Nick's Bully, Part 2

Story by Shilvascat on SoFurry

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And a direct continuation of Foogo's commission. This commission was 12k words in total, more than twice what I was expecting to write! It's been an interesting ride to be sure. 

?-4- The Thursday of Thanksgiving came and went, and yet Billy saw no great change in Annie. She was going to the bathroom more often and spent half of the holiday shitting, but other than that it all seemed about the same to him. Nick noticed a bit more; Annie didn't comment on Billy's hideously rank body odor, despite the fact that she was constantly on him about it just yesterday, and that during Thanksgiving dinner, she ate thrice what she normally would, and finished it off with a mini-feast of leftovers later that night. Annie's behavior worsened throughout the weekend, but Nick could brush it off as just it being a Thanksgiving appetite and politeness towards Billy after the bathroom incident. By Sunday morning, however, the physical changes began. Nick noticed it first thing Sunday morning. He had just woke up to the dawn filtering through his blinds, and immediately got out of bed to make his mother breakfast. Though things had been tense with them lately, their relationship had improved somewhat through the holiday, and Nick wanted to make up his behavior to her. Sure, he hated Billy and none of his reservations about the situation changed, but he could see her point about bringing him in, and was willing to give it all a chance. He walked into the kitchen, tightening his robe's belt as he did so, and strode straight to the fridge, opening it. "G'morning, Mom!" he said cheerily. "Gmornin," Annie replied through a mouthful of cereal. Nick's heart sank, and he craned his head back to see his mother four bowls into breakfast. "Oh... I wish I'd gotten up earlier. I was going to make you breakfast." Annie looked up from her bowl and smiled, chunks of sugared marshmallows clinging to her teeth. "BRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPP. Oh, go ahead! I can always eat more, sweety," she said after a rancid belch. "Oh, and excuse me, so sorry!" Her son frowned, eyes travelling down her body. He wasn't so certain she should - her normally defined face had a certain amount of... flub dulling it, probably extra fat from the past few days of increasingly slovenish behavior. Her breasts, as he was embarrassed to notice, had swollen too, nearly spilling out of her top. The nipples were so swollen and red that, despite the best attempts of her bra, they were visible plainly through the fabric. The areola was accented by an explosion of blue and red veins that also showed through her bra, and they stuck out so far that they were like little tents. All of that, too, was probably from the fat. Something that was definitely from the fat was Annie's newfound love handle that pressed up against her belly like a taut bowl. Ignoring those feelings, he just grabbed the fixings for eggs and bacon from the fridge and started to go through the cabinets in search for some pans. Nick quickly realized that almost all the dishes were stacked in the sink, crusted with old leftovers. "H-Hey Ma, I don't think I can make breakfast, all the dishes are dirty," he said. This wasn't like her at all, to leave them undone. Annie looked up with a flash of annoyance. "Then do them," she said. "I mean, it's quite a bit," he replied. He opened the fridge to put the food away. "Maybe we'll do them later, I'll make you dinner." Her eyes flashed and she set down the bowl. "Do them now, and make me breakfast." Nick flinched, and his eyes glanced once again towards her newfound paunch. "I don't think you really should have more." "Oh?" She set down the spoon now, too, crossing her arms. A shiver spilled up her spine as her forearms brushed her nipples through her bra."What's that supposed to mean?" Nick cringed as he spoke, knowing it was a sensitive topic, but he felt he had to get it out. "Well, you know uh, you've been eating a lot the last few days, and it's, sorta, well, starting to show." He gestured towards her belly, and she looked down with a blink. She hadn't really noticed, but Nick had a point. Maybe her diet had been lacking lately, and maybe- "What, you callin' her fat, too?" Billy's voice startled both of them. How the hell had he come up the stairs so quietly? Annie was quick to put on a motherly voice, pushing her weight questions aside for the moment. "What do you mean, too?" she asked sweetly. Billy put on an embarrassed face. "Well, ma'am, Nick calls me fat at school too, just like everyone else." Annie's heart lurched. Her Nick? She turned to face her son with something like a mixture of doubt and anger on her face. Nick shirked away, shaking his head already. "Did you?" Her words were cold. Nick kept shaking his head, backing into the counter's corner. "N-No, I don't, I swear!" That wasn't strictly true, but he'd