Flora: Caught Petal

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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There are so many things to do on a beautiful beach, so many sights to take in and bodies to ogle. Just a little fun hidden behind a parasol won't be too much, will it?

Pris belongs to https://twitter.com/Xilrayne

A bright sun settled neatly over the gentle shores of West Luxury. The warmth of the star hanging in the clear sky encouraged people to lounge about on the black and white sand cascading over the horizon while the turquoise water brushed against the shore sending a soft spray of salt into the air that tinted it with that lovely scent and flavor. Most walking around had some sort of clothing but it was optional here since so many creatures had enough fur to cover themselves and not many cared too much about the occasional slip or two. The city itself was quiet enough despite the fact that it attracted a wide range of tourists among the usual locals. There weren't too many attractions other than lovely beaches and the mood of the town reflected that quiet love and life.

A florist's shop with two floors sat near the beach nestled against a few other buildings with glass display and door to show lovely arrangements of various flora for sale. The door opened and out of it stepped a satyrbun with beige fur and flowing blond hair, she had two blue eyes and one purple eye towards the top. In her arms, she held a flowery parasol and at her shoulder hung a bag bulging with various items. As she made sure the door was shut behind her, the flowering speckled tail above her rear wiggled in absolute excitement. Pris was dressed in a wrap that hugged around her waist and hid a purple bikini bottom that matched the soft grassy greens of her arms and legs, a soft lavender top covering her barely with a thin material that could be seen through. The plan was to go to the beach and enjoy herself among the sun and she couldn't help but bounced up and down as she thought of it. Warmth, water, lovely sand that felt so nice on her hooves and back. Of course, there were the sights as well with everyone showing off their body's but even thinking of that was just embarrassing! She preferred to try and keep herself just a bit pure while taking breaks near home, but of course, sometimes she just couldn't help it. This time, she was certain that she could hold in her lust! Making sure the door was locked and checking her bag to see that she had her compact, keys, and more, Pris beamed and headed out toward the boardwalk with a little hum.

The satyrbun's rabbit ears perked when she arrived at the wooden boardwalk and heard the sounds of the beach crashing ever so lovingly ahead combined with the joy of the people. She had decided to go in the middle of the day rather than the morning because she loved hearing and seeing so many enjoying themselves! Pris kept on walking along the boardwalk with her hooves thunking against the wood and sighed happily when she finally made it to the sand and felt the warmth practically roll through her body from her hooves. Her eyes drank in the sights of the salt and pepper sand while various species of people ran on by. She saw shark-like vanguards lounging, gelbeasts baking under the sun and even turf tiger's roughhousing here and there! Both of her soft-blue eyes were watching the sights with such wonder and attempting to focus on the waves crashing against the sand and the nature in general but her third eye veered toward other things.

There were many lovely bodies on the beach, rounded tums and curved hips and rears with the occasional nude critter with the sort of form that she would love to be pushed around by or pressed against. By the time she had reigned in the desires of her mind and third eye, she was sporting a bulge pressing against the wrap around her waist. Her cheeks flushed beneath the fur and she hopped to cover the growing bulge with her bag as she trotted onto the beach while trying her best to keep her body and third eye under control.

It could be so troublesome when her desires leaked through the magical corruption of her third eye! It was difficult to hide when her eye was staring and unable to be closed as if it had a mind of its own. Rather than focus on what was being shown to her through that other gaze, Pris attempted to keep her mind on finding herself a good spot that had a good amount of privacy and just enough sun that she could enjoy basking. She searched and searched while ignoring the heat burning inside of her body until she finally jabbed her parasol in one place and popped it open with a big sigh!

