A Pet is for Life

Story by TwistedSnakes on SoFurry

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Written by TwistedSnakes

Commissioned by DemonSoulz

The doors to Peryce Academy opened as a ton of students streamed in, all of them wearing the school uniform. The guys were dressed in a white shirt with a navy blue jacket, black pants and a red tie while the girls wore a white blouse, black skirts and high black stockings.

The crowd had consisted of many anthros from eagles to rabbits, dogs to mice. Everyone was walking down the hallway to their respective classes, stopping along the way to take their belongings from the rows of pale blue lockers lining the walls. There was a lot of noise and jostling as the students all talked in their cliques, each speaking louder to be heard over the noise.

Among the students was a lone dragon named Soul. His fur was mostly light blue, although the tip of his ears, lower maw was white. From the top of his collar, a little tuft of white fur was showing too. On the top of his head, he sported a thick mane of dark blue fur that hung down his back. Hunching his shoulders to remain small and unobtrusive in the sea of hustling students, he silently trudged his way down the hall.

He followed the signs, coming to a door labelled "Classroom 1-C". Two girls, a cat and a fox were obstructing the door, gossiping among themselves as they waited for a friend. Soul excused himself as he squeezed past the two girls, pushing the door open and entering the classroom. There were stares and hushed whispering as he entered, and he tried his best to ignore them as he went to sit at an empty desk. Positioning his white and blue tail so that he wouldn't be sitting on it, he rummaged in his bag, and pulled out his writing pad and some pens and dumped them on the table.

He drowned out the noisy classroom and lost himself in his writing pad sketches. He didn't notice the teacher, Mr Anderson, come in until the husky announced "Students, we have a new transfer student today. Soul, please come to the front of the class and introduce yourself."

Soul was started by the sudden invitation. "Crap," he thought to himself. He hated being in front of a crowd, and this was no exception. He didn't prepare an introduction either. However, he complied and plodded nervously to the front. He turned to face the class and saw thirty-nine students watching him expectantly. "Uh, hi," he began, "I'm Soul, and I moved here to Everton just last week. I hope to be able to get to know everyone and make friends." He inflected the last sentence, making it sound like a question instead.

"Okay, you can go back to your seat now," Mr Anderson patted his back.

Under his breath, Soul heaved a sigh of relief and briskly made his way back to his desk. The awkwardness of the class was too much for him, and he wanted school to end as soon as possible.

The bell signalling lunch break could not have come early enough for Soul. He kept looking at the clock throughout the class. "Does time really move that slowly?" he wondered. Tick, tock went the clock. He went back to sketching on his writing pad.

When the bell finally rang, he hung behind in the classroom as the rest of the class lost themselves in random chatter, and broke off in their groups to lunch. He followed the groups towards the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was spotless, from its white ceramic-tiled floor to its pale orange walls and pastel-coloured tables. The tables were packed with students engaged in conversation as they ate lunch. Joining the queue for lunch, he picked up a tray and collected his food.

He sat the tray down on the table. Grilled chicken doused with a thick, brown gravy, with sides of mashed potato, a bun and salad. The food smelled good, but Soul was in no mood to eat. With his fork, he poked the mashed potato, smearing it in arcs across the plate.

"Why did he have to move?" he pondered to himself. He thought about his friends in his hometown. Dylan. Nigel. Blake. If he was back there, they'd be finishing up their final year of high school now. Instead, he was stuck in this place, where all the seniors have their own clique and didn't care for any more.

Soul sighed. What were his friends doing now? Did they miss him? He looked at his plate. The mashed potato had been flattened into a thick, hard layer at the bottom of his plate. Ugh. He picked up the chicken drumstick with his clawed hands and ate it.

