SHK 14: The Artist-Engineer Part I

Story by Yin Absol on SoFurry

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#14 of School of Hard Knocks: A Home for the Not-so-Normal Pokemon

SHK 14: The Artist-Engineer Part I


Five pokemon walked out that ceremony knowing their work was nowhere near finished. Ever since Windslash's and Crystals discussion on the last few experiments not located, they got the Rockets and the KBI to commit to a temporary hiatus on collecting these before the elite police got to them. Soon, they all gathered at a palm on south central beach, 50 miles south of Mossdeep City. Allie, the KBI instructional commander and Menkaure, the acting Rocket instructor gave the troop a few words of advice.

"First of all" said Allie in her infinite wisdom, "never ever transform into your human-shaped forms because humans are nervous these days. Over time, the instant transformation has worn away and we can no longer detect human eyes so be careful." Menkaure smirked, swishing her tail and forward, obviously thinking of something to say.

"Also, you are representing this school and your respective organizations. Do not do anything we would kill and our hurt you form" said Menkaure beaming happily. Allie had to stifle a giggle at her zangoose friend's unabashed honesty.

"Windslash the sandshrew and Mari the pikachu," added Allie, "The KBI is counting on you for these new recruits."

"Jose the cacnea, Sunshine the murkrow, and lastly Crystal the eevee, do it for our glory and also because of what I said." Menkaure turned away only to hear a low growl coming from the small dark bird of the crew. "MY NAME IS MATILDA!" she said, quite infuriated. "Sunshine, you haven't earned the name Matilda yet."

"Ok guys, lets go!" said Crystal leading them to the boat that would take them to Lilycove. They snuck on when thee sailors weren't looking and hung onto the stowaway's section with tons of other vacationing pokemon, ready to meet the city and hook up with those contest winners.


Windslash loaded his mini laptop screen in their private 'booth' if that is what you want to call this unusually large cardboard room they where in. "Ok, here is the real threat. After going to the archives, Crystal and I stumbled on the Seven book. Unfortunately, no images and no named pokemon aside, we know a few like the referee and Franz, our school psychologist. We believe that the ones who kidnapped Reika were also part of the seven." Jose raised his prickly arm in the air. "What happens if we run into these guys?"

"I'm not sure... we can hold them off, but we haven't gotten the strength to beat them yet." He shrugged. "Anyway, we have decided in order to maintain balance, we will have Mari and Jose together to search for Project Boucher in Lilycove while the rest of us head for Mauville."

After the short briefing, Mari went on deck and stared out to the sea, her memory recalling the days before she was captured, living with her tribe called the Aqua Purga by the other pikachu tribes because of their bluish tint and their water ties. It is the tribe that is despised by most other pikachus for not living in a forest and their different look. The oldest and only girl of a litter of 4, she was given the responsibility of caretaker of the home, something that didn't fit her active nature. In a patriarchal society such as that she lives in prevents females from the ceremonies and engagements relegated to cooking for such occasions. They wouldn't even allow her to train in the water training class.

She was the strongest of the litter and her brothers loved her so much. When their father left, they taught her the rain dance technique and attempted to teach her the ultimate skill that would allow her to claim chieftaincy if her father ever died. "I miss my brothers..." she said, her cerulean eyes quivering like the still waters of the sunset horizon. The day she was caught trying to surf, she almost drowned from the fright of seeing the chief elders around her. She woke up outside of the village, ejected from the village by her own father for trying to do what she was capable of doing. But now that she could train as she pleases, she wants to prove that she can do it by finding her way home. Of course for her, there was another problem. It wasn't the first time she caught her doing something she shouldn't have been doing. The other big one was her being caught kissing another pikachu. But here's the catch: the pikachu she kissed wasn't a son. That also caused a major outcry over such an insignificant kiss. "When I'm done with this school, I'll go back and show them all."

"So Matilda, I heard you got drunk at a party. Pretty wild, I heard. I mean you didn't freak out when people referred to you as Sunshine," said Windslash, eager to hear what went on at that party. "Who called me that?" squawked the gothic bird, only matched in volume by the laughter of Crystal and Windslash. After her little rant on how she will curse those talkers, she noticed that Jose had disappeared along with Mari. "Where has mister spikes gone?"

