Feel the Burn

Story by Sanada-mutt on SoFurry

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Note: This is a long over-due gift piece for Doggieo. I haven't opened a word document for probably well over half a year now so it's most definitely not the greatest of stories. Oh well. It's really just spank material anyway. :)


Feel the Burn by Sanada

"Going out again?" the roo asked, rocking on the balls of his feet. An ear flicked absent-mindedly as he puffed on the cigarette, turning just long enough to blow the smoke out the window. "You keep it going at this rate and you're going to be feeling that burn pretty damn soon if you ask me."

The dobermann shrugged his shoulders, offering a wry grin.

"I already am, but if I don't keep up this routine, I'll just break off of it and then I'll never get in shape," Jet replied, flopping onto the futon and tugging on his brown leather shoes. The dog crouched down, quickly throwing the laces into a bow before leaning back against the cushioned seat. "I just got to keep at it."

"Dude, I don't think you need to get anymore in shape than you already are," the tan-coated roo laughed before taking another drag. "Dale, Rios and I were going to head out to the bar later. I was gonna invite you, but I'm guessing you aren't up for it, eh?"

Jet shook his head. "Nah, I'll catch up with you guys some other time. Maybe this weekend we can go do something, huh?" He could tell from the kangaroo's face, Luke, that the answer wasn't entirely what he wanted to hear. "Come on man, you know how hard I've been working for this. Don't try and guilt me into something, okay?"

Luke shook his head, blowing out another puff of acrid smoke.

"I'm not guilting you into anything, bud. I just thought maybe you'd want to take a break from all this working out shit and come have some fun. I'll just let the gang know that you're busy again. It's hasn't been the same since you got into this whole 'I need to get fit' thing."

Jet looked down at himself, wondering if there was any truth to what Luke was saying. In the last few months he had been doing everything to get into shape; from early morning jogs to his now nightly routine of hitting the local gym across the street for a few hours. There hadn't been a lot of time for fun, but then again, if he did back out of his routine now, Jet knew he'd never pick it up again. It had taken a long time to change that beer-belly into a well toned, six-pack.

"Next time, okay? Promise," Jet answered after a moment, picking himself up off the couch. Luke just rolled his eyes, stubbing the cigarette out on the ashtray.

"Alright. I'll just let them know you're busy. The guys've been wondering where you've been, that's all. We miss hanging out with you," Luke explained, moving into the kitchen. Jet rubbed a hand against the nap of his neck sheepishly. Despite the reassurance of a non-guilt trip, he knew Luke better than to think he was actually being serious about that. The roo was miffed, that much was certain.

"Thanks. I'll catch you later, okay?" Jet called out, stooping down to snatch up the duffle bag with his work-out clothes and water bottle. All he got was a subdued 'mmhmm' in response.

The buff canine just shook his head, grabbed his keys from the entertainment unit and walked out the door.


The crisp night air felt great against his fur, and Jet inhaled deep of that sharp, autumn scent. The sky was alight with vivid shades of pinks, purples and oranges as the sun descended towards the horizon slowly, setting the city aflame. Labora City was always a sight to behold in the evening. Tall skyscrapers caught the last remnants of sunlight on their glass windows, bouncing the rays back in a golden hue that ignited their sides, while the trees that lined the sidewalks had begun to shed their leaves in glorious fall fashion in shades of red, green and yellow.

Autumn was his favourite time of year. Not too hot, though not too cold yet either. A nice breeze seemed to always kick up from the river on the far side of town, a comfortable gust that caused the dobermann to pull his jacket around him just a little tighter as he walked.

The streets were still busy, though Jet knew it was well past rush hour. Labora hardly stopped its' motions, even when the work day was complete. Cars and peoples of various shapes, sizes and species milled the streets and walks, brushing past the dog with hardly a glance. Jet found himself smiling that as he made his way towards the intersection, his goal already in sight.

Premier Workout, the haven that the dog had come to know and love over the past few months. At first, it had been such a drag pulling himself off the couch to walk down the street here. It was even more of a hassle to find the energy to do anything that even remotely seemed like working out. Now though, as the routine had stuck firmly, Jet found himself wanting the days to go by quicker so he could hit the gym. It was almost like his drug, the fix he needed to get on a daily basis. A fix that had done wonders to his self-esteem.

The once shy, tall, but pudgy dog that Jet was had been replaced by a confident, muscular piece of canine, with finely corded muscles along his arms, legs and chest. The image he had always wanted, and, with a bit of effort and some prodding of a few friends, he had quickly achieved. He felt better, healthier, and had the energy to do almost anything he wanted.

Jet grinned to himself as he walked past the shops along the street, glancing himself over as each window passed by. He could see that meek little dog he had once been looking back at him, admiration in those earthen brown eyes. It was almost enough to make the new Jet feel self-conscious. Almost. The dobermann ran a hand between his ears, giving the short ruff of fur a good scratch as he continued on his way.

