Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Endgame-Protectors Of Light-Chapter 1 (Part B): Searching For Answers!

Story by Drake Shadeslayer on SoFurry

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Chapter 1 (Part B)-Episode 2,Part 1: The Price Of Destiny....Knowledge Comes At A Terrible Cost!

After 5 months,the nightmares had finally stopped,then,a month after that on a monday,he finally decided to search for answers,in the only place he knew where to look...his father's study...

it was early in the morning,around 3 am when he woke up and began to head to his old home,trying not to wake up jake or his parents in the process.from there he went to the study,and searched for clues everywhere,often hitting dead ends in the process,until his frustration caused a breakthrough!

Drake Shadowflame: *curses as he starts to get angry* Damn it! another dead,none of these books and diaries of my father have any information!!!

it was at the moment he threw a book at a nearby shelf on the left side near the study entrance and got buried in the pile that he he noticed a lone book that did not fall off that he realised something strange about it...

Drake Shadowflame: *holds head in pain* Uggghhh... My head! That Hurt!!!

*looks up at the shelf noticing a book with a symbol of what looks like a riolu on the book's spine*

...hmmm why didn't this one fall off? he then proceeds to grab it only to realize its stuck on the shelf...why won't it....Wait!!! it can't be could it?

at a hunch,instead of pulling it,he pushes it,the book then slides back into the bookshelf and he suddenly hears the sound of gears and mechanisms working as the shelf slides into the wall and then drops down into the form of a step,one of many down a long corridor going deeper underground!

Drake Shadowflame: i knew it..it was a secret lever!!!

as he looks down into the entrance to the secret corridor,he can see strange crystals aligned in a row on both sides of the walls,placed on the walls like the torches in some of the older secret hallways he knows about...

Drake Shadowflame: *thinks to himself* well there's no turning back now..i guess ill find the answers i seek down there.as drake begins to walk down the steps,the crystals begin to light up a bright colored blue,one by one as he move down into the passage!

Drake Shadowflame: Amazing...i've never seen crystals like these being used like this before...I wonder what they are?

drake continues his decent until he exits into a large underground library with a desk in the corner,with a fancy 18th century mahogany chair with leather cushions. on the side way opposite to it is another doorway with stairs leading down a larger corridor,those same crystals on the walls like the last one. as he approaches the desk he sees a letter addressed to him with a wax seal bearing the same riolu symbol as the lever on it...next to it is what looks like a desk lamp with one of those crystals on top of it in place of the candle that normally would be there in its place.

Drake Shadowflame:*surprised and shocked* W-What's This letter addressed to me!

*slowly takes the letter and opens it with his claw,his heart beating fast in fear*

as he pulls it out and begins to read it,his worst fears are confirmed!

Son,i fear i don't have much time left within this world,...dark forces seek to destroy you before you can discover your destiny and who you truly are!

if you are reading this letter,then it means i have past on from this world in order to ensure your safety and prevent these dark forces from learning of your existence!

I have went on my final adventure...

your mother would be so proud of how much you've grown and matured into if she were still alive!

below this mansion is an alter with an ancient stone slab with hieroglyphics on it,it is here that your destiny and your past,present and future will be explained...

as he closed the letter in sadness and confusion,tears streaming down his eyes,throwing down the letter next to the crystal lamp,he begins to wonder why his father would take his own life,and why he was so important,the only answers were at this alter the letter spoke of,and as he glanced towards the entrance with the stairway with the strange crystal lights that go below towards the altar,he realized there was no going back now for sure and begins to cry!

halfway through his crying he notices a faint glow coming from the letter,as he stands he notices the lamp glowing over the letter and realizes that ancient poke has been written on the back in a special invisible ink!

as he reads,it says:

as you already may know,we had an ancestor who was the king of this mansion when it was a castle, named Richard Stoneblade...

you have probably also heard the legend of the battle that took place not far from here to the west in the forest between 3 legendary heroes riolu,pikachu and mew who wielded mysterious powers and abilities 350 years ago...

