A Chosen Path -- Chapter 1 -- Discovery

Story by Moonblood on SoFurry

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#1 of A Chosen Path

To anyone reading this, this is my first story to writ...

To anyone reading this, this is my first story to write on here and is the first chapter of a series I will hopefully be continuing, so comments, advice and opinions are greatly appreciated! Also, sorry if this looks weird when reading or if there are misspelled words, or anything is to your dislike. Like I said, never have done this before. Now, I hope you enjoy "A Chosen Path".

Chapter 1. Discovery

"Ugh..." Jake groaned as saw his friend Trygan nimbly bound up the steep path through the forest. He thought to himself why he had agreed to go with his friend on an afternoon hike up the side of a freaking mountain. His friend, of course, wasn't someone who he could say "no" to. "I bet George and the gang are at the arcade right now..." he mumbled as he raced after Trygan. " Man, I wish I was at my house. At least I could turn the AC up and " "Hey! Are you giving up on me?" Trygan yelled from far ahead. " I'm coming! Give me a break!" yelled Jake, snapping back to reality from his daydream of being at home. "Why did I agree to this?" he mumbled under his breath while finally catching up to Trygan.

"Hey, are you ok? You look like you just exercised alittle!" Trygan stated with humor in his voice. "You're a freaking wolf who has lived here all your life." Jake stammered through his heavy panting. " Also, to top it off, you work out like every day!" " Oh come on Jake! You're telling me that you being a husky and moving here makes all the difference huh?" Trygan shot back, showing that wolfish grin. "I love it when I see you happy and¾ " whoa!" Jake said out loud, interrupting his own thoughts about Trygan. "Huh? What was that? " Trygan asked while turning to look back at Jake. " It's nothing, I almost tripped is all." Jake lied while thinking why he had just thought about Trygan like that.

Before he realized what was happening, he was staring at Trygan's back, slowly looking down more. Jake could see Trygan's tail swaying back and fourth and his rather " beautiful ass" Jake thought. The feeling of his meat beginning to swell from the thought and sight of it and he thought about seeing Trygan naked as he bumped into Trygan. "Well, first you wanted a break and now you don want to stop?" Trygan said followed by laughter from the two teenagers. " Why did you stop anyway?" Jake managed to say before more laughter. "Well," Trygan said, "you will be happy to know that we have reached the end of our hike... up that is anyway. I figure this would be a nice place to stop." Trygan pointed to a clearing in the dense forest and started working towards it, followed by Jake.

When they reached the clearing, Jake had to shield his eyes till they adjusted to the sunlight. He lowered his paw to find a valley full of flowers, the chirping of happy birds, a stream flowing from a small waterfall and the vibrant shades of green on all the trees. Jake's nose went to heaven taking in a variety of mixed scents from the vast amounts of flowers before him. The beauty of the valley seemed to put Jake into a trance before he felt a paw on his shoulder and a heavenly voice. "I bet you're thirsty huh, Jake? " The question slowly sunk in before Jake realized he was panting and his mouth felt like a desert. "Um, yeah, did you bring any water?" Jake asked through a parched voice. "Do you see me carrying a pack, silly? That stream," Trygan pointed to the flowing water, " is better tasting than any bottled water."

With a tug of the wrist and a short walk, Jake was at the edge of the crystal clear flowing water. Trygan was on his knees and was scooping up pawfuls of water and drinking in a dignified manner. Jake not being able to stand the thirst got on his knees and shoved his head into the water, taking a large mouthful. When he came back up, he found Trygan showing that wolfish grin again, staring right at him. He felt his Husky meat begin to tug at his boxers, threatening to give it's presence away to Trygan. Jake shifted his position to hide the ever-growing bulge and to get more comfortable while continually drinking more water. "Wow." Trygan choked out through his laughter. "Good thing I'm the only one here or that might have been considered an embarrassing moment." The two laughed together making Jake feel better.

"You're right, this stream water is delicious." Jake said through mouthfuls of water. "I told you." Trygan said with a yawn. " Oh crap!" Jake blurted out as he looked up at the sky and saw the darkening orange and crimson colors of a sunset and the moon taking its place among the sky. " I have to go! I have an essay to finish and if I don't have it for my English teacher, she is going to rip me a new one." Trygan seemed to just notice the sky too. "Well, come on, I know a shortcut." Trygan yawned getting up. Jake got up aswell, carefully due to his eager member ready to come out again. " This is bad, I told my mom I would be back before dark too..." Jake said with a hint of fear in his voice of what his mother might so to him if he didn't get home soon.

