The Duel Club

Story by Fopfox on SoFurry

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#5 of Fopfox Short Stories

Hol was a proud, young wolf, the son of two self-made nobles, that was intent on forging his own path to wealth and success in life. In his eyes, there was no better way to do this than to join the local Duel Club.

However, his parents did not approve of this decision, perhaps afraid that he might try and usurp their title using his future fame; or perhaps they were worried about the types of people he might become close with at the club and that the club was more of a place for those leading a different kind of alternative lifestyle...

The Duel Club

My parents did not approve of my decision to join the local Duel Club for its annual exhibition. No, in fact, they were downright aghast when I announced it, much to my confusion.

I thought it a bit hypocritical of them, for they had spent their youth earning their fortune as raiders before marrying and purchasing our little Barony for retirement; but then I came to the conclusion that they must have been worried that I was planning on going down a similar path, when they would have preferred I be a spoiled, foppish city wolf, rather than a fifth pup in line for inheritance who might try to gain renown and gold to press his claim. I tried to reassure them that this was not the case but they seemed even more worried, perhaps I should not have been so direct.

Either way, they were not so bold as to forbid me or lock me up, so I greeted the big day eagerly. I slipped on my burgundy, padded trousers along with its matching gambeson. Fearing that people would think me a mere dandy, I finished off the look with a leather chestplate and strapped on the scabbard storing my simple, steel longsword against my hip. Yes, I looked like quite the warrior!

Before I could leave my room, my Father, the Baron, suddenly blocked my path. He looked very similar to me, except that his solid, black coat of fur was graying noticeably and a brown eyepatch was slapped across his right eye. I had never seen it, but he had told me that it was a blue eye, much like my own, which contrasted with the amber left. He was strangely relaxed, considering he spent the week leading up to today with his fur bristled and snapping at courtiers randomly, and casually stretched his arms widely.

"Pup, it's such a nice day! Why don't we spend some time together?" he exclaimed with a gleeful smile. He did not smile often and this concerned me.

"Father, I'm heading to the Dueling Club for the exhibition," I said directly, leaving no room for interpretation.

"Look pup, I know you've been, well, desiring companionship and whatnot. Your Mother and I, we'll find you a suitable match one of these days, but for now..." he suddenly yanked something out of sight from behind the dark, wooden walls and with a bit of a struggle, presented an orange-furred vixen with a slender body and wearing nothing but a silk loincloth. My nose twitched by itself as I caught the musky scent of her heat filling my bedroom. "Well, looky here! This is Saffron, doesn't she smell nice? Wouldn't you rather spend some time with her? Well, she's yours!"

I pressed my nose against her neck. Her fur was fine and soft, like the finest silk, and her scent was even more intoxicating close-up. Violets, that was what she smelled like. My cock grew hard and I resisted the urge to sniff her loincloth in front of my Father.

"Hol, pup, why don't you take the day off," the Baron passed a bottle of fine ale to the slave, who grasped it nervously and stared at the floor with her pale, orange eyes, "and show her a good time?"

They were worried about me finding a mate and producing heirs, I knew it. My parents met while leading separate raiding parties and were first attracted to each other's renown before they fell in love, which was all well and good back then, but they had land now and what would the other nobles think if I were to marry a she-wolf warrior or something like that? They'd rather me go and get my cock wet with this vixen, after all, there's no fear of her birthing wolf pups.

I patted Saffron on the head and she shook a little in response, but otherwise did nothing. I hoped they wouldn't punish her for this.

"I'll enjoy her when I return from the club. Until later, Father!"

Father did not resist as I slipped by and marched down the hall with a swagger in my step and a wag in my tail. They didn't trust me, but I would show them. I didn't want to inherit the Barony from Father either by force or by rights. No, my siblings could have it!

I wanted land of my own. Purchased or taken rightfully, just like Father had done.

And the exhibition would grant me this.

The local Dueling Club, "The Stiff Blade," was located along the rim of the nearby city's walls. The Club's main building was large and rectangular, made of gray stone and three stories high. Behind it was the dueling grounds, a wooden oval with rows of benches for spectators to enjoy the spectacle of the fight.

As I approached the welcoming, open doors of the club, a she-wolf stormed out. She was dressed in lamellar metal armor and was rattling like a chain from all the swords and daggers strapped all over her body. Her fangs were bared and her ears were flattened back against her head. I gulped and just about reached for my sword as she stomped towards me.

"Nothing but a punch of pansies in there!" she barked, spit flying out from her gray jowls. "Too afraid to let a she-wolf join!"