only said it in response to Billy's own bullying. That wouldn't matter to Annie, though, and her lips tightened as she made the connection between Nick's aggressive behavior toward Billy at home and his claims of being bullied at school. "You... you lied to me, Nick," she said. Nick kept shaking his head, but Annie pressed on. "You bullied this poor soul at school, tortured him, and then you lied to me here to cover it up! You told me he was the bully, when the bully was you all along." "No!" he yelled, throwing the bacon and eggs in the fridge and slamming the door. "No, that's a lie! W-Well... sure I called him fat, but only because he bullied me first!" Annie shot up in her chair. "Don't you lie to me more, Nick. He's never, ever said a false word to you here and you've been constantly on him about his smell, his weight, everything." Nick's face grew red. "That's not true. He's been bullying me behind your back, and just stopping every time you got close." Annie sniffed and rolled her eyes. "Likely story." The anger in Nick's chest grew, and he redirected it to Billy with an accusing finger. "You! This is all your fault, you're telling lies about me, and I won't-" "Nick!" Annie interrupted her son, striding between him and Billy so Nick's finger pushed against her breasts. He withdrew it after a moment. "You've said enough. Shut up and go to your room!" Nick gaped. He'd never been grounded. He'd never deserved it. "B-But Mom, I..." Nick trailed off, and Annie seemed a bit uncertain about the 'harsh' punishment. Perhaps she was overreacting? A quiet sniffle from Billy behind her solidified her plans, and she couldn't see the shit-eating grin Billy was giving Nick. "Nick. Your room. Now." Nick stood there a few moments before tearing up and rushing to his room, slamming the door behind him. Annie turned towards Billy and pulled him in for a comforting hug. Billy was thankful that his massive belly could hide his raging erection. -5- Nick and Annie's relationship never quite recovered from that incident. Nick tried multiple times to mend bridges and get back in his mother's good graces, but she could never trust him after her notion of Nick as a perfect son was absolutely shattered. It didn't help that, with Nick gone, Billy had even more freedom to move in and corrupt her. It started off slowly. Annie continued to overeat, and Nick provided most of the food in an attempt to get her to like him again. None of this was good for her weight, and soon her small love handle grew out from under her shirt to rest on her lap when she sat. Her arms and legs became similarly thick, and her ass barely fit into any of her pants. Even her breasts had trouble fitting into her bras, and her thick, red nipples were almost always on full display. She was worried about the change at first, but every time she talked about eating less, Billy would talk her down. After she accepted the fact that she was gaining 'just a few' pounds, she wanted to buy new clothes so she could fit into them correctly, but Billy dissuaded her from that, too. 'You just need to settle into your current ones more,' he said. 'They'll stretch out and you'll be fine. No need to waste money.' Soon, her ass spilling out of her jeans and her breasts bursting out of her bras was the new norm, despite Nick's uncomfortable objections, but she wouldn't go around wearing normal clothes for long. If they were just uncomfortable and ill fitting she might have made do, but Billy made certain to work overtime so that he could keep all the wood stoves in the house burning at the highest capacity. It wasn't long before she was sweating like a pig, just like Billy, and she began to walk around the house in just a taut dressing gown which left very little to the imagination. Billy was almost always sporting an erection beneath his belly at the sight, but Annie never knew it. Always keen on hygiene, Annie showered almost constantly to keep the stench of sweat away from her body, but as she spent more and more time with Billy, she began to shower less and less. The sharp scent soon accompanied her as much as it did Billy, and there came a time when she stopped showering entirely. Her gown was sweat soaked and tinged with filth, and her skin overall looked like someone rubbed her down in grease. Every time Nick tried to point it out, she'd just tell him to shut up. He usually did. Though she knew that wasn't what he was doing, she'd occasionally add how rude it is to stare at a woman's cleavage just to make him turn red. Annie never drank much, but she always enjoyed it, and so when Billy first asked to share drinks late one night, she accepted without much thought. He was legal, after all, and it'd been so long since she had a good cup of wine. The drink nights became more and more common so that before long, she and Billy could be found lounging by the fire almost every night, with Billy in his boxers and Annie in her sweaty, straining gown. While Billy