With the parasol open, she sat down and smirked with a proud huff. She had managed to find a spot with the majority of the people at her back and hidden by the parasol rather than in the lines of sight for her perverse eye. Now that she could focus on relaxation rather than lust, she reached into her bag to pull out the towel and lay it neatly on the sand before slipping onto it. Sunscreen came next and was most certainly important for a gal like herself with light fur. She hummed happily while rubbing herself, digits slipping down her arms and then her sides and slowly onto her legs. Her digits tensed between her thighs, brushing against the bulge that was still there, and she shuddered just a bit as she felt the lust she was holding down pecking against her heart and form.

Pris turned her head and saw that the parasol still covered everything, that no one could see her behind it surely. She felt a wash of embarrassment touch her from her throat down to her gut as she thought of revealing herself to the air and taking the edge off by tugging her cock but that wouldn't be right. Her stare continued to focus on the parasol until her third eye began to glow just a bit and she gasped!

Visions of the people behind the parasol touched her mind, lovely shapes of curved hips and even some with cocks out! It was a voyeuristic vision and something that felt nearly shameful as she tried to close her eye but she could not erase the images. No one could see her doing this, no one would know if she just slipped her cock out and had her fun while watching the people. It was so hard to resist, so difficult to keep herself from giving into that nervous lust, and so, why not? Lying on her side, Pris kept her eyes focused on the people passing by through the parasol while her digits slipped down to hook through the wrap and bikini bottom at the same time. Just once. Just once would be enough.

With a little tug, her thick equine cock slipped out into the heated air and exposed her plump rear as well, the cool breeze only urging her member to twitch. One hand came up to grip the flared tip, digits brushing past the barbs while she brought it all the way down. It didn't even take long for her to get fully hard as her eyes were focused on all of the lovely shapes traveling down the beach. She wished she could reach out and feel some of those plump rears, her teeth coming down on her bottom lip as she felt herself slipping into pleasure and fantasy while her hand moved just a bit faster. Pris then shuddered as she felt something against her touch, something firm and round but she knew nothing was there. Her cursed eye was playing more tricks, telekinesis being cast and used to feel over the rear of one of the beach goer's lying on a towel who seemed asleep.

Pris shut her eyes tight to try and focus on keeping that spell from happening but even with her two eyes shut, the third remained open and peered at all of the lovely bodies on the beach. Such shame rolled through her body until she found it difficult to hold in a squeak and a gasp! It was no use! No use resisting at all! She opened both of her eyes and let the image become as clear as possible and reveled in the shivering nervousness and humiliation curling through her form. How terrible did she have to be to enjoy this? To love peeping on others behind a parasol while stroking her fat cock? Did she have no shame?! Of course she did, but she just couldn't help it!

Faster and faster her hand moved now that her mind was giving in entirely to her body's needs and hunger. It felt as if the gaze's of everyone behind the parasol could actually see what she was doing, actually judge her for what she was doing and Pris nearly popped right there! She should have just let her bouncing cock burst and let it all out into the sand to cool her head but instead, her hand kept moving while her shaft twitched and dripped a line of pre that stained the towel.

It was game at this point, her chest rising and falling as her hand kept on moving along her cock. The sunscreen that had been on her hand served as the perfect lube to let her touch truly glide against the pulsing member. She only ever stopped to squeeze on the tip when she felt herself about to cum, legs squeezing together and stomach clenching as she held herself back from finishing too soon. At this point, she had to stop herself, needed to take a breath for a moment. All three of her eyes shut as the feelings rolling through her were far too much. She laid on her back to look down and stare at her cock and more importantly, the wide expanse before her. There wasn't anyone walking through that side of the beach but at any moment someone could come around and see her. Instinctively, she spread her legs just a bit and grabbed the base of her cock to lift, shuddering while she imagined someone finding her and giving her the proper punishment she deserved! When no one came, she sighed shakily and turned onto her side again to look through the parasol with her magic on and keep on tugging at her cock.

With that little breather, she had felt like she had toyed long enough. Her eyes focused on some choice targets before she started to rapidly pump her cock, the pressure in her rounded tum gathering more and more as she felt herself get ever closer. Finally! She would be able to rid herself of this heat and she could just enough herself as any other normal person would. Panting, eyes becoming foggy from the steam inside of her, she felt her climax about to pop when suddenly, something touched her thigh.