Trygan helped Jake up, they both took one last sip of water and began jogging toward their neighborhood. "I forgot to ask this earlier but, now is as good as any other. Why did you take me here?" Jake asked as the two entered the forest. "You have been here for a few months and I figured you would like to see an area that hasn't been covered with houses yet. You know, get to see some of the Texas wildlife and stuff. Did you like it at all?" Trygan asked. "It's wonderful." Jake said. "I never knew there could be so many flowers in one spot! I'm glad I came with you and thanks for bringing me in the first place." "No problem and I'm glad you liked it. Now lets pick up the pace, that essay of yours wont write itself!" the two laughed and vanished deeper into the thick forest.

After running threw the nearly pitch-black forest and falling only a modest amount of times, the two reached the neighborhood mere they lived. "Bye Trygan, I had a really great time." Jake said as he waved a hand and walked across the street to his house. "Me too!" He heard Trygan yell across the street before vanishing into his house. Jake walked to his house and after a stern talking to by his mom, he made it to his room. Kicking off his shoes and stripping down to his boxers, he could feel the dirt from his falls in the forest covering his body. He looked at the mirror to see if he needed a shower or if it wasn't that bad. He flexed as he saw himself and sighed when he only saw a small movement and increase in size of his muscles. "I need to work out more." He told himself, thinking if Trygan liked how he looked or if be liked huskies at all. As he looked over himself, he started thinking of his characteristics he thought would be cool to Trygan. He is a 16 year old purebred husky, both his parents are huskies and his dad is a well-built male who is very strong, strict and is the type of male you give respect to. Jake had all the usual characteristics of a husky, almost 6-ft tall with white fur covering his face with black fur around his eyes. White fur running down his chest, past his stomach, all the way to the tip of his tail. The top of his head and most if his back, neck and upper half if of his tail are a mix of gray and black. The inside portion of his arms and legs are white too. One characteristic he feels separates him from the others of his species is that his eyes are a brilliant amber color, unlike his parents who both have blue eyes.

After thinking about Trygan and about working out more, Jake headed the bathroom to take a shower he deemed extremely necessary to remove the layer of dirt out of his fur. Turning the water on and letting it heat up, he took off his boxers only to feel horny again as he saw his nude body in the bathroom mirror. Stepping into the shower, he let the warm water wash over his body as he got a pawful of soap and scrubbed it over his body, cleaning the dirt from his fur. He went slowly across his sheath and balls and murred to himself as the tip of his sensitive flesh slowly emerged from its home. Letting the water rinse the soap out of his fur, he started playing with his own balls and rubbing his sheath to make more of his maleness come out.

Having been turned on numerous times and having to hide it, Jake felt he deserved alittle treat. He closed his eyes and began picturing cute girls who were doing him, while still playing with himself. From previous situations and the new additional thoughts and teasing himself, his member was out of its sheath and fully erect in a matter of moments. He admired his length of 6 inches and took hold of the awaiting meat, slowly rubbing, he felt the pleasure immediately. After pawing off for a bit, a small amount of pre escaped only to be washed away by the water. He pictured himself being on top of a female husky, thrusting in and out of her, making her orgasm as he pounded her. His knot began to grow in size as his motion became faster and faster. He played with his balls and knot more while his pawing off increased in speed. After a few more moments he could feel his climax hastily approaching. An image of Trygan appeared in his thoughts of him sucking Jake off and pawing off at the same time. Jake picked up the pace and thrusted harder into the imaginary image of Trygan, not caring that Trygan was a male or female. He started panting thinking about Trygan naked and blowing him. He could almost feel the rough surface of Trygan's tongue milking his dick for all its worth. With a few more quick thrusts into his paw, he grunted as his muscles tensed and his climaxing orgasm erupted his thick husky seed from his member in numerous spurts with it splattering against the wall opposite to him, leaving him panting heavily as the water ran over him. He remained hard, still thinking about the naked wolf swallowing his warm cum. Then, it seemed like reality slapped him on the face. "Wait" he thought, "I... I just pawed off to a guy!"

After drying off and cleaning his mess, he laid wide-awake in his bed.

Thinking about his friend Trygan. "I guess I like him kinda... more than a friend" Jake thought to himself as he went over the time he has lived here. "I've had 2 girlfriends since I moved to Texas from LA 3 months ago" counting off his fingers, " I'm single now, so am I just wanting someone to spend time with me? Or..." he thought about the possibility " could I be..." he stopped himself before thinking of the possibility of himself being bisexual. "Trygan would hate me if he knew I was attracted to him..." ignoring that idea, he mused over the numerous other possibilities until he fell asleep.

