Low hanging fruit

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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It's been a couple of months since I have posted something publicly. Apologies for that, however, I have produced a series of orc ebooks on my patreon which I will be releasing on Amazon soon, as well as a Minotaur novella set in the Fornorcate world. So lots of stuff coming on there soon, which has been Patreon exclusive for a while on my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/sisco I'm not great at self-promotion it always feels kinda odd to me, but I wanted to let you guys know, in case you didn't, that I do have a patreon.

This story is a hot little number that has been enjoyed by my patrons for the last few weeks and is now ready to be made public. It's definitely a little heavier on the erotica than my usual work. It's an athlete/coach deal (but all participants are over 18). Mostly just something that I hope gets you hard and makes you feel happy for a while, which is really the ultimate aim of all my writings.

"I'm a good guy, I will do the right thing. I will ignore the forbidden fruit and do what is right," that is the lie. The lie we all tell ourselves. A lie I told and tell myself every single day. Of course, good guys are in control they are always honest and decent. They do the right thing, mostly. However, we are all just mortals, and all mortals make mistakes.

I had a good upbringing, my parents were never rich but they loved and supported me as well as they could. Especially when it turned out this polar bear had some talent on the football field, they pushed me to go for a college scholarship and I made it. It could have taken me all the way to the big leagues if some jackass hadn't run a red light. The accident wasn't too bad and could have been so much worse. Still, to a college kid on his way to being a pro, a busted up knee that would likely never heal fully and certainly would stop you playing professional sport was terminal.

Some people would have been broken by this news. Somehow, I managed to pull through it, buckled down and studied hard. Hard enough to graduate and get myself a job. Not an amazing one, but a good one I could put my heart into. Coaching, or more accurately teaching and coaching in a small town high school. A small school like it we all did double duty, if not more.

So, my kids could depend on their coach to train them to play and to teach them physics, though very rarely at the same time. They all thought they knew me, good old coach Williams. Though, I wasn't that old just thirty-three. To the kids I taught, that seemed ancient. They thought they knew everything about me, failed professional run, football loving, beer drinking, burger munching all American good guy. However, I had a secret, one I feared coming out. This is America after all, they could fire me for being gay, especially in a small town school. So I hid that side of myself.

Now, I know what you are thinking. All those fit young studs, showering, training, doing what their coach told them to. You want to know how many times I offered a spot on the team for a spot of spit and polish service. None, not once. I am a good man, I don't look at my boys that way. Never once did I sneak a peek at them in the showers, or changing. Nor did I watch their asses lusting after them like some horny old man.

I cared for them, watched out for them. Not just the players on my team, but every kid in school. I did my very best to help them and never once did I dream about plucking any of that low hanging, drenched in teen hormones, fruit. I was a good man after all.

That's what I thought, anyway. Then one day that low hanging fruit came a knocking. It was a soft rap on my office door. Practice had just finished, the guys were showering and changing. I was settled at my desk with some homework marking to work on. My white ears picked up, "come in." I called out loud enough to be heard through the door.

It opened and I felt my stomach tighten. In walked Emilio, captain of the team. A horse by breed and a workhorse by nature. His fur was golden, save for a small white diamond of fur on his chest. Emilio's mane was long and he suited the rather wild look. A good looking guy, and as fit as they came his body could have been used by the biology department as an anatomical chart. Every single muscle could be picked out against his golden fur.

Unable to help myself, I picked out a few of his choice muscles in a tiny flick of my eyes. It wasn't my fault, he wasn't wearing anything but his jock. Clearly, whatever he wanted to tell me he couldn't wait until after he showered. Damn, I hated myself but I had to check it out. Just the briefest of glances and my stomach tightened.

Horses are well known for their endowments, Emilio was no different. That glorious white soft cotton treasure was slightly stretched. A soft cocoon to protect the snug horse caterpillar hidden inside. God, how I dreamt, in that instant, of seeing the glorious phallic horsefly emerging and basking in its glory.