Pris blinked and paused. Something had touched her thigh that felt cool and sticky. She wasn't sure what it was but was so afraid to find out. Before she could even turn around, she felt firm hands grab her rear and spread it apart causing her to squeak and look behind her to see that she had been properly caught!

A grinning gelbeast with a bright and violet body had hold of her rear! He had the shape of a satyrbun of sorts with more caprine features than bunny with flowers trailing through the gel of his arms. Both of his large hands were gripped onto her fat ass and when she tried to open her mouth to say something, all she could do was squeak!

The gelbeast chuckled and muttered quietly enough that only she could hear, "Hey, take it easy and keep doin' what yer doin'. I don't judge! I was out here lookin' for someone like you but uh, y'know if you're not comfortable you can just tell me to buzz off and I won't tell anyone. Just keep going and I'll have myself a nice meal."

Embarrassing! Terrible and humiliating! She could feel herself about to burn up until she was a shriveled little mess, and yet at the same time, her cock bounced and twitched against her digits with excitement at being caught and propositioned by someone who seemed so nice! With a shudder and a sigh, she turned her attention back to the open parasol and back to her perverse show while her hand slowly started to move.

Pris found that her body felt entirely too sensitive now from the sudden fright. Every little movement of her digits against her sensitive tool sent violent sparks of pleasure through her form that bloomed in her chest causing her to sigh and whimper just a little bit, legs squeezing together. Slowly, ever so carefully, she gripped and pumped her sizable shaft, starting gently again while she tried to adjust to the new excitement roaring within her.

Focus on the sights rather than the feelings twisting inside of her was rather difficult considering the fact that she had someone literally breathing against her plump rear. Cool air glided across her rump while firm digits worked to spread it apart until she could feel the warm sun pressing down on her puckered star. She did her best to keep her voice down and she was doing a good job of it considering what was happening, and yet, despite her best efforts, she let out a loud squeak when she suddenly felt cool lips press down against her rear and a long tongue dip inside and stretch her hole.

Pris clamped her mouth shut and tried to pretend that the people looking over at the parasol had absolutely not heard that! The other concern was that they might be hearing at this very moment the sloppy kiss being given to her rear, tongue buried deep as the gelbeast gave her ass a lover's kiss that would have robbed her of all breath if it were lip to lip! She couldn't believe that this stranger was just going at her ass with such hunger, with such lust and burning passion! There was a part of her that wanted to turn her head and shush him so he would stop but a gentle squeeze at her lovely globes caused her to groan and nearly pump out her load right there.

A chuckle came from behind her and when she looked, she saw that the gelbeast had his mouth open all the way, sticky drool falling onto her fat ass while he raised his brow at her a few times. He was messing with her! When she frowned and opened her mouth, a moan slipped out of her maw because his tongue suddenly grew in size causing her to clamp a hand over her lips to seal them.

Her body was suddenly drawn up just a bit, one of her legs spread wide while that tongue kept on digging in and a cool gel hand replaced her own at her cock. With eyes opening big, she watched as the gelbeast began to pump her cock rapidly while burying his face against her ass, tendrils slipping out of his form that lashed and latched around her thighs to keep her legs spread apart for him! Already the thick drops of pre sliding down her cock were joining the gel of the creature's hand creating a smooth shine that shimmered against the sun.

Something was bubbling inside of her besides the pleasure that was hitting her so hard, something slight and cool that she could not explain! Her vision was being speckled by colors and her heart was racing just a bit faster while every single touch in the world was making her more sensitive. The culprit could be seen in the flowers floating inside of the stranger's arms, those familiar petals telling her that his entire body was laced with just a little bit of something that made this encounter so much better! Pris's moans grew louder against her digits, her inhibitions lowering and her nervousness washing away and all down into the pressure of her oncoming climax!

