Slave in another world part 2

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Warning. This story contains homosexual acts depicting reptilian beings and under aged humans so if this offends you in anyway please close this window.

Slave in another world.

Chapter 2: The transformation begins

Copyright Oct 8, 2005

Raver Rabbit

  1. The morning after

Dade opened his eyes slowly and blinked a few times groggily while looking around the room and sighing to himself when he realized what had happened to him was not a dream. "Oh fuck... god my body aches" he said to himself. He lightly began to lift the arm of the dino behind him, which was wrapped securely around his waist. He finally moved the arm from around him and scooted towards the edge of the bed, but he didn't make it to far when he felt something tugging at his ass. The dino was still tied to his rump by that big egg shaped cock tip. He tugged and pulled and with a little squeal on his part and an audible "POP" the tip popped out of his ass. He rubbed his sore rear a little and headed towards the bathroom. Triton having awakened when Dade moved his arm, lay in bed still with a smirk on his snout when he heard his tip pop from his new pets ass.

Dade closed the door behind him when he went into the bathroom and rubbed his eyes a little more. He strode to the edge of the indoor pool and looked down at the water. He gasped loudly and dropped to his hands and knees looking into his reflection in the pool. His face and skin were starting to turn a light green hue and his eyes had completely changed looking more reptilian now. His nose was a slight bit longer then it was before as was his mouth. His hair also turned a deep shade of green and his fingers and toes had grown small claws on the ends where his fingernails used to be. Looking down at himself now he realized that his balls were no longer dangling in their sac but were now hidden within his body. His cock still dangled between his legs looking a lot longer and thicker but also turning a bright red color. "Oh my god... what's happening to me?" He said with a shaky voice. He turned his head and looked behind himself only to find a small tail growing out from his lower back. It was maybe a foot long and laid between his rump cheeks then wiggled when he found the muscles to move it.

"Mmm your coming along quite nicely my pet" he heard that voice say behind him as he whirled around to see Triton standing there in the door admiring his handy work. The dino moved in closer to Dade and ran a clawed hand over his cheek " Mmm you look a lot sexier now with that green skin you have" he cooed to the boy. He carefully pulled a collar out from behind his back and quickly slipped it around Dade's neck securing it with a quiet snap. "Yes that's much better my pet. Now you are officially a pet. A pet without a collar is no pet at all I say.". Dade reached up and immediately began to tear and pry at the collar trying to take it off of him "I'M NOT YOUR DAMN PET! LET ME GO YOU EVIL CREATURE!" Dade hollered at the top of his lungs at Triton. The dino grinned and smiled at his pet. "You still don't understand do you little one. You are mine now. That collar will never come off unless I personally remove it from you." And with that Dade began to cry softly. Tears streamed down the boy's face as he realized the horrid truth now. Even if he did get away and get back home his parents would never believe it was him. Not with how he looked now.

Triton smiled and sat down next to Dade pulling him into his lap " Shhhhh quiet now little one. There is no need for tears. You are my pet now and I will take care of your every need. You will always be wanted and needed by me and respected and feared by others. For if they should try to harm you in anyway, shape or form, my wrath will be long and painful." He said cradling the lizard boy in his arms.

He slowly slid into the pool with Dade still in his arms. "We should bathe now pet. Our bodies are sore and smelly from that night of hot mating we had last night." He let Dade down but held him close as he took a bar of soap from a little shelf inside of the pool and began to rub the soap over Dade's chest with love and tenderness that the boy did not believe such a creature could have. He was still sobbing quietly all the while the dino cleaned his body from legs to neck. After he made sure the boy's neck was nice and clean he leaned in and began to kiss and nibble over Dade's neck affectionately, licking over the new collar some. One of his hands traced down and grasped the boy's dick "Mmm my my my somebody got a little bigger since last night" he teased while rubbing Dade's slightly longer and thicker cock.

Dade fought the beast in his mind trying to keep from letting the dino get him aroused again but failed as his cock stood straight up for him and began to pulse. Dade's breathing became heavy as he grew aroused and the dino grinned widely. "Mmmm someone wants another hot tail hole fucking I see?" The dino said feeling Dade's new tail hike up instinctively at feeling Triton's cock probing around under it. Dade finally mustered up the strength to resist and broke away from the dino's grasp and swam to the edge of the water and hopped out of the pool. Triton only stood there in the water watching his pet with a smile "Well I see someone's still a little defiant to his master" He teased the boy. "IM NOT YOUR FUCKING PET YOU SICK CREATURE" Dade yelled again and ran out the door to the bathroom, his penis still somewhat hard as he broke the door to the bedroom open and ran downstairs and out the front door.

