A chance meeting chapter 5

Story by BanditSoftpaw on SoFurry

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Ben touches Alanna....

Chapter 5

After about 30 minutes where the raccoon held her in silence, her young body occasionally heaved deeply and spots from the tears formed on his tail. she slowly pulled away, finishing her breakfast and carefully taking another few laps of the strange brew he called coffee.

It was cold now, and she did not really like the taste very much as it was, but she felt it gave her a lot of energy, energy she needed. Then she walked off to check on her pup and feed him a bit more. Returning after only a short while.

" You want to know more I take it?" she sat down again with her tail curled in front of her.

" yes, yes I have a lot more I want to know, but all of it can wait except for this, what are your plans for now?"

Alanna barked a rough laughter,

" Survive, in any way I can, that includes eating your neighbors." making the raccoon join in on what was probably her first bout of laughter in a good long while,

" No please do not, I would like you to stay here, you can take the master room, I don't use it anyway, I-i euhm... I sleep in a drawer. It's quite comfortable, but too small for you, perhaps for the pup.. what is his name anyway?"

Alanna shook his head at Ben,

"He has none, because I did not know if he would survive at all, I did not bother naming him. I still am not sure, I am a little ashamed about it, but a lone wolf can never be sure of survival."

Ben replied to her.

" I can fully understand that, if you decide to stay with him you have all the time to rethink and choose a great name."

Alanna looked around the cabin puzzled, the raccoon seemed like he belonged here.

He knew where everything was and was more than proficient in operating the handles and doors and all the things she had never seen before.

" What is this place, where did it come from, and why are you here?"

she asked him, making the Raccoon shine brightly at her. An attractive smile she thought for a moment,

" It's mine, my house, I build it from the ground up. I have not always been like this,"

As he stood up and spread his paws.

This puzzled her very much but she did not press this topic, there would be a time for all the questions she had as she tried to push away a yawn.

"You should return to your pup, get a little more shut eye, understand that you are safe here. Except for a few pesky squirrels, none of the other animals know how to get in here."

Ben spoke, standing up and stretching a bit,

" I am going to sleep too, unless you want me to watch over the two of you?" Alanna paused for a bit,

"Could you stay in the room at least? You have an aura of serenity and peace about you. I feel safe with you, but i do not feel safe here yet."

The fur around her muzzle seemed to darken a bit but he placed a paw on her shoulder, " of course Alanna, it would be my honor."

Watching the wolf make a few circles on the bed before picking what seemed to be the perfect spot to rest.

Tenderly she took her pup by the fur of his neck and placing him against her belly and breasts she then looked up at the Raccoon.

Ben hopped up on the bed himself and moved to her back, sitting down first and then nestled against her warmly.

His right paw placed on her right shoulder and his tail over her flank, her own tail curled protectively over her legs and pup as her head lay down on her forepaws closing her eyes.

Within a few moments her breathing became slow and regular, she was off to dreamland, the Raccoon following her example.

It has been very long since he slept in someone's company.

After what must have been at least three hours Ben woke up. The air seemed thick and humid, and his mind was cloudy.

He sensed something under his paw and slowly remembered Alanna was there with her pup.

Opening his eyes immediately he realized what caused the sensation in the air and his mind.

Her tail was wag up, wagging and flagging her lush and rich scent through the room.

Most likely this was because he was holding her for the night, just his presence so close setting her already firing hormones in overdrive.

But before he could really analyze and figure out why things were happening his own body caved to the instincts. Pushing out his penile bone and pressing his erection against her back, and already a drop or pre spilled onto her fur.

( Drat, she will definitely notice that when she wakes up.. ) his thoughts raced, taking all of his willpower he rolled to his back, then slid off the bed.

Going outside into the cold night to let off some steam and take a quick swim to clean up.

The water was very cold but that was only good, a quick swim cooled him down, climbing on the banks to shake out his fur.

after a few minutes of letting the wind get her scent out of his fur he stood on his paws, padding back to the cottage.

When he quietly opened the door she was waiting for him, se sat on her hindlegs watching him approach, her tail curled around her forepaws.

A quick glance told him she groomed her fur, and obviously must have discovered his mark on her.

Heaving a deep sigh he walked on.

"Hello, I had to go out to cool off...."

Alanna simply smiled at him.

"I could tell. I was awake the whole time Ben."

Making Ben swallow back his breath.