Leaving the salad and bun untouched, he picked up the tray and walked over to a huge sign that read "TRAY RETURN POINT". A large green arrow pointed from the sign down to a table, where containers filled with dirty dishes were placed. He gently stacked his tray on top of a gravy-smeared plate and turned around. "Oof!" he bumped into someone, almost knocking the plate off the person's tray. "Sorry!" Soul called out, looking at the person. He was a wolf with jet-black fur and white underside. The wolf scowled at him and returned his tray.

As the wolf walked off, Soul quickly went over. "Hey! Sorry about the tray thing," he apologized. It was only the first of school and he didn't want to make enemies early on. He looked up at the muscular wolf, who stood a head taller than him. Soul couldn't help but gulp silently.

The wolf grunted. Was that an apology, or was he going to bear a grudge? Soul waited expectantly for a reply. Some jocks were messing around behind the wolf. "Hey Buster, whatcha doing there? Talking to that squirt?" a bear from the group popped up behind the wolf with his hooves on his shoulders. Buster turned to look at look at the bear, one eyebrow raised sceptically.

"Uh okay, I'll go leave you guys alone then. We're heading back to class. And don't mess that runt up too badly! We got a game to play," the bear sauntered off with the group.

Buster looked at Soul with an untelling expression. Soul could feel himself sinking lower into the ground. His first day here and he was making a mess of things. All of a sudden, the wolf grunted and turned off to join his friends, leaving Soul with a stunned look on his face. "What," he said, his face full of disbelief.

Soul sighed. This was a bad choice. There was an American football match after school, and their school was playing against the team from a rival high school, Forinth. Soul didn't care about the sports rivalry between schools, nor did he give two hoots about the sport. His idea of a great afternoon involved sitting at home with a book, enjoying a cup of tea as sunlight streamed through the window.

However, if he wanted to fit in with his schoolmates, he would have to put in the effort for it. At least, that's what he thought when he heard about the game in class. Now he was seated on a wooden bench under the sweltering sun, surrounded by hundreds of sweaty students screaming and cheering in the stands, thoroughly regretting his decision.

He watched the football players on the field running around, throwing the football back and forth. He didn't understand the game at all: where he came from, football meant kicking a ball around to try and score in the opponent's goalposts. He should've read up on the rules before coming to see this game.

There was a huge roar from the crowd as the football soared over the Y-shaped metal structure, and the referee sounded the whistle in three short bursts. Was that a goal? Probably. The two teams went back to the centre of the field again, each team forming a line facing each other. His school's team was dressed jerseys in the school's colours: navy blue and white, while the other team had yellow-coloured jerseys.

There was a whistle, and the two teams crouched down slightly and charged at each other. There were loud thudding sounds as their helmets, face masks and armour bashed against each other. The captain of the Peryce team was running for the goal.

A player from the Forinth team tried to tackle him, but he dodged that player and run to the right. Another player charged at him, and he expertly bent lower, and threw himself upward at the other player, catching him by surprise. He made it all the way to the goalposts, and with a drop-kick sent the ball flying over the goalposts.

A deafening collecting roar arose from his school's section of the stands and boos and hisses from the Forinth section. Ugh, he had enough of this. Standing up, he pushed himself through the row of people of excited students standing up to cheer.

He followed a flight of stairs the led under the stands, and went along a corridor until he came to a toilet. He was feeling a little dizzy from the entire ordeal. Must have been the heat. The heat of the sun, and the bodies of a thousand enthusiastic students. Soul stumbled into a toilet cubicle and locked it. He lowered the seat of the toilet bowl and sat on it, massaging his temples.

Once the ringing in his head went away, he took out his earphones from his pocket. It came out in a jumble, and Soul disentangled the mess irritatedly. Plugging it into his phone and popping the earbuds into his ears, he started the radio and a soft gentle mix of instruments and vocals washed away his anxiety.

His reverie was broken when the toilet door was kicked open, and students streamed in to use the washroom. "Holy shit, that was an epic game!" one student declared.

"Did you see Buster's sick play? That drop-kick dude," another one piped up.

