The Photographers Apprentice - Chapter five: You wash me, I'll wash you!

Story by Devon Bearcoon on SoFurry

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#5 of Photographers Apprentice.

** Chapter Five: You wash me, I'll wash you!**


My thinking was disturbed by the sound of the door opening, as Todd's timid sounding voice called out through the steam - "Mind if I join you?" "Oh, hey! Sure - I thought you was asleep, my little stripy friend!" I smiled as I saw the naked Racoon climb into the shower with me. "No no, just relaxing, I can't sleep covered in all this cum!" Todd said as he pointed at the mass of matted fur against his front.

"Aww, here let me help." I said as I squeezed some shower gel into my paw and rubbed it into his chest. "Mmm that feels nice!" He murred as I lathered up a big soapy mass in his chest fur. "Now, turn around!" I instructed, and watched as the adorable Racoon turned around and stuck out his butt, now looking a little less red and turning back to a pinkish grey colour. "Be gentle!" Todd said as he looked over his shoulder, trying to do his puppy-dog eyes once again.

"I will, don't worry, trust me!" I reassured him as I gently massaged some shower gel into his rump, cupping my paws around his buttocks and rubbing the lather into his fur. "Ouuuuch!" He moaned, clearly faking it. "Oh that doesn't hurt, quit whining!" I joked, poking his soft butt cheek with my finger. "But this might!" I said, as I ran my finger up from his balls up the middle of his butt crack, I heard him gasp as I rubbed it over his butt hole and felt him tighten up. "Don't worry I won't go in." He eased up, "Yet!" I added, feeling his ring tighten again in fright.

"Haha! You do make me laugh!" I said, spinning the Racoon around and kissing him firmly on the lips. "Don't scare me like that!" Todd protested, grabbing my butt cheek and digging his claws in gently. "Hey, what do we have here!?" He said, as he pulled himself in closer to me, his paws groping around behind me gently squeezing my butt cheeks.

"W-well, that's my ass!" I winked, poking my tongue out whilst I watched him exploring my cheeks for the first time. "Wow, you've got a nice butt!" Todd remarked, gently rubbing his palm around in circles over my right ass cheek. I winked at him again as I pulled myself in closer, letting our sheaths rub up against each other, slipping and sliding in the bubbly soapy water. "Now it's time for me to wash you, puppy!" I melted again, I absolutely adored being called 'Puppy' it just made me swoon.

My tail started wagging as I turned around, feeling Todd's paws massaging around my rump, whilst his other paw cupped and stroked my balls. "Let's get you all clean and ready for bed shall we!" He said, before running his finger up my butt crack, skimming over my ass hole and making me shudder in delight as the warm water cascaded down onto us.

Pushing his fingertip gently against my butthole I started to grind up and down against it, rubbing myself against his digit as he worked on my ring piece in small little circles. I yelped out in pleasure as I felt his finger slip up inside me as he began fingering my butt hole, pushing his digit in deeper and deeper until he found my prostate.

Todd bought his other paw around and grasped firmly around my cock which had started to harden again very quickly. "I've always wanted to do this." He whispered in my ear. "Mmmhmm! I've always wanted to have this done to me!" I said, trying to refrain from moaning too loudly. "Just be gentle with me, I'm a virgin!".

"Oh and you was gentle with me?" Todd exclaimed, letting out an evil laugh as he bit down onto my neck. "Gentle!" I protested, as the Racoon proceeded to finger my ass faster as he let out another evil laugh. I growled in pain, as I felt him push another finger in to me, rubbing my insides harder and harder as Todd bit down on my neck. "So, you wanna play rough do ya?!" I growled Todd pushed me against the cold tiled wall of the shower cubicle.

I felt his fingers withdraw from my butt, and then something a lot bigger and warmer start to push its way around the entrance. "I sure do." He replied, thrusting the tip of his cock against my tight ring. I relaxed myself and eased up, making it easier for him to get in as I adjusted to the new feeling pushing it's way up inside my ass.

Todd gripped my hips with his paws, digging his claws in to my side causing me to let out a "Yip!" in pain. "Aaagh, gently I said!" I protested, but I was in sheer pleasure, we both were. Feeling his warm cock slipping up and down inside my ass was like nothing I had ever felt before. I gritted my teeth as I was repeatedly slammed up against the cold tile wall with every thrust from the rampant Racoon.

"R-Racoons don't have knots do they?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at Todd, humping away at my butt. "No, but I can probably slip this in too if you want to make up for it?" He reached over and grabbed a bottle of shower gel. "No!! It's ok!!" I yelled and clenched my hole tightly around his cock in fear. Todd laughed as he put the bottle back on the shelf.

"Ok then my puppy, but I ought to punish you somehow, for hurting my butt so much... Let me see..." My mind went over the many different ways in which he could possibly inflict more pain on me, other than having him biting on my neck every now and again and digging his claws into my side.

His fucking came to a standstill as I heard him gasp and say "I know!" Before I knew it, the sneaky Racoon had found both my nipples and had proceeded to pinch down on them hard. "Oww!!!!" I yowled out in pain, as little bolts of pleasure were sent through my body causing my butt hole to contract and spasm.

"Ouuch!!" I said again, "that hurt!... Do it again!" I grinned, feeling his grip tighten around my hardened nubs once again, my ring clenched around his cock as he fucked me up against the wall. Bolts of pleasure were being shot through my whole body as I started to orgasm again; spurting shoot after shoot of hot cum all up against the dark blue tiles.

"Awghhh gghhhhhhh!!" I growled, as I looked down at my twitching cock, and the ropes of cum spurting out of it that had started to gently slide down the tiles. Todd pushed me up against the cold tiles further, the feeling of my warm cock hitting them made me shudder as I felt him grip harder onto my rump as he started moaning loudly, I knew what was about to come.

With one final pull of my rump onto his solid member sliding in and out of my ass hole, I felt Todd start to erupt in a torrent of hot seed, "Aaahhhh!!!! Shhhiiiii!" he screeched as his pelvis bucked and writhed into my ass. Biting down hard onto my neck he continued to pump in and out of my aching hole as his cum begun to fill up my bowels.

After slowing down to a steady rhythm I felt Todd's grip unpin me from against the wall, and gently remove his dripping cock from my ass. Turning around to face him once again, I noticed a small stream of cum running down the back of my leg and into the plug hole. My senses returned and I could feel the warm water cascading down on us again as Todd embraced me in a cuddle. He gently kissed me on the as we let our soaked naked bodies and matted fur rub against each other whilst we cleaned ourselves up for the second time.

Wrapping a towel around both of us, we jumped into my bed and laid there looking up at the setting sky through my roof window. Putting one arm around Todd I whispered gently in his ear "Todd, I'm glad you're my first... If you know what I mean." He giggled and replied, "I'm glad you're mine too." Nuzzling into my chest, my stripy little friend fell asleep as I stoked his fur, not before falling asleep myself. Dreams flashed through my head about what tomorrow might bring, and the rest of next five weeks that we was about to spend together, me and my little photographers apprentice.