However, that was it just a flicker of a glance and, alright I admit it I popped wood right there and then. Although Emilio didn't know that, I retained my senses and professionalism. "Emilio, is everything ok?"

Emilio looked uncomfortable, not because he was almost naked before his coach. Some guys are fine with the locker room, others hide. This pony clearly wasn't the hiding type or he'd have a towel or be fully dressed. "I... was wondering if I could talk with you... about something."

"My door is always open to you students," I replied, putting as much reassurance in my voice as I could. "You want to sit down, or you could finish showering and get dressed? I promise not to do a runner." My little joke seemed to fly over his head, as did my suggestion that we could hold this conversation with him in clothes.

Instead, Emilio stepped forward and put his paw on the chair opposite my desk. Then his face flickered as if just remembering something. "One second, Coach." He said and then he turned and my boner returned in force. One golden delicious horse apple butt, naked but for the jockstrap framing its picturesque beauty. Sweet delicious fruit right there before my shocked eyes, so perfectly fit and just soaking in fresh stallion sweat. My mouth flooded with drool at the thought of biting into this forbidden fruit. I swear I understood why Adam fell from grace. Such delights should never be put before man to tempt him.

Oh god, I was so hungry for just a taste, a little nibble. Or a full on bite of that juicy fruit, I could feast on that divine ass for hours. "Hey, Jay don't forget to leave me your chem notes. I gotta talk to coach about something," he called out loudly. His voice quite deep and masculine for his age, which was not helpful.

All the while, my eyes feasted on his ass. So glorious, his golden fur and that slight hint of a horse doughnut. I train hard, but I must admit I do enjoy some baked delights on my cheat days. Right then I wanted to cheat so bad my briefs were soaking in my pre. Yet his words cut through my horny mind to the core of who he was, a student. My student!

Stabbing a pen into my own leg I used the pain to regain control, while I chided myself. I was his coach, he was here for my help and he would get it and I would bottle these instincts up. Although, I knew I would unbottle them as soon as I could, with any guy who was not my responsibility. Emilio took the seat opposite and I relaxed as the desk blocked all the tempting parts of him. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

Emilio took a deep breath and his eyes dropped to the desk, "it... it's something kind of personal, Sir."

I nodded softly and replied, "I understand, son. Just take your time. Cleaners don't do my office today. School's pretty much empty and you know anything you tell me, and I do mean anything, stays just between you and me. Ok?"

With a toss of his head that shaggy golden mane tossed around and he nodded, "yes, Sir." for a moment we sat in silence while he still stared at my desk, I let him gather his thoughts. Clearly whatever he had to say was bothering him a lot. It also gave me more time to scold myself for my earlier thoughts of tasting this young man. Just as I was about to break the silence he spoke again, "I... broke up with Jane."

This wasn't news to me, when the captain of the football team and head cheerleader split, even us teachers are in on the gossip. "I'd heard. It must be a tough time for you. It might sound like a worn out old platitude, but time really does heal all wounds." It was trite but true and I felt more comfortable as I was able to focus on helping him, not helping myself to him.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Emilio replied "actually it was me who ended it... I... she wasn't who I wanted. Or.. what I wanted." From the slight stress in his tone, as he said what, I knew he'd struggled with that word. Suddenly I knew what he was going through. It was something I'd gone through myself. That strange feeling of being different, but not understanding how. Of wanting something, but never quite understanding what.

"Well, son. You wouldn't be the first guy who has struggled with that sort of decision," I said trying to sound as reassuring as I could. "I can imagine how scary it might seem right now. However, the world is becoming a more accepting place. There are a couple of your fellow students who have made similar discoveries and as you get older you will find you will probably become more comfortable with it,"

"I... I'm not really sure though, Sir... I mean... how do you know really?" The poor little horse looked so lost, inside I wanted to just hug him and let him know everything would be ok.

