Rock and a hard place.

Story by Dusk Craixwulf on SoFurry

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This is a story idea given to me by MaryHyena, thank you for the inspiration, and sorry about taking so long to post it.


Rock and a Hard Place

"Come on dude, this is the biggest event the world has ever seen! You can't tell me you're going to miss it because your possessive bitch has you on a dick leash," Dusk sighs and hangs up the phone, leaving his aspirations of a good concert with a friend next to the reciever. Looks like I gotta go alone.

After an hour long drive into the heart of the city, the tall wolf parks his car in the lot and looks in wonder at the spectacle unfolding around him. Bright lights, loud music, furrs of every shape and size all headed to the same place to witness the awesome power of rock. Soon he makes it close enough to see the stage, and can't go another step. He stands high on his very tip toes, but all he can see is the sillhouette of the stage and all he can hear is the drone of the crowd. Someone seems to be onstage testing the mics and equipment, but it is too far to tell.

>BOOM< Fireworks start to whistle and pop behind him to signal the beginning of the event, so he takes the chance to slip further into the increadible mass of fur, oohs and ahs. Damn, if I were any less skinny I might not be able to make it through this crowd. When the fireworks end and attention once again focuses on the stage, the lanky wolf has made it all but onto the stage.

Another fan, a young ferret, shouts over the crowd, "Hell yeah, fifth row to see Stand in Opposition, I can die happy!"

Dusk lets out a soft chuckle, that soon grows into a booming laugh, and he releases a loud howl in excitement for the upcoming show. The lights dim and the crowd dies down to a hush, a single spotlight drops onto the dark figures of four strong young furrs, two foxes and two wolves. The lead singer looks up into the crowd, and in a flash of stage lights and the heavenly wail of a guitar the crowd goes wild. Some sing along, some play air instruments, and others clear out as a mosh pit starts to form. Furrs climb lightpoles and benches to get a better sight of the show.

Something just kept pulling Dusk's attention away from the show though. A bright green spike in the periphere of his vision. He dares a glance and is rewarded with the image of a muscular black wolfess with neon green stripes through her spiked hair. Her screaming joy is emphasized in the heaving of her ample chest, barely held by nothing but a sleeveless jacket coming down just below her ribs, open enough in the front to give a good idea on her lack of anything underneath. Her long legs fit perfectly into tight grey jeans that show off her pleasing curves. Oh this is the greatest concert I have ever seen!

Dusk slowly eases his way through the crowd to get closer to this canid goddess, all the while pumping and shouting along with the songs of his favorite band. After a few songs he is mashed between the amazing black wolfess and a sweaty black bear. He ignores the pressing stench of the latter, and pretends to focus on the show. His focus soon is broken by a long beautiful arm pulling around his shoulders and yanking him against the green haired girl. He gazes up at her in amazement and tries to act as if he wasn't enjoying her touch as much as he really was.

"Hey there li'l wolf, don't think I didn't see you sneaking your way over to me. I've had an eye on you since you snuck your way through during the fireworks," the beautifully strong wolfess holds him against her and into his eyes curiously. "What's wrong, wolf got your tongue?"

"I, well I guess, I saw you and couldn't look away. My name is Dusk." He offers her the paw that wasn't pinned between their sides.

"I am Ayla, very nice to meet you Dusk, but I think you may want a little more than a handshake." Ayla takes Dusk's paw before he can pull away and slides it under her jacket, wrapping her arms around his waist. Okay, definately no bra there... ohmygosh.

"Okay loverboy, enough for now," she pulls his grasping paw away and holds his chin up to look into his eyes. "What do you say we ditch this gig and find ourselves somewhere a little more... private?"

Dusk simply stares in amazement, "hmm, Stand in Opposition or a smoking hot wolfess, I do think I want the wolfess."

Ayla chuckles and takes his hand, leading him away through the crowd and to the side of the stage. The bouncer steps aside as Ayla approaches and gives her a nod.

"Wait, we get backstage? How the hell are you so amazing?"

"Let's just say that he is a friend of my dad's."

She leads him into a room behind the stage and closes the door. A huge bed fills half the room, the rest is covered in makeup tables and memorabilia.

"Oh do not tell me, your dad is in Stand in Opposition?! This is definately the greatest day ever!"

"You say that now, but just wait, it gets better." Ayla pounces onto Dusk as he is distracted admiring the room, and pins his hands over his head while straddling him.