usually drank hard liquor like whiskey or vodka, Annie started off drinking just a glass or two of white wine. After the wine coolers ran out, Billy ran to the store and brought back beer. Annie didn't like beer, but she drank it just to be polite. After that ran out, she asked for cheaper and cheaper beer, until she was shotgunning pisswater nightly like it was her lifeblood. Cans and bottles littered the area around the living room couch. Their talks were innocent enough to start. Annie asked Billy more about his family, his school, and Billy pretended to be interested in whatever it was Annie would talk about. As the nights went on, however, their talks became more openly classless, talking about soap operas that Annie liked, horse races that Billy bet on, and shit talking Nick. Usually Billy would start the night by making a bad joke about Nick's manhood, and Annie couldn't help but burst out into a snorting laugh. She felt bad about it on some level, but that part of her was quickly fading. One particularly hot night, just before Christmas break, Annie was panting from the heat. Her face was flushed red and her dressing gown was feeling particularly tight. Small strips of the fabric had torn around her belly and breasts, showing the pink flesh beneath, and it was all she could do to fit into it. "Annie, why dontcha just wear your underwear, like me?" Billy asked, gesturing to his massive, unwashed boxers. She flushed red at the suggestion, though some part of her was happy to hear it. Annie still held reservations about acting classy, and stripping to her bra and panties certainly didn't fit her definition. "O-Oh come on, Billy, don't be silly!" she said. "What if... what if someone saw? It's inappropriate!" Billy snorted. "Don't be stupid. Who's gonna see, Nick? Freak'll prolly just pop a boner and go jerk off. Who cares?" Annie turned a deeper shade of red but couldn't help but snigger. Nick probably would be the type to lust after his own mother. Still... "Are you... I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." Billy shook his head. "Nah, you wouldn't. I'm respectful, you won't be seein no boner from me." Annie pursed her lips and sighed, thinking about it. It would certainly be inappropriate, but... no one was around to see, and she trusted Billy to be mature about it. If that runt son of hers saw, let him. What's he gonna do about it? The decision made, she was still nervous as she stood up and began to shimmy out of her gown. She didn't mean to make it a show, but it took so long, body part by body part, that it was almost like a fucked up strip show for Billy. Knowing she couldn't see him, he risked it and grinded his cock against his belly folds, muffling his moans. First came her legs, thick like stumps and overladen with cellulite. That alone was enough to arouse Billy, but then came one of the main attractions; her panties. They weren't the cute frilly panties he'd found in her drawers, but plain, sweat and piss stained granny panties that stretched over her belly. A wild shock of red pubes snaked out the legs and top, only accenting her lack of hygiene. Despite the decade, she'd always kept herself trimmed except during the winter but this season her mound was excessively hairy. Billy had hid her razor from her, and after a week looking, she simply gave up and embraced the bush. Her panties almost fit like a thong on her, a g-string showing off her massive ass cheeks. Her pussy strained against the fabric, swollen and the very definition of a fupa, almost an indent between her legs. Then came her belly. The thing was massive, Billy knew, but to see the monstrosity in person was certainly a treat. It now looked more like his than the flat, perfect belly he saw when he first came. It was round, and what wasn't swallowed by the panties was covered in stretch marks and varicose veins; a happy trail of dark red hair sprouted from her sunken navel, snaking its way down from there. Soon came the crowning jewel; her breasts. She was wearing a maternity bra, unable to fit any of her old ones, but even those struggled to contain the sheer might of her tits. Each breast was the size of an overripe watermelon, with a pattern of stretch marks to match, and each nipple was massive and swollen. They stuck straight out, boring small holes in her bra and making them stand up like tents. Her areolas and the veins accompanying them showed clearly through the once-white fabric of the bra. Her pits, having been smooth shaven since she was twelve, were now home to a wild, straggly mass of red hair, soaked in sweat and grime. Finally she pulled the gown over her head, and she looked at Billy expectantly. When he just smiled and started talking, as if this were all normal, she was oddly... dissapointed he hadn't mentioned her body. She sat back down next to him, almost cuddling into him. The sting of his sweaty stench made her pussy leak, but she didn't notice. He certainly did. She scratched