"I'm no expert on these things. However, it's only natural to be confused, after all, everyone is raised to think they are one way. It's a shock to realise one day... you aren't that way. However, I imagine, now you've had that realisation it might become clearer." Not exactly great words of wisdom, it wasn't like I'd had time to think of a nice inspirational speech. "I would just take some time and see what happens. Is... is there another guy you've been feeling... attracted to? You don't need to say if you are not comfortable sharing."

His gaze lifted up and for a moment his green eyes connected with mind and I saw his ears twitch. Then he looked away again. "Yes, sort of... I don't know, maybe." He stumbled over his words. I saw him take another breath and then he said, "I bought a... toy... online." I was pretty certain he hadn't got himself a new drone or something of that ilk. My stomach tightened again as my mind flashed a mental image of that golden ass, still in jock, bouncing slowly on some rubber cock.

"That'... that's... good," I stammered a little too shocked to think straight. My boner was back, but not fully. My mind raced trying to think of what I should tell him. Certain parts of me wanted a lot more details, but I knew I had no right to ask for them.

"I wanted to know if... before I broke things off," he gulped and I felt a shiver run down my spine. He'd broken things up, so I knew he hadn't just bought a toy, he'd used it too and more than that, he'd enjoyed using it.

"That's... well. I suppose it's good that you know you... like that sort of thing," I replied my voice more than a little strained. These sorts of details were not something I expected a student to share with me. I probably should have stopped him there, asked him what he wanted from me, but I didn't.

"I've been thinking... bout what it'd be like... you know to do that with someone else," of course he had. What horny eighteen-year-old isn't thinking that. I had it on good authority at least half the campus had lost their cherries already, and that was just the ones the teachers knew of. Maybe I should have questioned why he was sharing such intimate details. However, my cock was definitely enjoying hearing these. Plus, as long as he was sharing them and I wasn't asking or pushing him to share more than he wanted to, where was the harm?

"That's only natural," his eyes glanced up at me and I saw there was just a little smile on his face. There was something in his expression that made my stomach tighten a little. A hunger maybe, yet I ignored it, I was there to help a student, my student.

"I... downloaded an app for my phone," he added and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. There were dozens of apps and I had used a couple myself. It was the best way for me to find someone for some no strings fun. Almost everyone in the area didn't use face pictures, so I fit right in. Just a torso shot of my broad chest and stomach. Plus a few cock shots to share for those interested. I was always careful though, always took precautions. Also, I had to speak to someone for a few weeks before I'd agree to any meet-ups. That helped weed out any undesirables, or so I told myself. Mostly it was just me building up the courage. Each new liaison was a risk of my sexuality being exposed.

"Did you?" A rather poor question and I knew I should stop pushing for details so I decided it was time to take control. Emilio had come to me for guidance and it was time for me to give him some. "So, are you worried about your parents finding out?"

"No, Sir," he replied softly and then he looked up at me. His smile had grown and it was my turn to gulp a little nervously. "It's just my mom left and my uncle is gay. I tried the app, I was just thinking... you know if I find some guy and try... well, I'd know for certain."

"Th... that's one way. Though as your teacher I should warn you there are risks with random hook-ups. You should be very careful before you agree to meet someone online," this felt like a good safe bit of advice to offer. Yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, a little alarm bell was ringing.

"Yes, Sir. I was careful... I didn't actually meet up with anyone. I just talked to some and... shared some pictures." He hadn't looked away, his voice seemed to be growing more confident by the second. "There are a lot of sexy guys out there, older guys who had a lot of experience."

"That's true. However, and this is just my thinking, the decision is and will always be yours. If I was going to have sex with someone for the first time. I'd want it to be with someone I at least knew and trusted. Not some dude I'd found on an app who just happened to be nearby," his smile grew a little more as I said that. I wasn't sure why. His pink tongue suddenly slipped out and he licked his velvety lips.

"Yes, sir. I'd agree. I'd want someone I knew, someone who knew what they were doing. Someone who I could trust and who wouldn't look to take advantage of me, any more than I wanted him to take anyway," His paws were stroking my desk, I wasn't sure when they'd reached out, or he'd leant forward. However, I was suddenly aware he was much closer. My nose twitched at the stench of a sweaty, ripe young stallion.