  1. The shopkeeper

"I can't believe I did it. I can't believe I got away!" Dade thought to himself as he ran swiftly through the forest. His new eyes let him see more things then he ever saw before. It was like they were honed in on moving quickly through dense forest areas. He came to a town not much longer then 10 minutes after he ran into the forest. It was a rather small town more like a small village. He ran into a local store and closed the door. He ran up to the dino standing behind the counter "Mr. you've got to help me! This evil, maniacal dino has been keeping me locked in his house and he keeps calling me his pet and I just want to go home!" The dino looked up and he looked a little concerned as if he was going to maybe help Dade. Then as he looked the boy over a little more his nostril's flared some and he grinned back at him. "Oh. Hmmm well let me see if I can help you out young one" he said stepping out from behind the counter. Dade watched as the tall muscular dino circled around him a little then moved up closer to Dade and put a large hand on his back. Dade looked back at him a little curiously then he grunted when the shopkeeper swiftly bent him over the edge of the counter and hiked his new tail up which caused his legs to spread open. The dino hissed and buried his snout under the boy's tail causing him to moan slightly his cock stiffening again. The dino's nostrils flared up again and his tongue flickered out and ran across the boy's tender hole. "Gah. What are you doing?" Dade managed to pant out to the dino that was violating him now. "Rrrrr. So you are Lord Triton's new pet everyone has been talking about. I can smell his musk on your tail hole. I can taste it as well.".

The dino held Dade firmly still against the counter and moved a large hand up and grabbed the boy's cock and began to jerk it while licking greedily at the boy's tail hole making him moan and squeak some. "Yes I can see that he has already mated you. You will become a fine pet for Master Triton" He rumbled to Dade. The shopkeeper wiggled his tongue deep into the boy's tail hole and pressed right behind his prostate while still jerking on him, making his cock throb violently. The shopkeeper reached up to his counter and pulled an empty jar down. He quickly pulled Dade's cock off to one side and started to rub hard at his base while tickling his insides. This set Dade off and he came hard into the jar filling it up completely with his thick new reptilian seed. The shopkeeper let Dade go and he fell to the floor panting and shivering. " Heh I see you've still not recovered fully from being taken for your first time have you slave?" . Dade quivered a little as he lay there panting on the floor not even able to answer the much larger dino. The larger saur put a lid on the jar and quickly took it behind his counter and put it away. A large commotion outside of the store was heard then a slightly smaller dino came into the store.

"He's in here!" The dino said keeping the door open. Then Triton strolled through the door and the other dino kneeled before him as he came in to find his pet lying upon the floor panting with a half limp cock. Triton smiled and looked up to the shopkeeper. " Did you milk my pet?" He asked the dino with a grin. The shop owner nodded and showed him the jar of cum he had collected from the boy. "Yes I did sir. I hope you do not mind" he said. Triton nodded and smiled again looking down at his boy. " No, no it's quite all right. It's probably best you did. If he had gotten away from you where anyone else had seen him he might have been milked to the point where he would have been weak for a few days. " He grinned and nodded to the shopkeeper. "Ill just take him home with me now." And with that he grabbed Dade by his new tail and hiked him up into his arms. The boy to weak to struggle let the larger dino carry him out to his cart. He laid the boy down in the back and then got in and drew his whip and cracked it and the 4-legged dino's began to move. Dade closed his eyes and fell asleep before they even arrived home.