under the carpet is a secret compartment hidden inside the stone floor beneath containing a very special box that has the same riolu crest that you've seen before. in the box is a possession of the riolu mentioned in the battle,retrieve the box and open it...

as drake retrieves the item from under the rug hidden in the secret floor compartment he gazes on a box with a the riolu crest and intricate gold and silver designs,below it, where a keyhole would normally be is one of those strange crystals and the name of the the riolu and a statement thanking him with the king's name in it.

it says:

Jacob snow burst,you have done so much for our kingdom,as a gift to you,i have had a special bracer made with a special alloy from a fallen meteorite containing a soul stone placed and set in the center known as an Aura Burst gemstone,the soulstone is already synced with your aura and the bracer supercharges your aura based attacks.may this help you along you and your friends journeys!

Drake Shadowflame: why would my father leave me this?

curious,he places his hand on top of the box,his thumb touching the keystone and he hears a click as it begins to glow.he then opens the lid and pulls out the bracer,and he inspects it.

Drake shadowflame:why would I need...*stops mid sentence as the soulstone begins to glow brightly and then the bracer suddenly latches on to his right arm!

Drake Shadowflame: *eyes widen in shock as he tries to get it off*whaaaaat!! I-It won't come off!

after a few minutes of trying to get the damn thing off of him,he gives up.

Drake Shadowflame: great,now i'm stuck with it attached to my arm


well it can't get any stranger than this,and i wanted answers so i might as well find out what this altar with the stone slab is all about.


i've come this far,and there's no turning back now.

as he head toward the stairway to the altar,a shadow emerges from behind a bookcase located near the first entrance watching him...

then a terrified and shocked voice mutters:

Jake Flamewheel: Drake...What's happening to you!!!

Chapter 1 (Part B),Episode 2-Part 2: A Concerned Friend In The Shadows!

Jake had started noticing a few days after his friend drake's nightmares had stopped that he began to act distant and strange,often visiting his father's study and wrecking the place as he searched for something.eventually after day 3,he had become concerned,so he decided to follow drake without him knowing about it,what he witnessed next was no longer a concerned look or emotion,but that off terror and shock!

as he continued to follow him from a distance quietly within the shadows,while ignoring the fear and terror for what was happening to his friend,he immediately stopped and placed his paw over his mouth with a horrified look on his face while gasping at what he saw...

he was looking at drake from behind,who had an image of a ghostly riolu,drake was inside this riolu like a suit of armor!

jake did not realize that this was drake's soulself,having been awakened when the bracer latched onto him while glowing earlier,more specifically,what drakes soul actually looked like!

Jake Flamewheel:n-no! that can't be!!!

th-that was the riolu spoken of in the legend of the battle that happened around here 350 years ago!!!

he tries to convince himself he was hallucinating and that what he saw wasn't real and it was all in his head!!!

but jakes heart was telling him something different:

that what he saw was real and true!!!

composing himself and growing determined to help his friend with whatever he was going through in his time of need,he continued on to where drake would find the altar,and his destiny,even if he had to share the burden and pain drake was going through in his time of need...even if the consequences of witnessing what he was about to see led to their darkest hour!

after 30 to 45 minutes of walking down the stairs following drake down the longest stairway he had ever used,he arrived at the exit.drake having already made it out first,was already at the altar.the first thing he saw before noticing drake was a massive underground cavern,and a bunch of ruins around the area in the middle,the cavern must have been at least 2 and half miles wide,and they must have been at least 3-4 miles underground!

as soon as he saw drake,he ran to and hid behind one of the nearby stone walls surrounding the altar. as he watched drake by peaking his head from behind the corner,not far from him.maybe 50 to 60 feet away from him was his friend,who was looking at the slab,reading it.

what he witnessed next would lead to the hardest decision he'd ever have to make and one of the heaviest burdens he would bear for a lie to protect drake,everyone, and the town that they both loved and were born into.

And both his and drakes fate forever being intertwined together in history!