at her hairy snatch almost absentmindedly, licking her fingers clean afterwards. -6- Christmas Eve found Billy and Annie lounging in front of the fire as usual, both of them ten or so cans of beer into the night. She was showing off some lingerie, parading in front of her houseguest because, in his words, 'It would make my Christmas, I've never had a real Christmas before'. The slob couldn't help but smirk as Annie turned around, jutting her mammoth ass in Billy's face. He didn't even have to try anymore; the slut would just do whatever he said at the slightest hint of his wanting it. On rare occasions he had to pull the 'I'm abused' card, but other than that? Annie was making the transition into trashy slutdom pretty rapidly. On her end, Annie barely even noticed. Every time she started to realize what was going on, Billy would waltz into sight and all those hesitations would simply leave her. She might have been able to snap out of her slob-fueled haze had she full possession of her faculties, but Billy's filth on all of her clothes had robbed her of so much brain power that she found it difficult to string together full sentences sometimes. The show finished. Annie let out a belch and settled back down on the couch, nestling up to Billy's side. They'd been fucking for a little over a week now, and the very smell of him made her pussy wet, but she couldn't quite bring herself to be open about it with Nick. Billy kept insisting she let the little twerp know, but something deep inside her held off. She wouldn't even let herself be caught cuddling Billy when Nick was around, just to spare him his feelings. There was the barest amount of resistance left in her, and despite her foul attitude towards Nick, blatant disregard for hygiene and class, and her intense attraction to the filth that was Billy, that part of her that resisted knew that if Nick found out she was fucking his bully, he'd just break. Some time passed, and the sharp stench of her lover, combined with the sweltering heat of the fire, lulled her near to sleep. Her eyes had just fluttered shut when Billy nudged her. "C'mon," he growled. "Dontcha sleep on me here. I'm gonna go to bed. You sure I can't just join you?" Annie snorted as Billy nudged her, startling herself awake. "Uh, wha..? Oh, uh, well..." She yawned, stretching and scratching at her drooling pussy. It really was tempting, but... "No, it wouldn't be right, y'know?" Billy groused a bit but nodded, standing up and stoking the fire some more. "Alrigh'," he said, "have it your way. I'll be downstairs if you need me." Annie nodded, and Billy trudged downstairs to his pigsty. She sat up on the couch with a little effort, wincing in discomfort. She still wasn't used to all the little things that came with gaining so much weight. While all the extra padding, as Billy called it, made her feel wonderful in so many strange, perverse ways, the 300 extra pounds - FUCK! 300 already? - made sitting up a laborious thing, and her knees cried out every time she stood up. She was popping in places she didn't know could pop, and her joints definitely weren't handling it well. She looked around at the mess that had become of her living room. In the center of the room was the tree, which the same as it was every year; nine feet tall, every branch sagging with special ornaments both from her parents and her son. That was where the similarities end. Usually one or two humble presents marked for Nick stood beneath the massive tree, and while they were still there, the two trinkets wrapped in Sunday funnies were dwarfed by towers and towers of professionally wrapped boxes made out to Billy. At first she'd only got him one or two, just like she had with Nick, but as time went on, she'd got him more and more every time he said that this was his first Christmas, and he hoped it was a good one. She made herself feel better about the inequality by telling herself that it was just this one extra present, but by and by she began to take out loans to get him every expensive thing he wanted. And why shouldn't she? Nick was being a horrible brat, and Billy was just so nice, so needy... But looking at how the presents for Billy had taken over every space inch of space in the room, she began to feel something wasn't right. Somewhat unnerved by the feeling of disease she felt while looking at the presents, she stood up with a grunt, trudging her way up to her bedroom. On the way she passed the stairs to the basement and her pussy gave a twinge, but while she was tempted, she reminded herself how much it would hurt Nick if she slept with Billy so openly. Instead she just groped herself and stomped upstairs. Once in her room, she ignored all her usual bedtime routines like brushing her teeth or even changing her clothes, and just sat on the edge of her bed. Tomorrow was Christmas, and she'd feel normal then. Just before she laid down, however, she looked up and caught sight of herself in the mirror. What