"I... you... don't have to tell me all this, you know," I stammered my eyes watching his paws, more as an excuse to avoid those green eyes. I felt strangely exposed, and worse aroused. Maybe I was picking up on something, maybe it was nothing.

"I want to tell you, sir," he replied confidently. Something about the way he said you let me know this was something just for my ears. No other teacher or guardian would have been gifted these details. "Something tells me, you understand, sir. That you've been through it, Sir." My jaw dropped, he was eighteen and his gaydar was already good enough to spot someone as adept at hiding as I was?

"Well... I... may have. I don't usually share those details and definitely not with students," the last part of my sentence was more aimed at me than him. This wasn't where I had expected the conversation to go and I needed to remind myself that he was my student.

"I know, Sir. I won't tell anyone, sir." His voice was almost purring his words. The lost young horse was gone, this was someone far more confident, far more determined. "I just... want to know what it's like, Sir." Somehow I knew what he was going to say next, my heart froze and my cock throbbed in my pants. As he lifted back to his feet to tower over me.

It wasn't just the height, as he lifted up his jock covered crotch came in to view. In an instant, I knew I wasn't the only person aroused and ready. There was no doubt in my mind, he wanted me. This whole conversation was not some student reaching out to their coach to help them in their confusion. This was a horny stud looking to get his balls drained. His jock was twisted to one side and a long thick, mottled pink and black equine shaft pointed directly at me. All of this happened in a heartbeat, between sentences as he added the phrase I somehow always knew he was going to say, "I want you to show me."

My jaw fell open, and my mouth flooded with drool. I couldn't speak, I was trapped like a rabbit frozen in headlights. A nubile, horny, young stud was offering himself to me. Not just offering, asking me to take him. Saying no was not a challenge or a task, it was more than that. It was a feat so great ancient Greek gods would have set it as a challenge to a great hero. I was no Hercules.

Emilio stepped around my desk, my eyes following his cock as it bobbed slightly. "Please, sir, will you show me?" Glancing upwards I could see the look on his face, now fully formed. A broad confident grin, green eyes smouldering with lust and desire. As he drew closer the scent of his musk flooded my nose, making my head spin. Every breath was a lungful of hormones and desire, my own cock was throbbing in my pants, soaking my underwear with pre-cum.

"I... I...," my stammering words went nowhere. Two equine paws reached down to stroke around my neck. His fingers squeezing the solid muscle there and I heard him groan with lust. The sound making a shiver run right down my back and suddenly his face was dipping towards mine.

I should have stopped him, stopped this. However. I was weak. This wasn't just grabbing low hanging fruit. Emilio was fruit that had pulled itself from the tree, peeled and sliced itself, and was throwing itself willingly right into my open mouth. This fruit wanted to be devoured. His lips met mine and my will was broken, I kissed him desperately passionately. My paws grasping his naked torso and pulling him closer.

My tongue delved hungrily into his mouth, tasting his sweet youthful exuberance. Then I felt his paws, they were lower now, and I growled with lust as his young hands grasped my maleness through my pants. Our kiss was broken, much like my will as he gasped, "fuck, you're so much bigger than I thought you'd be." He moaned into my neck, as I buried my muzzle in his mane, kissing and nibbling on his longe equine neck.

My paws slipped lower down his back. Ursine fingers roaming over golden plains, and down to forbidden valleys of his buttocks. They felt as divine as they had looked. Moist and warm to the touch, he stank so much I feared his musk would be stuck in my nose forever. Slipping between those golden mounds, my fingertips brushed his pucker and he neighed out in pleasure, "oh yes! I want to feel you back there, sir." He whimpered into my ears. "I knew it was your profile. One of your pictures had a reflection in, I could see your jacket."

