Shattered Freedom, Chapter Fourteen

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#29 of Decision & Sacrifice

Biker Mice From Mars


Shattered Freedom

Chapter 14

By Whipblade

Throttle watched his son stare wide eyed at the small pink little creature being held in Modo's massive hands. The small infant appeared so much tinier than she really was.

"How's Charley doing?" Throttle asked seeing the pride and joy written all over Modo's face.

"She's been tired." Modo said softly, his voice never above a whisper. "Ivy's been keeping us up all hours."

Riff reached out to gently touch the sleeping baby's tail. Stroking the velvet-like fur covering the small pinkish tail with careful fingers, Riff looked up to his dad. "She feels soft." He muttered taking his paw back.

Modo smiled fatherly at the boy. "Babies normally do."

"Hi, Terra Ivy.... I'm Riff." He muttered softly touching his antennas to hers.

"That's how Martians normally greet their kin." Modo cooed amazed at the instincts of such a small boy far removed from his heritage.

"Really?" Riff looked to his dad with large curious eyes.

"Really. Guess there's more mouse in you than I thought." He smiled proudly.

Riff beamed proudly as he turned his attention back to the dozing baby.

"It's written all over your face." Throttle smiled at Modo. "How do you like fatherhood?"

"Best thing in the world, but you know that don't you?" Modo asked carefully.

"Yeah, I can't argue. It's a miracle in itself." Tilting his head, Throttle gazed at his only son.

"Is she old enough to hold?" Riff asked the big giant mouse.

Shifting Ivy carefully Modo bent down further. "Hold your arms close to your body. She's going to be heavy."

Throttle sat mute and slightly nervous, he never expected Modo to act so fatherly to a rat. Even if it was his son.

Cradling his arms, Riff leaned back taking the new weight on him.

Modo finally let go, allowing Riff to hold Ivy all by himself. "Say hello to your baby cousin, Riff."

Full of relief, Throttle patted Modo's shoulder.

Curiously Modo glanced to his bro. seeing the relief on Throttle's face made him realized how scared Throttle was. "You're my bro, Throttle; Ah wouldn't let anything change that."

"I know, Modo." Throttle said looking away while guilt riddled him.

"She's not that heavy." Riff said as he paid attention to the small baby. "She smells really nice."

Visibly wincing, Throttle forgot about how important scenting was.

Modo couldn't ignore the sadness in his tawny bros face. "Kinda like a mix of baby powder and roses." He elaborated.

Throttle smiled in thanks.

"Can she smell yet?" Riff asked the big gray nice mouse.

"She can smell and hear. Her eyes haven't opened yet is' all." Modo explained.

Ivy started to shift, her small pink body covered in a fine dusting of fuzz wiggled against Riff's small body. "Uhm.. what's she doing?" he asked nervous as she nosed against his arm.

"That's what we call rooting." Modo smiled taking back Ivy. "It's what infants do when they wake up hungry."

"oh." Riff watched as the big gray mouse carried Ivy to a different room. "Can I?" looking to his father he squirmed.

"Go ahead, you can follow." Throttle smiled watching his son quietly tip toe after Modo and Ivy.

Pushing the door open, exposing a dimly lit bedroom, Riff slipped in following.

"She awake?" a female's voice lulled from a reclined chair.

"Yeah." Modo handed over the infant to a pink furless creature.

Riff snuck up behind the chair, trying not to be noticed.

"Throttle and his son are here." Modo hummed as he spotted the small boy curiously gazing around. "His name is Riff."

"Riff?" Charley echoed.

"Yeah?" Riff squeaked not realizing she wasn't calling him.

Modo chuckled, holding out his hand. "Come here and meet your aunt."

Rounding the chair, Riff looked up to see a very tired hairless alien, breast-feeding Ivy. Backing up against Modo's legs scared Riff gazed at the creature.

"Hello Riff." Charley smiled seeing the fear in the child's eyes. "Has your daddy told you about Earth yet?"

Riff nodded; "Little bit." he said staying against Modo.

"I'm a human." She cooed softly smiling.

"I... I pictured you like a hairless mouse...." He whimpered.

"Not exactly." Modo brushed his live hand over the boys' antennas'. "There hasn't been anything like Humans in space yet.

"How come?" Riff asked pulling himself away from Modo.

"I don't know." Modo replied simply.

"Some species like Humans and Plutarkians have only emerged under certain planetary conditions." Throttle said from the doorway. "Unlike the Ikkywara rats who evolved from underground or Martian rats that evolved above ground. Both share certain elements needed to evolve."

"What about Mice?" Riff asked innocently.

Sighing Throttle looked at the child he so desperately wanted to protect. "I guess we're just more unique like a human."

Riff nodded satisfied if not completely understanding what his daddy said. "Am I going to Earth?"

"Eventually." Throttle replied slowly.


To be continued.

Shattered Freedom, Chapter Fifteen

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