Stopping at the cross-walk, Jet took a moment to consider himself. Things certainly had changed a lot, though his appearance was perhaps the biggest. He had always been tall, but ripped was hardly a word he was familiar with before. Compared to the stout little otter beside him, or the slinky female meerkat in the business suit to his right, Jet was positively huge. His short, black and orange-brown fur clung to him like a second skin, the ebon fur covering most of his bulky frame aside from his hands and muzzle. His tail was little more than a stub, rounded and coated in the same jet black fur as the rest of his body. Aside from his obvious mass, the only other defining feature he had was the single hoop earring he had in his left ear. Another thing his friends had coaxed him into.

The light changed, and Jet started across the street. The gym was closer now. Just a quick walk a bit further down and he would be in his haven. His smile hadn't diminished at all.

Despite the ache in his arms and legs, he would go through with the whole regime he had made for himself. A quick warm up of stretching, followed by some weights, a couple of machines, a jog on the treadmill and then a nice, cool shower to top it all off. The same pattern, every day for the last three months. It never changed, unlike him.

The strap of his duffle bag began to slip. Jet was so caught up in his own thoughts that he barely even noticed until the thing had fallen halfway down his tree-trunk like arm. He lurched forward with a bit of a bark, hardly paying attention to his surroundings when his shoe caught on the lip of an unlevelled piece of sidewalk, causing the bulky canid to stumble some more. Right into another dog beside him, obviously heading for the same place.

"Whoa there!" the husky barked, quickly ducking low and catching him, a hand on Jet's chest and the other on his shoulder. "Need to watch where you're going man. Almost knocked me flat on my ass."

"Sorry. I wasn't really paying attention," Jet said with embarrassment, readjusting his bag. The dog looked back to the offending piece of concrete that had caused the trip up of his feet before turning back to the black and white coated husky. The dog was already walking away though, hardly paying attention to him any further.

Jet found himself drawn to him, his eyes tracing over the lines of the husky's great frame.

Wish I could be like that, he thought dismissively to himself, suddenly feeling somewhat envious. The husky was bigger than him, in size anyway, though Jet was pretty sure he was taller. Obviously this guy had seen the gym a lot more than himself, with arms like rock and legs that could probably flatten steel. Jet looked down at his own body, feeling that self-consciousness creeping through him again, the remnants of his former self. He gritted his teeth and growled the feelings away.

He had come to far to feel jealous now. He looked good, felt good. Who cares if the husky was bigger than him?

Not me, Jet grinned, though his eyes remained fixated on the long-haired canine before he vanished from sight. The gym, just as Jet thought.

With a mental shrug, and a quick retying of his now-loose shoe laces, Jet walked the rest of the way and pulled open the door.

As the door open and the mingled scent of hot perspiration and bodies assaulted his nose, Jet smiled. Whatever troubles that were with him checked themselves at the door.

It was time to work.


The locker shut with a metallic thud, Jet shouldering the fresh smelling towel over his shoulder. His shoes squeaked against the slick tiles of the locker room floor, the dobermann taking extra care to avoid slipping as he slowly walked back out into the hall. Several other males passed him by, some offering greetings, others ignoring him completely. Those he did know, Jet offered a raised paw hello.

Pointed ears twitched as he caught the faint sounds of running water, followed by the splash as liquid hit the tiled floor. The showers, a place the dog would be visiting in a few hours. For now, Jet passed them by with hardly a glance, though he grinned as he caught a whiff of that sweet smelling shampoo the gym provided. The perfect scent to mask the stench of sweat and hard work.

After checking in, Jet had immediately gone to change out of his confining street clothes. Jeans and a tee-shirt were most definitely not the kind of thing to be wearing while working arms and legs, and so he had switched into a simple, plain white muscle tank and a pair of loose, baggy trunks.

The main proper of the gym was large, with the ceiling reaching up a good thirty feet, covered in girders and lights that hung from strings that looked too small or weak. A catwalk stretched the middle of the open expanse, part of the track on the second level that presented a perfectly good view of the entire antechamber and the lobby, as well as the pool further to the left, beyond the thick, concrete walls.

The main floor consisted mostly of weights and machines, with a full-sized mirror that lined the base of the walls. A flight of stairs sat near the door leading back out into the lobby, leading up to the second level, which was mostly for cardio work, fitness classes and aerobics. The chick floor as Jet liked to say. Jet scratched an itch behind his ear, taking the towel off of his shoulder and splashing some water into his muzzle from the bottle in his other hand. It wasn't overly busy tonight, though the place was still filled with people of various shapes, sizes and species; both male and female. Jet didn't recognize the majority of them, aside from the few people who worked here, as denoted by their uniforms. There was just a single figure he recognized, though the dog didn't know him personally.

The husky from earlier before was laying on a bench, arms pumping into the air as he hefted the barbell up, over and over. Jet blinked, taking note of the weights on either end. It had to be close to three-hundred pounds.

"Geez, when am I ever gonna get like that?" the dobermann muttered to himself as he padded his way along the carpeted floor towards one of the mirrors. Out of the corner of his eye, he found himself watching the sled-dog, taking note of how the muscles in his arms corded and flexed with every rep, the way his legs remained perfectly solid and in place, and the calm, almost stoic expression upon his face.

