Shattered Freedom, Chapter Eight

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#23 of Decision & Sacrifice

Biker Mice From Mars


Shattered Freedom

By: Whipblade

Chapter 8

"Why are you hunting Mace?" Throttle asked as he lugged the last of the gear into Modo's and Charley's new room.

"Because I owe that rat a hard bite on the leg." Lance replied putting down the last of the baby supplies in a corner.

"Yeah, but why?" Throttle repeated flopping down on a chair.

"Mace stole my brother's life. He took my brothers ship and left me and a handful of others floating in space in a small escape shuttle. Those that weren't with us, or Mace, died. The majority of the crew."

"How many did he let live?"

"You mean how many did he not bother killing? Eight in all." Lance sat across from the mouse.

"Any still a Wara?"

"One retired, a couple took desk jobs. Tweak and I are here and the others I don't know if they continued on or not."

"How many ''Wara went with Mace?"

"Just one that I know of. another rat named Hammer."

"Hammer?" The name brought a flash of memories to Throttle's mind. He closed his eyes and forced them away. Knowing full well nightmares were going to plage his sleep tonight.

"Yeah, thought he was Jav's inside rat, turned out he was Mace's inside rat."

"Give you any information?"

"Nothing we can rely on. The one piece we wanted to check out was a prison colony, but without more info, we just assumed it was a false allegation as well."

"Prison colony?" Throttle swallowed, remembering.


"What do you plan to do with Vincent?" Throttle asked, his face tipped up to better see Mace above him.

Mace paused, still inside the mouse. "You've just been fucked and your thinking about him?" Mace smiled. "I had no idea you liked him that much."

"Never fucked a bro before." Throttle said solemnly.

"Until now." Mace winked pulling out of the soiled mouse.

"Well, what are you going to do with him?" Throttle again asked, his eyes following the rat around the bed.

"I was thinking of bringing him up here and executing him in front of you." Mace said grabbing a damp cloth.

"He's more useful alive then dead." Throttle said looking away as Mace cleaned up.

Mace paused wiping himself. "Alive?"

"You're bringing me to some big ass prison, and you want to kill Vinnie? Wouldn't exchanging him for a her be better? Think about it." Throttle persisted looking back to the rat getting dressed. "Wouldn't two females be better than me and him?"

Mace turned towards the door, his back to Throttle. "Mouse, when I want you to think, I'll tell you to."

Throttle winced at the sound of the slammed door.


"Throttle?" Lance frowned seeing the mouse space out.

"Hu?" shaking his head, the mouse sighed. "Yeah... I recall Mace mentioning a Prison colony. He was taking Vincent and I there to exchange him or us for females. Some place in the Rant-Dalla Quadrant?"

"Delta-Ryan quadrant?"

"Yeah, that sounds right." Throttle nodded as the doors opened. Vinnie sauntered in followed by Modo, both carrying boxes.

"That's the last of the stuff." Vinnie smiled.

"Poor garage looks like an abandoned shell now." Modo sighed.

"Where's Charley?" Throttle asked standing up.

"In the medical center, getting acquainted with Nurse Paige." Vinnie said.

"She's a doctor." Lance corrected Vinnie. "Her speciality is female anatomy and birthing."

"Then why was she in the operating room with Throttle?" Vinnie asked.

Throttle's eye brows shot up.

"We don't have many doctors aboard Duo Scythe. In fact, both you're surgeries took up most of our supplies." Lance explained.

Modo frowned. "Vinnie went under the knife too?"

Vinnie looked at the floor. "Yeah."

Lance remembered well how the white mouse felt about his face. "He had an infected laceration on his leg and neck. We merely cleaned them up." Lance half lied with a smile on his face.

Vinnie smirked, his eyes saying volumes of Thanks to the Commander.

"But I wont lie, Snow ball was scared." lance grinned.

"HEY!" Vinnie shot a look of death to Lance.

The Doberman shrugged. "It's true. Can't save All your ego now can I?"

Vinnie huffed.

"Now if you excuse me, I have to relay some information to the Command Center, and check our course heading. We may be rescuing some Prisoners." Lance declared as he stood heading for the door.

"Prisoners?" unease Modo questioned.

"Yes, the prison colony has finally been confirmed." Lance smiled exiting the room.

Vinnie frowned. "Throttle, the Delta-Ryan Prison that Hammer ranted about?"

"Yeah, it's real." Throttle frowned. "And holding more Martian mice then the populations of Mars."

"Wonderful." Vinnie huffed.

********************************* The Prison******

Four gray walls surrounded twenty rows of steel tables and benches. Dim lights illuminated the room, the occupants to this mess hall stood at attention waiting for the distant clatter down the halls to burst through the doors.

The line of inmates slowly shuffled as each held their bowl for the cook to fill. Yellowish-orange mush plopped into the plastic bowl, followed by a pink carrot looking substance and a bread roll. The drink came last, a paper cup filled with water. Black paws carried his tray along the rows of benches until he found a spot to sit.

"Road Rage, what took you so long?" A cheerful voice chirped across the table.

"Didn't feel like getting up." Road Rage grumbled swirling his plastic spoon in the mush their captors called food.

"What's biting your tail?" Another black mouse, with long flame orange hair asked, red streaks accented his hair.

"I don't know Keifire. This whole place seems to be." Road Rage replied.

"Aww come one, bro. It's only been what? five years?" The cheerful voice tried to brighten his friends mood.

"Shove it bolt." Road Rage snarled glaring at the gray mouse trying to be helpful. "Five years of jacking off with yourself is just as bad as getting it up the ass."

"Lack of sex gets too us all bro." Keifire sighed elbowing his dark furred bro. "You could always make a request to go top side."