  1. Understanding his fate

Dade awoke in the same room he woke up in. The windows were open and a slight breeze was blowing in. He ran over to the door only to find it locked again and then slowly slumped to the floor and began to cry again softly while leaning against the door. "I'm never going to get home...ever and even if I did escape again someone would rat me out or take advantage of me again" he sobbed. He got back up and moved over to the corner of the room where he sat down and curled up his scaly legs against his chest and cried softly to himself. A click caught his ear as he looked up just in time to see his master come into the room and lock the door behind him. The large dino moved swiftly over to the bed and sat down. "Dade come here my pet" he bellowed and reluctantly Dade rose up still sobbing a little and came over and sat down next to Triton. Triton wrapped his arms around the boy and hugged him and ran his nose over his cheek and gave his nose a gentle kiss. "Do you know why that shopkeeper did what he did to you today?" He asked. Dade shook his head sobbing still as Triton licked the tears from his face sympathetically. " Well you should know something my pet. Your cream is a precious commodity. You see, since your a transforming dino your cream is not that of a reptiles nor will it ever be. You will never be able to get a female pregnant but you will always produce more cream then any other male around will. I have yet to ever understand how or why this happens. But from the moment I laid my seed in you, your body began to transform. No you are not the first pet that I've had that was once a different species. And you need to understand right now that if you are ever caught out of my sight that others will rape you and milk you for your seed. I can't really describe it but it makes normal dino's go nuts. It's addictive to us and one would pay almost anything for just a few drops of your cream. I should also tell you that you will be milked 3 times daily by me. Your cream will be sold and distributed to local shops. I do this for one reason only and that is to keep you safe. My last pet was lost to me this way. The town's people knew of the properties of his cream and wanted it badly. I did not ever distribute it or ever let anyone into my house for fear of having my pet hurt. But alas one day when I was out grocery shopping a few dino's broke into my house and raped my pet to death. It took me days to track down the assailants and when I finally did they were put to death. So I need to keep a constant supply of your cream out there so that no one tries to take you from me or do to you what happened to my last pet. Something else you must know is that I am the only one around here that can change other creatures into dino's like you. So everyone knows that you are special and that you belong to me and that if they ever hurt you that I will destroy them."

And with that he kissed Dade on the lips and held him closely and rubbed his hand up and down his slightly scaled chest and then looked into his eyes " are you ready to continue your transformation?" He asked the boy. Dade shook his head and cried a little more. Triton looked a bit upset " you must understand Dade the longer you stay human the more vulnerable you will be. Also since the process has started it cannot be reversed. You will be my pet forever weather you want to or not." With that he tugged Dade into his lap and started to stroke his cock slowly with a large taloned hand. This made Dade squirm and start to pant again as his cock began to stiffen in the dino's hand. He squirmed a little more but not enough to even look like he was trying to get away. He started to accept his fate knowing that no matter what he did he would always end up in a worse situation then he was now. He started to think that the only way he would ever be happy was to admit to what was happening to him and just go with it. There really was nothing else he could do. He began to pant and whine softly as his large cock began to throb and drool pre from his tip. "That's my pet" Triton teased as he pressed against Dade letting the boy feel his arousal from under him.

  1. The transformation continues.

Dade's body began to defy his mind slowly as he became aroused at the dino's teasing. He tried so hard to not be turned on but he couldn't help it. His cock throbbed and beat with every pulse of his heart and drooled pre all down his slightly redder cock. His legs instinctively spread apart for the dino and his chest heaved up and down as he panted and squirmed about in the lap of his master. "Mmm my that's such a good pet" Triton cooed to his pet as his own cock began to emerge from his slit and poke along the cleft of Dade's ass cheeks. Dade gasped and his tail hiked slightly at the feeling of the cock underneath of it. Dade became disgusted with his body as it gave in to the creatures ever desire. Triton reached over onto the nightstand and pulled out something that looked much like a balloon or a small condom. He spread it open and slid it around the tip of Dade's cock. "Yes we can't have any of my pet's precious cream go to waste. Not even the pre seed" he said coyly to the boy as he pulled him out of his lap and set him on the bed. Triton laid down on his back letting Dade watch as his thick 2 foot black cock started to grow up along his tummy. He looked at Dade with a smile " why don't you tend to your master pet? ". Dade turned his head away a bit disgusted with the thought but figured that if he didn't, then Triton would take it. He slowly scooted over to the dino and leaned down looking at that huge thick cock and he smelled it a little and wrinkled his nose before he let his tongue slip out and caress the slick smooth skin of the reptile's penis. Triton hissed in pleasure and grabbed Dade's head softly and pressed it down.

Dade started to lick that cock from base to tip tasting the mucus that lined the reptiles cock slit all over the musky pole. He licked at it for several minutes before Triton grabbed his cock and Dade's head and quickly stuffed almost a third of his huge dick down Dade's throat. He moaned in pleasure as he watched his cock disappear in and out of the boy's mouth for a good 10 minutes. " Mmmmm god's your such a good pet" he hissed before finally tugging his cock out of Dade's mouth with a wet pop. Dade fell back onto the bed panting and gasping for air as Triton crawled over towards him. Dade turned over onto his tummy and started to crawl before Triton pounced on him then let him up just enough so that he could grab the boy's tail and hike it up some pulling his rear upwards till he was on his knees. "My my my, My little pet is giving himself to me now" He chuckled as he moved in behind Dade once again. Dade squirmed yet again under the larger dino above him as he felt that thick cock tip probing under his tail again. The boy grunted a little as he felt that tip pressing against his ring as Triton reached around under the boy and grabbed his own cock and gave it a few pumps before he pressed hard against him and he felt his thick tip pop into the boy again. But this time instead of squealing and crying this time he let out a loud moan as his ass hole gave way to his master's cock much easier then it had last night. Triton grinned at this and chuckled to the boy " Mmm you see? Your beginning to become quite the pet aren't you? Your now nice n stretched to the point where my cock will no longer hurt you." . Dade grunted and gasped as he felt that thick pole pushing deeper into his rear stretching his hole and his guts open wide again but the beast was right, It didn't hurt a bit but instead felt almost wonderful. His cock throbbed in Triton's hand and it jerked him off and his preseed had already filled up a good portion of the balloon already. Triton hummed a little to himself as he pressed deeper into Dade's rump till he got to that second half of his shaft.