He was a handsome dog, probably a little older than Jet himself. He figured the husky had to be around twenty-eight or nine, possibly even in his earlier thirties. It was hard to say for sure. Long fur covered his entire visible body, black on his back, with a mask covering parts of his face, a single stripe marring the otherwise ivory fur of his chin. That snowy white fuzz went down from his neck and beneath the navy blue tank he wore, giving Jet a perfect view of those powerful arms as they hefted the massive weight up above him for perhaps the tenth or eleventh time in a row, and still he didn't even appear to be breaking a sweat. Like Jet, the husky wore a pair of baggy shorts, white fur covering his legs, down to the open-toed sandals he wore on his feet. One single spot of white covered that bushy tail of his, as if the canine had slipped it into a bucket of paint.

Jet shook his head, shaking away the envious thoughts of the husky. Again, he berated himself for feeling this way. This dog was older than him, had probably been working out longer. All he had to do was keep on working and he'd eventually get that way, if he wanted too.

Moving towards the mirrored wall, Jet watched the husky out of the corner of his eyes. The shaggy canid never seemed to notice him, too busy lifting the weights up and down, over and over again. He stopped at one point, and Jet sucked in a sharp breath when he sat up, fur glistening with fresh sweat and that pink tongue of his lulling from the side of his muzzle through heavy pants and gasps for air. The husky snatched up his water bottle and flicked the cap open with his thumb, pouring the contents down his throat and gulping it hungrily before wiping his muzzle with the back of his paw. Jet gulped nervously and turned away, butterflies in his stomach.

Get a grip on yourself dog, he berated himself, setting his towel and water bottle on the floor before curling an arm overhead so that his paw ran down his back. He turned away towards the mirror, sighing as he did. The wall didn't offer any solace. The husky was still perfectly visible in the reflective window. Fortunately, the shaggy canine had gone back to the bar bell, and aside from his legs, Jet couldn't see much else.

He held his arm like that for twenty seconds, before doing the same with the other. The dobermann went through his normal routine of stretching, trying to keep his mind occupied and away from the black and white furred dog that seemed to occupy his thoughts. What was it about this guy that was so captivating? He'd checked out other guys before. Hell, he'd even gone down on Luke one night in the spirit of drunken fun, but this seemed different in a way. There was something there that held his mind where it was, something that gripped him and forced his eyes constantly at that one point in the mirror where he could see the dog lifting those weights.

Jet grumbled to himself as bent forward, trying to touch his toes before standing up straight again and repeating the motion. He didn't even know this guy's name. A sly little grin slipped over his muzzle and an ear twitched at the noise of a dozen machines whirring and metal weights hitting the floor. It was probably something fitting. Kyle, or Riley. Chris? Jet chuckled to himself, watching as the husky sat up and took another swig from the plastic bottle resting beside him.

The way the long-haired dog's muscles rippled beneath his fur, cording and flexing was almost a thing of beauty. Jet dropped his gaze down to the floor, trying to focus on something else.

Damn, he is fine though.

"Shut up," the dobermann muttered aloud. Only a single head turned his way, and the dog flushed in embarrassment.

Real bright dog.

Jet slumped to the floor, stretching his legs out and reaching a paw to grab his toes. He held that position for a moment, until the strain in his leg became almost unbearable until he switched to the other. A few sit-ups and push-ups later, the dark furred canine snatched up his water bottle and headed off towards the weights on the opposite end of the room.

The husky had moved on to a different machine now, Jet's eyes flitting from person to person until he spotted him. Sapphire blue irises locked with his own for a split second, the tiniest fragment of a moment and Jet felt his heart stop.

Had he been caught? Did the husky notice him staring? Jet growled, cursing himself for being so obvious. Great, just great. First he had nearly knocked the towering mutt to the ground as he tripped, and now he had been caught looking at him in more than just a passing glance. The husky did something then that would have surely tripped him up again, if Jet hadn't been paying a little extra attention.

He smiled. A quick little toothy grin before he went back to the machine he was at. Jet blushed under his fur again and turned away, his pace quickening just a smidgen. If he had any kind of a tail other than a stump, that smile would have sent it wagging up a storm that could kick up a whirlwind.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Jet dropped his things to the ground again before stooping to grab one of the smaller, though still fairly heavy weights, one for each paw. At fifty pounds, it took a moment for the dobermann to get a good grip before hefting each one up, his arms curling from the strain. His breath came through his nose as he huffed, folding his arms up and then relaxing. Up and down.

Those teeth were of perfect ivory and that carefree look in those eyes hinted at things that could happen. Pleasurable things. A tongue dragging along the underside of a sheath and over slick, hot flesh.

The weights nearly slipped from his sweaty palms, the pads damp with perspiration and he quickly tightened his grip. Jet nearly yelped in surprise as the metal rolled from his paws before he managed to snatch them up.

Stupid dog!

With a shallow, angry sigh, Jet curled his arms up again, doing his best to blot out the image of that husky with sheer will power. The minutes ticked by at a snail's pace, and when he could barely lift the weights anymore, Jet gently let his arms drop towards the ground, replacing them where they belonged. His breathing was heavy and he forced his lungs to take in as much air as he could before exhaling. Blocking the image of that near-perfectly sculpted husky with strain seemed to work, at least somewhat.

