The Journal: Chapter III

Story by Terrow on SoFurry

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This chapter is mainly about Kyle and Austin's first encounter. The next chapter focus heavily on plot but for now the two are just getting to know each other a bit more intimately.

Chapter III: The flesh

Kyle and Austin stood in silence as Austin finished reading the last words on the entry aloud. During the entire recital of the text, the two had become dissociated from themselves, drawn into the world of the journal and unable to pull away. Now that the reading had been cut, the two found themselves forced to digest the information they had obtained and to make sense of it all.

"So," began Austin, "Mr. Clemmons... is um... gay."

"Looks that way" replied Kyle as he looked down. "D-does that bother you?"

Austin thought for a moment, trying to decide his words carefully. "No. It doesn't bother me at all. Its still Mr. Clemmons and this shouldn't change our view of him." The coyote began to rub his arms nervously, trying to put the right words in his mouth. "I mean... If I was like that, it wouldn't bother you would it?" Austin watched in slow motion as Kyle shook his head no. He took a deep breath and looked down, unable to keep eye contact. "Well, I am. I-I'm gay Kyle..." As those words exited his mouth, time seemed to stop. His blood rushed and his heart pounded in his ears. He wondered if it was the right thing to say. Did he still have a friend? He started to panic. It was a stupid thing to say, to expect Kyle to just understand. A tear started to form in his eye as the situation hit him.

"Austin," the coyote heard Kyle say. The shaking youth felt as a gentle hand touched the underside of his muzzle and brought up to a formal a position as the lynx looked into his eyes. "What is wrong? You act as if your suddenly afraid."

Austin could not understand as he looked into his friend's eyes. They were kind, sincere, almost loving. He could not speak, could not force his mouth to move, to form the words that so he so desperately needed to convey. Then his mouth started to move on its own, no- something else was moving it or more accurately- someone. Kyle had kissed him, more than that, he was forcing Austin to experience what Kyle was feeling, a raw passion.

The lynx withdrew and looked deeply into Austin's eyes, now looking quite worried himself. "Was that ok?" He smiled as the coyote nodded. Blushing, Kyle placed his arms on Austin's shoulders. "Listen... I've had my- well lets call them suspicions about you for a while now Austin. Being completely honest, I hoped that you were gay or at least curious." He paused. "Do you want to try it?"

Austin's eyes widened. "T-try what?"

Rubbing his friend's neck reassuringly, the lynx spoke gently, "well how about we just start with kissing and we'll see where it goes from there. If either of us gets uncomfortable...well, we'll call it off."

"What about your dad?" asked Austin in timid whisper.

Kyle turned the lock on his door. "Dad wont come up here anymore tonight. He knows your sleeping over and lets face it, your not his favorite person on the planet." Seeing Austin look down in guilt, the lynx reached behind the head of his friend and brought it closer to his own. "Don't worry about it, he's not the one you should be thinking about anyway." He kissed Austin again, deeply, yet gently.

Austin kissed back, desperately trying to overcome his fear. He had wanted this for over a year. There had been the day at the pool where he had first really noticed Kyle's body. His lean, yet muscular form with broad, strong shoulders. The sexy way his back curved in whenever the lynx found something particularly amusing or arousing. His legs were athletic and hard, full of lean muscle. He wanted to see it again and more than that, to feel it.

Austin moved his hands toward Kyle, inching them slowly until they met his hips. Slowly he moved them up and under Kyle's shirt, the fur sliding through his fingers as he began to caress the lynx' back. Nervously, he moved his hands back down and took hold of Kyle's shirt and lifted it over his head and off his body. Then in one motion, Kyle had done the same thing to him. Austin felt Kyle pull him closer so that their bare chest were touching. Austin rested his head on the shoulder of his friend as he rubbed the cat's back and smiled as Kyle gently stroked the back of his head. He had let go and became content. He felt at peace until he heard a familiar sound.

Kyle had reached down with his other hand and was now fumbling around with Austin's belt. He quickly figured out the buckle and loosened the jeans around his friend's hips. "Relax," whispered Kyle, "anything that you don't want to do, we wont. Do I have your permission?" Kyle felt the nodding gesture on his shoulder and grinned. He stopped rubbing Austin's head and moved his hand down the back and let it rest on the coyote's ass. His other hand reached inside Austin's jeans and cupped the package that lay inside. "You even seem to be a little excited Austin." Taking the hard piece of meat now pressing against his hand through Austin's underwear as hint, Kyle moved his hands to the canine's hips and sensually pulled the jeans down, revealing something pointing quite profoundly underneath Austin's boxers.

