Young Love - Chapter 3

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#3 of Young Love

Young Love

Chapter 3: Date Mate

By: Mirron Tenshi

Mark was standing outside of a Denny's. He and Jason had scheduled a date with each other and Denny's was the only semi-nice place to go to on a date that's not a lousy rendezvous at a fast food place or an extravagant arrangement at a gourmet restaurant.

Mark checked his cell phone to see what time it is. The fox sighed annoyingly - Jason was 10 minutes late. Just when Mark was losing a little patience, he felt someone give him a peck on the cheek. He turned and smiled to see his light brown and white husky.

"Hey, you." Mark quickly returned the kiss when no one was looking and they walked in. The hostess saw them and smiled like employees have to do.

"Hello. How many?"

"Two." Mark told the calico. The waitress led the two boys to a booth and gave them their menus and water. Within 5 minutes, Mark and Jason told the waiter their orders and they were left alone. Making sure that no one could see them, Jason leaned in and kissed Mark on his lips. The fox smiled into the kiss as he tenderly kissed back. Then they both heard footsteps and they parted immediately. The footsteps turned out to be nothing. Mark laid the side of his face on his left paw.

"Dammit." Jason's ears lowered against his skull as he tilted his head lower. Jason was still in the closet; in fact he was barely able to pluck up the nerve to respond to Mark's first move about a few days afterward. They barely get to go out on dates more often because of this. Mark said he was okay laying low like this, but Jason still feels guilty that he can't give his bf more than this in terms of going out.

"Mark . . ." Mark was a little mad. He shook his head slightly; he started thinking how much it sucks that they had to love in hiding.

"When are we going to be able to go somewhere nice for our dates like Red Lobster or Celino's or something?" The fox remarked; he was still annoyed with Jason's being late. Jason reached over and placed his paw on Mark's.

"I'm so sorry honey. I wish I can be as brave about it as you are." Mark looked at the saddened dog and he rubbed Jason's face fur with the back of his paw.

"It's alright, sweetie. I'm just happy we're together at all." This made Jason feel better and not at the same time. He sighed as he looked into Mark's eyes. THe dog smiled as he kissed his foxy.

He was about to say 'I luv yu.' when the waitress came with their orders. Jason instinctively drew his paw back, but the calico waitress already saw them, and he knew it. Jason's face went red hot. The cat smiled at the embarrassed canine. "Aw, it's ok, hun." Jason still wouldn't look at anything else but his water. Mark then spoke up as the cat set down their food.

"No one else knows." The waitress nodded understandingly. The calico decided not to say anything more than the usual lines to the customers due to Jason's withdraw.

When the waitress left, Jason slipped his paws to the back of his neck, his heart pounding as he lowered his head. Mark smiled and scratched Jason's ears. He murred as he started on his food. "Jeez, babe. I haven't seen you like this since you met my dad." Jason smiled bashfully as he scritched his face fur.

Jason picked up the check and they were off to go to the movies. In the auditorium, since it was so dark, Mark and Jason felt free to kiss and cuddle. After the movie was over, Jason decided to take Mark to their special spot when they got outside; Jason kissed Mark on the lips.

"C'mon, lets go have some good old fun at 'our' spot." Mark smiled as the two boys walked from the theater and to the park. Luckily, the park was empty so Mark and Jason were free to hold paws. Then they sat on the bench and looked at the ducks swimming on the lake. Mark laid his head on Jason's shoulder and rubbed his boyfriend's shoulder.

"Oh, wait, I got something for you." Jason said as he dug into his pocket and took out a small box. He opened the velvet box and showed it to Mark.

"Awww, sweetie."

It was a thick silver ring with a diamond-shaped blue jewel. Jason took the ring, and twisted it in his fingers. The bit of metal clicked and separated into two separate, normal sized rings. "Ohhhh Jason . . . " Mark felt so romantic right now, his chest swelling with a velvety feeling as his husky slipped the ring onto the fox's right paw, and he put the other half on his own. Mark looked around the ring. The name 'Jason' was carved into the metal in really fancy etching.

Mark placed his paw on Jason's and laid on his shoulder. He kissed his boyfriend on the neck and smooched there for a while. Jason murred as his fox tickled his neck by kissing him.

He then got up and got Jason to his feet. "C'mon. I think you earned yourself a little treat." Jason grinned as Mark took him by the paw and led him to the forest.

Jason's member was already hard as they treaded on the trunks and tree roots until they came to a clearing. It was an isolated area with a small water stream, flowing into a pond with some colorful fish in it.