"I think that play alone was what won us the game"

Soul maxed out the volume on his earphones and waited until the horde of students disappeared out the door. Gingerly opening the door to check for people, he exited the toilet. He sighed. At least it was time to go home. He made a mental note to himself to never go for another football match again.

He walked down the stairs to the bottom of the stands. The coach of the football team seemed to be very happy with his team's performance, patting all of them on the back, and giving them high-fives. "Good job team!" he was shouting. "Play this way for the rest of the season and we'll have the Super Cup in no time. Now go home and get some rest. You boys all deserve it."

The team dispersed, going their own way. One of the players approaching Soul took off his helmet. It was the bear from earlier. "Hey, squirt! Still alive?" he called out. Soul was unsure how to respond. "Ey, you're pretty quiet. You okay?" Soul nodded.

"Mmm hope Buster didn't scare you earlier at lunch. He's not that kind of person."

Soul nodded again.

"Um, okay. Heading off now, see you 'round squirt!" the bear held his helmet under his arm and walked off.

Soul watched him go. He felt a paw on his shoulder, and he turned around and came face to face with a wolf. A wolf with a familiar coat of black and white underside. The sun was shining through his fur, giving him a hard, warm glow. Although his helmet was off, he was still wearing his sports armour, making him look bulky.

"You," Buster said.

"Me?" Soul squeaked.

"Uh huh. You must be the new kid," the wolf said matter-of-factly.

"Ye-yeah? What do you want?" the dragon stuttered nervously. His life flashed before his eyes. His first day of school wasn't even over and he was going to be beaten up by the wolf he accidentally bumped into.

"Nothin', just saying hi," the wolf said. "And I guess a 'welcome to Peryce academy' too."

"What? Are you going to beat me up?" he questioned nervously. If he was going to die he'd rather know.

"Beat you up?" Buster was visibly amused. "Why?"

"For bumping you in the canteen? You were staring at me with that killer look so I thought you wanted to beat me up but there's the game so maybe you wanted to wait until after the game before b-"

"Whoa whoa slow down there kid," he guffawed. "Nobody's beating anybody up."

"Oh," Soul grinned embarrassedly, blushing below his fur. "That's good, I guess."

"You're cute, kid," Buster commented, ruffled Soul's fur with his paw. "You watched the game?"

"I, uh, yeah?"

"So what's the score?"

Soul stood stunned for a moment. He did watch it, but not till the end. He didn't know the score. "I mean uh, there was the kick and cheering and then we won?" he said cautiously.

Buster guffawed again. This kid was the funniest thing since sliced bread. "You don't like football, do you?"

Soul thought about his next words. It was true he didn't like football, but this isn't something you say to the football superstar in the school, not especially after the team just advanced to the next round of the tournament. He needed to think of a way to be tactful.

"No," he blurted out. "Buster is so going to kill me now," he thought.

"That's fine," Buster grinned, "then why are you still here?"

"I wanted to support the school team, I guess. Since I'm new and all..."

"Well, we accept your support then, haha," he grinned. "Hmm,"

"Hmm?" Soul repeated.

"Actually, there is a way you can help support our team."

"There is?" Soul had a mental image of himself in football garb, charging through a tangle of sweaty players while trying to avoid their grubby, muddy hands, finally being tackled and pinned to the ground by an overweight hippo. If this was an offer for him to play on the team, he would decline it in a heartbeat.

"Yeah. So you saw the hawk mascot that Forinth school had?"

Soul nodded. Despite the overwhelming experience, he could still recall a yellow-feathered suit walking around on the field.

"You see, every time an opposing team scores a touchdown, their mascot would come and taunt us and rub it in. Every time we score, their mascot will go and cheer their team up. And how about us?" he scoffed.

"I guess we need a mascot?"

"That we do kid, except nobody can wear it. It's a dragon suit, so only dragons will fit into it. The rest of us end up with floppy bits everywhere. So that's where you come in. You're a dragon. Which means you can wear this suit. You can be our mascot!"

