Be Right Back

Story by AlexCubed on SoFurry

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Kane is doing a little omorashi cam show for a friend. But his friend suddenly has to leave, will Kane be able to wait until his friend is back?

Kanite1996> Is it working?

StillWater25> Yeah, I see you.

StillWater25> Point the cam a little lower.

Kanite1996> Better?

StillWater25> Yeah.

Messages were passed back and forth through the computer. Kane, or "Kanite1996" was standing in front of his desk, leaning over to read messages and type back. His legs were shifting slightly as he communicated with the other, this position being rather uncomfortable for his situation. A few more messages were sent back and forth, then he backed away from the computer and stood there for the camera.

Kane was an arctic wolf, fur white as snow and eyes a bright blue. The springtime weather had caused his fur to shed, leaving him in a thinner, but still beautiful white coat. This had the side effect of showing off his physical features easily. Years of running in track had developed his quads, and the rest of him was just as good. He had a toned posterior, modest abs, toned arms, and a handsome face. The camera was getting all of this, as Kane was only dressing in a pair of purple briefs, putting near every inch of his well built form on display.

Standing there with nothing to distract himself, he found his legs shifting back and forth. He couldn't keep still, a fullness under his tummy not allowing it. Yes, for the past two hours he had been filling up on water and tea, and at this point it had well caught up to him. A few bottles were laying by his desk, the liquids from them now in his bladder with more on the way. The reason he didn't visit the bathroom was because he was told not to, and Kane got a thrill out of being obedient, even if he wasn't into the exact scenario like this one. Still, being restricted in any way was arousing to him, and it showed in his briefs, a slight bulge where the tip of his sheath would be.

He kept shifting about, unsure of what to do. He had never done this before. All he knew was that he was very uncomfortable, he gave the bulge in his briefs an assuring squeeze. He looked at the monitor, a new message popped up. He leaned forward to read, causing his bladder to be squeezed. He shot a hand down to his undies and squeezed hard, he had no idea what the fuck that feeling was and it terrified him in a way.

StillWater25> brb

Kane stood back up, keeping a hand on his crotch. He gave it rhythmic squeezes, which alleviated the pressure a bit. When he felt it under control, he looked down and slowly removed his hand. He was dry. He wasn't sure how he'd feel if it wasn't, but he was going to find out by the end of the night for sure. Kane was pretty sure his partner wasn't going to let him off completely dry. Speaking of, who leaves in the middle of a camming session? Kane was squirming about, bladder completely full after prepping for two hours, and now his partner left when he felt it might let go any minute.

Kane didn't want to lean over again to check the tiny clock in the corner of his screen, but he was sure it had been several minutes since his partner left. He kneaded his crotch with one hand, his other rubbing the side of his thigh. Somehow rubbing his thigh made it more bearable. Kane felt a pressure rise, he jammed both hands into his crotch and bent over, riding out the wave. He could feel several pulses as his bladder tried to void itself of excess pressure. Once the waves subsided, he backed up and sat on the edge of his bed. There were a couple towels where he sat, a "just in case". At this point it didn't seem like a "just in case", it seemed like the clean up tools for what was going to happen.

Kane felt absolutely full, he again looked down at his crotch, slowly removing his hands. Still dry. However something else caught his eyes, the bulge below his navel. He was pretty sure he knew what it was. He put a hand over it, it was rock hard. With a shaking hand, he pressed down on it. He instantly regretted this decision, as it caused a wave of pressure like before. Only this time it was instant. Before he could get his hand to his crotch he felt his briefs get wet. He grabbed himself with a vice grip, the warm piss getting on his paw. As quick as it came, it left.

He lifted his hand, a wet spot covered his entire bulge in his briefs. He looked at his palm, the white fur now stained yellow. 'Fuck', he thought to himself. Where was his partner? He glanced up, it didn't look like another message had arrived. If his partner didn't come back soon, he was going to miss it. It only he could get some more time, a few more minutes and his partner would be back, right? He didn't have to think too hard, the bottles on the floor next to his desk would be perfect to relieve just a bit of pressure.

Kane ran his hands down his thighs, tensing his muscles before he stood up. He walked a few steps to his desk and looked down. The floor never looked so far away. He'd have to bend over to get a bottle, he wasn't sure if he could managed. Still, it was his only option. Placing one hand on his crotch with a firm grip, he slowly bent over. Closer, closer, hand past his knees. He felt a surge and stopped, placing his other hand on his crotch as well to hold it back. He felt his damp briefs rewetten ever so slightly. As quick as it came, it left. He let go of his crotch and reached down, and again as he got so close to the bottle he felt a surge and had to stop to grab himself. He got even more wet, the dark spot on his briefs going down over his balls.

Bending over like this was going to end up with him completely emptying himself. If only he could reach down without bending like that. Time was running thin, he could feel a rise like before, but coming much slower. Almost like a warning of the inevitable if he didn't relieve some pressure. Kane sighed, rubbing his thighs like some kind of uncontrollable tic. Without much time left, Kane tried getting a bottle again, squatting this time. He had done plenty of squats and could pull of a quick one to get this bottle so he wouldn't have to bend over.

One hand holding himself, he didn't hesitate a moment longer. He bent his knees and squatted down, his other hand grabbing the bottle. As he did he felt the hand covering his crotch getting soaked. He quickly stood up and tightened his legs, but it wouldn't stop. Kane tossed the bottle on the bed and had his other hand join to try and hold it in, but it was no use. The arctic wolf kept peeing through his briefs and hands, the white fur of his legs turnings yellow as rivets of wolf piss flowed down them. Kane shivered and let go of his crotch, the relief felt too good and he didn't even want to stop anymore.

Kane stood there, piss creating a river down the front of his briefs and splitting to go down his legs. The front of his briefs were a complete shade darker. A puddle of wolf piss was created at his paws, and growing with every second. He closed his eyes and enjoyed every moment of it, even if he didn't enjoy the holding part, the going part was near orgasmic. This had to be the best feeling piss he had ever taken, and it was in his underwear, on his floor.

He wasn't sure how long it took, but eventually he noticed the river flowing down his legs cease. He looked down, first at his completely soaked briefs, then down his yellow tinted legs, and finally at the sizable puddle at his feet. 'Damn, I can't believe I had that much in me.' He slipped the towels down to the floor and stepped on them, might as well get started cleaning while he waited for...

Kane looked up at the monitor, he saw there was a new message in the chat window. He leaned forward to read.

StillWater25>That was hot. StillWater25 is typing...