"What!?" I exclaimed in shock. Her outburst was shocking enough but the claim she made surprised me. Our land was mostly populated by wolves and foxes, neither of which were prone to disallowing those of the fairer sex from competing in such events.

"If I were you, I'd stick to banditry if you want to become a warrior!" she looked over my clothes and snorted. "Or maybe you should just go back to suckling at yer momma's teat, pup!"

With that, she roared through the city, snapping at any passerby who happened to get close enough and rattling her weapons, hoping to start a fight.

Exhaling with relief, I stepped through the doors and entered the club. The lobby was full of anthros from all over the continent, canines, felines, equines, mustelids, rodents, far too many too count; and foreign voices echoed through the hall as people waited for their turn. Most of the warriors were in pairs, regaling the other with tales of battle while slapping the other on the back. Armbands with all the colors of the rainbow were tied around their wrists, perhaps they were part of teams? A tired-looking red fox sat at a desk on the far end, against the stone wall, scribbling away at a long piece of paper. He seemed like he had some sort of authority, so I approached him.

"Name?" he asked, not even bothering to look at me with his cold, gray eyes.

Before I could introduce myself, a tall and round, brown dog wearing a pink dress ran in front of me as warriors whistled and hooted. The dog was male but had black eyeliner and blush around his facial fur.

"Guess he must have lost a bet or something, huh?" I smiled towards the fox.

"Name?" the fox repeated.


"Pay up," he tapped his claws against a tiny sign announcing the registration fee.

I took out a coin-pouch and paid up the appropriate amount of coin.

"First rule of the Stiff Blade: do not talk about anything that happens here."

"I thought the matches were pub-"

"Second rule of the Stiff Blade..." he paused, eying me strangely, " not talk about anything that happens here!"



"Huh?" I blurted out, a little confused.

Rolling his eyes, the fox finally looked in my direction, "You got someone you prefer to fight?"

"No, uh, I don't know anyone here," I looked around at the cosmopolitan group of warriors. There were foxes, which some wolves viewed as weak, but smarter wolves knew that foxes were vicious and skilled in a one-on-one fight, despite their slight frames; there were also rodents, who looked small and weak, but regardless, it seemed like bad form to single someone out when we hadn't even talked yet.

"Sign here," he shoved a piece of paper across the table that I didn't bother to read before signing.

"We'll call for you when you've been matched," the fox sighed, "if you change your mind, just come back here."

"Okay," I looked around, not quite sure where to begin, there were so many foreigners around and I was feeling a little out of place, "what do I do in the meantime?"

Groaning, the fox slapped his pen on the counter and motioned to different directions in the hall with his paw, "Wait in the hall, have a drink in the tavern, or go to the bathhouse. Just whatever you do, make sure to clean up after yourself."

"Oh, uh yeah," I raised my brow, "I mean, that's what a bathhouse is for."

The fox said nothing, returning to his papers.

The bathhouse sounded interesting. A tavern was expected for a club such as this, but a bath-house was a little unexpected. I stepped towards the corridor on the right, which the fox motioned towards earlier, but I stopped when I received a sharp slap on the rear.

"Look at this fresh meat!" a brown bear snorted as he passed me by. He had a navy blue ribbon wrapped around his thick, left arm. "Can't wait to have this one on the end of my spear!"

Grinning, I fired back, "No, my friend, I shall be the one to impale you!"

A wolf wearing a brown ribbon whistled while the bear laughed and replied, "Oh, we'll have to watch out for this one!" before walking away.

The wolf fingered a piece of burgundy twine that was used to keep the sleeve of my gambeson fastened, "Definitely, this one's got some interesting tastes!" before joining his friend and leaving.

Enjoying this little bit of banter and quite happy at his compliment regarding my clothing choice, I skipped off towards the bathhouse, which wasn't far away. The dressing room was empty, save for two foxes, one of which was helping his battle brother out of his underwear, which seemed to be unusually challenging. I got my outfit and gear hanging from a rack on the wall in a flash and the fox still had his paw inside the other's underwear, perhaps he was trying to untie a knot in the string?

The bath was surprisingly large. The basin was square and made of marble, it was large enough to fit my whole household's staff in its steaming, hot water. It was fairly quiet at the moment though, two lions were off in the corner, washing each other's backs while a rat and a fox rested against the rim with their arms around their shoulders while their other paws rested beneath the water. The air was thick with the smell of wet fur and a melange of anthro musk, along with the faint, very faint scent of soap.

I dipped myself in, wincing as the hot water passed my sheath, before sighing and resting my head against the rim of the basin. I closed my eyes and relaxed.