"Uhh..." Soul muttered. The thought of him in a mascot suit under the sweltering sun didn't sound appealing to him.

"Well, tell you what. Want to try on the suit, and we can see how it looks? If you don't like it, I won't push it. Sounds good?" he flashed Soul a smile.

"Okay," he reluctantly agreed.

"Come, follow me," Buster beckoned, leading Soul across the field. Soul could get a good view of the wolf from the back. The armour gave Buster's shoulders a very wide look. However, Soul could make out Buster's athletic muscles from under the tight shirt.

Buster's tail was poking out on top of his compressions pants, swishing confidently behind him. The compressions also brought out the curves of his butt, which Soul repeatedly stole glances from as he blushed abashedly.

They reached a shed in the corner of the field, and Buster took out the keys and unlocked it, revealing a storeroom filled with sports equipment. There were cones, hurdles, medicine balls, weights and many more. Buster flicked a switch, turning on a single light bulb which bathed the room in a dim glow.

He went over to an unmarked cardboard box in the corner and searched through it. "Ah," he mumbled as he pulled out a dusty transparent Ziploc bag. Gently opening it, he pulled out a shiny red bodysuit, still in good condition. "Found it," he announced. "What do you think?"

Soul reached out and felt the suit's material. It was made out of latex, which explained its gleam under the light. However, there was a texture on top that gave it the look and feel of real scales. He could feel his heart beating faster. He wanted to try that suit on.

"Well, you got to take off your clothes before you can put that on," Buster teased.

"Wait what?" Soul looked at the suit. It was going to be a tight, stretchy fit on him.

"You heard me kid. If you don't take off your clothes you're gonna see a lot of wrinkles on the surface from all the fabric underneath," he instructed firmly.

"Well...okay," he gingerly pulled off his tie and coat, laying them on a chair. Buster, in the meantime, seated himself on the second chair. "Could you look away?"

"What? Don't be shy kid. My buddies and I see each other naked in the locker rooms all the time," Buster prompted.

"Okay..." he reluctantly agreed as he unbuttoned his shirt and hung it on the chair. He took off his shoes, socks and then his pants, leaving him in his tight, black trunks.

"Everything's got to go off kid. You see the zip in front and behind? It'll let you use the bathroom while in the suit. You can't use it if your underwear is going to be blocking the way," he explained gently.

Soul slipped off his underwear too, leaving him stark naked and a little awkward with Buster.

"Hey kid, no need to be shy. You have a nice body too, so there's no need to hide that. He came over and rubbed Soul on his head. Soul blushed in response and tried to put on the suit.

He had trouble putting on the suit. It kept getting stuck on his fur as he tried to slide his foot into the leg of the suit. "Hmm, looks like you need lube" Buster suggested. He rummaged through the cardboard box again, pulling out some disposable latex gloves and a white bottle with a nozzle at the top.

"Here, give me your paws," he instructed, squirting some of the lube on Soul's paws. Soul rubbed it over his feet and legs, and he slid his legs smoothly into the suit. His feet were now the claws of a red dragon, complete with detailed foot paddings. He repeated the same with his tail, sliding it down the rubber sleeve.

"Here, use more. Get your chest, and I'll get your back. Soul smeared the liquid all over his chest, getting it under his arms and over his torso. In the meantime, Buster was rubbing his back in a firm circular motion.

"I think that should be enough," Buster said. Soul snapped out of his trance. He was beginning to enjoy the attention Buster was giving to him. Pulling the neck of the suit upwards, he slipped his arms down the armholes and his paws through the glove. Buster grabbed the ends, and pulled up the zip on Soul's back, and rubbed Soul's back.

The suit fitted him tightly, bringing out his muscular curves, and he admired the suit, rubbing his padded paws together and getting a feel of the material.