As soon as he snatched up his towel and dabbed it across his brow, the images returned. A paw trailing down the small of his back, the husky's hot breath against the ruff of his cheek as a white-furred paw forcefully grabbed at his crotch, pressing him up against the mirrored wall.

Jet growled, giving his head a shake and picking up his water bottle. Where were these thoughts coming from? What was it about this strange, almost entirely random canine that had him thinking of such things? Jet dropped his gaze and flushed again, the insides of his ears turning a bright shade of pink when he looked at the growing tent in his shorts. It was a good thing that the material was so baggy, lending itself to covering his growing arousal. Still, any keen nose would pick up the scent of aroused male, despite the gym carrying many similar scents. Workouts seemed to get people going.

Jet suckled on the spout of his bottle a moment longer before issuing a satisfied 'ah!' Maybe he should have gone out with Luke tonight after all. At least then he wouldn't need to worry about things like this, about a strange mutt that was getting him horny and stealing his attention away from his work. The thought was gone though, almost as quickly as it had entered his mind. Nah, if he had gone out, he would have broken his routine, one he had kept to nearly everyday for the last while.

With a mental sigh, Jet collected his things, dabbed the towel against his sweaty brow again and moved towards the stairs. Maybe a quick walk would help him clear his mind. Yeah, that sounded like a good enough plan. He could sort out his thoughts then without dropping a ton of weight on his feet or chest. Another swig from the bottle of water and he was off towards the stairs.


He was panting, and he knew he was tired, but still he kept going. Even so, rest was beginning to sound like a very good idea. As it always did when he got like this. Jet kept on pushing himself though, legs pumping up and down as he rounded the corner to the catwalk for perhaps the twentieth time now.

The dobermann had already stopped to fill up his water bottle once already, but it was already starting to deplete quickly. He gritted his teeth and plugged forward. Only five more laps and he could take a breather for a bit.

The workout so far had done little to dispel the worries of his mind. He found himself thinking of that dog, the husky, and the way he had looked at him. That smile. What did it mean? Clearly, the dog must have just been being friendly, but Jet couldn't help but think there was just something behind it. He had seen that grin before, on Luke, before he had gone down on him. That, and the numerous other guys he had flings with before in the past.

That smile meant good things to come. Why then did it unnerve him?

Jet growled, his lungs burning and begging for air.

Keep going dog, you're almost done!

His gaze wandered around the upper level, trying in vain for something to distract him away from that oh-so alluring husky. His eyes fell across the class inside the cardio room, using their steps. As his own dubbed term for this floor proved itself true, the entire room was full of women and the rhythmic sound of stomping feet. There was a kind of beauty behind it, and Jet found himself admiring the synchronicity behind the movements, the bounce of hair upon shoulder and the pace at which they moved. Though the constant jiggling and bouncing of nearly two dozen pairs of breasts flopping up and down in harmony was more than a little amusing.

His snicker fell short though when he rounded the next corner and let his eyes fall over the indoor swimming pool. He was there.

Swims too, huh? This guy sure goes the whole nine yards.

Jet's jaw nearly dropped when he saw that bulky, wet form cutting through the water like a shark's fin. The way his arms drove up through the man-made waves and back down into the depths to propel him further was mesmerizing. His fur glistened in the blue water and the tightness of that speedo was something else all together. Jet gulped nervously, his eyes tracing along the husky's spine, down to the crevice of his rump and along his tail.

His heart skipped a beat and his sheath grew a little tighter.

The burning in his ears returned, and Jet forced himself to look away as he blushed. He was tired though, and the ache in his chest demanded him to stop. It just so happened that he was forced to at this exact moment.

Karma, you are a fucking cunt, Jet muttered in his head, leaning up against the railing and guzzling down the last remnants of his water bottle.

The dobermann groaned quietly, turning his back to the window and leaning up against the railing. A few people jogged by him, but neither he nor they paid any attention to each other. His lungs stretched and expanded as he gulped down each breath of fresh air hungrily. He had been pushing himself extra hard he knew, and he also knew why. That dog, there was something about him. Something different from every other guy Jet had taken a liking too. This wasn't just idle admiration. No, it was something more all-together.

His attention was fixated, his mind seeing things his eyes didn't. Not admiration, and certainly not idolizing. Though, Jet certainly did feel a little self-conscious each time he compared himself to that hunk of husky beef. There was a word for it...something that could clearly describe how he felt. No, this was pretty close to worship, Jet knew it in his mind. The dark-furred canine turned his attention back to the window, watching the other canine's sleek form slicing through the water with ease. His mouth salivated, his heart raced. Jet knew this guy could bring him to his knees.

The minutes ticked by at a snail's pace and still his eyes remained transfixed. Even when the muscular dog pulled himself out of the water, giving his head a shake. Jet clenched his eyes shut and willed himself to move away. Just as his hand had left the railing though, he caught it. That grin again, the same one he had seen earlier that night.

The husky had leaned back to stretch as he sat on the edge of the pool, feet dangling in the water. In doing so, his eyes met Jet's again. Then followed that playful smile.