A heavy splash erupted to my left as someone dropped into the pool. I didn't pay them much heed until I felt the water ripple and a thick paw rest atop my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw someone sitting next to me.

He was a tiger with bright orange fur and striking black stripes. Unlike wolves, his white chest-fur was short and did nothing to hide his heavily muscled chest. His grip was strong and his claws gently pricked my hide as he slowly rubbed my shoulders.

His scent has a dash of sugar to it which complimented his earthy musk very well. I found myself sniffing in his direction without realizing it.

"Haven't seen you around here before," his voice had a rolling trill to it, "you're new?"

I peered at the bottom of the pool. I had just seen a crowd of anthros of different species, but this was the first time I had ever talked with a feline before. I didn't believe some of the stories I heard about them, that they were cruel and liked to eat canines, but I wasn't sure how to politely respond to him.

"Yes!" I finally blurted out in an awkward and anxious voice. My eye darted to the striped paw atop my shoulder and I opened my mouth to speak, but the tiger spoke first.

"It helps before a duel, trust me. Turn around."

"Oh, okay!"

I spun around and the tiger grabbed my shoulders with both paws and began massaging me. His strength was abnormally strong and I found my muscles jolting as he prodded at my hide, but I didn't object, not wanting to show weakness before my first duel.

"You're so tense," my ear pricked as I felt the tiger's hot breath brush against it. His breath had a strange, spicy scent to it, almost like cinnamon. It was not what I expected from a feline, "but I know how to fix that."

My back arched as I felt him press against my shoulder-blade. A tiny yelp escaped my lips as the pain quickly faded away and was replaced by comfort. Whatever the tiger was doing, it was working, it seemed.

"You've dueled before?" I asked.

"Back home, yes. First time here, I quite enjoy the company of canines and was interested in attending a club function here," his nose bumped against the side of my face as he sniffed me, "and perhaps bring home a handsome prize as well."

"I hope to bring home a handsome prize too!"

"No kidding?" the tiger chuckled. "Have you picked out a challenger yet?"

"Not yet."

"Hmmm," he chuffed, rolling his thumb against my spine, "may I be so bold as to suggest myself?"

"Oh..." I trailed off. The tiger was at least a foot taller than the average wolf and with muscles to match. I tried to avoid showing it, but I was a little afraid of facing him, "...I just told reception that I'd take anyone they paired me with."

"How unusual!" the tiger sounded a bit hurt at first but he quickly regained his cheer. His tail was now coiling around my waist and the tip of it began brushing up against my sheath. Was this a feline thing? I hadn't met too many of them before and didn't want to be rude about his customs. "A wolf who just goes with the flow? Lets fate roll the dice? How exciting! Why, you could end up on the far side of the world with that kind of attitude!"

"I would like to travel one of these days!"

"I know you will!" the tiger suddenly stood up and stepped out of the bath. Giving himself a quick shake and wrapping a towel with a peach embroided on it around his waist, he spoke. "I'll see you later, cub!"

"Nice you meet you!" I waved as the tiger stepped out and into the dressing room.

Alone once again, I closed my eyes and dreamed of battle. I dared to imagine myself facing the tiger in the duel and having the audacity to win, to gain my prize in the form of wealth or land, whichever he possessed. I quickly scaled back my expectations, replacing him with a wolf or a fox in my fantasy, but still imagining myself with a hefty prize.

"Hol!" a voice cried out.

I opened my eyes and turned back towards the dressing room, spotting a white wolf in leather armor squinting at a paper list.

"You're up. Report to reception immediately!"

Shaking myself off and slapping my gear back on, I nearly leaped through the hallway back to reception. The fox was waiting there, still as bored as before.

"Hol here, reporting for-"

The double doors behind the reception desk burst open with a rush of applause and a fox rushed in along with a weasel whose arm he was holding. The fox was licking a gash on the weasel's arm while quietly apologizing. I caught a glimpse of the arena before the door slammed shut. The fox and the weasel were nowhere to be seen now.

"Hol, Hol, Hol," the fox muttered as he scanned the list. "You've been paired up with Rashid Viperblade. State your victory demands."

"Land!" I announced. The fox looked at me, incredulously raising his brow. This made me feel a little nervous, so I quickly stammered out a follow-up. "O-or wealth, whichever he has!"

"Are you serious?" the fox demanded.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

Sighing with contempt, the fox motioned me towards the doors, "Very well, your opponent will have to agree to those terms though. I'll go fetch our advocate..."