Finally, finally, she let loose the first shot of cum into the hot sand! Her eyes rolling back as she let out a shivering noise of pleasure still muffled by her hand over her mouth. She thrust and thrust to the gelbeast's touch with such desperate hunger while trying to keep the glee from overtaking her! Pure joy above joy touched every corner of her body and she wasn't sure if it was the orgasm or the tainted tongue of the beast plowing his tongue into her supple ass. When her release ceased, her body was still quivering in pleasure, breath growing hotter against her own hand while she tried to calm herself. What she could manage was easily destroyed by the gelbeast as he continued to dip his tongue inside of her rear, working it in deeper and deeper while maintaining a steady tugging of her cock until it was firm and ready again.

When he finally freed her of his grasp, the gelbeast slowly dragged his tongue out of her rear with a wet dripping pop that caused her to gasp and finally, she set her arms down to lie there on her side staring at the stranger that had ravaged her. She could see in his grin and gaze that he was nowhere near done with her and she marveled as he took a digit and set it on the line of cum in the sand. Every little drop of that seed was sucked up into his digit and into his body where she could see it traveling to his rounded belly to help it grow just a bit more. Her vision was still hazy, her body still shaking but she was more than happy to receive whatever else he could give.

With a chuckle, the stranger leaned in and gave her chin a soft squeeze while the tendrils around her thighs did the same, "So, name's Tari, what's yours?"

Pris found herself unsure of what to say. Her chest rising and falling as she settled from what had just happened and tried to keep herself from getting too excited by what was happening right now. Say something, anything! Just something to introduce yourself! That's right! She had to remember her own name. That was simple, that's all he asked for!

With words slurred just a bit, she finally muttered, "Um...Priscillia, I usually go by Pris."

Tari moved a gooey hand to cup and capture her cheek, drawing her close for a firm kiss that had her eyes growing wide and her body trembling. Lips on lips melded together before that sticky mouth forced her own open. That thick tongue that had been dipped so deep inside of her rear plunged into her maw to coil around her tongue and she felt lovely heated bliss curling throughout her entire form. It had been so muted when it was going through her rear but that sweet taste directly in her mouth called her mind to shut out such silly thoughts about worry and anxiety and focus on the beauty of now!

What lovely colors touched her gaze, what wonderful worlds collided in her mind as her kiss continued to deepen without the fear she usual felt! She could sing, sing and sing aloud until the clouds parted and the other planets came down and it wouldn't matter at all. Even as those thoughts escaped her cognizance, she knew just how strange it was for her to want to sing in public of all places! It was such a sore spot, such a fear that she could not help but find herself trembling from the thought of doing such a thing even as the bliss overtook her entire form! The air ran thin between them but she dipped closer rather than tugging away, rolling onto her back so she could curl her arms around him and hum her adoration while her eyes flickered and glowed with various colors and swirls caused by the flower's graces. Even now, she found her world growing dark and light all at once as the breath slowly ebbed away from her and the kiss captured her entire essence.

When Tari finally removed his mouth from hers, she gasped out to catch the sweet breath that she absolutely did not need or care about at this very moment. Despite her little whimpers, the gelbeast backed away slowly before reaching between his legs. Even under the flower's mental embrace, her eyes grew wide and her body shuddered as she saw him pull out an equine shaped cock that trailed the majority of her form. He slapped it onto her stomach and gave it a stroke while grinning down at her.

It certainly sobered her up seeing that size and she squeaked aloud, "Are you really going to stuff all of that inside of me?!"

Tari chuckled, the gelbeast's tendrils feeling over her body causing her to shiver while he leaned down to tug her bikini top down and expose her breasts to the elements, "Yup! Balls deep, straight in that pretty rump of yours to give you a nice bulge on your belly. Think y'can handle that?"

The satyrbun backed herself up a bit to adjust, her hand coming up to feel the shaft while she shuddered, "C-can I handle it? Y-yeah! Of course! No trouble, don't even uh, worry about it just uh."