Dade grunted loudly as the second half of Triton's cock stretched him open wider making his ass hole start to burn painfully again. He pushed himself up onto his hands and panted loudly as Triton pressed his hips firmly against Dade's rump and rolled them around a little teasingly as he kissed the back of Dade's neck, before pulling out till his tip remained in then pressed back in filling up the boy with his long thick cock again. Dade whimpered and closed his eyes breathing heavily as Triton began to rhythmically thrust in and out of his butt and hiss in pleasure from the tight pet below him. He stroked the poor boy off even harder and Dade let out what sounded like a cross between a growl and a cry as he cam hard filling up that balloon rather large filling it with damn near a gallon of cum. Triton sensing this hissed and gave a few more thrusts deep into his boy before he growled loudly and his tip swelled up inside Dade again tying him to the boy as he began filling up the young dino boy with his musky seed again. Triton then tugged Dade close to him and peeled the balloon off of his cock and tied the end off quickly and placed the balloon off to the side and he licked and nibbled at Dade's ears a little as he held the boy in his arms and snickered to him " Mmmm something else I forgot to mention my sweet pet. After the transformation is complete I'm going to fill you with my young." Dade's ears perked right up and he looked back at Triton with his face all distorted in horror and that look that we've all seen means you must be out of your fucking mind. "'re just kidding right?" Dade asked slowly. Triton smiled and shook his head and chuckled "I'm afraid I'm not my pet." Dade gave that same look one more time before stuttering to him " B.... But how is that possible? I'm a boy. Boys can't get pregnant!" He protested and tugged away from Triton a little only to be pulled back by that thick eggish knot. "Mmmmm no boy's can't. But your no longer a boy. You're my pet, and pets can get pregnant if I want them to. Granted it takes a little more then just fucking to get you knocked up but we will do it soon enough. I want to see you all fat and full of my eggs Dade. Then watch you lay them like a female while I hold you in my arms. I've wanted children for so long now. I need someone to carry on in my footsteps once I pass on." He said and licked Dade's cheek.

Dade whimpered again and squirmed a bit in the reptile's lap and looked back " well why couldn't I just carry on in your place?" He asked. Triton chuckled to him " Silly boy. Your my pet and pets can never be anything more then just that. A pet. So if you are still around when I'm gone then you will be my children's pet. And then they will have children from you as well."

Dade whined and looked even more disgusted " B.... But that's incestial! Even if I do get pregnant and have children, If they have children with me, won't the new young be messed up from inbreeding?" Triton chuckled yet again and shook his head "No no my pet. You don't understand. But then I guess I can't expect you to know. But when you have my children, your DNA won't be passed down to them. You will be more of just a surrogate mother so to speak. You will carry my eggs until they are ready to be laid then hatched. They will contain my exact DNA code and will theoretically be copies of me because the eggs that your body will produce will be complete blanks so they will accept my DNA and my DNA only." He said with a coo and petted the boy's head and as he did, Dade's hair began to fall out leaving him with a nice bald green head and Triton laughed softly " Mmmm well I see the transformation is furthering itself. Your now going to loose all of your body hair and start to be nice and scaly just like me" He chuckled and Dade's hands shot up to grab what was left of his hair as it just fell out in his hands and he began to pant loudly in fear as he looked down at all the green hair laying on the bed. He started to pant so hard that he began to black out again and he felt Triton kiss his lips deeply as he passed out yet again.