The fox stomped away from the desk, grumbling under his breath. I didn't want to risk angering him further, so I pushed open the doors and entered the arena.

The sun was shining down on us and the crowd was roaring with delight. Unlike the diverse crowd inside the clubhouse, the crowd was almost all wolves and foxes, locals who came to see warriors from abroad. The ring was not nearly as large as it looked from the outside, a small, sandy pit surrounded by wooden walls with an identical gate to the one I entered on the far side.

"Entering the arena, a newcomer to "The Stiff Blade," and wielding the longsword: Hol!" an announcer called out. The applause for myself was rather quiet but it was more than I expected as a newcomer.

"And his challenger, another newcoming to "The Stiff Blade," but a veteran in clubs from the far South, Rashid Viperblade!"

The doors on the far side flung open and my jaw nearly dropped to the ground. The tiger from before entered the arena, wearing a fancy, yellow silk robe with a metal breastplate atop his chest. Tied to his left arm were two ribbons, one black and one navy blue. A curved saber was sheathed in a scabbard strapped to his hip that he slapped as he confidently swaggered in. He bared his fangs at me in what looked like an attempt at a canine smile, but all it did was cause me to shudder. The crowd went wild, welcoming the foreigner with great reverence.

"The challengers have named their demands and the winner shall-"

"Hold on!"

The door behind me flung open and the fox entered, along with an aged, gray wolf leaning against the fox for support. The two of them stepped into the center of the arena eventually, prompting a lot of murmurs in the crowd.

"Hol has not demanded the usual prize. Both challengers must state their demands and accept them!" the fox shouted out.

The crowd grew more and more curious with a few people shouting out, "What?"

"Hol," the wolf spoke, his voice hoarse with age, "state your demand."

"I demand land!" I cried out. "Or wealth, if my challenger is not landed!"

"Rashid," the wolf turned about to face the tiger, "do you accept?"

"I accept! The wolf shall have my Barony in the South, should he win!" Rashid announced and I just about did a double-take. All I needed to do was win a single fight and I could have my own land, far away from my parents! My excitement drowned out the wolf's next announcements and I only came back to reality when Rashid spoke again.

"I demand Hol!"

My eyes went wide as I looked at the tiger, who was grinning once again. The tip of his tail gently swayed back and forth, an expression that I wasn't familiar with when it came to felines.

"Very well!" the wolf said. "As the club's legal advocate, I recognize the rights of the victor and will make the necessary arrangements!"

The fox began helping the wolf back out of the arena. As they passed me, I tugged at the fox's sleeve.

"What's going on!? What does he mean by him wanting me?" I demanded angrily.

"Are you serious?" the fox groaned.

"Yes! What's going on!?"

"You naive little kit," the fox grabbed me by his free paw and leaned in, pressing his snout against my ear, "haven't you caught on already?"

"What do you mean?"

"Kit, the only people who join clubs like these are anthros with unique tastes in mates. Tastes that society might frown upon."

"Mates?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion. "But you don't allow females to join!"

The fox stared at me with his intense gray eyes in silence.

All of a sudden it began to make sense now. The dog wearing the dress, the foxes undressing each other, why the bathhouse smelled stronger of sex than soap. I began to blush just thinking about Rashid massaging my back.

"No way!" I gasped.

"Sometimes people make other demands, like yourself, that's why we keep an advocate on retainer, but usually the duels are over who gets to keep the other as a companion for a year."

"B-but...!" I looked back at the tiger who was crossing his arms impatiently. I gagged at the thought of him feeling me up, "I-I'm not...I'm not...!"

"Look kit, if you want to pull out now, you're free to do so, the contract you signed is only binding upon mutual acceptance of your demands. No one here will take you seriously again, but you'd be able to walk away free and virginal," the fox snorted, "but if I were you, I'd agree to the duel."

"Are you insane!? I'm not a-!"

"If you win, you get his land, no strings attached; and if you lose-"

"He'll sodomize me!"

"Yes, numerous times," the fox groaned. The furs on his tail were bristled and he was clearly growing impatient with me, "but he's a rich Baron and they tend to shower their paramours with gifts. By the time your year is up with him, you could probably afford to buy your own tract of land somewhere."


"Or you could fight him and lose again if you wish. Hell, you could even just skip the foreplay and submit to being his lover forever if he so wished, that's one path to luxury if you ask me."

"When I agreed to become a duelist, I did it so I could fight like a warrior!"

