.

"Grrrf, so tight... gonna tie you... fill you up..." the shepherd choked out the teasing words, trying to fight back the orgasm bubbling up in his loins. My own unattended cock was fully knotted and throbbing against my belly, the fur there sticky and matted with pre that drooled from my length with each firm thrust. I could only moan and nod my head at his words, unable to process any of my own words at the moment. With one particularly hard thrust, I felt his knot pop inside me, forcing a yelp from my muzzle as I feel it beginning to swell. Without much room to move, the shepherd's hips twitched and jittered as he raced towards his orgasm caused by the squeezing sensation around the ball of flesh.

Without any warning, I felt my own cock explode unexpectedly, quickly soaking the fur of my stomach and chest as I squeezed around the shepherd's length even harder, hurtling him over the edge. He lunged forward and bit down hard on my shoulder as his hips gave a few final pushes before beginning to flood my insides with his canine seed. He growled heavily around my shoulder as his length pulsed again and again, stars forming in my eyes as I was filled. He finally released his grip with his teeth a lapped gently at the mark he had left, before slowly working to move us onto our sides where we could rest comfortably as his cock continued to fill me. Each tug of his swollen knot inside me caused us both to gasp or grunt in pleasure. The room smelled of sex and seed, and each of us began to drift off in that position, the shepherd's cock pulsing inside me deep into the night.

I awoke the next morning extremely disoriented and drowsy, trying to recall the events of the day before. The party that night had been a blast, however after that was when things began to get fuzzy. A gentle snoring from the side opposite of me caught my attention, and as I rolled over I was met with the unpleasant sensation of something wet on the sheet under me. My paw dabbed at the substance, and a heavy blush covered my face as the combination of the sticky fluid strung between my fingers and the sore throb under my tail gave me an idea of what had happened the previous night.

The suspect slumbering shepherd was faced away from me as I rolled over, and I grinned happily as I wrapped my arms around his sleeping form and cuddled up against his back, enjoying his warmth. I was beginning to doze off once again, however the shepherd's tail, which was pinned between our bodies, began to wag slightly. I chuckled as he gave a gentle kick, and realized he must have been dreaming. His tail was unintentionally tickling the tip of my sheath however, causing me to squirm slightly against him. An idea popped into my head, and I was eager to pay the shepherd back for the breeding he'd given me.

I slid up his body slightly so that my sheath pressed against his rump, where I began slowly grinding along the cleft of his rear. My hips rolled gently, trying not to wake the usually light sleeper. He was obviously still feeling the effects of the alcohol and the vigorous activity from the previous night, and he would appreciate this type of wake-up call. My sheath swelled quickly with the pleasant sensations, the first inch or two of my length peeking from my tip.

Finding the lube that had been used the previous night, I slickened up and worked some fingers into my sheath, lubing some of the hidden length there. I listened to the gentle snoring of the shepherd as I pressed the tip of my cock under the larger dog's tail, chuckling inwardly at his hard sleeping. I held this position as his warm tunnel cradled my length, causing me to throb eagerly and more of my length to push forward into the warmth. It didn't take long for me to be fully hilted under the shepherd's tail, gently moaning at the sensation. One of my paws reached around to grip his sheath as I leaned up to whisper in his ear.

"Rileyyyyy... time to wake up, I've got one last birthday present I forgot to give you..." I spoke softly as I drew my length back before pushing back in firmly. A heavy inhalation of breath caused my ears to perk up and a grin to tug at my lips. The shepherd clenched around my length and chuckled drowsily tilting his head back to look at me. I kissed the tip of his nose as I pulled out before burying my muzzle against his shoulder and thrusting my length in once again, drawing a quiet moan from the shepherd. The shepherd was able to handle my length much easier than I could his, meaning I did not have to wait long for him to adjust to begin my thrusting. My hips humped eagerly, hitting flush against his rear each time.

"Silly pup couldn't -mfff- wait until I woke up, hmm?" The shepherd asked with a chuckle. I shook my head against his back and continued humping away at his warm tunnel which clenched around me perfectly. I wasn't sure how long I would be able to last, as my endurance had never been the best whenever I topped. I shifted my weight and pushed the shepherd over onto his stomach, clambering atop him keeping my length buried inside him. Placing both paws on either side of him, my hips worked hard against him, a firm slapping sound coming behind each thrust as my groin met his rump. After a while, the shepherd was no longer able to hold himself back, allowing the moans to fly out of his muzzle as I railed him.

Without meaning to, one particularly firm thrust shoved my knot into his passage, causing me to moan loudly as the ball of flesh swelled a bit, but I grit my teeth and tugged the orb out of him before forcing it back inside. I grinned at the noises being generated by the larger dog beneath me, evidently enjoying the sensation of my knot pressing against his prostate again and again.

Finally, with one final thrust I pushed my knot home and allowed it to swell up inside my lover, trying to hold off the rush of pleasure coursing through me. Eventually I was forced to give out as the dam burst and my balls unloaded the flood of husky seed. My breathing was labored as I collapsed atop the shepherd, licking behind his ears lovingly as I found myself growing drowsy once again. "Happy birthday, Shep..." I whispered quietly in his ear as I dozed off once again, the shepherd smiling lovingly back at me as he shook his head with a chuckle.

And that's that! For all the regular readers out there, I hope you enjoyed! And for my one and only if you're reading this, you're my world and I can't wait to see you in a couple of months, this time for good! That's all from me for now, take care! Stay fuzzy! -Elijah