Upstairs, Jose sat near Mari, watching her look into the sea, muttering an unrecognizable dialect. "Are you from the Ora Mmili tribe?" asked Jose matter-of-factly as he noted her slightly-blue tint after looking at how she sang out short little pikachu noises like a serenade. "In my travels, James told me about a blue surfing pikachu who has pretty old surfer for his trainer." Mari turned to him then away, sighing a 'yes', and dangling a foot overboard. "Granted we have this peaceful situation right now, but we know that this Project Boucher can't go to both teams." Jose's yellow eyes blinked a bit. "Well I'll find him first. You should already know that." Not showing the fighting spirit she had back in the tournament during their monumental battle, he left well enough alone, confident in his ability to search things out. He moved back below deck, muttering under his breath, "stupid pikachu." Past experiences left him hating that species in general, of course not limited to the tournament results. It's a wonder he can manage civility around her.

Finally, they arrived in port and went their separate ways. "We will see you guys in a week. Enjoy your hunt guys and report back to Menkaure or Allie when you are done," shouted Windslash as they walked out of the town, headed northwest as per the direction of Crystal. Mari and Jose where probably thinking the same thing, ready to jump at each other and get an early lead, but a cyclist ran in between them both, scaring them to opposite sides of the road. "I got the north side!" shouted the cacnea. "South side serves me well!" retorted the chu. Taking off in different directions, the hunt began


Mari wandered about the city much like a tourist, following groups in hopes of finding her way to a place where pokemon gather. In fact, the city was flooded with tons of pokemon and coordinators ready to give it their all in the contest. Teams made last minute preparations to their schedule and modified moves to impress the crowd more. "This superdome... it was my dream to go here after wining enough ribbons with my trainer, but she dumped me for a clefairy. I hate her so much." Interestingly enough, she caught a glimpse of a clefairy entering with some female human with similar features to her trainer. Mari felt like charging in after her but decided to just quit. "I hate her, too." Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned and dashed into a random building, wanting to spare the embarrassment of crying in public.

She kept running, tears dripping out of her closed eyes into a large dark room, finally stopping when a pole met her face. She tumbled backwards rubbing the sore spot on her head. Wincing a bit with a few more tears in her eyes, a large light protruding from the wall met her. "I ran into a movie theatre. Greeeaaat." She scampered onto one of the empty seats far from any of the humans also enjoying whatever this flick is.

Ten minutes of interesting Mt. Pyre Film Festival previews, and then started the film. "Over the years, man has made many contributions to the advancement of science and technology usually designed for the healing and helping other people, but there have been many a dark year in which science has lead to much death. These horrific events are like a waking dream that became a nightmare to every living thing. And as for dreams, Rapid Eye Movement, or REM for short, starts them. And as the film progresses you shall see why..." Mari sighed. *This will be a very long film* Or so she thought...

The first scene on the screen was that of shadow pokemon over running towns and cities, snapping up people and destroying everything in sight, then the next was that of the Team Rocket's evolution ray that caused much damage, this segment done on aerial film to show just how widespread it was. Mari's eyes could no face away from the horrors that appeared, even as pokemon stopped appearing in them.

The mayhem of the cacophony from the scene just added to the nauseating feeling of a nightmarish dream from which you cannot awaken from. A roadside bombing, a person being shot point blank, all the shouts and screams of horror when a space shuttle exploded 2 minutes after take off, it was getting to be too much. Then snipers and dead presidents, then a barrage of controlled pokemon were destroying a city, then the destruction of Mahogany Town in a pokemon-initiated blizzard, everyone frozen, all of this making Mari draw into herself, unable to leave or to remove her face, but nonetheless feeling the chilling of her blood.

Finally, there was a moment of silence as a few planes buzzed overhead a city that stood on a mountain. The audience seemed relieved until they heard the radio orders. "Permission granted to drop Big Boy." A whistle, and the large bomb, falling to the earth, slowly rotating as it picked up speed, some people shouting even before the bomb struck. Mari looked like she was being hunted as she struggle to not flee in a panic that arose in the crowd. "The greatest human tragedy was my mistake in ever finding the theory of relativity. It was because of me that this thing happened." Those words echoes throughout the theatre only cancelled as the bomb exploded 6 miles down and the planes flew out hurriedly. The camera view changes as a large, large mushroom cloud appeared rising up from where the city was, the shouts of people muted before it could escape their bodies, not much fire, just smoke. It billowed over it self and made the skies darken. "Oh my god, I didn't know this happened." The next scene had no sound at all, just showed a camera going through the area, looking at the shadows of pokemon and humans alike in their final moments. Few things were around. It even killed the ghosts of the town; you could feel their essence through the camera all over the place. The one survivor caught on film wept openly as he rubbed against the walls of his home where the shadows of all but one of his family members, the family growlithe. "Why????????????"