Austin blushed as he suddenly felt his cock pressing through the fabric and against his friend's waist but that same fact just turned him on even more. He hugged himself closer to Kyle, not only enjoying the pressure against his cock, but also the warmth of Kyle's fur, the comfort of his heart. He could feel it beating. It started to beat faster as the blood started to rush through its host's body. That's when Austin realized that Kyle must have been really turned on too. It was only fair that his friend get to have a little more freedom as well. Kyle was wearing sweatpants so it was much easier for Austin to pull them down. Once they were down, Austin bit his lip as he stared at quite a big bulge in Kyle's boxer-briefs.

Kyle noticed Austin's stare and kissed him again. "It seems both of us are a little trapped. How about we just go ahead and take care of that?" The cat stepped back and pulled his briefs down, causing his dick to come popping out. He waited as Austin did the same without much hesitation and then brought the coyote against him again.

Austin's eyes opened in surprise as their bodies were brought together once more. Kyle's chest against his and Kyle's tongue against his own as they entered another kiss. He could feel the cat's cock and balls rubbing against his own as Kyle rubbed himself up and down against Kyle's body. Austin gripped at Kyle's ass as he moved down and rubbed his legs as the body went back up. On one decent Kyle went lower than before and did not come back up. Instead Austin felt a hand wrap around his cock and he looked down in surprise.

The cat was looking up with begging eyes. "Austin... there is something I have been wanting to do for a long time... longer than you know.. He moved his hands along the coyote's thighs and up against his balls, gently caressing them. "I just... have to try it ok?" He opened up his muzzle and moved it forward toward Austin's throbbing member. Kyle heard the canine let out a weak whimper as his tongue connected with the sensitive flesh but he only smirked as his mouth closed around the organ.

Kyle had never done anything like this before but he knew what he would like done to him so he decided to just be natural about it. He moved his tongue around Austin's cock and felt the first bits of salty-sweet precum leaked onto his tongue. Kyle laughed to himself. It certainly didn't take much to get his friend off.

Austin couldn't believe what was happening. His mouth simply hung open as he watched and felt his best friend's muzzle move back and forth around his manhood. The motion and warmth caused Austin to become lost and, without consciously knowing, he started to buck his hips slowly and move his cock in and out of Kyle's warm opening. It had been a while since Austin had gotten off and it was never anything like this. He knew it would not take long.

Kyle felt more precum ooze into his mouth and started to move his muzzle back forth faster, coiling his tongue around the cock like a snake to a tree. It coiled and slithered around the shaft and head as bits of pre made it down Kyle's throat. Then he heard Austin groan as knew what would soon happen as he felt the already throbbing cock in his mouth start to throb even harder.

Austin gripped Kyle's shoulders as his cock exploded in his muzzle. The lynx gagged as wave after wave of salty and sticky cum shot into his mouth and down his throat. Kyle was caught by surprise by the warm substance and pulled off Austin's dick, causing the last bit of cum to hit him in the face.

Austin gasped when he saw what he had done to his friend. "Oh my god Kyle I'm so sorry! It was just- and I- shit!"

Kyle just stared at Austin and broke into laughter. "Your sorry? That's all you have to say to me? You have got to be kidding!" Kyle grabbed his shirt and wiped the cum off of his face and then stood up to meet Austin's eyes. There were happy. "Don't be sorry. I enjoyed that as much as you did." He saw Austin looking down at his cock and smirked. "No, no that's quite alright. I'm good for the night. I don't need anything for myself. Doing that just now took a lot out of me to be honest." Kyle rubbed the embarrassed coyote's head and smiled. "Perk those ears back up and change into your clothes for bed. I can't have you leaking all over the sheets."

Austin looked confused. "Sheets? But I always sleep on the floor."

"Not tonight, you don't. Just humor alright Austin?"

The two got dressed and got into Kyle's bed. The space was cramped and with both their bodies, it became quite warm. Neither of them much cared though as they wrapped each other in their arms and fell asleep with warm smiles on their faces. They knew that the following days would present new challenges for them but for the night, just for a few hours, they were content to just sleep in each other's embrace and let the world go by without care.


"Well well, somebody's in a good mood."