"Kit, a real warrior suffers consequences when he loses a battle, most of which are far more horrifying than enjoying a vacation in the South with a handsome tiger who will pay for your every expense," the fox began prodding the wolf to walk with him. "You might even end up liking it and if you don't, just lie back and think of gold. A year will pass by quicker than you imagine and I'll tell you this, the barbs don't hurt as much as people say."


"Gods, you're green!" the fox finally snapped. "Either fight or leave, no more bullshit!"

I gulped, glancing nervously at the fox and back at Rashid. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, this was supposed to be a prestigious warrior lodge, not a glorified sex club! I began to understand why my parents objected so much to the club.

Still, the fox's words rang in my head. Was a warrior not someone who fought on, despite the potential dangers he might face were he to lose? If Father or Mother had been captured by any of the settlements they raided, would they not have been killed? Did that stop them from fighting?

I steeled my resolve. No matter what, I wouldn't back down.

"I will fight! For honor and for glory!"

"Great," the fox replied unenthusiastically, "knock yourself out, I don't give a fuck."

Only a few seconds after I padded into the ring, the announcer suddenly declared, "Let the fight begin!"

Rashid began padding to the side, circling me. I matched his motions, opting to step further away and examine his movements.

It was difficult to judge where his legs were, as his robes covered them up and I wasn't even sure if he was wearing armor under there. His arms were bare, save for metal bracers around the wrist, making them an attractive target.

"Swing towards my head," the tiger stage-whispered across the arena.


"I'll duck and tackle you to the ground. Drop your sword then and start wrestling with me, I'll let you get a few good grapples in before I pin you to the ground and you submit."

"But that would mean losing!"

Rashid shrugged, "Losing with honor. You're going to be mine whether you like it or not, I just want to spare you the dishonor of losing too fast."

"Never!" I shouted and charged forward, lashing at his right arm.

The tiger seemed to have predicted this and stepped to the side, parrying the blow with his blade. The force of the impact sent me reeling forward and I turned around just in time to meet his saber with my sword, just as it was about to come down upon my throat.

"You're going to hurt yourself," he grunted between clenched teeth. I grabbed the hilt of my sword with my second hand for support, eyes locked on the curved blade inches away from me, "punch me in the gut and then jump back. You can charge me after and then I'll trip you and demand your surrender at sword-point."


"You could just surrender now if you don't mind the disgrace," the tiger chuckled. "I just want you all to myself. I've wanted you ever since I saw you in the bath."

He leaned his muzzle in past our blades and his large, pink nose nuzzled up against mine.

"I'll give you every comfort you wish, Hol."

My blade was inches away from his neck, all it would take is a quick slide across his saber and I could have first blood. Gulping, I tightened my grip and swung.

Rashid pushed all of his weight into his blade and sent me flying to the ground. I forced myself up from the sand and panicked when I realized I lost my sword. Darting my eyes around, I found it a few feet away and began to scramble towards it, but a heavy weight slammed down against my back, pinning me to the dirt. Before I could do anything, I felt metal brush up against my throat.

"You're mine, cub."

I buried my face in the dirt. I couldn't hear the announcer call out the winner. This wasn't happening, I told myself, this wasn't happening. It was all a bad dream, that's all. I'd wake up back home with Saffron in my bed and this whole nightmare would be just an unpleasant memory.

But I could not escape from reality, I knew this when I felt the tiger's blade slice through the rear of my padded trousers and peel them apart. My chestplate and gambeson were next, which provided some extra resistance but eventually were shredded apart and left on the ground as Rashid grabbed me and lifted me above his head.

The crowd was jeering and laughing at my naked body. Some of them had their paws in their trousers and I became fearful that Rashid was going to claim me right then and there.

"Please, not here..." I whimpered to the tiger as he lowered me. Anticipating an attempt at escape, he held me tight to his chest with his thick bicep.

"You're mine, pretty wolf," Rashid purred, running his paw through the fur on the back of my neck. He pinched my scruff and a jolt of pleasure ran through my body against my will. "I can take you wherever I wish."

"Please!" I begged. There were bound to be some acquaintances of the family here. I could survive being the companion of this tiger for a year, but to be seen getting publicly mounted like a bitch, it would be too much to bear. "I'll do anything you want, just not here, please!"

"You wolves. You care too much about what others think," the tiger clicked his tongue, "what is it you call the leader of a pack of wolves, again?"


"Call me that," Rashid tightened his grip around the scruff of my neck. I couldn't help it, but my cock began to tingle, thinking of him taking control of me like this, "and obey me without question. Then I will not submit you to the shame of public mounting."