  1. The visitor

Dade awoke the next morning in bed by himself. He could tell by the way the light was shining through the window that it was most likely mid afternoon. He rolled over in the bed to find that Triton was already gone. "Wow I must have been out cold. Didn't even feel him pull out of me this morning" He said to himself as he rubbed his eyes and then scratched his head only to remember that all his hair was gone when he went to scratch. Dade gasped a little at that and the fact that when he looked down his feet were no longer human. Three long green toes with sharp claws now adorned his once 5-toed feet. He got up and ran to the pool and looked down into the water and he started to sob a little to see his face was now almost fully reptilian with a bit longer snout and no more nose with only two small holes to breath through. His ears were almost completely gone now having fused to the side of his head to form two more small holes to hear from now as he looked down and his chest was smooth and scaly with just a bit lighter green then the rest of him. His cock was now completely missing and on his crotch instead was a rather pinkish looking slit. He looked behind him to see his tail had grown much longer and was now almost 3 feet in length as his legs muscles were a lot bigger and stronger looking. Dade now realized that he had almost no humanity left on his body. The only thing that remained human about him now were his hands which were still close to the same size and not quite so green but still had a bit longer nails he could tell were growing into talons.

Dade sobbed a little more then got up away from the pools edge and walked to the bedroom door to find it was unlocked. He moved through the hallway slowly before his ears caught the sound of voices downstairs, something he knew he shouldn't have been able to hear if he was still human. He walked slowly down the stairs and peeked into the living room where he spotted Triton and another larger dino sitting on the couch talking and drinking something from two glasses. Triton grinned as he saw Dade peek his head around the corner trying to be sneaky about eavesdropping on him and his guest. "Well well well come on in my new pet. We were just talking about you. " Triton sneered with a grin. Dade slowly came from around the corner and walked over and sat down next to Triton a bit disgusted at himself for being caught. "My pet I would like you to meet my friend from across the sea. His name is Lord Bronstrom. He is my friend and my eyes, ears and mouth over where he is from where I cannot be to govern. He takes care of business over where he lives so that I do not have to travel there unless I am needed there to take care of matters beyond his control." The large dino smiled and nodded to Dade while looking him over and snickered some as he looked back to Triton "He is very handsome...and very very sexy I might add Triton. You sure do know how to pick the best-looking pets. " He said looking back to Dade who was now looking at the floor blushing hotly and trying to hide it. Triton grabbed Dade and tugged him into his lap and held him close and kissed his cheek affectionately. " He sure is Lord Bronstrom. A rare find indeed. He pleases me greatly and I love him very much. He's turning into a great pet, as you can no doubtibly see. " He snickered and kissed Dade again and ran his hands along the boy's chest.

Lord Bronstrom licked his lips and smiled. " Shall I show you my new pet King Triton?" Bronstrom asked. " Why yes of course show me this creature you speak so highly of in all of your letters to me." With that Bronstrom clapped his hands twice and in slinked a rather gorgeous female cheetah girl who looked like she was probably no older then 15 herself. She was anthro of course, standing around 5 feet tall with golden fur with the traditional black spots all over her body and a long luxurious tail with a little bell hooked to a collar at the end which jingled when she walked and she looked to Bronstrom and bowed her head. "Yes my master?" She asked. Dade couldn't do much but just stare at her beauty before he came back and realized he was drooling over the sight of a tall humanlike cat girl and he had to think to himself " Damn what's wrong with me drooling over a cat?" He said before coming back to reality and then just watching. Triton smiled and nodded to the cat girl "Mmmmmm yes she is quite beautiful isn't she. " He said to Bronstrom. "How did you acquire her again?" He asked. Bronstrom chuckled "Well she is actually the princess of the mammal tribe across the plains on our continent." He said "One of my soldiers captured her when her and a small army of soldiers including her father King Menous came marching across the plains and tried to attack our city claiming that we were sending small armies in the night to pillage and steal from their city. So they were here to put a stop to it. A futile fight they put up and during their retreat one of my soldiers happened to spot her and captured her. So it only seemed fit that I take her as a prize for winning the battle and make her one of my pets to smite that idiot Menous for making such a bold move to try and destroy our city." Bronstrom chuckled again "Since then the fool has been sending messengers with talks of treaties and negotiations for his daughter back knowing that there is no way he can take her back by force. I told him I would not give her back for all the wealth that he or his entire city has. I told him she is now mine forever and that he should just accept that she is gone and she will never be returned." He smiled and patted his lap. The cheetah girl slinked over slowly and sat down in his lap " it has taken me quite some time to finally break her. Being royalty that she is, she was quite stubborn at first, but she finally succumbed to the fact that she will never be able to return to home and that she is mine forever" He said hugging the girl.