Kyle smiled at the comment as he pulled on his shorts in the locker room. "Yeah I guess you could say that. Last night was...interesting." Kyle was smirking at the fox who had addressed him.

The fox was a of a brilliant red hue that seemed to glow in the light. He had died his tail so that the tip faded from red to black with golden highlights in the fur. His face matched with the top of his head fur died black and the ears gold. He had already changed into his pants and was now grabbing his shirt out of the locker in front of him. He was incredibly well defined . His back muscles stretched and contracted as he moved, showing off his body and strength. He smiled wide at Kyle with an open mouth, causing his tongue piercing to become visible.

"Well that makes more sense than you being happy about the game today. You kinda sucked out there. I don't think you hit the ball once and your still grinning like an idiot. So what happened last night anyway?"

Kyle pulled on his own shirt and closed his locker door while trying to decide what to say. "Well... you remember Austin right?"


"Well... we" Kyle got close to the fox and whispered something that made the fox's eyes grow huge and his smile to become wild.

"Damn Kyle, it's a good thing I have already have my pants on! I didn't think you had it in you. I mean I didn't think you'd the guts to that in your own house with your father there and all. So who is this Austin guy?"

"But you said you knew him!"

The fox waved the argument aside. "Oh please Kyle, I always say that so you will tell me things. Other wise you want to go into a long explanation and I loose interest. I'm curious though. So who is he?"

Kyle thought for a moment. "Well lets see. He's a coyote and he goes to school with us and I've known him for about two years now and he's seventeen."

"Oh, is he cute?"


"Oh answer the question Kyle. You know I'll just bug you until you do."

Kyle rocked his head from side to side. "Yeah, I think so. He's probably not the kind of guy you usually get. He has thoughtful amber eyes and his ears twitch whenever a strange thought enters his head. His tail swishes the opposite direction of his ass when he walks and he blushes at just about everything. He was a little timid about the whole thing. When we got up this morning, he smiled at me a lot but whenever I tried to talk to him, he just looked a little embarrassed, blushed, and looked away."

"Aw that sounds mighty cute to me. You probably shouldn't have started things off right away though. "

"Yeah I realize that now... I had wanted to touch him for so long that when he said he was gay I just went for it. It wasn't until morning that I found out I was the first one he had ever told and that he only just admitted it to himself."

Mark frowned. "Poor thing. I remember what you were like when you first came out to me. You were a nervous wreck."

Kyle sat down on the bench in front of the lockers. "Yeah... I'm not really sure where to go from here."

Mark though for a moment. "I should like to meet this Austin."

"You sure that's a good idea Mark? I mean given your record?"

"Hey! I take offense to that."

"Mark, you try to sleep with every hot gay guy you meet."

Mark put a finger over Kyle's lips. "Shush you. I would rather not have the entire team knowing about my personal life. As far as they are concerned I am Mark Cliff, star pitcher and ladies man."

Kyle snickered. "Yeah, you're a star pitcher alright."

"Oh quiet." The fox swished his tail and leaned against the locker. "I want to meet this guy so I can tell him about you, the... romantic you. The way you talk about the guy, you've been watching him for quite a while. I want to convince the two of you to go on a date." He paused. "And if he meets a guy with a little more experience, maybe he'll be more open to talking."

Kyle got his stuff together and stood up. "Yeah, that might be cool. I'll talk to him tonight or tomorrow about it and give you a call." He waved good bye to Mark and started for the exit.

"Oh Kyle..." Mark said whimsically, grabbing the lynx's attention and causing him to stop. "When you call me, I want to know the rest of the juicy details."

Kyle laughed and walked out the door. "Your such a pervert Mark!"

Kyle walked to his car and started the engine. He remembered that Austin had left the journal at his house and he had stashed it in his money box so nobody would find it. He planned to make Austin return it to Mr. Clemmons on Monday but for now it was in Kyle's care.

When the lynx got home, he saw his dad drunk on the couch and mouthing off at the television. Kyle didn't care what was going on, he had too many things going on in his mind. He did hear his father slur "fag" a couple of times but that was nothing new. Kyle made it to his room and closed the door, sat on his bed and let the night take him. Tomorrow he would call up Austin and try to work things out. It had to be done before Monday. If the beginning of the next school day arrived before they had a chance to talk, Kyle knew that any chance of a relationship would jump from maybe to almost no possibility. Setting the thoughts aside for the night, he turned out the lights and got ready for bed.