a chance meeting chapter 8

Story by BanditSoftpaw on SoFurry

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This has been by far the most interesting chapter for me to write, the Emotions of both Ben and Alanna began to seep through and made their way not only in each other's hearts but also in mine,

I do hope you all enjoy reading it as much as it was a pleasure to write it.

and as always, please check out the patreon site.

there will always be 2 chapters ahead there.https://www.patreon.com/Banditsstorytime

Chapter 8

After having another very filling meal and a good night's rest, where this time the Raccoon slept in his drawer watching over the two wolves he was up in the kitchen preparing them their breakfast.

Breaking dry biscuits in little parts and soaking them in a chicken broth with two added eggs for flavor and protein.

Smiling at his own work and the scent it gave off he brought it into the master bedroom, the pup instantly rose and rushed towards him nearly knocking him over and drawing forth a giggle from the Raccoon. Alanna also looked up and came down from the bed to greet Ben with an affectionate lick across his muzzle after he had set down the two bowls he had carried in.

"Enjoy your breakfast,"

The evening before he had discussed with her if it was okay for him to try some real food, it was amusing to see the little guy barking and hopping around the bowl, sticking his nose in and occasionally taking a few mouthfuls then returning to his mother to see if all was well and returning to his bowl.

While the pair ate Ben decided to clean up the room a bit, straighten the sheets and blankets.

Finishing about the same time they had their bellies filled.

"I figured today would be an excellent day to take a little stroll along the river. If you don't mind that is?"

Alanna looked very pleased with that idea as her long tail went up and wagged happily, unintentionally spreading her scent across the room again.

Ben did not mind though, he was prepared for it and managed to ignore it mostly, his body still reacting slightly by sending a blush to his face and Alanna all to quickly realized what was going on, tucking her tail under her belly.

With a wide grin, Ben petted her right between the ears.

"Do not worry about that Alanna, I'm more than just a being of lust, come on let us get outside and enjoy the fresh morning air and the early rays of the sun."

And so the tree of them stepped through the cabin door and on the porch, Ben filled up his lungs with alanna following his example.

She felt like running wild now that her energy was back to where it should have been, but she had to mind her pup too, still she nudged her shoulder hard against Ben nearly making him fall over as she dashed past him towards the first tree she saw, ungraceful as it was she sniffed and then marked it out of habit making Ben simply smile and shake his head.

The sun greeted them friendly enough, birds chirped in the treetops and nature itself seemed to have been growing at an increased pace since the rains came and went.

Here and there little rodents scattered away as Sandulf came over to investigate, Both Alanna and Ben keeping an eye on him as they walked slowly shoulder against shoulder along the stream near the cabin, they were not heading in any particular direction and were more than happy to let Sandulf pick the way to go.

After a good walk, the bushes and trees seemed to open up a bit giving way to a clearing that was cut directly in half by the creek running through it.

The three of them stopped there, Sandulf vigourously and meticulously inspected every leave, bush, stone and branch he could find, running around with his nose on the ground and his tail wagging happily giving soft little barks of joy as he jumped around, Both Ben and Alana smiled at him as they watched.

As Ben turned his gaze to the deep emerald like eyes of Alanna he felt something stir in his chest and his breathing ceased, there in the early rays, her fur clean and her body looking healthy, she looked not only like a proud wolf mother, but as a goddess, powerful lean, the scars on her body more like decorations that she wore with pride. Ben wanted more than friendship, he could feel it in the dark recesses of his closed heart, chips breaking off the outer walls and a new light shone in, making him sigh happily.

Alanna noticed him staring and then saw the blank expression on his face, she could not help but giggle and gave him a push with her nose.

"Let's run Ben, Let us run wild. climb on my back!"

She hopped around on her paws excitedly before lowering herself a bit so the Raccoon could get on top of her.

Accepting her invitation with a little worried look towards Sandulf before he climbed on her strong back, his paws digging into the manes on her neck making sure to caress her first.

Alanna proceeded to pad off towards Sandulf first, placing her paw on his tail to get his attention and keep him from running off to the next tree.

"Child, as before, I will be returning soon, you are safe here, play but be on guard. like I taught you my dear one. "

Sandulf gave a whimpering bark, nuzzling her muzzle affectionately and sat down.