The cheetah girl was, unlike Dade, clothed in a harem type outfit of silk pants and a very skimpy brazier that was quite full of her ample breasts, which were a nice full C-cup. She looked rather sad and unpleased at her life from the way Dade looked into her purple eyes and she stared back into his the two sympathizing for each other secretly. "Mmmm well my pet is not even of this world Bronstrom. He is from a plant full of rather sexy looking creatures called humans. But as you can see he is no longer human for I've decided he would look even better as a dino. " He snickered and rubbed a bit lower on Dade near his cock slit and Dade had to close his eyes and resist the urge to become hard. Triton sensing this from Dade laughed softly into his ear and then stopped and patted the boy's rear softly. "Well if you will excuse me now Bronstrom I have some of my own personal business to attend to. You can make yourself at home in the guest bedroom so you and your pet have a place to stay for awhile." He said as he stood and took Dade by the hand. Bronstrom nodded and took his own pet by the hand and began to lead her out of the room followed by Triton and Dade. Triton led Dade back up to the bedroom and he closed the door and locked it behind him.

  1. Dade's first official milking

Triton locked the door behind them as took Dade into the room. "It's time for your daily milking my pet" He said smiling at Dade almost pleasingly. Dade whimpered a little and backed away from Triton some. "'re going to mate me again?" He asked "Mmm not quite yet my sexy boy but you do have 2 options to pick from" Triton said. " I can milk you myself. Or I can take you out to the stable and milk you like a cow, with a milk machine" He snickered "make your choice or I will make it for you" He said sternly. Dade whimpered and looked back "but I don't want to be milked sir I just woke up!" He protested. Triton looked at Dade coldly and nodded. " I see. Well since you didn't make your choice I have chosen for you then." And with that he snapped a leash around Dade's collar and started to lead him out of the room with Dade tugging at the leash as Triton dragged him out the door down the stairs and out the back of the house. Triton lead Dade to a rather large building behind the mansion he lived in which looked much like a large barn. He opened the door and lead Dade through the stalls. On one side of the building were large pens with the 4 legged dinos in them and on the other side were smaller stalls which could only hold one of the 4 legged dinos in them. He took Dade down to one of the stalls on the end which was open and he drug the boy into the stall and pushed him into the corner so that he fell flat on his ass and then quickly he snapped the boy's feet down to some shackles that were secured to the floor leaving the boy spread open and then he quickly snapped the boy's wrists to some more shackles on the wall keeping his arms secure to the wall so that he couldn't move at all.

Triton looked coldly at Dade as he did all of this rather upset that Dade hadn't chosen to be milked by him, but he figured that after this time he would always choose to have his master milk him in the future. Dade started to whine and tug at his shackles trying to move. Triton moved out of the stall and came back in with a machine with a rather large barrel attached to it and he moved down to Dade. "I don't like doing this pet but I gave you a choice and refused to answer me so now this machine will milk you instead. And as punishment for being disobedient I'm going to leave you here until this barrel here is full of your cream. I don't care if it takes you till tomorrow to fill it, but you will not be let go until it is full. So the quicker you let go of your self-esteem and your will to resist me and fill this barrel the sooner I will let you go. If you just give in, you should have it full within a few hours" Triton said as he moved down and dipped two of his fingers into Dade's new cock slit and began pulling the boy's large red cock out slowly. He reached up and grabbed a long clear tube with a hose on the end of it and secured it around the shaft of Dade's cock and then reached back up and flipped on a switch and the machine began to hum as the tube began a soft sucking upon Dade's cock along with a very gentle vibration and Dade immediately began to pant and huff as his cock grew longer and thicker filling up the clear tube fully with his cock meat and sealing the vacuum force inside the tube as it began to slowly suck the cum right out of Dade's nuts watching as the tube filled with his seed and watched it as it was pumped right into the large clear barrel. Triton smiled and got up and closed the stall door behind him leaving Dade on the floor in the barn all by himself to be milked until the barrel was full. Dade huffed and puffed and began to hump his hips up at the sucking machine which was much more pleasurable then he thought it would be as his cock gave in quite quickly and began to spurt long thick ropes of his seed through the tube and into the barrel. After only 15 minutes of the constant sucking Dade had nearly an 8th of the barrel full. He knew he would be there for a couple of hours.