Both of her hands moved back to her face to cover burning red cheeks glowing brightly beneath beige fur while she tried her hardest to get the words out. To his credit, the gelbeast asked, "What? C'mon, y'can make any request you want! Y'can even ask me to be sweet!"

Pris squeaked with her eyes shut tight and her ears flattening, "Fuck me as hard as you can please!"

Those words came out so clearly that even she couldn't believe it! Here was this total stranger and she was literally baring herself to him! When she opened one eye to peek at what he was doing, she saw that he was giggling, grin growing, body moving to poke and prod his cock under and against her plush ring that was surely about to be ruined. The tendrils around her thighs moved to hook under her knees and drag them up all the way, so her rear was pointed up and each of her legs were being pressed down by both his hands and the lines of gel coming off of him.

The flared tip of that fat shaft touched her puckered ring as the gelbeast rose just enough so his ears were poking up from the parasol concerning her just a little bit but how could she focus on that? A cool shiver ran from her rear all the way down her spine as she watched him start to poke and prod her rump with that thick thing. Her arms were out to brace herself but she wasn't sure at all what he was going to do! Was he going to be firm? Was he going to be gentle? Everything in his expression, in that lovely grin, told her that he was going to destroy her with every inch of that pulsing thing, and she was so damn excited about it. Her own cock was twitching against her stomach, hot pre dripping from the tip already as if she had been stroking herself when really she was just such a slut to get off from such a thing.

Tari continued to poke her pucker with that lovely thing over and over again, squishing and taking his time while her hole got sticky from gelbeast's natural slime. She shuddered as she felt it sinking in before anything else to join the rest of the gooey spit that had been left to lube her rear. Anticipation built inside of her, pressure pressing against her stomach while her wide eyes watched and then, the tip popped inside, stretching her wide as he brought his hips all the way down to hilt her balls deep.

Pris's expression started at a curved smile that was clamped shut as she puckered her lips for a second to try and keep herself as quiet as possible until a squeal started to slip from her pressed lips. The satyrbun could feel every inch of that massive thing pushing inside of her and it genuinely felt like she was getting fatter from the tip twitching against her deepest point inside of her rear. When he started to pull out, she could feel her insides clinging onto his gooey shaft, her eyes shutting tight while she focused on keeping as quiet as she could.

There was such a warm gratefulness in her heart that he was taking it slow after slamming in all of that huge thing! She would never be able to live it down if all of these people heard her noises and saw that it was her being pounded by a stranger. Of course, that gratitude began to fade as he reached the halfway point only to slam back inside just as hard as the first time. Pris gasped and squeaked, eyes growing wide as she opened her mouth to tell him to take it easy. Her words were choked back as the gelbeast started to thrust inside of her ass like a wild beast looking to breed a bitch in heat!

The worry of being caught was offset by the influence of the flower curling around her mind and taking root so lovingly. Her puckered expression began to soften and turn into a small smirk that grew into a silly smile blossomed. She gasped as her eyes turned half-lidded and she felt every inch of that beautiful thing sink inside of her. Again and again, he thrust and again and again, it became harder to resist letting out her pleasure to the world.

It was so lovingly wonderful to not feel worried about the people that could be staring and so fantastic to only cherish this pleasant bliss from the cool shaft pounding her senses away into nothingness. With such happiness, there was little else that she desired other than to drag her hips up to meet his thrust as best as she could despite the fact that she was being held down and pounded in such a compromising position.

Every hot twitch of his cock seemed to jolt her insides and push the bulge further against her gut causing her to groan out while the noise of those sticky hips slapping against her body echoed out into the beach. Give in! It was so much easier to give in to all of this than worry about it all and she opened her mouth wide to let out a sonorous moan that kissed the air and stopped the gelbeast right there and then.

With a blink, the gelbeast whispered, "Wow...Your voice is so beautiful!"