He would be fine, so far he had always been and she was incredibly proud of him.

Then she stormed off with the Raccoon on her back, the weight now not bothering her anymore, in fact, she welcomed it, her muscles needed the exercise, the wind swept through her fur and her tongue came loose from her mouth, hanging out on the left side of her muzzle as she kept increasing her speed running in a straight line along the creek, trees and bushes became a blurry green and brown haze with the occasional spots of colored flowers that grew around, her paws kicked up a trail of dust and her eyes began to tear from the wind.

She knew she had more to give, every paw that came down on the ground vibrated loudly through the seemingly empty forest, the Raccoon on her back leaned forward, minimizing the wind's resistance on them and his paws folded around her neck, he licked her ear once then said.

"Show me, Alanna, show me a wolfs true speed."

Making her propel forward as an arrow fired from an overdrawn bow, punching through the bushes, jumping falling trees and giving her all.

She was in heaven, all the cares and worries melted away, her body designed to hold a steady rhythm near her top speed to not tired her out, she could cover great distances like this.

Suddenly she turned, her paws digging into the ground facilitating a sliding stop, at the end of her sliding she sat her rear down, nearly making the Raccoon fall off, the tossed her head in her neck and howled as loud as she could, not to the moon, but the sun.

It was this exact moment that the walls surrounding the Raccoons heart shattered, he bled inside with love, he would make her his, and he would be hers if he had any say in the matter.

Stepping off her back and padding up next to her, he placed his paw on her strong shoulder, feeling the vibrations of the howl running up through it he joined her, his head up to the sky, opening his maw and out came a deep low melodious howl in perfect synchronization to her own.

Together they howled for the sun, the moon, the stars and every leaf in the forest that would listen to the two so very different but so very alike creatures.

Their Howl seemed to last an eternity until they finally basked in the silence, gazing at each other, Alanna with her deep emerald eyes, Ben with his black mask and eyes, then he leaned towards her, taking the fluff on her cheeks in his paws and kissed her on her lips, a slow long kiss shared in silence, at some point Alanna lifted a forepaw to wrap around the Raccoons body and pull him closer against her chest as both closed their eyes.

The kiss seemed to last even longer than the howl and neither of them wanted it to end, but then Ben pulled away speaking a single word that snapped Alanna back to Reality.


She nodded to him, lowering so he could get on her back again and they raced again through the forest back to her pup, back to where the fantasy had to make room for reality.

As Alanna ran with the weight of the Raccoon on her back she felt all her emotions running over in one another and getting one big conflicted mess.

She was struggling to make sense of them all, she felt adoration and attraction for the raccoon and she could sense a calm strength in him, he was easy to trust and not to mention physically up to tend to her needs. But he was a Raccoon, not a wolf, and her pup needed a proper father. she could not ask that of him.

Alanna got so lost in thought that she almost ran past the clearing where her son was still peacefully playing Ben had to tap her ear twice before she realized what happened and stopped.

Turning around and slowly making her way back to the clearing.

Sandulf came running up to nuzzle her for a greeting and lick her nose and muzzle, then he pushed his head under her belly making her giggle softly, turning her head to the Racoon.

"It looks like you are going to have to jump off Ben, I guess little Sandulf is hungry."

Ben could not help but smile and let himself slide off her backside so he would not accidentally land on her pup taking the opportunity to squeeze her rump a bit making her look back at him with a grin.

After Ben made his way off her back she padded towards a nearby tree, sniffing the ground and turning around a few times to find the best possible spot to lay down on her side, Sandulf eagerly tucked his muzzle under her forepaws and against her chest, making her grimace slightly but then sigh happily, As her little one skipped his breakfast her breasts were quite full and having him drink released much of the pressure inside though he only drank from one, the other stayed full.

Ben Watched them from a little distance, not really sure what to do so eventually he jumped into the creek for a little swim, chasing a few fish and letting his body cool down from the race and his dismount, his thoughts stayed on Alanna's body somehow, she had an amazing build, strong and lean, she was very attractive even as a wolf.

Shaking his head while underwater made a stream off bubbles surface from the clear blue water, his fur flowed against his body as he swam around, a body build for both swimming and thriving on the land, able to quickly climb trees, nimble and dextrous paws unlike most animals he could operate items and locks, Heck, he even managed to mate with a wolf, and again his mind was filled with visions of Alanna's body.