"And it just keeps comi..." his sentence is broken by a hard kiss from the wolfess atop him.

"Tonight how about I make you mine, I will be your mistress and you my pet. Sound good?"

"You just read my mind."

Ayla grins as she helps undress the lanky wolf before dropping the meager clothing she wore beside the bed. She fastens a black leather collar around Dusk's neck and kisses down his chest, stopping just above his hips and thinking for a moment. She turns herself around and crouches over his muzzle, her wet sex hot and dripping against his soft fur as she lays over him and gives his sheath a soft lick. In instant response a slight red tip starts poking out, and with the lustful coaxing of her tongue it emerges fully. She looks back at Dusk and nods, dropping her hips into the reach of his tongue and enclosing his entirety in her muzzle with one swift, deep slide.

Dusk wastes no time in ravishing his new partner. His long tongue finds its mark and furiously wraps and prods her clit, and she moans around his thickness in response, returning the favor by playing her tongue all around the length as she bobbed her head up and down. His licks drive deeper into her, finding the slight opening between her gentle folds and circling it in tighter and tighter circles until his tongue drives deep inside her. Ayla pulls away from him and pants, "No more, I need you now my pet, I need to feel you inside of me!" She turns around and gives him just enough time to align with her before dropping hard down onto him, screaming out in pleasure as his thick member filled her, pressed against a deep barrier that kept it from going any further. Her paws found his and pinned them over his head, her powerful legs carrying her up and down atop her wolfen steed. His shallow panting and growling, as well as her screams and moans, all were drowned by the music so very close to them.

Ever since he had entered her, Dusk's knot had been slowly forming, growing larger and harder as Ayla rode him. He started thrusting his hips up to meet her, instinct commanding and willing him to tie her, and she responded by slamming harder and faster down onto him. With a swift thrust and a slight yip of pleasure and pain from Ayla, his knot locked him into her, his tip pushing through the barrier and joining her womb. Both wolves panted hard and gave a few short thrusts before Dusk howled out in pleasure, his hot seed bursting forth deep into Ayla's willing body and filling her to the most she could carry. With the added pleasure of his gift, her own orgasm bursts forth and she joins in the howl and tightens around her pet and lover, milking him of every last drop of his seed. She collapses against him, still tied and feeling the slow throb of Dusk's member pushing the last of him into her when the door opens.

Ayla starts in surprise but recieves a yelp of pain from Dusk as his knot is pulled, it still hadn't had time to receed yet. The lead singing wolf of Stand in Opposition is trying to close his door against the hoardes of adoring fans rushing him. When the door is finally closed and locked he turns around to find Ayla holding Dusk down, straddling him while he is tied with her.

"Well it seems I'm not the only one who had some fans tonight," the wolf chuckles and looks over the two. "You seem to have found a pretty open one."

Ayla blinks and blushes, "Uh... hi dad. I didn't even realize the music had ended..."

Dusk's pale flush of panic drops back into a heated excitement. "You never told me your dad was Tom McIliad, the lead singer and front man for Stand in Opposition!! I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances," he looks down to where he is joined with Ayla. "I absolutely love your music, your method, and now... your daughter." he gives a smile up to his partner and is rewarded with a kiss. In all the excitement his knot had had enough time to dissipate and Ayla slowly and gingerly demounted him, sliding to the floor and collecting her clothes.

Tom looks at Dusk and smiles, "Well I'm sure with that you can't have not pleased her. I'm not upset, thank you for giving my daughter such a good time. In fact..." he turns away and pulls a shirt and a marker out of a dresser. He makes a few marks and tosses it to Dusk. He looks it over, a genuine Stand in Opposition band member tee signed by Tom McIliad! I think I'm gonna faint... Ayla grabs the shirt away and writes something inside the sleeve, dropping it back in Dusk's lap. He looks and finds a phone number inside.

"Call me if you ever need tickets to a show, or if you just want to have a little more fun." Ayla blushes and looks away from her dad, putting her clothes back on and rushing past the fans and out of the room. Tom closes the door behind her.

"So how did you like the concert? And everything else..?" Tom looks away as Dusk redresses.

"Honestly? Best. Night. Ever."


Thank you for reading my first story, hopefully more one shot stories will come to follow. Any and all comments are appreciated. The idea was mixed with an experience I had, the fireworks and crowd ninja stuff was true. Also anybody who can name the band this was representing gets one million hug points! If you also name the real lead singer you get a million points of me loving you! Thank you for reading.