The theatre was dead quiet as people and pokemon filed out except for Mari who sat quietly there. "Why..." She turned to see a Smeargle of sorts sketching something. She didn't notice him the entire time because he made no sounds. "Hey, I didn't see you there." No answer. "Well how are you?" No answer yet again. She took the time to look at his patterns before formulating a response to his disregard to her friendly calls. He looked normal with the exception of the S shaped spot on his back as accustomed to a smeargle paw on his back, detailing his lack of friendship. He also had a multi-colored tail that resonated between the colors of the rainbow. Finally, there was a lack of even the normal muttering associated with sketching in his species.

He got up from his seat started to glow. With awe, she watched him lift what ever contraption he sketched... looked like the shell of the bomb he watched on the screen, only much, much smaller. "How did you do... what are you doing?" He sketched again and showed her a complete plan for making one. "No you don't!" she shouted as she rushed to Brick Break him. However a quick sketch and a magnet was tossed into her cheeks, sticking her to the metal part of the seat. "You are Boucher aren't you?" He ignored her once more and disappeared before she knew it. "Fuck! I need to get off of this thing." She pulled out her cell, informing Jose of her situation. Jose merely laughed and said, "I'll save you after snaggin' the Smeargle." She could only pray someone could help her get away from this and go to catch the guy himself.

Eventually someone did, a man about 6 feet in stature with two Machoke with him pulled her off and carried her out. Considering the look those two blokes gave her, the chair was looking real comfortable now.


Jose lumbered around town, trying to find this project Mari described when he found the art gallery. *It's been years since I was last here. James and I tried to rob it with Jessie, Seviper and Meowth. I miss those days sometimes where they would do heir theme song, with the strange music playing in the background, then the shout of 'Go, Cacnea!' I would usually fire Pin Missiles or Needle Arm against Pikachu and his crew. My favorite thing to do was hug him, even against his annoyance because he made me feel warm.* In his daydream, he leaned to hug what looked to be James, but instead hugged a nearby Sableye.

"Get off of me you jackass, go fag on your own time!" growled the gremlin ghost. "Shut up tiny!" said Cacnea who just happened to be six inches taller. "I oughta tear you a new one!" said the Sableye, which knocked Cacnea flying. He scrambled into the art gallery to avoid a second move.

"Phew, that was a close call." He looked around for a bit. It was the high-value art exhibit called "Pokemon of the Ages" and featured the champions that left great impressions even after their time. Pictures and Paintings adorned the cream walls of the well-lit museum. To his sheer delight, he found a paired painting he had seen a copy of in Jesse's Room: "Blair and Zoë." It was a study of strange love and excellence as they were both champions of their times. Kirlia and Marshtomp, both creating images of the other with hidden power, so beautiful, so selfless. "Sigh, I should probably save Mari sometime." But no sooner did he say that did he see the Smeargle off to the side sketching something.

His squishy footsteps did not seem to alert the experiment. "So hi there. Are you Project Boucher by any chance?" No response, just a small motion by Boucher as he displayed his nuclear bomb, already completed, leaving his plan on the floor. "What the fuck are you trying to do? Give me that!" shouted Jose, startling the smeargle into running. The chase didn't take long as Jose eventually cornered him on the roof. "Nowhere to run now."

The cactus was sure he had him except for him not paying attention to the quick paws of his prey. "Now hand it over!" Boucher looked at him with a vacant stare, pressing down on a small thing he sketched. Up sprang a flame canister and a flamethrower pack. Jose dived behind an AC unit as a fire serpent shot forward. "Ok, ok you can keep the bomb." But Boucher ignored him, snapping at him rapidly wit that fire, aiming to kill. Soon, the flight option was gone unless he wanted to try surviving a ten-story drop. "All I can do now is fight!" His futile attacks merely burned up in the ensuing flames. In a last push, Boucher turned it on full power and engulfed Jose, or so he thought. If fact, he had only grazed the now airborne pokemon who was taking aim. "Pin Missiles!" It happened too fast: a few of the projectiles scratched the flame canister open, causing an explosion, the force of which knocked Jose off the roof, tumbling into a dumpster 100 feet below and left the Smeargle barely conscious.


