Enigma Wars: To Catch a General part 1

Story by Vampire Panther on SoFurry

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#2 of Enigma Wars

I know intend to jump around, but an old friend of mine wanted me to finish his Enigma vs Allegiance, the story line is owned, and characters by Battle-Panther.

An Enigma star fighter came out of hyper space to a planet called Cristoffses, Enigma master named Master Crimson a red fox dressed in a brown enigma robes. He wields a red light saber, but he's not on the Allegiance side which is their colored light saber. Crimson astro droid call R-6 talked to him in droid language, Crimson chuckles to himself and spoke, "I know we're in the middle of nowhere R-6, but this is where the tracking beacon is transmitting."

"Contact, the enigma council, R-6." R-6 did what he was commanded to do and two holograms of a elderly wolf known as master Torn and a black Dragon known as master Onyx, "Master Torn, and Master Onyx, I have located the tracking beacon to planet Cristoffses."

"Well done, master Crimson. So has your former apprentice Rosa Tucker." Onyx said his voice a bit gruff.

"Be careful, Crimson. Unknown territory you are entering." Torn say's warningly.

"I will master, and it would be nice to see Rosa again." Crimson says with a smile.

"Happy hunting then." Onyx say's before the holograms turns off and Crimson's starfighter lands on the planet's foggy surface, his hatch opens, and R-6 say's something in droid language, that Crimson understands. He responds as he was getting, "Well, I can't see anything either R-6, just stay here you'll be safe."

He walks over to a landed ship with with a cloaked figure talking to a few Pantoran panther soldier's, but you could tell the cloaked figure was a fox, because of the fluffy tail.

"Rosa." Crimson say's loud enough for her to hear. The vixen slowly turns and bows to her former master, Crimson continues, "Congratulations on passing the trials, I'm sorry the war prevented me from seeing your training true to the end."

"You were missed, master. But I get to serve with you as a knight." Rosa said as she pushed the hood on the cloak back. Revealing her vixen muzzle and blue eye's, with no distinguished marks of any kind.

"Shall we continue our mission then." Crimson said as he stepped a few feet beside her.

"Allow me to show the way." Rosa turns around raises her hands, the cloak falling to her feet, and waves her hands to the side in a swift motion and the fog was quickly pushed aside. Revealing a hidden door embedded in the mountain side. Crimson walks ahead and say's, "Charming." He looks over the structure, "Hmm, no guards." They all walk up to it.

"How do we get in, sir?" One of the panther soldiers asked

"We may have to make an entrance." Crimson said still studying the metalic wall.

"We specialize in making entrances." Another panther soldier said tossing up a grenade

Rosa pulls out her light saber handle, the blue beam coming out, "But this will make less noise." She readies it.

"Be still both of you, a second look always pay's off." They stop as Crimson looks at the door in front of him, and see's an uneven surface on one of the tiles, "what's this?" He presses on it and the door opens, and they walk in the poorly lit hallway.

"Be ready for anything, commander." Crimson say's to the commander of the squad

"Yes, sir." The commander answered as they kept walking down the hall.

"Man, it's almost to dark to see," One of them said, him and the commander activated the lights on their helmet's. They came to a turn in the hall.

"I don't sense anything." Crimson said, then a screech was heard, they looked around to see where it came from.

"Well that was something," The commander said. They advanced further into the hall, until they came upon an entrance to another room. The room was well lit and crawling with Allegiance soldiers, caring blasters.

They walk in, Crimson and Rosa drew their light sabers, and the soldiers ready their their blasters. The Allegiance soldiers notice them and start firing at them. Crimson and Rosa start blocking any shot coming at them, sending them back to where the shot's were coming from. One by one the Allegiance was being cut and shot down, Rosa slices the last one in half and does force push on the alreay dead body. They sheath their light sabers.

"I didn't forget to teach you restraint did I, my former apprentice?" Crimson said to Rosa.

"I'm sorry, master. I got carried away." Rosa answers admittingly.

"Those who have power should restrain themselves from using it." Crimson said while walking to a chair. A hologram appeared of a wolf sitting down.

"Master Crimson." The wolf hologram say's

"Wolfen, you have a talent for unexpected appearences." Crimson counter act's Wolfen.

"I'm sorry the one you are here for is unavalible for capture, but I have better subsittute for you." The hologram disappeares and Rosa picks up the tracking beacon.

"The tracking beacon, they knew we were coming.* Rosa said as a button started to blink on the chair.

"I think Wolfen trying to catch someone and we are the bait." Said Crimson looking at Rosa.

Rosa looks away thinking, "But who has the bait been set to catch, shall we find out." Rosa said as she pressed the button the chair, Next to them a door opens and they walk through it and the doors closed when all of them was in. They walk down the hall to discover what needs to be discovered.

There's the first part of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it