"My Alpha," I whispered to the tiger. Alpha was not a word wolves used lightly, it commanded more respect and authority than calling someone master. Calling a feline Alpha was pretty much unthinkable, to the point where there wasn't any rule against it, it was just something wolves didn't do. It would be like castrating yourself for all to see, "please take me away from here and I will serve you without question."

"Good little wolf," Rashid scuffed up my fur and took me by the paw, silently dragging me out of the arena. I followed without question, not daring to disobey. I was his slave now and this conjured up images of whips lashing against my back, of being chained up in a dungeon with nothing but moldy bread and stagnant water to consume. He had all the power he could ever want over me and although I was not an advocate, I was willing to bet that the contract was ironclad.

Warriors in the lobby whistled and hooted at me as they saw me following my Master's lead. At least half of them would be in a similar predicament, but until then, they were free and willing to jeer at me for my lost freedom. Rashid let a few of them grope my crotch and press their noses up against my neck for a sniff, which caused me to shudder anxiously, but a pressure began to grow in my crotch.

I was reminded of a story I heard as a child about a wolf warrior who submitted to an Alpha after losing to him in a duel. The story went into great detail about how he was mocked by the other members of the pack and that he silently accepted it along with his Alpha's every order, no matter how demeaning. It was framed as a virtuous story about pack hierarchy, but I have to admit that something about it always made me feel a little funny down there, even when I was really young. It was pretty obvious to me now that the story obscured the fact that the Alpha was keeping the Omega as his concubine, perhaps he was even letting the whole pack have their way with him.

The sound of a door flying open brought me back to reality. I hadn't even realized that Rashid had led me up a flight of stairs and into a private room prepared for visitors such as him. If the true purpose of the club hadn't been obvious yet, the room spelled it out with giant letters. Oddly enough though, the first thing that caught my sight was the bed, because it was so normal, just a nice, modest mattress in a light brown bedframe with white linens wrapped around it.

The rest of the room however, was a miniature sex dungeon: bolted to the walls were two pairs of chains leading to manacles for disobedient slaves to be locked into, a long, cast-iron weapon-rack ran parallel to the wall on the opposite side of the room, but instead of holding swords, axes, or anything else you'd expected a warrior lodge to display, it had a massive selection of whips, ropes, and gags of various shapes and sizes; finally, on a table by the wash basin were a collection of tiny sculptures that I only recognized as being different anthro phalluses after I saw a small sign atop the basin warning members to clean the toys after use or face a fine from the club. My butt clenched upon achieving this realization.

"Slave, put those cuffs on," Rashid ordered.

I was still too shocked by the contents of the room to obey. My eyes were now locked one one particularly large phallus that looked to have been based on a horse's, but it was thicker than my fist and longer than my legs, surely that couldn't fit!

Rashid tackled me against the wall suddenly, grabbing my wrists with one powerful paw and pinning it against the wall. Cupping my chin with his other paw, he forced me to look up at him. His round, golden eyes were piercing into my soul, expressionless and cold, but his hand was gentle, sending shock-waves of warmth through my face and neck.

"Disobedience, hm?" Rashid made a strange noise with his throat, almost like a horse snorting. "I like that."

His tongue lashed out and scraped across my nose and muzzle. It was rough and bumpy, a little abrasive but I found myself enjoying it. It was just like how wolves licked close friends and mates, but there was an added edge of dominance to it that was making me shiver.

Growling lowly, Rashid slapped the first manacle around my left wrist effortlessly. I began to squirm and struggle, which caused Rashid to laugh slightly as he pretended to have difficulty securing my other wrist. He was more than strong enough to pin me down, but went along with the game, grinding his thighs against my chest and occasionally licking me.

Until I went too far and snapping my jaws at him, baring my fangs in a snarl. This didn't last long as Rashid let loose a fierce growl that forced me to look at the ground and tuck my tail between my legs in fear. Rashid took the chance to lock my wrist in place and I didn't resist any further.

"Bad slave!" Rashid nipped at the side of my neck. "You're going to have to be punished..."

Rashid stomped away and I kept my eyes to the ground, wincing as I heard him remove something from the rack that creaked like stiff leather. I heard the crack of the whip before pain erupted on my chest and I screamed. Another crack followed before I could react.

"I'm sorry! Please!"

Rashid paused, wrapping the whip around his wrist and staring at me expectantly. In the next moments, the pain in my chest quickly faded and I was surprised to find that the rush of adrenaline that followed was surprisingly enjoyable and the tip of my cock began to peek through my sheath. A few welts were growing on my chest, hidden by the coat of fur.

When I didn't answer Rashid, he lashed the whip once again, cracking it against the floor by my feet. Startled, I jumped back, thumping against the wall.

