A chance meeting chapter 4

Story by BanditSoftpaw on SoFurry

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fourth chapter in the story of Ben and Alanna


Chapter 4

Throughout the entire night, the raccoon sat in an old rocking chair. He made sure the fire burned warmly, though not too high. He waited there for sounds of the wolf family waking up and, as usual, his patience was rewarded.

At the sounds of the first stretches and yawns, he got up and moved to the kitchen. He prepared a large pot of coffee, he would need it, also preparing a good breakfast: slices of cheese and ham, some dried bread and even some fresh fruits he picked up the day before.

Placing everything on the table in the living room he softly called out. "Miss, I have breakfast here for you." There was no answer but he could hear her moving. And soon after she shyly emerged from the bedroom, looking sleepily at the raccoon and tried to swallow back a deep yawn.

"You can call me Alanna, all my... That is... Hmmfrr, just call me Alanna." Ben nodded at her and pointed at the food and coffee. He wasn't sure if she would like the bitter drink, but at least he offered it to her.

"Come, sit and eat. I have many questions for you if you don't mind answering them. Oh! My name is Ben if I have not told you already, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

The wolf quietly sat down, looking at all the food gingerly and began to slowly eat a few bites before she spoke.

"Ask all you want. I may even answer. I too have questions, but because you have been kind, you get the first round."

Closing his eyes a moment to get his train of thoughts running on the right track, then spoke up.

"I am not really sure where to start, but I guess this is as good as any question to start with. Why are you not with your pack?"

The wolf expected any other question besides this one and her breathing halted. Tears welled up in her eye as she looked away, her form visibly shaking, making the raccoon quickly pour some coffee in a low bowl.

"Here, take a sip of this, I am sorry for asking that particular question."

Gratefully she lapped up some coffee, composing herself and facing Ben again. Heaving a deep sigh.

"That is both simple and not simple at the same time. I ran..." Waiting patiently for her to continue her story the raccoon offered her a smile.

"I ran because our leader decided to sire a second litter this year, and he chose me to carry it. As you can probably tell I am not old enough to produce a pack worthy litter, I am barely an adult... He did not want a litter, he only wanted me..." She paused once more.

"His mate told me, she confided into me his desires to own me and I ran, but I was not fast enough. Three of them caught up to me, pinned me down and took me by force then chased me off to hide their crimes. I ran far and long, easily able to survive on my own until my belly started to grow." She scowled a bit at the memory.

"The larger it grew the harder it was to survive, but I managed it while still being on the move and I eventually gave birth. All that time I had such a deep hate for whatever was growing inside of me, I never wanted it. They forced it into me, but the very second he drew his first breath something changed. My instincts took over and I fell madly in love with the pup. I cleaned him up, fed him, and then the journey had just begun. Survival for two was even harder. I nearly failed until you found me." She became silent and stared off into the distance. Scraping his throat and nodding while he thought over her story.

"It is unusual for a wolf to only have one pup, or am I wrong?" This resulted in the wolf shrinking and becoming very gloomy.

"F-four," she whispered, "there were four pups... Only one made it out alive." She closed her eyes as a tear rolled down her muzzle and over her nose. Ben slid out of the rocking chair and tenderly hugged her around her shoulders, his tail curled around her front. He said nothing, just placed his forehead against the wolf in silence.