The dog barked in surprise, suddenly feeling very awkward and thankful that not a lot of people were on the track with him as he scampered away. He didn't see the husky chuckling.


For the rest of the night, Jet had eluded the accursed mutt, thankfully so. He didn't think he could take much more of the involuntarily staring or feeling ashamed in doing so. After recuperating from the walk, the dobermann had quickly made his way to the first floor again and set himself to work on the machines. First, he worked his legs, until the appendages felt like jelly. Then followed his arms and his chest.

As such, he was feeling particularly grateful that most of the gym was now empty aside from himself and the single clerk working the desk. Jet had made some idle chat with the bored feline femme at the counter before heading off to the showers. From the sounds of things, he was the only one left in the building. The place would be closing soon though, and a quick check of the clock in the change room showed that the gym was only going to be open for another hour or so. It was almost 11 o'clock, which meant that he had been at work for a few hours. He was feeling it, that was certain.

"Ow," Jet muttered aloud into the empty change room, flopping down onto the bench and stretching out across it, letting his arms fall to either side. His body ached and he continued to groan.

Worked a little too hard tonight, he thought to himself with a wry grin. Despite all the apprehension and stray thoughts about that muscular husky, Jet had to admit; his fears and anxiety really had helped push himself to limits he hadn't gone before, all just to block out the image of that hot, sweaty body and those flashing teeth.

Maybe it was time to head home. A quick, warm shower was just the thing he needed before heading back and crashing for the night. Luke probably wasn't even home yet, which meant he'd be long asleep before the roo returned to wake him up with the ruckus he knew would follow. Despite the aching throb in his body, Jet managed to lift himself up to a sitting position on the edge of the bench when his ears perked up to the soft pit-pats of feet echoing on the tiled floor.

Jet hazarded a glance up to the wall clock. He'd only been laying down for five minutes. There was no way it was closing time already, he could have sworn there was at least another hour left to go. Perhaps a stray person, a straggler who was just finishing up his work out like the dobermann himself. He was mostly correct. It was a straggler. It was the husky.

Jet felt his blood freeze and his heart skip a beat as the bare-chested dog walked into view, stopping when his gaze met Jet's own.

"Seem to be making eye contact an awful lot tonight, eh?" the long-haired muscle hunk chuckled, slipping past Jet to the row of lockers off to the dark-furred dog's side. Jet found his gaze following after the bulky canine, watching the gentle swishing of his tail, admiring how it curled up so. Whatever good mood he had been clinging to before quickly slipped away, the lips of his muzzle turning down into a frown.

The husky looked back, taking note of how Jet's gaze had dropped to the floor and paying even more attention to how the Doberman's ears flushed a hot pink. He grinned, stuffing his towel into the locker for the time being before coming over to the embarrassed dog. Jet looked up to see a paw extended towards him, unsure of how to react.

"Dale," the husky introduced himself, snickering at the smaller canine's hesitation.

Eventually, Jet worked up his nerve and clasped the strong paw with his own, giving a firm shake.


"That wasn't so hard, eh?" Dale barked with a short laugh. Jet blushed again, offering a nervous grin. "Aww, come on pooch. Lighten up a bit. I'm just teasing you. You aren't the first person I've seen gawking at me before. Probably won't be the last."

"I...," Jet stuttered, suddenly feeling even more self-conscious than before. Despite knowing that Dale had caught him staring at him multiple times, just hearing the acceptance of that from the husky's own mouth was a bit of a shock. "I'm sorry."

Dale tipped his head to the side, crossing his tree-trunk like arms over his chest and giving him a curious look.

"Sorry for what? I know how it is dog. You see a guy that you like, you look at them. Whether it's purely from a platonic sense of admiration or not. You aren't too bad yourself, y'know? How long have you been working out for?"

"Oh, um...a few months now at least," Jet answered, grateful for the diversion away from the topic of his wanting looks. "I was feeling pretty bad about myself being out of shape, so I thought of trying to change that. Though, my friends don't like the fact that I'm usually never around much anymore. I try to work out almost everyday when I feel up to it."

"Good start. I felt much the same way when I started working a few years ago. I was lazy, pudgy. I hated it, so I made the effort to change and...well, here I am," Dale grinned, flexing an arm. "To think, I used to be able to snatch up the fat on this. Couldn't anymore."

"You look good," Jet blurted. As the words left his mouth, the dobermann regretted it. He meant it in a harmless way, a compliment, but with Dale full-well knowing that he had been stealing glances at him all night, the dog wondered just in what way the husky would interoperate that remark.

"Thanks. I've busted my ass off for this look, and it's paid off. I'm guessing it's done the same for you, huh?" Dale asked, again deflecting the conversation away. Jet nodded.

"A lot, yeah."

Dale smirked, the barest hint of pearly fang showing as he sauntered back over to his locker. Jet watched him go, taking note of that playful swish of the tail and the way Dale carried himself. He was confident, self-assured and fairly friendly. An odd combination to be sure, but it only served to make the husky that much more desirable. Dale wasn't paying him any attention for the moment, as he took a duffle bag out of the locker and dropped it to the floor, quickly being followed by the gym shorts he wore. Jet's ears flushed a hot pink. If the dobermann had thought those tight swim trunks had been a decent indication of what lay beneath, he was sorely mistaken.

