Shattered Freedom, Chapter Eleven

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#26 of Decision & Sacrifice

Biker Mice From Mars


Shattered Freedom

By: Whipblade

Chapter : 11

The announcement over the loud speakers made the fur on the back of Throttle's neck stand up.

"Attention All Crew: Mission meeting at Oh Twelve hundred hours, in Board Room 3. Requesting the presence of Vinnie, Modo, Charlene and Throttle."

Looking at the speaker discreetly hidden in the white ceiling, the tawny mouses face scrunched up in distaste. he wondered what it all could mean.

"HEY!" A rich smooth voice hollered down he hall. "Throttle." The Rottweiler bounded over to the lone mouse. "Good to see you've got some meat on those bones of yours." he greeted.

"Uh.. yeah." Throttle frowned trying to place the happy-go-lucky male.

"Oh sorry." The canine sheepishly smiled. "Taco." he held out his large paw to the mouse.

Slowly Throttle shook it. Expecting it to grasp his wrist in a takedown throw. Nothing happened as Taco let go. "Sorry, I don't know you."

Smiling the black dog with dashes of brown gave a nod. "You were transferred out of here before you woke up. Never got a chance to know many of us."

"What do you do on this ship?" Throttle asked looking along the hall.

"Security. It's almost time for the mission meeting. Do you know where the board room is?" Taco asked.

"No..." Throttle muttered low trailing off.

With a nod of his broad head, the stocky Rottweiler pointed down the hall to the lift. "Take that to the second floor. The way is marked."

"Thank you." Throttle smiled briefly, leaving the dog to catch the lift. Hitting the fifteenth floor, on purpose. Throttle headed someplace other than listening to bickering about something he didn't care about."

"Throttle, what are you doing down here?" Paige smiled seeing the tawny mouse step off the lift, looking lost.

"Uh..." Throttle thought quickly. "Looking for a board room." he flashed a smile.

Giggling Paige wrapped her arm around his middle, she led him back onto the lift. "I'm on my way there, I'll show you."

Throttle frowned. "Thanks... I think."

"Don't worry handsome." She smiled pressing a button. "It's not normal for all of us to be in a meeting."

The doors closed, and Throttle felt trap. "What is it about?"

"Oh, my guess it's about our trip to the dark and unfriendly skies of Delta-Ryan." She hummed.

"Ikkywara isn't welcomed there?" Throttle asked getting a cold feeling in his gut.

"It's not exactly friendly, but not everyone is unfriendly. Lots of pirates, lots of villains. A few allies are in the sector, Wrangler 5-er's are one."

"Best chance to...." he trailed off as the lift came to a stop.

Paige looked at his face, that went slightly pale. "Don't worry sweetie." She cooed, hugging him. "Wouldn't dream of asking you to go anywhere near him." the door opened. Stepping back from the tan mouse, she smiled as her white mouse greeted them.

"Found your way bro?" Vinnie smirked.

"He tried to hide." Paige giggled stepping off and heading down the hall.

"Awww, bro." Vinnie's eyes held mischievousness. "It's all talk. Don't worry."

"Eh," Throttle grunted.

The large board room was already packed by the time the three entered.

"Bro! Over here." Lance called out waving the two late mice to the two empty chairs beside him. Paige sat quietly as Throttle seated himself beside her.

"We are gathered here today...." Began Lance as he stood. "Sorry, Earth humor." He smirked winking at the lone human.

The gathered chuckled.

"We need to come up with a plan to capture that foul rat." Lance declared. "I've asked our Martian friends and human alley to join in on this meeting. For the first time we have civilians aboard."

Heads gave a nod but no one protested their presence.

****** One Hour Later ******

"Is there a reason we're sending someone over there, and not just blowing it up?" Throttle asked leaning on his hand.

The board room seemed to be aptly named.

"Throttle." Vinnie hissed.

"It's okay, bro." Lance told the white mouse. "We need him alive."

"For a few hours at least." Tweak chuckled in an eerily voice.

Throttle's fur stood on end, the normally calm rat had a glimmer of evil in his eyes. One that Throttle knew well.

"He's wanted in two places now Tweak." Lance said calmly. "We have to share."

The old doctor gave a shrug. "So we half kill him."

A couple of stifled chuckles sounded. Vinnie was among them.

"How dangerous will this be?" Charley asked rubbing her huge tummy.

"Sending someone over will be safer than blowing the ship up." Jade stated from the other side of the room. "The aftershock that would erupted could harm our little ship. With children and civilians aboard, it's not a plausible option."

Modo's ears perked. "Children?"

Jade winced, her ears lowering. "Sorry, Lance."

Lance gave a nod. "It's okay Jade. Would have came out sometime."

Modo cast a glance to the lead dog.

"There's a rat who has a five year old child." He stated.

"We have located the Pirate ship Mace commands. We'll be able to intercept it in about a two weeks." Chip stated.

"Okay, lets get organized for another meeting, each day same time, till we are ready. Modo, Charlene, Throttle.. your all welcome to sit in and express your concerns or opinions at anytime. Vinnie, you're required to attend these meetings."

"Who was it that said a mouse couldn't work with rats?" Vinnie humorously eyed Ma'ze across the table.

"You're still a snow ball." The brindle rat stuck his tongue out at the white mouse.

"Okay kids. take it out side." Lance chuckled.

Bodies stood, chatter started to erupt about anything not including the meeting.

Throttle stayed where he was. He spotted her sitting near the corner. Once all was gone, but him and her did they speak. "So, it worked?" he asked.

"Yeah, it worked. Unfortunately." Lee sighed.

"So, what did you have?" he asked uncertain he wanted to know.

"A son. His name is Riff." She replied.


"A guitar riff, it's along your Martian culture lines.... isn't it?"

"Yeah, I .. yeah it is." He smiled weakly. "I just didn't expect you to name it like that."

"I don't want him. I never have." Lee stated coldly.

Throttle frowned. "But you did?"

"Your planet needs children. I know that. I couldn't be selfish and abort a child that was needed. When I learned you survived Camembert I figured you would take him."

"Why not Vinnie?"

"Vinnie.... he didn't appreciate rats when he first came aboard. He wasn't a father type."

"Who had Riff now?" Throttle asked, fear in his throat at having a child he didn't know.

"I do."

Throttle lowered his head.

"He's all yours if you want him or not. I'm done with it." pushing back her chair, she stood. "He'll be in the med. lab in about a hour."

she strolled out swiftly.

"So will I...." Throttle muttered chewing on his bottom lip. His lip felt pressure, but he still couldn't feel his teeth.


To Be Continued in

Shattered Freedom

Chapter 12

[email protected]


June 25th 2006