Chapter 1 (Part B),Episode 2-Part 3:The Altar Of The 3 Legendary Heroes...A Forgotten Past! Drakes Destiny Revealed,Memories Of His Past Life Unsealed!!!

after drake arrived where the altar was located,he approached it,and he gazed upon an ancient stone slab with hieroglyphics depicting the creation trio palkia,arceus,and dialga,in the middle battling alongside them were the 3 legendary heroes,a pikachu,a riolu,and a mew,each one next to one of the creation trio,on the left and right top corner,showed one of 2 figures,a white lucario(auraflame) on the left,and what looked like a dragon-like figure(drake123) on the right.

above,between the two figures being driven back into a portal is what looked like dark smoke with evil eyes in the middle.

below the slab at the base was an inscription in ancient poke that told of an ancient prophecy!

Drake Shadowflame: Wh-What is this!

shocked at how familiar the battle depicted in the slab seemed to remind him of something like a memory from his past in the back of his mind that he had lost and was unable to fully remember,he began to look closer...

as he looked closer he began to use the skills he had self taught mostly by himself and also his father had helped teach him when he was younger before that and translate the inscription at the base of the slab.

The prophecy read:

The Prophecy Of The 3 Heroes:

when light turns to darkness,and the moon and sun eclipse,the moon shall turn as crimson as blood,and the sun will darken.

both the human and pokemon worlds will then turn to ash as a great evil descends upon these worlds...

upon the arrival of this great evil,3 heroes shall arise,2 born from the human world,1 from this one!

each will be granted a special power by the trio,and be guided by 2 guardians,one of light who presides between this world and the human,one who watches over and protects all of reality...

it is then that they shall fight alongside the creation trio as they are guided by the light of the two guardians...and drive away this evil from whence it came upon these worlds darkest hour!

as drake attempted to touch the stone,his bracer began to pulse skyblue,then a gem on the arceus figure's head began to glow,and the depiction of the white lucario(auraflame) and dragon-like figure(drake123) suddenly flashed brightly!

upon this happening,he saw his past life as the riolu and regained all of his memories from when he was both human and a riolu!

all at once the memories began to flood back into his mind,one of particular importance was the final battle against this evil that threatened their world:

in it he saw his friend and teammate mew, dead in his arms as he cried,having heard his final words and wishes before his death all because mew sacrificed his life to save him and pikachu from a lethal attack meant for them and which pierced mews heart instead as a result!

he looked up as pikachu,no longer crying,and nothing but anger and vengeance within his eyes as pikachu screamed at the dark figure that was laughing menacingly towards them,and stated:you monster! drake then layed mews head on the ground,then he and pikachu ran towards this monster and continued to assault it,now even more determined than ever to banish this evil,even at the cost of their own lives!

when the light faded, his body was glowing with a skyblue colored aura.

the flame on his tale began turn black and his body was now beginning to become shadow colored,while he gained an additional 3 pokemon types as a result of his dna being modified during his transformation:

he had now become a Dark,Fighting,Fire And Dragon type!

it was then that he began to hear a voice within his head and see an image of the white lucario, and the dragon like figure in the depiction,little did he know this voice was arceus,it stated:

come to the top of destiny tower,it is there you find me and these two,awaiting so you may fulfil your destiny,drake shadowflame....

after the voice disappeared,he began to feel dizzy,and his body started to stop glowing.

at this moment,his friend jake stepped out of the shadows from where he was watching,unable to believe his eyes!

Jake Flamewheel:

....Drake...Is it true?

Are you the riolu spoken of in our towns legend from 350 years ago?

Drake Shadowflame:

Jake...When did you...

Before drake was able to finish his sentence,he began to feel dizzy,as his aura began to go out of whack,and then began to lose consciousness as he fell on his side and went into a coma for the next 3 days,where he began to regain his ability to learn his previous moves and fighting styles from when he was a riolu in his previous life!

worried about his friend at witnessing him fall to his side unconscious,he rushed over,and tried to help!

Jake Flamewheel: Drake What's Wrong!!!

Don't worry!i'm gonna get you out of here!!!

picking drake up,and placing him on his back,he began to quickly hurry back to the secret study,where he would wait with him until he woke up...