Coming out of the water and giving his body a thorough shake he made his way back to Alanna and her pup.

Ben found her curled up around him, her head resting on her forepaws and her beautiful emerald eyes gazed up at Ben, she gave a soft coo to greet him, turned her head towards her son and used her nose to gently dislodge him from her breast before she got up and walked away, leaving Sandulf half hidden under the tree on the long grass and comfortable in the shade.

"Ben, this is a bit difficult to ask for me, but I need your help. Sandulf skipped breakfast, and now he only nursed from one side... I hurt."

His black eyes widened a bit, but he fully understood what was happening.

"I would be honored to help you my friend, but let's move a bit away from Sandulf first, I do not want him to get jealous."

Alanna nodded and padded off a short distance, finding a little Filbert to pick a spot under, it made them both hidden enough but also gave them a good view of the clearing and the entrance to it, she turned around a few more time before laying down on her other side so her filled breast was easily accessible for Ben, she huffed and closed her eyes resting her head again on her forepaws.

Ben felt a bit awkward as how to approach her but then decided he would go the same route he saw Sandulf take earlier, sitting down on his hindquarters near her head first, then letting himself fall to his side he lifted her forepaw, snuggly fit his head between them and gently latched on to her nipple.

Alanna gave a soft grunt as he latched on, his mouth a lot bigger then her son's and his suction a lot stronger, but he also used his tongue differently, caressing her nipple as he drank, for some reason it started to turn her on but she tried to ignore it as best she could.

Somehow her tail managed to wag against her will and her breathing increased.

Ben was little aware of what he was doing to his friend, he just wanted to help her as best he could, but all his experience with breasts after his childhood was to massage, kiss, and nibble them.

Her milk flowed richly in his maw, a sweet and creamy delicious taste, he paced himself to drink slowly to just release the pressure from her breast, occasionally his jaw automatically retracted making him nibble on her nipple, every time he did Alanna gave a short pleased gasp, when Ben noticed the milk flowed a bit less he stopped sucking, but he continued the nibbles, his long tongue curled around her nipple and tugged on it a bit.

He could not see her face from this position so he could not tell if she liked or disliked it, he had to go by her actions until his nose picked up her increasing scent, her tail was up again.

Alanna was in bliss, first the pressure in her breast decreased, but then Ben did some trick with his tongue that sends shivers all the way down her tail making it lift up no matter how hard she tried to keep it down, her heat was passing quickly but it was still there, and she knew the Raccoon's sensitive nose would pick it up in no time, yet she did not care even if she was not in heat what he did now was enough to make her want him, badly.

As she opened her eyes she found her staring right at his belly and with increasing lust she saw the effects of her scent on the raccoon, first he parted his hind paws a bit to make room, then his penile bone pushed out, making his erection stand straight, slowly it filled with blood increasing his size to almost that of a wolf, without the knot though, but it would do without disappointing her at all. The moment a drop of pre formed on his tip she leaned forward to lick it off drawing forth a soft gasp and shiver from the raccoon making Alanna smile and take his whole member into her muzzle using her tongue to tease it.

Ben released her nipple and started to crawl towards her hind legs, stuffing his head between them, following his nose to where her sweet scent was secreted, he ran his nose along her folds and carefully slipped his tongue and lips over them before stuffing his tongue between them, starting to lap away as if was the last thing he would ever taste.

Both of them felt new and unique experiences as the continued in silence, only their heavy breathing gave away the couple was doing something else then hugging each other tightly, after only a little while Alanna's body started to shiver uncontrollably and she had to suck hard on Ben's member to keep from howling out loud, that, of course, pushed Ben over the edge too, making him squirt a full load of seeds onto her tongue and down her throat, instinctively Alanna swallowed every drop, letting his member slip free and licking his lips. His taste was interesting, she liked it but could not really describe it.

After a moment of laying there, the couple turned to face each other with a big smile.

"That was a bit unexpected Alanna, but thank you. it was amazing."

Alanna simply smiled a bit wider. "I hope you aren't done yet? I am in heat after all."

The Raccoon blushed a bit and turned his body to lay in the same direction as she was....