she saw made her heart jump. This pig, this slob, this... thing, this thing with the massive belly and swollen nipples, piss and pre stained panties and unshaved pits, this wasn't her, was it? A shudder ran through her. It wasn't her, but... but it was. It was what she had become. A certain anger formed in her chest as she realized how terrible she'd been treating Nick these last few months. Just like this body wasn't her real body, her relationship with NIck now wasn't the one she'd always had. Something was different about her, something was- An image of Billy flashed in her mind and she moaned, her recessed pussy drooling a bit more at the thought of his nasty body. No. No that wasn't right. She was fucking her son's bully, that's not right, that's not- Another image of him, this time farting in her face. She closed her eyes and moaned, a hand snaking down beneath her belly and into her panties. It wasn't right but... maybe she could just touch herself a little. But just a little. And then tomorrow, she would eat right, give half of Billy's presents to Nick, and lay down the law. She'd act nice to Nick, she'd start working out, she'd- Another image of Billy, this time of his nasty, smeg-encrusted cock. Even as she gagged at the thought of it, her mouth watered at the memory of the salty, nasty taste. Her pussy started to drool in earnest, and she slipped one finger in, two, three... then her hand without even realizing it. Her other hand crept up to pull her nipples out, bare against the air. Not right... this isn't right... but... it felt so good, and- Before she could even start thinking about fixing herself another image of Billy flashed through her mind, this time his disgusting ass and her servicing his pig balls below it. She let out another moan, and she arched back as the feeling of climax built between her legs. Then, image after image of Billy flashed through her mind, each one more and more disgusting, until she could almost breathe his scent, hear his belches and moans and grunts. Her legs splayed out wide and she shoved her other hand between her legs, both of them pleasuring her now. Her moans and squeals got higher and higher pitched, and in her feverish haze of pleasure she looked up and saw herself in the mirror. Fat, disgusting, gutter trash. Just as he wants me. She let out a howl of climax and came in her panties. Annie lay there, panting a while, and as she came down from her climax, her thoughts remained the same. Every reservation she had was gone, replaced with one simple want; to please Billy. She grinned, stood up, and lumbered down the stairs, gooey cum and pre making a trail behind her. "Billy!" she called, snorting along the way. "Come upstairs!"

Nick woke up the next morning with a pit in his stomach. He wasn't sure why, but pure dread had hold on his heart, and no matter what he did he couldn't shake it. It wasn't the unhappiness about the situation, there was something... wrong. He stood up, dressed himself, and carefully made his way to the living room. As he rounded the corner, his heart sank; Billy and Annie were ass naked on the floor, fucking in a cloud of grunts, groans and gas. Beneath their massive blobs they called bodies were the crushed remains of his presents. Annie noticed Nick there and just grinned, making sure Nick got a good view of Billy cumming in her cunt before pulling back. "Bout fuckin time," she snorted at him. "Fuckin freak like you was gonna catch us someday. Well, here ya are!" She turned towards him, spreading her legs and exposing her diseased cunt, full of Billy's cum. Nick fell to his knees and heaved, and the sound of Billy's chortling laughter filled his head. "Yeah, that's right!" Annie continued, dipping a finger in her cunt and pulling out some cum. She licked it off like it was candy. "You better get a gooood fuckin job, Nicky, better go to college and get a good one, cuz yer gonna be raisin' me and all of Billy's kids, ya cuck! Gonna work enough for all of us and if you don't, well you just ain't gonna get mummy's love, are ya?" Nick couldn't respond, simply unable to tear his eyes away from the wrecked bodies in front of him, and the wrecked life in front of him.

Everything after that was torture. As a Christmas gift to Billy, Annie went out the next day and covered her bodies in tattoos. A ham graced her breast, two tramp stamps graced her doublewide lower back, and a blue ribbon with Billy's name around her voluminous upper arm. There was one of a fat sow on her belly, and though it wasn't tattoo, a unibrow grew in that marred her once beautiful face. That belly of hers grew larger and larger in the next few months, and by April, she announced with pride to Nick that it wasn't just fat; she was heavy with triplets that were due during the summer. For his part, Billy barely paid attention to Nick afterwards. He was satisfied that the twerp's life was ruined - he just had the rest of his to spend fucking his new whore.