Mark and Jason took off their shirts and laid down. Mark then lay down on Jason and cuddled his canine. Jason giggled as Mark sat on his bulge. Jason took a moment to unbuckle his fox's pants, smiling as he felt his foxy's hard-on in his boxers and pulled them off, his cock flopping out of it's hiding place. The fox lifted up and let him take off his pants fully. Mark then tended to Jason's shorts, unzipping him and pulling them off as the husky lifted his hips and Mark threw them off, Jason's nice meat spring out.

Mark smiled as Jason rolled onto his fox to be on top. Jason pinned him to the soft grass with his strong arms, leaning in and licking Mark's face like a happy dog. Mark began to laugh as his husky's wet tongue lapped his muzzle and cheeks. He murred as Jason moved to mouth and kissing his neck. Mark tilted his head to allow better access, moaning and murring as Jason gave him his love bite.

Jason licked his foxy's chest and soon his torso. Mark giggled as the husky licked his boyfriend's sensitive nipples. "Mmmmmmuuuurrrrr . . . I just love how you taste." Jason said as he came to his prize. he smiled and whipped his tongue out and started to lick the fox's balls, Mark giggled more as Jason played with the soft white orbs with his wet tongue, tenderly taking Mark's sac into his mouth and craddling them with his tongue.

Mark moaned as Jason softly sucked his nuts. "Ooh, you've never done THAT before." The fox murred as Jason pulled back and then gave Mark's member a good long lick. Mark moaned as his cock spurted pre, it leaking and tickling Jason's nose. Jason then went up and took the fox cock into his mouth and deepthroated him. Mark moaned loud and he squirmed as the dog tongue slurped his dick in and out of his mouth. "Ohhh . . . Jason, that's sooo good . . . " The fox murred as the blowjob sent shivers of pleasure up his spine. Mark reached down to pet his husky softly. The fox then gripped onto the grass as Jason bobbed his head up and down, his snout touching the silky groin fur, and back to the glans.

Mark's chest heaved up and down as Jason attacked his crotch, lapping his mouth around the hard tool. His toes curled as he approached orgasm rapidly. Mark wrapped his paws around his ears to give him a sense of leverage. Jason gripped the somewhat skinny hips and pulled the fox up. Mark moaned out loud as he couldn't hold back anymore as he shot his load into Jason's muzzle. Jason moaned and murred as he felt the hot cream slide into his throat, filling him with warmth. Jason smiled as he licked his muzzle and climbed up and laid on top of his partner. The fox kissed his husky softly. Jason murred a little more he pressed his lips in for a sugar sweet kiss.

As they smooched, Mark wrapped his arms and legs around his doggie and pulled him in a little. The husky held himself with his paws and started to push in. Mark grunted as Jason's dick pushed further into his fox's ass. They moaned in unison as Jason slowly pulled back and pushed back in, feeling another surge of electric pleasure.

Jason lowered his muzzle and gave his fox another love bite, causing him to murr lovingly. As Jason slow humped Mark, he reach further and cupped the husky's soft butt. He continued to moan as he kneaded the soft cheeks. He also raised his very fluffy tail to keep his doggie warm. Jason giggled as the warm soft fur brushed around his anal area, the heavy amount of light fuzz tickling his balls and tail base. Jason start to lick Mark's neck in the bite. The dog really knew how to put the romance into the fox.

Mark moaned more as his cock rubbed between Jason's and his bellies. Jason's thrusts started to go faster, more erratic "AAaaaaaHHHhhhh . . . . . ." Mark moaned as feelings of both tingling love as well as horny overwhelmed him. His eyes rolled back and closed them and moaned out loud as his rod emitted a healthy amount hot stick foxcum. Mark panted as the husky started to pound him faster. Jason was getting close too. The dog started to moan uncontrollably as he thrust in and out of Mark.

Mark's eyes went wide as he felt something huge lodged in his ass. Fox then clutched up to Jason when he tied in with him. Jason had it as he barked out and shot his load into Mark. The fox moaned loudly as he felt his ass spurting out huskycum as it overflowed him. They panted as Jason pulled out of his fox and laid next to him. Mark smiled as he climbed and laid himself on top of his dog. He nuzzled him affectionately as they touched their cummed bodies together, murring and making out. This session totally wiped them out.

A week later, Mark was walking to that park. Jason had asked him to meet him there. The fox smiled as he saw the husky on the bench. Although he had his head lowered and eyes closed.

Mark sat next to him and pecked his cheeks. "Hey babe . . . You look sad. Is everything alright?" Jason slowly shook his head. He then looked up at Mark with pink and watery eyes.

" . . . We . . . We can never see each other again . . ."