*Beep* *Beep* Jake woke up with a groan of discomfort from the annoying sound of the alarm clock. He looked at the clock reading 7:45 AM and realized after sitting up, his PJ's and his fur were wet and matted down with his seed. "Wow, I must have had a good dream." He thought about what it could have been about till he remembered it had something to do with Trygan, ending his thought about it rather quickly. He quickly slipped on some brown cargo pants and an orange shirt that read "CRUSH!" He quickly made himself look acceptable in the bathroom, grabbed his backpack and headed downstairs. As usual a note saying some pointless excuse why his parents couldn't be there to see him off to school and a couple bucks for lunch lay on the kitchen table. He made some dry toast, poured a cup of OJ and ate before heading out to the bus stop.

When he came in view of the bus stop, he saw Trygan standing there, patiently waiting. 'Hey." Trygan said waving a paw at Jake. "Hey yourself. Why are you here? You're like 17 and have your own car right?" Jake asked as the two slapped paws. "Yeah, but I figured I would take the bus today. I swear the driver wants to bang me, so I'll just tease her by taking the bus." He flashed that wolfish grin again as the two laughed. "No duh Trygan. You're like the cutest guy at school." Hearing what he just said, he blushed alittle. " I uh... mean most popular! Sorry, um, note from my mom had the word cute in it a lot..." Trygan's tail wagged alittle. " Oh, don't worry about it. You'd be surprised how much that happens to me too." Still blushing, Jake turned away to hide it from Trygan as the bus pulled up to them. Jake ran to his seat where his friend George the fox was waiting. Seeing Jake's seat full, Trygan sat up front the entire trip.

Arriving at school, Jake's heart was still beating faster than normal as he avoided Trygan and hurried to where his friends were waiting. "Hey." James said, "You don't look so good, are you ok?" "No." Jake said, "I am just worried about English... I forgot about the essay..." All of his friends looked at him in shock and horror. "She is going to eat you alive, Jake!" Olivia all but yelled to him. " I know, I know... Um, you guys wouldn't happen to have any holy water would you? That might save me." His friends all laughed which calmed him down to a manageable level. The group mingled for a bit more before the morning bell signaling students to get to class rang. Jake's friends wished him luck as they left to their own classes. For Jake, that class was English.

Time seemed to slow to a snails pace as Jake sat through his class. Between the scolding by the teacher and being used as an example of failure, Jake all but gave his soul to get out of the class. When the bell rang, he flew out the door and got as far away as he could from his class. He put his books in his locker and caught a glimpse of Trygan walking towards him. He merged into a group of furs going to his class to avoid Trygan for a bit.

Jake found his friends waiting in the gym for their next class, P.E. "Well?" asked Karly "was it bad?" "Yeah." Jake sighed, "I have to still write the first essay plus, another 5 page essay about why I failed to give the first one to her on time." James, a pure black German shepherd, winced at the sound it the punishment. "Ouch." He said. "If you want some help with that, I have a ton of essay I could give you?" "Thanks James. That just made my d¾ " "OK!" the coach interrupted, "You all have 5 minutes to get dressed out and ready to play Dodgeball!" A stampede of furs rushed to the changing rooms, Jake among them.

Nearly trampled by all everyone, Jake made it finally into the changing room. He found his locker containing his P.E. clothes, stripped to his boxers and quickly slipped into his designated clothes. The changing room was abuzz with the chatter and laughter of rowdy boys ready to smack one another with dodgeballs. Looking around the room to find George and James, he spotted Trygan walking towards him. "Hey." He said to Trygan. "What are you doing here? You have Chemistry now, right?" "I do." Responded Trygan. "But I figure this is more important." Jake gulped at the sound of that and began to worry. "At the bus stop today, you said I was cute and I just wanted to know if you meant what you said." Jake's heart skipped a beat from the sudden confrontation. "I... um..." Jake looked around to see if anybody was listening. He did his best to suck up some courage and stepped closer to Trygan. "Yes... I meant It." he said, just waiting to hear rejection and humiliating laughter. He heard neither but instead saw that wolfish grin. "I think you're cute too, Jake." Trygan responded. Jake's eyes flew open at the sound of that statement. "Heh, um... what?" He stammered. " You heard me silly, I said you're cute too." Trygan leaned over and licked his nose, soon followed by a giggle. "I always have."

Jake's heart was racing and he looked around the room to find it void of life except for he and Trygan. "I thought you always knew I was bisexual, Jake?" "Really?!" Jake blurted out. "I figured you weren't because you're always with girls." "Well, every one of my friends knows I'm bi. I figured you knew but never brought it up." Trygan stated. "Besides, I'm always with girls because none of the guys here are really my type... except for you, Jake." Trygan, not showing any sign of this being fake, just stood there. Jake couldn't help himself. He leaned over, not being able to control himself, and kissed Trygan on his lips out of sheer joy. He quickly backed away, immediately regretting how bluntly he had just kissed his friend. "I'm sorry..." He said with tears welling up in his eyes.