"Mask," Buster stated, pulling out a mask. "Last piece, and you can decide if you want to do this." He smiled to himself, knowing the excited dragon wouldn't turn him down.

Soul rubbed the liquid all over his face and hair, and Buster helped him into the mask. "You'll need to open your mouth," Buster warned, before pressing him deeper into the mask. Soul felt a plastic tube go close to the back of his throat, with a bent portion going a little down his gullet. It was a weird feeling. The front of his maw was still free, allowing him to move his tongue and feel his lips. The tube near the back of his throat was positioned by the plastic bits on the left and right that stuck out the sides of his mouth and attached to the hood.

It felt like a gas mask: his head was in rubber, and he was looking out through black-tinted lenses that formed the eyes of the dragon mask. He was now a red dragon, the mascot of Peryce academy.

"Is there a mirror?" he tried to ask, but the sound came out as a growling dragon. He tilted his head, looking at the wolf in surprise.

"Yeah, that's the mouth tube. When you speak, it sounds like a roaring dragon. Try shouting."

Soul took a breath and bellowed. The tube changed the quality of the sound, and a sound of roaring filled the shed.

"Very nice," Buster nodded. "Well, why don't you turn around, and I'll snap some pictures with my phone so you can take a look at yourself."

Soul complied and Buster took photos of the posing dragon, angling it so that the light from the bulb brought out the curves in the suit. Soul nodded in approval as Buster showed him the suit.

Buster rubbed the head of the rubber dragon, and the dragon purred contently.

After a few seconds of stroking, Soul tried to take off the mask to speak. He tugged at the flaps on his neck. "Wait, it's not coming off!" he cried, his voice coming out as an unintelligible growl.

"Huh?" the wolf looked confused. "What are you saying?"

Soul motioned to the suit, indicating that he couldn't remove it.

"Wait," Buster picked up the white bottle that he left on the ground. "Shit, I must've passed you the crafts glue instead of the suit lubricant."

Soul's eyes widened, but the lens hid his expression of fear. "Mrawr rorh rhuu?" he said.

"Still can't understand you buddy," Buster took a step back. "Shit. Well, I have some glue remover back at my place. I can drive you there. You fine with that kid?"

Soul nodded his head. Buster turned off the light in the shed and exited. He locked the door as Soul came out. The sun was starting to set. They made their way to the school car park and got into Buster's car. "Next stop: home. We'll get you out of there buddy."

"Well, welcome to my house," Buster beckoned as Soul entered. The living room looked comfy. There was an empty fireplace, and above it was a mantelpiece filled with various photos and trophies from his football matches. "He must really love football," Soul thought to himself.

"Here, make yourself at home," Buster pointed to one of the plush couches. Going over to the longest one facing the fireplace, Soul sat down.

"I'll go look for the glue remover," Buster said, and Soul nodded silently in response. Buster disappeared into a room, and the dragon distracted himself with the room. There was a coffee table in front of him, with a roll of newspaper and a remote control to the television that was mounted above the fireplace. Soul examined the newspaper. It was opened to the sports section. Not unexpected with Buster.

Buster came out of the room grinning. "Where is the glue remover?" he asked Buster, all of it coming out as muffled purrs. Buster didn't reply, instead advancing on the dragon. "Well, since you're here, I figured we could have a bit of fun," he said.

"Mffft!" Soul ran for the door, trying to turn the doorknob. His fingers were bundled up in the paw of the suit, leaving only useless mitt that slid off the metal knob. "Rargh mrrr!" he whimpered, as Buster snapped a collar with a leash on him.

Soul struggled against the leash, trying to get it off, but the mitts had left him helpless. Instead, he was getting pulled along by Buster to the couch. Buster laid himself on the full-length couch, leaning against the armrest. He yanked the leash closer to his waist, pulling Soul closer until his muzzle was nudging against his crotch through his compressions. Soul caught a whiff of Buster's scent and started feeling a bit light-headed.