Dale was wearing a simple white cotton jock strap, the strap firmly clinging to the bottom of his rump while the front secured his package nicely into a big, thick and gorgeous bulge. If the old wives' tale about muscled people compensating for something, Dale surely put that rumour to shame. The material looked incredibly tight pulled up against him like that, framing his sheath and sac as if they were cased in plaster. Jet swallowed past the lump in his throat nervously, unable to tear his gaze away.

As such, when Dale looked back, it took the smaller canine a moment to even realize his looks had been noticed. Jet barked in embarrassment, feeling rather ashamed and self-conscious. Dale only grinned further, placing a paw on the locker and the other on his hip, leaning up against the metal casually.

"Y'know...normally folks aren't that hooked on gawking at me. You though, dog, seem to be a special case."

"I...I," Jet stammered, raking his mind for some excuse. He couldn't find anything that even remotely sounded like a believable story. So, when Dale strode back over to him, his crotch barely covered by the heavily knitted material, Jet could only whimper a feeble whine.

"Like what you see?" Dale asked, placing one leg up on the bench beside Jet, and leering down at him with hungry eyes. Jet looked to the foot resting beside him, and then back up at the face of the grinning dog. "Touch it."

"W-what?" Jet asked incredulously, sitting back a little further from the bulge in front of his face. He could smell him, the husky's musky scent pervaded the air around him. Jet licked his lower lip nervously, but Dale didn't relent. The bigger canid simply thrust his pelvis out a little further.

"You didn't really think that I didn't catch on to what those looks meant, did you?" Dale barked with a short laugh. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"

The nervous licking turned into an outright bite of the lip, but Jet tentatively reached a paw up, leaning back on the other to stroke the cotton fabric before him. His paw pads slid along the fabric, feeling the outline and contours of Dale's heavy sheath, already semi-hard. A shallow, content sigh escaped his muzzle, and the husky issued a low, enjoyable growl. Fingers traced along the shaft, thick and full before sliding down to the heavy sac below, cradling the orbs beyond the white veil. Jet gave a nervous grin upwards, but Dale had his eyes closed, fangs bared as he growled.

"Ah, yeah. You've been aching for this, haven't you, dog?" Dale questioned with a grunt. Something nosed against his crotch and the husky dared to peek down, a wide, toothy grin spreading across his lips as he watched Jet nuzzling up against his full sheath. The long-haired canid rubbed a hand between Jet's ears. "That's a good pup, get it worked up nice and hard."

Hearing the stronger male ordering him around like that sent a delighted shiver rolling up Jet's spin. If he had more than just a stub on his rear, he knew it'd be wagging pretty hard. That, or tucked submissively between his legs. Both were fine prospects. His tongue grazed the outside of Dale's jock, the rough cotton leaving a strange sensation upon his pallet, but it wasn't the feeling that drove him forward. It was the strong, masculine scent caught in his nose.

Jet sucked in a deep breath, the strong scent of male clinging to his fur and nostrils with every breath as he licked and panted, getting the front of Dale's jock nice and wet. He could feel the husky's hardness beneath the fabric, could near well taste it as he bathed his crotch. The husky's paw gripped the back of his head, forcing him down, and the dobermann complied eagerly, wanting nothing more than to please this perfect cut of man.

His nose angled down, and Jet nuzzled the pair of trapped orbs, feeling their weight on the bridge of his snout before he suckled on them obediently. Dale's growls continued to fill his ears, the mixed pants and groans spurring him further.

"Fuck, you'd make such a good bitch," Dale grunted quietly, and Jet whined. The dobermann knew it was all an act though, the husky could read him like a book. Dale knew that this is what he wanted, to be made into a bitch, to be kicked while he was down and forced into submission, and the husky was pushing all of his buttons to make sure that happened.

Tentatively, Jet reached up for the lip of the jock strap with a single hand, hooking a finger into the elastic band and pulling them down slowly. Already he could see the rigid pink tip of Dale's member, and the powerful canine musk hit him again. Jet whimpered, half from excitement and half from trepidation. He could barely believe he was doing this, with a strange dog he had only met for the first time. Still, baser instincts had overwhelmed all common sense. He wanted this. He needed this, and when he felt the husky shudder as his tongue flicked lightly across that tapered tip, he knew there was no going back.

Jet sighed quietly as he uncovered more of that awesome sheath. It was as he thought: big, thick and just waiting to be toyed with, by him. Dale grinned down at him, using his guiding paw to bring Jet's head forward, the dobermann complying readily as his tongue flicked out again, coating the underside of the husky's cock with a thin layer of saliva and spittle, before dragging it down to his sheath and heavy sac. A paw brushed against the husky's thigh, Dale's contented growls spurring him onward as he nosed and nipped at the sensitive flesh and fur.

"Good dog," Dale offered with a grunt once more, brushing his blunted claws through Jet's short fur when the dobermann's tongue found his exposed flesh again. "Get those lips around my dick."