I had my answer as to how he'd spotted me. Not that I gave a shit right then. All I wanted was to bury my thickness inside this equine doughnut and breed the stallion until I made him squeal like a mare in heat. I rose to my feet, thrusting my erect maleness against his willing paws. Pressing forward dominantly I bit down on his neck and shoulders, he whimpered more, "oh fuck!" He whispered and I stopped any more words with my lips, kissing fiercely. My tongue forcing its way into his mouth, I plundered him for his sweetness, gulping it down as I pressed him back over my desk. He sat down on it, squashing the homework of dozens of his classmates.

Breaking the kiss once more I looked down at his cock. It glistened down its length from a stream of pre escaping the excited equine meat. "Turn around," I growled, it was an order, not a question or an invitation. After years of being his coach, Emilio knew to follow my instruction. That golden apple was presented to me, still framed by the jock. May paws grasped it possessively as he leant more over my desk.

In my stomach, I could feel a burning hunger filling me. Licking my lips I took a second to admire the look of my feast. However, the hunger grew quickly and before I knew it my head dove. Wasting no time I kissed his nubile ring, my tongue spearing inside him. While, he neighed and squealed in pleasure, "Fuck...oh god...yes!!!" His words did nothing but fuel my hunger more. His musky taste was sweeter, young guys always are sweeter. This golden delicious apple was sweet, juicy and firm. My tongue wormed its way to Emilio's very core, lapping and twisting trying to satisfy my burning hunger.

His equine cries of pleasure only served to drive me on. My lips making out with his ring, my tongue lapping deeper and deeper. I tasted the coppery taste of his prostate and he squealed with joy, "Fuck...oh FUCK!" The room filled with the scent of equine spunk as his youthful body betrayed him. His cock jetting floods of his seed onto my desk, ruining the homework of three classes and the lesson plans for the next month.

None of that did anything to abate the desire consuming me whole. My tongue lapped deeper into his quivering ring, lashing his prostate again and again. While I could feel his entire body trembling at my touch. His breath started to come in deep rhythmic pants. He was getting control of himself once more. My tongue pulled from his depths and I stood behind him. My paws pulled down my jogging pants and underwear.

My black shaft was finally free, the stench of bear musk mixing with equine. I knew that if I paused, even for a moment, I'd rethink what we were doing. There was no way I was going to let that happen. So I didn't give him any time to recover. I just grabbed his buttocks, pulled them apart and shoved my black cocktip to his drooling ring. His equine tail flicked and I heard him groan with pleasure.

Without wasting another second I started to thrust. Slowly at first, feeling his ring struggle against me, just for a moment. Then it opened, stretching wonderfully and gripped my cocktip. Emilio cried out in pleasure, "oh fuck... yes, Sir!" The horny colt was going to get more than just the tip that was for sure. His hungry ass clearly wanted my full cock and I was desperate to give it all to him.

Grabbing his hips I thrust forward again, and again. Forcing myself deeper and deeper into my student's ass. I leant over him, my stomach pressing into his lower back. One paw slipping off his ass and onto his shoulder, forcing him down. He was mine and I was going to take what was mine. My hips kept thrusting more and more, working inch after thick throbbing inch of bear cock inside his squirming rear. His moans and cries of pleasure were music to my ears.

Emilio turned and looked up at me, his eyes were still burning with desire. I knew this was what he wanted, the very reason he had came into my office in nothing but a jock. My blue eyes looked deep into his, the same desire burning in both and then we shared a sigh as my hips met his ass and my cock bottomed out inside him. He had taken my full length without pain and only my copious amounts of pre and spit as lube. It was clear that toy of his had been well used.

"Oh shit!" He whimpered softly and I felt his body clenching down around my length. The wonderful sensation making my balls tingle with need. I was going to breed them dry in this wonderful tight ass I had claimed. Pulling back an inch I felt his depths quivering around my length. Then I thrust forward hard, my hips thudding back into his. Emilio's voice lifted up in pleasure once more.