"Nuzzle it, pet," Buster ordered.

"No!" he mumbled through the throat tube, and pushed Buster's thighs away, struggling against the collar to escape. Buster smirked at Soul's futile efforts. He pulled the leash tighter, causing Soul's writhing to end up nuzzling his crotch, albeit a little fast. "Good boy," he coaxed.

"MFFTTT!" he yelped. The wolf's musk was getting overwhelming. It was strong, but he felt somewhat attracted to it.

"Come here boy," the wolf commanded, and with his left hand he pulled the leash up behind his back, forcing Soul's front paws to stand on his football shoulder pads, and his hind legs to stand on the couch on both sides of Buster. "Good boy," he encouraged. "Stay."

His right hand rose up to Soul's buttcheeks, and he started stroking it gently. "Mfrrrr..." Soul moaned, slowly enjoying the attention his butt as getting. Buster located the zip in the middle Soul's crack, and with his claws he pulled the zip down, revealing Soul's tight ass. "HMFPT?" he yipped. "Anything!" he thought, "anything but my ass, please!"

Buster noticed Soul's struggling and pulled even tighter on the leash. He took out a silicone buttplug, painted a pinkish red to look like a canine's knotted cock. "Here boy, look at this."

Soul turned to see the dildo in the wolf's hands. He knew where that was going. "MRRRGHHHH!" he screamed even louder this time, yanking at the leash. As he pulled, the collar cut deeper into his neck, making it hard to breathe. Buster grinned evilly, and slowly pushed the tip of the dildo up Soul's reluctant ass. Soul was practically throwing himself around to try to escape, but his slim build was no match for the jock's muscular body.

Buster pushed the buttplug up, opening up Soul's tight ass and filling him. He started pushing it in and out, and Soul stopped struggling, afraid to hurt himself. The dildo was thrust in and out in increasing speed, and Soul soon found himself helplessly rocking his hips back and forth against the dildo. His own cock was getting hard, escaping his slit and pressing against the rubber suit.

Soul felt embarrassed at his arousal, but his libido was getting the better of him, and he couldn't help but continue fucking himself against the silicone toy. Still holding the butt plug in place with his right hand, he used his left hand and his body to flip the horny dragon onto the couch, landing with a bounce.

Buster smiled smugly at his new pet, helpless to even his horniness. But his pet was going to cum before him, and that's not going to happen. He gripped the base of Soul's dick, acting as a cock ring to stop him from cumming, and he thrust the dildo hard, and the knot slid past Soul's sphincter and popped into place. Soul squealed, suddenly finding his entire tailhole filled with the huge toy. Before he could try to expel it, Buster zipped the back up, sealing the plug in place.

Soul felt his body getting desperate. He wanted release! Buster stroked his dick through the rubber, fast enough to keep his throbbing member hard, but slow enough so that he couldn't cum. He struggled, begging to be let to cum. "PRR LFFT MERRH CUHHHM!" he pleaded.

"Still can't understand you kid," the wolf taunted. "But I have a feeling you want to cum."

Soul nodded his head in response. "Well, if you let me cum, maybe I'll let you cum. How does that sound?" Soul nodded his head again. Buster pulled his pants down, revealing a black, rubber brief. He pulled the brief to the side and released his semi-hard member, halfway poking out of its sheath. "Suck it, boy," he commanded.

Before Soul could react, he pulled the leash down and held Soul's head against his cock, giving him a close-up view of his canine shaft through the suit's dark lenses. "And not teeth." Soul puckered his lips, closing them around the shaft of the wolf's cock to prevent himself from scratching it with his teeth. His sensitive nose was once again filled with the musk of the wolf, and he felt like he was entering a trance-like state as he continued servicing Buster's member with his maw and tongue.