"You will address me as Alpha, slave!" Rashid snarled. "Or I'll take you downstairs and sell you to the first bidder for the night!"

"Alpha, I'm sorry!" I fell to my knees, lowering my nose to the floor. "I'll do anything you wish, Alpha!"

Rashid made that strange noise in his throat again. Whatever it was, it sounded like he was happy or approved of where I was going, "What would you do for me?"

"I-I would let you fuck me in the ass, Alpha! I-I..." I trailed off, trying to think exactly what two males would do together in the bedroom, "...I'll suck your cock, Alpha!"

"Very well," Rashid put the whip away and stepped towards the table with the cocks on display, "you're an anal virgin, yes?"

"Yes, Alpha," my face grew hot.

Rashid nodded and grabbed a narrow, metal, canine dildo. I sighed with relief as it was much smaller than the other, more terrifying cocks, but still grew anxious when Rashid placed it on the ground beneath my legs.

"Sit down," Rashid ordered.

My tail instinctively covered up my rear and my legs began to shake.

"Alpha, I..." I paused, biting at my lip, "...what if I trip?"

The tiger's large, pink nose nuzzled up against my mouth, "I'll help you, my love."

His muscular arms wrapped around my torso and he slowly lowered me to the ground. I gasped as I felt cold metal press up against my anus and clenched tightly.

"It's okay," Rashid rumbled, one of his paws gently massaging my back, "I won't let you get hurt. Just relax."

Whining slightly, but not willing to disobey my Alpha, I forced my rear to unclench and let him guide me. The tip of the fake cock chafed against my insides as it entered and my mouth quivered, wanting to beg my Alpha not to continue. However, as the knot of the phallus pressed up against my rear and the tip was all the way in, I felt something pleasurable jolt deep inside me that made me gasp.

"It feels good, doesn't it, slave?"

"Yes, Alpha!"

Rashid's clothes fell away and I gazed upon his cock, having full escaped from its furry prison. I was in shock upon seeing it, expecting something similar to my own but was faced with something I had never imagined. It was about as long as my paw, tapered into a sharp point; but far sharper were the thin little barbs running along the shaft. Pushing away my surprise, I pressed my nose against the tip, taking his heady musk into my nostrils; it wasn't so bad. Rashid rumbled with approval.

"Open wide."

I opened my mouth, placing my tongue atop my lower teeth. I was afraid of accidentally biting him as he slid the bottom of his shaft along my tongue, deeper into my mouth. He tasted like salt, a very enjoyable taste that caused me to wag my tail uncontrollably.

The cock stopped short of pressing against my throat when Rashid pulled back. The barbs of his cock pricked against my tongue as he did this, more irritating than painful, but enough for him to express his dominance over me.

As I began bobbing my head forward and back, stroking my Alpha's cock with my tongue, I also started to slide myself atop the metal phallus, finding the sensation it made when it thrust against the back of my insides very appealing. I tried to time this with Rashid's cock thrusts, to make myself fully enjoy the whole package.

Rashid's cock grew stiffer and it began to shudder as pre-cum dribbled onto my tongue. I thought it would disgust me, but it tasted just as good as the outside of his cock. I silently begged my Alpha to cum. I was done fighting, if this was what my life would be like for the next year, it was no punishment whatsoever. I did not come here to mate with males, but now I was staying for it.

But Rashid did not cum. He pulled out and I whimpered pleadingly for him to continue. With a chuckle, he patted me atop the head.

"I'm not done yet, slave."

Lifting me up suddenly by the legs, he pushed my back up against the wall and lined up my rear with his thighs. I felt his paw grab the base of the phallus and wiggle it, teasing me as it tortured that one spot inside me that caused so much pleasure. Finally, he slowly pulled it and I gasped when it popped out and he let it thump against the ground.

"This might hurt, slave," Rashid whispered as his soft paw-pads stroked the base of my shaft, "I'm going to give you permission to tell me if it does."

"Yes, Alpha."

"I don't want to hurt you," Rashid lowered his mouth to my cock. I felt his hot breath brush up against it before his rough tongue lapped at it, the bumps scraping against it toughly and I felt my knot swell up almost instantly. Gods, his breath smelled good, like exotic spices from afar, "I want you to feel good."

"Please, Alpha," I whispered, "be careful."

"I will."

His cock was thicker than the phallus and when it pressed up against me, it felt like it could never fit in. I just about screamed as the tip pushed past my defenses, my rear beginning to ache with pain.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded silently.