"More, please Sir, more!" My ears could hardly believe what they were hearing. My cock had no trouble though, throbbing with lust as one of my young students begged for it. I gave it to him liberally thrusting back and forth slowly, letting the young stud feel every single inch of his coach's cock inside him. I looked down, watching my black glistening rod as it pulled from his depths and then pushed back inside. A sight so beautiful it would have taken an artist a year to capture even one-tenth of the beauty on canvas.

Growling with pure bestial lusts I thrust in again and again. My speed picking up as he squealed and begged for more and more. I could scarce believe my ears, "you want it?" I gasped as my hips smacked into his once more, kissing each other hello.

"Yes... oh god yes, Sir. I want it... please sir," he whimpered back up at me, the words making my cock ache with need. I thrust faster and faster, the desk beneath his creaking ominously as it took both our weights. My length pistoning in and out as I grasped hold of him desperately. I had to have him, he was mine. My teeth bit down on his shoulder as I rutted into him with everything I had. His voice never stilled, between his squeals of pleasure his words begged me for more and more. He was ever hungry and I kept giving him what he asked for.

We were no longer a coach and student, we weren't even lovers. We were animals, rutting in the full midst of our heat, bodies writhing and grinding together. While his tight depths were pounded loose and my nuts slapped against his. Tilting myself a little I thrust down hard, finding his prostate and pounding my cock against it. His words stopped but his squeals of pleasure only grew louder by the second.

Then I felt his insides tighten, strapping around my length, sucking it back in as the stink of stallion spunk grew potent in my office. I roared lost to the pleasure and the feel of the colt's tightness around my member. I gave him my all, holding nothing back, driving into him so hard the force of my hips on his made the desk screech as its feet were forced to move across the room. I fucked him desperately until the desk crashed into the door and then I roared once more.

My head went dizzy as waves of pleasure washed through my body. My cock inside him throbbed and pulsed as I fucked every drop of pent up seed into him. Taking out my frustrations on his young ass, the years I had spent holding back and hiding. I gave him my all, fucking over and over his ass becoming a loose sloppy hole flooded with bear spunk. Utterly drained and spent I collapsed over him panting and gasping, trying to breathe and not to think about what and who I had just done.

Eventually, my softened cock pulled from his abused and drooling pucker. I staggered a few steps back and sat down heavily in my chair. Emilio didn't move, he just lay there, his chest on my desk as he panted. I watched as rivers of my cum drooled out of his ass, down his taint and balls and onto the cheap old carpet. The homework on the desk was ruined, so many pupils would be getting surprise As and no marked homework.

I could see his ass, the delicious fruit that had hung too low for me to resist plucking it. His eyes were open and looking at me, his smile that of a cat who had just gotten a bowl of cream. At that moment I could see the future. This wasn't just a one-off, we weren't going to be able to stop ourselves. I had tasted him now and I would never be able to forget the wonderful taste. He would offer himself to me again, I was certain and I would take him. Over and over until he went off to college. Hell, I might even follow him or at least hook up with him whenever he returned.

That's the lure of forbidden fruit, once you have tasted it you can't go back. I couldn't take back what we had done, and I knew if he asked me I'd do it all again and so much more. After all, once you've broken those rules, crossed those lines you may as well enjoy yourself. Have another taste of that fruit and another until you are stuffed full. Then lie to yourself by thinking that it was ok, he wanted it, he was legal and any other excuse you can come up with. Then the next time some new piece of low hanging fruit is within reach, you don't even resist. No, you bend that young guy over your desk and rail him until you give him every last drop. You're screwed and you know it, but on the bright side at least you ain't hungry anymore.

If you enjoyed this then I think you will enjoy my latest anthologyhttps://www.sofurry.com/view/1265638 or my new Novel The Stable Boy https://www.sofurry.com/view/1281673 will illustrations by avatar?user=50918&character=0&clevel=2 Rov

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my https://www.sofurry.com/view/945905 journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by avatar?user=166120&character=0&clevel=2 Edesk

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