"No way in hell." Road Rage huffed.

"Top side?" a lean white and brown patched mouse inquired.

"The top cell block." Keifire jerked a thumb towards the ceiling. "It's where they keep the trouble makers and ass buddies."


"Where the heck have you been all this time Wipe-Out?" Bolt smirked.

"Trying my hardest not to get noticed." The patched mouse replied. "That Blockade monster nearly knocked my block off the first day."

"Staring at him?" Road Rage turned to the mouse beside Bolt.

"No." Wipe Out snapped.

"Don't worry about him lads. Blockhead, er Blockade is just an arrogant ass. He'd do best being top side. I hear after that escape attempt its full up there now." A gray mouse with a hint of white around the muzzle stated.

"What escape?" All four heads turned around to look at the older mouse sitting at the next table.

"Ahh, bunch o'fellows tried to get from here to the girls last week. Block D they was from." Tail gate informed. filling his mouth with what their captors called food.

"Three above us? How did we miss that?" Keifire asked.

"The lot of ya was down in the exercise yard."

"Then How do you know this?" Wipe Out inquired curiously.

"I was in my cell. Doctors order after that coughing bout I 'ad."

Road Rage shook his head. "Need to scratch an itch, these bustards should just let us mingle."

Tail Gate shook his head mildly amused. "Top side is the only way to scratch anything, guarantee you wont be topping anything us there."

A shudder ran through the black furred mouse. "Thanks for the warning old-timer." Road Rage bent over his dish and started to shovel in the muck on his tray.

******************************** Top Side *************************

Alley looked out of his cell. "There has got to be another way." he muttered leaning an arm against the bars.

"Alley, we tried. It didn't work." a cracking teenage voice said from behind Alley.

"It was only the second time, Colt." Alley muttered resting his forehead against his forearm. "We need a distraction. A bigger one. Something to keep all the guards occupied."

"Like a riot?" Colt asked.

Turning around, Alley leaned his back against the cool bars. "Exactly like a riot." His mouse showed nothing but teeth inside an evil grin.

Colt frowned. His dark brown cell mate, stood like a statue, his deep burgundy eyes focused on the back wall, he was long in thought. His limp antennea flopped down on his forehead, ignored. Scruffy ears only added to the slickness of the long greasy hair done up in a pony tail. Braids of lighter hair fell down in front of each ear. "Alley, I was kidding." Colt said.

Alley's cold burgundy eyes shifted to his light golden cell mate. "I know bro, but it's a very good idea."

Colt ran his thin fingers through his unkempt wavy hair, strawberry blond strands shimmered in the dim light of their cell. "And how do you plan to pull off a riot?" he asked, blowing out hair threw puffed cheeks.

"I'm not sure. I have to think on it." Alley muttered turning back to the bars and gazing at the entrance across the vast pit.


Mace sauntered into Limburger's office. "Well?"

"My good rat!" Limburger greeted patting the tall rodent on the back. "So good of you to have dropped in. Take a seat!" He smiled. "Drink? Worms? How much? Name your price my good rat."

Blinking, Mace smiled slyly, even though he had no clue what was with this happy fish. "No, nothing right now. I will however take a couple million gold gills off your hands, several goons and their rides."

"That's asking a lot." Limburger coldly stated.

"The money and the equipment." Mace shrugged. "if that's your problem."

Limburger turned his back to the rat, looking out over HIS Chicago. "Deal." Turning around the fat fish disguised as a fat human, pressed a button on his desk. "Karbunkle!" he snapped.

A moment later the creepy scientist emerged from a closet. "Yesssss your royal reekieness?"

"Show Mister Mace to the garage." Limburger turned to Mace. "Five?"

"Six." Mace corrected.

"Six." Limburger nodded not overly pleased, but not unhappy. "Six of our goons vehicles, of his choice, will be brought to the transporter room. I'll be waiting there with two million gold gills in a case."

Karbunkle blinked in surprise. "Why of course..... " He shuffled past Mace to a hidden elevator. "This way."

Mace nodded. "Nice doing business."

"Anything for my esteemed mouse killer." Limburger boasted. "You even managed to rid me of that pesky female human."

Mace didn't let his surprise show on his face. "Trouble enough." he muttered leaving the Plutarkian's office.

With gear on board, money in hand, Mace sped away from Earth as Fast as he could.

"FUCK!" He snarled. "Ensign, scan the space and tell me where the hell if any, are other space vessels in this system."

"Uh... yes sir." The young Martian canine said his fingers tapping quickly. "There's two near Jupiter, one near Mars and one heading ..... If staying on current course... to the Delta-Ryan system."

Humming Mace thought for a moment. "Follow the last one." he finally ordered.

"Yes sir."

"Commander Mace, sir." A rat hurried over. "Hair-Ball of the Catatonian fleet would like to bargain."

Mace nodded twirling his small screen mounted on his chairs arm rest. "Hair ball! What a surprise." he smiled pleasantly. "What can I do for you today?"

"I have something in my possession you may like Deep Pocket." Hair ball's hacking cough-like voice croaked.

"And what would that be?" Mace hummed.

"First, What have you got?"

"Just acquired six Earth all terrain vehicles."

"That will be enough."

"What do you have Hair-Ball." Mace snarled.

"One Hundred crates of 500 lbs barrels of Drakkonian Explosives."

Eyes lighting up, Mace smiled. "Done deal! Send over the cargo and pick up the rest."

"Meet you around Pluto, Deep Pocket." Hair-ball cut communications.

"Those Ikkywara pain in the tails are going to finally DIE!" Mace laughed long and hard.


To be continued


Shattered Freedom

part 9

[email protected]


April 23 2006