Rashid continued the plunge and I gritted my teeth. His shaft stretched my insides to the limit as he entered further, Rashid shifting his hips as he did so. Eventually, he was all the way inside, his stomach brushing up against my balls.

"Let me know if this hurts, please," Rashid repeated himself. I felt warm inside and a smile grew on my lips.

It hurt when he pulled back, I'm not going to lie. My teeth were clenched together and I suppressed the urge to howl. However, it didn't hurt nearly as much as I feared and as Rashid continued, I found myself able to predict when the barbs would scrape against a part of my insides and suppress the pain. Along with that, much like the whip, when the pain began to fade there was a certain pleasure.

The tiger continued his assault. Much like the phallus from before, when he was in deep, a jolt of pleasure shocked my system. I found myself yelping and begging my Alpha for more.

Just this morning, I would have never imagined being someone's bitch like this, let alone a feline's! It was even more shocking that I was enjoying it and had thrown out all my plans of becoming a famed duelist.

In a year's time I would try again, I told myself. But as my Alpha tightened his grip around the scruff of my neck, I began to have trouble imagining a life without him.

Saliva dripped from his jaws, splattering on my stomach. Growing a bit bold, I reached forward with my paws and grabbed him by the shoulder. Rashid adjusted his grip, pulling me towards him until my head was cradled against his chest. I sighed, breathing in his musk and feeling his fur tickle my nose. He didn't stop his thrusts for a second.

"Kiss me," the tiger ordered.

I looked up and licked my Alpha on the bottom of the chin without hesitation. His tongue lapped at my face and soon our tongues were meeting, mine smooth and his rough.

Something warm shot inside my rear and Rashid gasped, his claws pressing into my shoulders. I felt a little bit of blood drip down from his claw marks, but I didn't feel any pain.

Rashid suddenly pulled out, just in time for two spurts of cum to shoot out, hitting me once in the face and across the chest. The ropes of cum were thick and salty, and I couldn't help but lick at one that had landed across my lip. Rashid gently put me down as he collapsed on the floor next to me, panting heavily.

My cock was aching with pleasure, ready to burst at a moment's notice, but I wasn't sure how to express this to my Alpha.

"You didn't cum," Rashid said slowly, prodding at the tip of my cock with his paw.

"I'm sorry, Alpha."

"I'm sorry," Rashid purred and wrapped his paw around my shaft, "time to fix this."

His grip tightened around the shaft like a vice and his smooth pads were like silk as he worked it, running his paw from the tip down to the round knot at the bottom of my cock.

I gasped uncontrollably. I was already close to climaxing but as soon as Rashid had turned his attention to it, the pleasure became almost too much. My cock swelled until it felt like it was going to burst.


Before I could finished, Rashid leaned down and pressed his lips against the tip of my cock, opening his mouth slightly as my seed shot out. He didn't let a single drop escape onto my body.

Swallowing, Rashid looked at me, a very un-feline smile growing across his lips. Suddenly, he shot forward, giving me a quick lick on the tip of the nose before he laid down next to me.

Eventually, he released me from the bindings, having deemed me suitably trained, and took me to bed. His strong arms were wrapped around me as I drifted off to sleep, his dominant musk embracing me much like he was.

I stepped into the arena with my padded armor strapped to my body and my sword at my hip. I was seasoned, in more ways than one.

"Returning after a year's contract, Hol!"

The crowd cheered for me, oddly enough. I bowed slightly.

The doors on the opposite side opened and a familiar tiger swaggered forward, tail lashing playfully behind him.

"And also returning to accept Hol's rematch, Rashid Viperblade!"

The cheers for him were larger, of course, but that was to be expected. I hadn't made a very good impression last time.

"Now, let the fight-!"

"Hold it!"

The fox receptionist stepped into the arena, carrying the ancient wolven advocate by the arm until they were in the center of the stage.

"Hol has requested a special bet that we need to have both parties accept!" the advocate announced, his voice even more hoarse than last time.

The crowd murmured and I heard a few people laugh, no doubt expecting a repeat of last time.

"Hol has requested that if he is to win, that Rashid become his paramour and slave for life."

The crowd gasped.

"Rashid, do you accept this bet?"

The tiger grinned, "I accept and match the bet. If I win, Hol will be my slave for life."

"Very good!" the advocate nodded and was lead away by the fox quickly.

This seemed like a dangerous bet to the crowd, no doubt. In truth though, I felt like I was winning the bet no matter who won the duel and I knew Rashid felt the same way.

"Let the fight begin!"

We drew our blades and charged towards each-other.