The scent of the wolf's penis was overpowering and intoxicating. With each mouthful of cock he took, he took a deep breath of Buster's musk. He must have slowed down because the wolf was holding the back of his head and pushing him down and up his now fully-hard member. "Mfft..." he moaned as he was forced to take the canine's thick cock up his maw. If not for the tube already at the back of his throat, the tip would have poked his uvula and triggered his gag reflex.

The overwhelming scent of the dick was making it hard for him to think, but all that was important was that he continued sucking. Sucking the wonderful cock of the hot sexy wolf...Soul's dick continued to push against the rubber zip, desperate for Buster's touch.

The wolf was panting and rocking his hips to Soul's movements. He thrust his hips forward, arched his back and moaned as he shot his load up Soul's mouth, catching him by surprise. "Mfft?" he snapped out of his daze, suddenly realizing his mouth was full of Buster's warm, sticky seed.

"Swallow it," he ordered. Soul shook his head, trying to let it drip out of his mouth. Buster, however, wasn't having any of that. He grabbed Soul's maw and tilted it upwards, letting his cum flow down his throat. Soul flailed his arms around, trying to escape his humiliating fate. However, Buster only gripped the dragon harder, keeping him still. The plastic tube kept his throat open, and the liquid slid down.

Soul whimpered from behind his mask. He had never been degraded like this before, and he felt embarrassed. "Good boy," Buster patted him on the cheek as he let Soul go. Soul knelt on the carpeted floor, panting in exhaustion.

"Ready to sleep boy?" Buster asked. Soul shook his head. He wanted to out! He wanted to cum! "Well, it's bedtime whether you like it or not," the wolf maintained. He picked up the dragon and slung him over his back in a fireman's lift.

Soul whimpered and whined, squirming against the wolf's strong hands. He swung his neck and hit Buster's face with his jaw. "Oww," Buster flinched. "Careful pet, you're gonna hurt yourself."

He carried the writhing dragon to the bedroom and threw him onto the bed. Buster grabbed his wrists, pulled him backwards so he was lying down, and chained his hands above his head to the bed frame. Soul whimpered. He wanted to cum so bad, and after all he had been through, he still hasn't got the release he wanted.

"Hang on dragon, I need to shower. I'll join you after that." Leaving the dragon chained and squirming, he left the room and went to shower.

The wolf appeared later through the door, dressed in nothing but a tight jockstrap. Soul squirmed in response. Even though he didn't want to admit it, the sight of the wolf brought back the memory of his oral experience, and his member throbbed even more. He wanted to cum!

Buster turned off the bedroom light and laid on the bed beside Soul.

"Can you let me cum now?" he asked behind his gag.

"Aaand I still can't understand you kid," he looked at the pent-up dragon and guessed what he wanted. "Hmm, let you cum eh? Well, I said if you let me cum, MAYBE I'll let you cum. Maybe, maybe not." Buster put a finger on his chin and pretended to think deeply. "Nope, guess you're not cumming today."

"MURRRRR!" Soul screamed.

"Hey, keep it down boy."

Soul reluctantly quieted down, whimpering in the back of his throat. He really wanted to cum, but he had no way to touch his trapped member. He bent his tail between his legs to the front and stroked his dick in the dark. That felt good. He stroked harder. So close.

Buster got up, annoyed by the squeaking of a rubber tail on a rubber bulge. "Sigh, I told you to be quiet, didn't I?" He pulled some chains and straps from the foot of the bed and chained Soul's feet and tail to it.

Soul was at the end of his wits. Release was so close, yet so far. He pleaded desperately into the plastic tube. Buster rolled over, and pulled his chest towards Soul's helpless body, embracing him in a hug. The dragon could smell the musk of the freshly-showered wolf through the aroma of soap. His nose twitched as he was reluctantly turned on by the smell.

There was a "click" as Buster pressed a remote, and the plug in Soul's ass began vibrating. "Mffftt..." he moaned sadly, falling asleep in the wolf's arms, unwillingly accepting the fact that he was going to be Buster's pet for life.

~ End ~