  1. The trade

After about 3 hours of the milking Dade had almost fully filled the barrel and his nuts were aching badly inside of his body when Triton finally came back to check up on him. "Mmmm that's a good pet. I see you've about finished. " He snickered before turning the machine off as Dade's hips stopped pumping finally and he sat back down huffing and panting looking flush and sweaty from doing this for so long. He lay there and a nice wet pop was heard when the suction tube was pulled from his cock, which was now bright red and very very hard. Triton undid the shackles and picked the boy up in his arms and carried the tired boy back into the house and up to his room. Triton set the boy down on the bed and he went over and locked the door. He came back over to the edge of the bed and sat down next to Dade. "Mmm my pet. I've had a most intriguing offer from Lord Bronstrom. And I've accepted it and now I need to talk to you about it. Lord Bronstrom is a guest in my house my pet and I treat all my guests humbly as I would a member of my own family. Whatever they ask for they get. And Lord Bronstrom has offered me his pet for the night if I would let him have you for the night. However I have no interest in doing anything with his pet tonight so she will simply sleep in the bed with me and tend to any other need I may have like massaging my back or making me a snack. But I want you to know that Bronstrom intends to do a lot more with you then just make you do the same. He will mate you tonight" He said not sounding all to thrilled about the offer but the rules of the land are to treat your guests and tend to their every need. So he was. " So my pet you are to get yourself cleaned up and meet Lord Bronstrom in his room when you are done. I trust you know better then to try and defy my request understand?" Dade looked a bit concerned himself but nodded and laid on there on the bed for a little while longer.

Triton patted Dade on the thigh and got up and walked out of the room and left Dade by himself on the bed. Dade got up after a few more minutes and walked into the next room and slowly slipped into the pool and began to wash himself clean while thinking about how tonight would probably go. The only fear that Dade had in his mind at the time was that Bronstrom might have a bigger cock then Triton since the dino was bigger and taller then Triton was. Dade finished cleaning himself and slipped out of the pool and dried himself off with a towel. When he came back into the bedroom Triton was there waiting by the door. "Are you ready my pet?" Triton asked him. Dade sighed heavily and nodded as he took Tritons hand and was lead out of the room and down the hall into the guestroom where Lord Bronstrom was waiting.

  1. Lord Bronstrom

Triton led Dade into the guestroom and then spoke to Bronstrom "Take care of my pet Lord Bronstrom". And with that he closed the door and locked it behind him as Dade just stood there staring at the dino on the bed. Lord Bronstrom was a large beast that looked much like a brontosaurus. A big long neck with a slightly smaller head then Triton's but much larger and more muscular then Triton. He was an off gray color and he was fully clothed in a big frilly coat that was blue and a pair of blue silken pants that were very loose. He signaled Dade to come closer by curling his finger and speaking "Come over here pet". Dade did as he was told and moved over to Bronstrom as he sat there on the edge of his own bed. Bronstrom grabbed the boy and sat him down in his lap. Dade could feel the dino was already somewhat aroused by the large lump in his pants. "My god you are so sexy pet. Your beauty astounded me the second I laid my eyes on you" he said as he began to kiss and lick around Dade's neck tenderly. " I would gladly give Triton my pet in exchange for you but I know this will not happen". Lord Bronstrom's hand slowly crept down to Dade's right leg and he began to tug on his thigh spreading the boy's legs open before moving his hand up and beginning to rub around Dade's genital slit. "Mmmmm" the dino cooed into his ear as he pressed against the boy letting him feel how much he was aroused at the thought of fucking the boy. Dade panted and began to whimper as his thick red cock began to come out of his slit once more and begin to harden. Lord Bronstrom smiled at this and leaned his head down and began to suck on Dade's cock hungrily wanting a taste of that seed that drives all dino's into a fit of lust. It wasn't long before Dade let out a loud gasp and came into Bronstrom's mouth filling it with a bit of his seed. Bronstrom gulped it down and then pulled off and gasped " My god its been so long since I've had a taste of Triton's pet's cream." He said then got up and laid the boy down on the bed on his back. He stood in front of Dade and slipped his pants down and off and Dade gasped loudly and started to back away as his fear was realized.

Lord Bronstrom's cock wasn't only bigger. It was Huge. It was easily 3 feet long and over 6 inches thick. Dade began to crawl and whimper as he stared at the massive black cock that was put before him. But Bronstrom had other plans as he slipped onto the bed and grabbed the boy by the back of the neck. Dade couldn't fight back as the dino was just far to powerful for him as he lead the boy's head to the tip of his cock and the tip was forced into his mouth and he whimpered and began to suck softly on the dino's huge cock tip. Bronstrom hissed delightfully as he watched the young dino suckle upon his massive girth. While Dade suckled upon Bronstrom's cock he noticed that Bronstrom's cock did not have a slit that it receded into and his balls were external much like his once were. And they were huge too. After a few mintues of sucking Dade was rewarded with a very large jet of pre from the tip of Bronstrom's cock which made him choke a little and he pulled off and coughed a little. "Mmm did you like that pet?" Bronstrom said as he reached over to the nightstand and took out a large bottle of oil. While Dade lay there coughing, Bronstrom took the time to smear his whole thick length with the oil making it nice and shiny black. " I know that Triton is quite big himself but I think that we need to stretch you out a little more." He said with a smirk as he moved over to the boy on his hands and knees as his huge cock swayed about under him. Dade finished coughing and he rolled over onto his own hands and knees so that he could try and get up but once again he made the mistake of putting himself in the wrong position at the wrong time and Bronstrom simply grabbed the boy by the hips and pulled him closer. Bronstrom murrrred a bit to himself as he moved up behind the boy and lifted his tail up with one hand while the other held the boy by the hips as he squirmed about. Then Dade felt the tip of the dino's huge cock pressing up under his tail as he squirmed even harder but was then shoved face first down into a pillow where his eyes bugged out a little when he felt Bronstrom stuff his fat tip into the boy's ass stretching him painfully wide again much like his first time with Triton.