"Wake up, Mr. Takeru," said a soft, soft voice in the recesses of his recently inactive mind. "Wake up, Takeru; you have to find her." The ditto sprang up immediately, accident ally falling out of bed only to hear a small giggle. He looked up to see a Gardevoir holding some herbal tea. "A drink for you?" she said with a subtle smile

He leaned up on his gelatinous body and sipped from a small cup, enjoying his first taste of food in who knows how long.

"Who brought me here, Ella?" he asked, a bit bewildered with the ability to move about freely and completely again. "I can't tell you his name, but he said you needed urgent care... and well you have been out for almost a month in an induced coma while I worked to repair your balance." Ella sat down on a nearby chair. "You see, I am more than a chef. I learned the art of green powers, but enough technicalities. Let's work on the last stage of your repair... turning you back into a Croconaw."

"I do not want to become a Croconaw anymore. I wish to be able to truly be a mate for Reika." Ella's heart dropped a bit as he said this. "Is something the matter? Where is Reika?" The ditto was feeling anxious now because of her saddened look. "She was taken by a very powerful pokemon group known as the Seven." T.K. slumped in his bed, disheartened at that news. "Change me into this pokemon... quickly!" he said, "I must find her again! I have a promise to fulfill." Ella smiled and closed the book. "Alright then... I will need to put you into a temporary full body and mind paralysis so prepare yourself." It didn't matter to T.K., with the new form he chose, it would make it easier to track down his love.


Jose groaned as he managed to climb out of the dungeon. He had been punctured and the area surrounding it was desiccating. "Damn, I need to get to some pokemon hospital... fast. I'm drying up." A man came upon him as he struggled to go just a few feet, his body browning. "Oh, you don't look so good. Come here buddy."

He was carried into a rundown house not far from the gallery. The guy patched him up after putting water back into his system. "Stay there while I run an errand." Once the guy left, Cacnea got off the couch and looked around for an exit. "He was helpful but really, I need to get out of here." He heard shouts and grunts coming from the basement.

He crept down the steps and almost shouted when he saw Mari bound to the ceiling by her wrists and forced to stand with legs spread somewhat painfully. And even more strange was that she was in her anthro form, naked with a vibrator stuck in her tailhole. "Mari?" he whispered. She sounded rather fatigued, still drained by that magnet and now by this toys that was buried a few inches inside her. "Mari, I'm getting you out of here." He drew closer to her and started fiddling with her bonds, unable to pick the locks. "Jose, it's a trap goddamnit and you didn't know that as usual... that guy that brought us here..." she said in a sleepy manner. "He brought in Boucher and the smeargle didn't even have the bomb on him, Boucher is too tired to move right now... and the machokes..." Just as she uttered that, Cacnea felt a needle stick into his neck, causing him to recoil in pain and clobber the source of his pain, one of the machokes. "You bastard, you want to die today?" shouted Jose, feeling strange after being stuck. Soon he fell over, drooling in an induced sleep.

Soon, he woke up in a similar set of bonds and state facing Mari's tortured and abused body. "So much for saving me..." she said, quite annoyed his idiocy. Jose could only lower his head in shame, falling for the same stupid things that he did when he was with James. Glancing back at her, his heart sank further just looking at the evidence of abuse she had. Her cheeks looked tear-matted as if they had already begun their trials of horror and rape. Her cunny looked abused and swollen still even for the dried cum that clung to her thighs. And the faint bussing of a vibrator could still be heard. Small red areas showed on her belly, through her short fur. But these details weren't on his mind when he envisioned her minus the abuse: her slightly chubby belly, her light blue tint, her shimmering eyes, all traits that point to her tribal affiliation. "I guess you started putting on weight there, Mari. Guess you couldn't stay away from fried foods."

The next moment, she kicked him hard in the face from her chained position, which had just enough leeway for her legs to get up to his face. "IS THAT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW???? I AM NOT FAT AT ALL!!!" Jose got a big bruise on his cheek from that little frivolous jab at her. "Why did you leave me in the movie theatre when I called for help?" she said, a little lower, but still burning in anger. "What sort of vendetta do you have that you wouldn't even follow Menkaure's example and help out someone on your team? You always abuse me even during fucking kinetics class when they are separate genders. You fire pin missiles every time I head for the climbing rope and you always utter when you leave my presence."

"I don't need to tell you Aqua Purga."


"At least I wasn't thrown out by my trainer!"

"Well, uh, uh, at least I win!"

"You are nowhere near as good as a normal colored Pikachu, and I hate them too. You and your breed are sea-faring mutants of the norm. You aren't special because you guys can barely get a shine in your coat because of the small tint of blue and hell your common ancestor is some reject."