Jet didn't need to be told twice, and soon the smaller canine's muzzle was sliding up and down along Dale's thick, tapered shaft. He held himself against the stronger dog, bobbing his muzzle along that salty, dribbling shaft, tongue darting this way and that, exploring the other male, trying his best to please. He figured he was doing a pretty good job, judging by the way the husky grunted and moaned.

"Mmm, yeah. That's a good pup," Dale whispered quietly, bucking his hips. Jet gave himself a silent grin at the words, sluicing his muzzle further down the husky's member. His lips worked over the familiar motions, suckling around the oozing piece of dog dick, down right to the other male's crotch fur and back up again before repeating.

Jet kept his pace slow though; slow and obedient. He would wait until Dale told him to go faster, just like a good bitch. The dobermann just contented himself to working over the bigger canine's length, offering meek little groans and whimpers, coaxing Dale further. His own shaft aching for some attention, Jet shifted around to slip his boxers down the floor, kicking them off his feet.

After only a few moments of the steady pace, Dale's paw slipped to the back of his head again, forcing him down harder.

"Yeah, suck that dick, bitch. I wanna feel your muzzle taking my cock all the way," he commanded, flashing his fangs. Jet whimpered again, but complied eagerly. All the slimmer dog wanted to do was please this sculpted canine god, make him happy. Dale's cock was hard and rigid in his mouth, the salty tang of precum spilling over his tongue as he bobbed along the length. Saliva and spittle slipped from the corners of his muzzle as Dale continued to push him up and down, rough and needy. It was all Jet could do to not make himself cum right then and there. He found it within himself to keep from himself from jerking off, at least for the time being.

"Fuck, your muzzle feels so good, man. Mmm."

Dale pulled his paw from his head and Jet pulled off the husky's thick member long enough to give him a questioning look, as if wondering why he stopped. The husky grinned down at him fiercely, eyes flashing with desire.

"I want you to lick my sac before I fuck you," he told him. Jet's ears flattened submissively, unused to being treated like this, but thoroughly enjoying it none-the-less.

Jet nuzzled the other male's cock once more, giving that shaft a slow lick from tip to base before dragging his tongue downwards to the heavy orbs below. He inhaled Dale's scent again, let it fill his nose and drive him further into the throes of lust before lapping at the husky's sac. He lapped at it, letting his tongue trace over each orb in turn, feeling the soft fur on his tongue. He groaned quietly, in contrast to Dale's heavy grunts. Gingerly, he nosed forward, bringing one of them into his muzzle and sucking on it gently until it slipped out of his mouth with a pop before he started on the next.

"Aww, fuck yeah," Dale groaned, watching the dobermann at work. "Get 'em nice and wet."

Jet did as he was told, licking and sucking until the fur was nice and wet from his attention. Satisfied, Dale helped him to his feet.

"Such a good dog," he whispered, nipping at Jet's shoulder. The dobermann shuddered under those fangs and he grazed Dale's cheek with his tongue. The husky gave him a sly smirk, cupping his paw on Jet's neck again and bringing him muzzle to muzzle, their tongues flicking eagerly with each other.

"I try," Jet snickered, smiling back. The dobermann let a paw drift along the husky's chiselled abs, pulling a seductive wink from the bigger male.

"How about you get on your back then, eh?" Dale asked, shoving Jet onto the bench while he stroked himself with his free paw. Jet whimpered, ears going flat once more as he did as he was told.

The dobermann shifted more comfortably onto the bench, his head hanging near the edge as Dale hefted his dark furred legs onto his shoulders, crouching down and spitting into a paw.

"I'm gonna enjoy fucking that sweet ass," he muttered, lubing the smaller canid up with his saliva. "Gonna make a nice bitch out of you yet."

"That so?" Jet yipped quietly. His smile faded as a finger probed against his tight pucker, sinking in slowly and spreading his hole. It had been a while since he had been taken, but he held no qualms about letting the dominant male have his way. Dale nodded, flashing his fangs as he probed his digit deeper.

"Yeah. Damn dog, you're tight. It's gonna be real snug once I get my dick inside you."

The thought sent a delighted shiver rolling down Jet's spine, and he shut his eyes at the sensation of having that finger stretching and working him. A second followed shortly after, along with another gob of spittle before an emptiness came over him. Dale had pulled his paw away, instead, using it to guide himself in. Jet whined as he felt the tip press up against his hole, beginning the slow process of entering him.

"Fuck...," he panted as Dale sunk his shaft inside the warm confines. The husky felt bigger than he looked and the dobermann considered telling him to pull out.

Waited too long, he reasoned to himself. He hadn't even used any of his toys lately.

He pushed the idea away though as Dale let him adjust. The dark furred dog figured the husky could see the discomfort on his face and was giving him a moment. A paw petted over his stomach fur soothingly.

Okay, so he's not entirely without a soft spot.

"You can keep going," Jet whimpered after having a moment to get used to Dale's girth. The husky needed no further prompting, continuing to push his way deeper into that tight passage.

"Mmm, nice and tight. The way I like it," Dale grunted as he sunk himself to the hilt. The husky let his tongue lull from the side of his muzzle, dripping Jet's ankles in his paws as he shifted, brining the smaller male's rear up into the air as he began to pull out. Jet groaned.