Trygan took a step and hugged Jake, rubbing his back in a soothing gesture. "It's ok, Jake! You did nothing wrong or bad in any way to make you need to cry. What you did..." Trygan giggled. " ... was make a lonely wolf very happy." Jake looked up with tears soaking his fur. "Hey?" Trygan said, trying his best to make Jake feel better. "I guess this means you're bi, like me huh?" Jake tried to hold his tears back as he began to laugh at the idea, but felt like it was right. "I... guess I am bi, and it only took my 16 years to figure it out!" Jake said with the stutter of someone about to cry. They laughed together as Jake began to calm down more.

"So..." Trygan said while still calming down Jake. "Do you want to catch a movie sometime?" Jake's eyes widened and his heart sped up. I like Trygan more than others, but did he really just ask me out!?" Jake thought to himself. "Well is that shocked face a yes or a no?" Trygan asked with that wolfish grin. "Um, I... I guess that would be cool." Jake stammered. "Fantastic! How does Friday sound? Around 6 or 7?" Trygan asked with friendly tone in his voice. "Yeah." Jake said finally calming down. "I just have to figure out a way to tell my parents..." "Don't worry about it." Trygan encouraged him. "When you want to tell them, I'll be there to help." Jake's anxiety, stress and fear seemed to vanish at the sound of that.

"Does this mean... you know, are we like boyfriends?" Jake asked shyly. "Welllllll....." Trygan said drawing out the word. " We could be 'like' boyfriends or we could be_actual_ ones, silly." "You know what I meant Trygan, are we boyfriends now or something else or what?" Jake asked with seriousness in his voice. "I'm up for it if you are. But I don't want to force you into this or anything bad like that. This decision is up to you Jake. Do you want to give it a go or just be friends? Either way I won't think less of you or stupid stuff like that. We'll still be cool and everything." The reassurance and the calm tone of Trygan's voice made Jake feel better about all of this. "I..." Jake stuttered, "I want to be your boyfriend Trygan. If, you know, if it's ok and cool with you of course." "You have no idea how cool and ok it is. Don't worry about it ok? I'll do anything I can to make sure you enjoy this." This statement made Jake tear up again and the two joined in a reassuring hug that they both hopped wouldn't end.

After finally calming down to an acceptable level, Jake figured the coach was going to murder him for being way more than 5 minutes and so he broke the hug with reluctance. "Well, I better get back to P.E. Coach Kira is going to use me as a dodgeball for being late." Jake sighed and rapped knuckles with Trygan in a reassuring gesture to let him know Jake was ok. Saying his good-byes and going over the date plans once more, he turned to leave.

He felt a paw on his wrist and a swift tug as he was spun around and to Jake's surprise, the warm lips of Trygan pressed up against his own in a passionate kiss. Their bodies pressed up against each other as they both melted into the kiss, their tongues meeting one another and exploring each other's muzzle with lustful passion. Their breathing increased rapidly as they both continued exploring and Jake placed his arms around Trygan's waist pressing them closer together as pleasure of the kiss flooded over Jake in ways he never felt before. It was not until a few long moments later that their lips finally released one another. "Wow..." Jake said with lust in his voice. "That," Trygan said, panting softly "is for being honest, telling me I'm cute and..." looking down at Jake's crotch, "for totally getting a hard-on at the valley I took you to." Jake immediately blushed and his cheeks turned a light pink as he giggled. "Get out of here you pink furball. We wouldn't want your teacher to come in here and find you with a boner now would we?" Jake looked down at his growing erection. "Oh... um, sorry... the kissing did that." Trygan laughed, kissed Jake again, said his good-byes and walked out the back door of the changing room, shaking his ass at Jake before the door closed.

"Man, he is hot and boy does he have a cute ass!" Jake thought to himself with a fierce grin across his face after Trygan left. Jake stuffed his close into his locker and thought about how cool this day turned out to be. "Wow." he said to himself. "I'm bi and have a date with a cute male wolf who is very popular and is my friend. How cool is that?!"

Closing the door to the changing room and walking towards the orange battlefield, he mused over the idea of Trygan being more than a friend to him and the date they has planned. The fear of his parents diminished as he thought about Trygan more and more. He could hardly believe all of this was real. With a smile, sense of pride being Trygan's date and being his boyfriend, he walked over to his friends to tell them of his new found discovery about himself and about his cute boyfriend.

Chapter 2 will hopefully be on very soon. I thank you all and hope you enjoyed reading chapter 1!