Mari was taken aback. She had no idea he knew this much about pikachus. "Who told you that we were rejects? That my people are mutants and are not special?" Her voice quivered as her anger melted into sadness. Jose sneered. "I learned from experience. Pikachus suck balls and you blue ones are the most useless ones. Even other pikachu tribes don't like you guys, hence the name Aqua Purga, short for water tra..." Mari almost started to cry at that, making the cacnea draw back. "I'm sorry... I was just so mad at myself for failing. But don't worry, their second shot didn't do the job it was supposed to do; I can still use my attacks." His attempt to divert her anger were futile; he got a glob of spit on his face in return, but this time he didn't reply, lest he get punctured again.

Soon, the machokes were back and ready to do some more damage. "Me gonna fuck the chu in the ass this time. You can have her pussy," said one. "No, you got pussy and me got bum." Mari looked at them with intense hatred, waiting for her strength to return so that she could get them all back. "Hey guys!" shouted Jose as he moved just slightly, aiming his spiked knuckle at them. "Your second shot didn't work on me. It was herb based and so I can still do this." Without warning, they found themselves entangles in a mass of roots growing into their skin from leech seeds shot at them. Their life energies were being drawn into Jose. "Now for you, chu." He launched a third leech seed at her, but this one grew differently: it drew energy from the machokes, but it stored it in a bean. "Eat it and get your energy back." He said, yanking the seed back to himself via a vine. She looked it over skeptically before biting down on it. At once, she felt life coming back to her body. She ejected the object from her bum and felt ready for action.

Rejuvenated, she stated to wiggle in her braces, the room darkening with cloud cover. "Jose, thank you, but now I will show you the power of us 'Aqua Purga'. It started raining a bit, wetting the chains just a bit. She ten started to make the charge of the links in the chain repel each other until they broke. She landed smoothly on her feet and transformed back into her feral form. "Now for you, this will tingle just a bit." She launched a strong thunder wave attack at his chain, causing more repulsive forces, making it much easier to break the chains. "Brick Break," she said, shattering the chain with her fist, causing Jose to land on his squishy rear. "Thanks, but man that hurt." Mari headed towards the drained machokes. "I think they are dying now... whatever you did to your leech seed is making them totally wilt."

They climbed back up the stairs only to see the sableye walking in, carrying the tied up Smeargle in a sack. "What the fuck are you doing up here? Where are those retard machokes?" His eyes glimmered barely in the dark, rundown house they were in. "Dying or dead," said Jose with a smirk, ready to battle. "That leech seed got them really bad. Your little needles don't work well on plant species." The sableye growled tossing the bag with Boucher in it to the side. "I am not letting you two get out alive. I am Gremlin, hunter for hire, hired to capture the two of you so that you don't fuck up my boss's chances for getting this fucked-up looking painter. Anyone who tries to ruin my payday will feel the pain." Jose tried to Needle arm him, but the ghost side stepped and used his quick moves to ace him in the patched up area, puncturing it again. "I guess she can live with just one of you." Mari rushed over to help Jose up as the wounded area began to desiccate. "Mari, watch out!" shouted Jose, but it was too late, He connected with a shadow ball and sent her tumbling far away. "Worthless bums. You couldn't possibly beat me. I know all about you kids and I am unimpressed."

"Oh trust me, you will be by the time your life leaves your gem eyes," Jose in a defiant tone as he struggled to get to his feet. Mari went on the offensive with a thunderbolt attack, but the creature moves just slightly out of the way and collided with a focus punch. She fell backwards, downed but now out. Meanwhile, the cacnea's water was pooling around him, more places drying out faster than he could try to heal it. "Help me!" said Jose, now 25% dried out. Using the small window available, Mari cast her Heaven's Blessings Rain Dance, flooding the area with water, helping his water supply to replenish. "You owe me one," she said matter-of-factly as Sableye and her exchanged blows. Gremlin was stronger however, knocking her down on top on Jose's spiny body, pricking her skin. Panting a bit, the impish creature created a large ball of energy, bigger than its own small body. "It's been fun, but she wants you two DEAD or alive if you get my drift."

Mari got her attack ready. "I thought you said captured." Gremlin only laughed. "Let's say she agreed to let me kill ya. She will be on her way to the city. She'll have to settle with just the beagle in the bag because there won't be a single speck of you shits left!"

What are they going to do now? Both of them are downed and Gremlin is pissed off. What luck will they find coming around the corner in Part two?