The dobermann reached a paw up to his dribbling shaft, still hard from his ministrations earlier when he was blowing the husky. He stroked slowly, not wanting to blow prematurely. His knot was full and aching for release, but he didn't want to end the feelings of pleasure so soon. Not until Dale spilled as well.

The husky panted, pumping his hips forward and pushing his length deep inside again, eliciting a shallow yelp from the other male. With each thrust, his sac slapped against Jet's rump with dull thuds, muffled by fur.

"Fuck, such a nice ass," he groaned, drawing a smile from Jet's pleasure-stricken muzzle. Dale's smile was wide, taking in the sensations of having that warm passage gliding over his length with each thrust. His hips bucked and his crotch slapped up against Jet's rear each time, pulling out moans of pleasure from the dobermann. Just seeing the dog held in the grasp of lust was enough for Dale to continue pounding away.

Panting, tongue hanging from his muzzle, Jet continued pawing at his own shaft, precum oozing from the tip to mat the fur of his crotch. It had been so long since another male had taken him, the dobermann had almost forgotten what it had felt like; the sensation of pleasure as Dale's shaft mercilessly plowed into him, filling and emptying him with each thrust, sending jolts of intense pleasure surging through his frame.

"Fuck, that feels good," Jet stammered, riding on the sensation. Dale merely grunted in response.

It wasn't until the warm splash of gooey liquid splattered across his chest and muzzle did Jet realize he had cum. So caught up in the act, he hadn't even realized how close he was, spurting rope after rope of thick dog cum all over himself. Dale chuckled.

"Made a bit of a mess of yourself. Just like a good bitch should," the husky remarked, flashing his fangs. Jet gave an embarrassed smile back, milking the rest of his seed all over himself.

Dale pulled out then, his throbbing member quivering in one paw as Jet slumped back onto the bench entirely. The dobermann eyed him curiously, watching the muscular dog gripping his swollen knot until another salty spray painted his dark furred body.

Dale grunted as warm cum splashed over Jet's body, coating him in another sticky layer of cum. Once, twice, three healthy, thick ropes of semen painted themselves over Jet's prone frame, further adding to the gooey mess that was his chest. The husky grinned down at him as he coaxed the last of his seed from his spent member.

"Damn," Jet muttered, looking down at his cum-soaked fur. "That was pretty intense."

"A good way to end a work out?" Dale asked, extending a paw to the smaller canid. Jet nodded, flashing a grin and taking the offering. Sitting up, he could see and smell the husky as strongly as ever, that sharp scent of male that clung to his sweaty frame.

"I'll say. Fuck, I think I really need that shower now."

"You want me to join you?" Dale asked with a wink. The dobermann cocked his head to the side, trailing a single digit over a pool of the sticky cum clinging to his abs.

"Sure, if you want."

"Maybe you'd want to try fucking me?"

Jet blushed, not really expecting that response, but the way his head bobbed eagerly in a nod was a good sign. Dale helped him to his feet, giving his cock a long, sultry stroke, the tip of which still oozed with semen.

"I could do that," Jet replied confidently, shifting roles with ease. He was going to show this hunky dog what it really meant to be a bitch, and the prospect of seeing Dale bent over against the shower wall, cheeks spread as he sunk his shaft between them was certainly appealing.

Stuffing their effects back into their lockers, the two dogs sauntered back into the shower room once more.

Jet wondered idly if he would be feeling the comforting flow of water over his fur anymore tonight.

Afterall, Luke was going to be out for some time still. Perhaps a third tryst back at the apartment was in order.

Jet's member twitched with anticipation and excitement. He really didn't think it would be hard to convince the obviously pent-up husky of that. Besides, he was dying to know how that knot felt.


Jet was sitting out on the balcony when Luke came in. The roo looked perfectly drunk by the way he swaggered and stumbled about, let alone burst through the balcony door like just some other little obstacle in his path. The dobermann nearly jumped out of his fur at the resulting bang as the metal clanged against the stone wall.

"Keep it down, will you?" Jet asked, though his smile betrayed his feelings. A cigarette rested between his fingers and he took a long, slow drag. Luke blinked.

"Dude, you only smoke if you just got laid," the roo grinned. "Who was it? Was he any good?"

"It hurts to sit down," Jet joked. "A guy from the gym. He's in my bed right now. I think I wore him out."

"You must have been pent up. How long has it been?"

"A couple months at least," Jet admitted, taking another drag. "I think I'm good for a while."

"That so?" Luke inquired, grabbing a smoke of his own and plopping down beside his friend. "This guy have a name?"

"Dale. We're going to be work-out buds now."

"Guess we won't see you very much anymore then, eh?"

"Hey, I made a promise that I intend to keep. Saturday sound good? Dale said he'd come along."

"I guess. What, is this dude your boyfriend now? I thought you were avoiding the relationship stuff for awhile?"

Jet smirked, took a drag and exhaled slowly, watching the smoke dissipate into the cool, night air. Boyfriend. Maybe.

To Luke, he merely shrugged, but in his head, the dobermann found himself thinking otherwise.

It couldn't hurt to go on a date at least, see where things went.

It wasn't an unpleasant thought.