Dade grabbed the sheets and clawed at them as Bronstrom held him tightly by the hips and started to sink inch after inch of his huge cock down into the boy. Dade didn't think he would be able to take all of Bronstrom's cock into his body as he felt well over a foot of cock now sunk deep into his ass filling him up and stretching him wide. The only way to describe what it felt like in Dade's mind was that it felt like someone was stuffing a cock as thick as a Champaign bottle into his ass. Bronstrom stopped for a few seconds after he had about 2 feet sunk into the boy and Dade panted and huffed hoping that that was all the further he was going to go. But unfortunately for him it wasn't. After a minute or so Bronstrom began pushing again and Dade cried out as he felt his insides shifting around and straightening out for the long cock that was being pushed into him. He squirmed and huffed until finally he felt those two large nuts pressing up against him. Bronstrom then leaned back and pulled Dade back with him so that the boy was sitting in his lap with his thick rod buried deep inside of him. "Simply amazing!" Bronstrom said looking down to see his whole cock was lodged inside the boy. "Mmmm this is the first time I've ever had my cock fully buried inside of anyone!" He said with glee and he began to kiss at the boy's neck again and rubbed his hands up and down his chest "Mmm my pet can only take the first third of my cock so she leaves the rest of it kind of needy." He said as he began to rock his hips up and down making the boy moan. He then placed his hands on the boy's hips and began to lift him up almost half way off of his cock before brining him back down again onto his cock. He groaned loudly as he made the boy ride his cock like that for a little bit and then he laid down on his back and hiked Dade's tail back up some as he started to press the boy forward so he could see how stretched the boy's tail hole was. He grinned happily as he took a finger and ran it along the outside of Dade's tail ring feeling the muscles spasm around his dick before he began to hump the boy slowly.

Dade just sat there and huffed letting the dino have his way with him hoping that Bronstrom didn't have a knotty cock tip like Triton did. He made the boy bounce up and down in his lap a little bit before he moved up pinning the boy down to the bed and he laid on top of him and began to thrust in and out of the boy a little more quickly as Dade howled and groaned into a pillow until finally the large dino let out a loud mating cry as his cock tip began to swell deep inside Dade. Dade's eyes snapped open wide as he felt this and he began to pant and grunt loudly as the dino's tip swelled up inside of him much larger then Triton's did plugging the boy up deeply as he felt the dino's nuts spasm against him. He squirmed even more as he felt thick gooey rope after thick gooey rope of the dino's cum being pumped deep into his guts filling him more then Triton did. He felt so much cum inside of him that his stomach started to swell and by the time that Bronstrom had finished filling the boy with his seed, Dade looked very pregnant. About 6 months pregnant actually. Dade panted and then grunted as Bronstrom rolled over onto his back pulling the cum filled boy with him. Bronstrom reached down and pulled the sheets up over him and the young dino and he held him close with both of his arms as he kissed and licked at the boy's face. "God I wish you were my pet. You're so amazing and tight. I would never let you leave my sight" he said panting into Dade's ear as he began to doze off. Dade lay there in Bronstrom's arms for awhile before he too began to pass out with that softball sized knot locked deep into his guts still.

End of chapter 2.

Thank you for reading my story. I do plan on writing another couple of chapters to this story but I would like to get some input on how its progressing and possibly some idea's from some of you, my readers. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how you would like to see it progress in the next few chapters please drop me an email at [email protected]

And I do want to apologize to all of you who waited so long to read the second part of my story. I've been going through hell RL and it's hard to write when your mind is on other more important problems. But thank you all for your patience and understanding and I hope I have not let any of you down with this second chapter of my story.

Thank you again

Raver Rabbit