Barely realizing what she had done, Pris simply shuddered and looked away while giggling, "T-thanks I guess..."

Her eyes then grew wide with shock as she looked back to see the gelbeast sink his lips onto hers. Their kiss started just as intense as last time, with bright lights flickering in her vision while her eyes slowly drifted shut. Those powerful gooey hips started to move to pound her ass as hard as they could manage while their tongues curled together and their body's pressed against one another's. Her own cock was bouncing wildly, slapping against the gooey form above her while her next climax was climbing ever so closer to the surface.

Concerns and anxiety would keep her from cumming so soon, would push her to hold her orgasm back but how could she even think about that right now? The flower's influence was still radiating throughout her entire form and her ass was being pounded mercilessly by a sticky equine cock that was bulging against her stomach. It was too much, too much to think about! Too much to even handle, and so she cried out against his mouth and shuddered as her orgasm fired between them.

Again, the gelbeast's body seemed to absorb her cum and grow just a bit from it. Pris's cock continued to let out spurt after spurt of hot cum while the gelbeast gladly drank down every drop until suddenly he started to shiver and shake. A violent twitching began inside of her rear coming from that throbbing member and she blinked while suddenly she felt hot cum fill her rear like nothing she had ever felt before!

Pris groaned and trembled, the cum building inside of her with rope after rope staining her inner walls and rounding out her lovely gut more and more while the stranger kept on pounding her ass and senses. Finally, he stopped thrusting with one more push but his wild member was still pouring out more into her, each twitch bringing on another torrent until she swore he was going to shrink from the amount being let out.

When he was done, her mouth was let free, both of them gasping out to the air while she felt herself growing so tired. Her eyes watched as he pulled out, cock slowly slipping free from her insides that clung to his cock so greedily. A wet pop signaled the pullout, Pris kicking her leg just a bit into the air with a sharp gasp as she felt her pretty pucker turn into a lovely puffy hole that reflected the abuse she had taken.

Out of breath, unsure of what to say or do, Pris slipped into a slumber wondering if she would be waking to more people using her, more people seeing her, her embarrassment refreshed! Ah well, with that flower still kissing her mind, there was not a single concern that she had.

Pris woke up later, eyes fluttering open slowly as she sat up carefully. She felt over her head and sighed before suddenly remembering what had happened. She covered her chest and crotch but saw that she had been clothed while she had been sleeping. Blinking, she looked to her side where the gelbeast was sitting, waving at some people running by.

When he noticed she was up, he leaned over and muttered, "Hey there...You okay? I might've gone a bit much with ya and well, I uh, I didn't really even mean to be so mean or rough."

Pris blinked, "Oh uh, that's fine...It was fun."

Tari sighed and leaned back on the towel, "Thank goodness. Thought y'might wake up and tell me to get out or somethin'. I uh, I feel bad for sneaking up on you like that too. Just, couldn't help it watchin' y'like that. You're a real work of art y'know?"

Bright red grew across her cheeks before she beamed, "Thank you and uh, I didn't mind the interruption. I was kinda...Hoping someone would catch me like that."

The gelbeast grinned, "Great! Maybe we can do this another time, except, y'know, at your place or mine?"

Pris felt her heart thumping against her chest as her response came without even thinking, "Yeah! But more than that, how about we just enjoy the beach for today."

She covered her mouth and looked away, wondering if that was too excited or forward before she suddenly felt a cool arm around her shoulders tugging her against a sticky body, Tari chuckling, "I'd be more than happy to and uh, maybe we can get to know each other properly?"

Despite feeling nervous, Pris giggled and nodded, "Sounds like a plan but um!" She looked down at her perfectly normal gut with digits tapping atop of it, "Where...Where did this all go?"

Tari looked up before clearing his throat, "Well, figured it might look weird if y'were...Fat like that, so I just kinda...Y'know, made use of it like I did the rest of yers."

Pris blinked before giggling, "Wow! That's a useful thing to have!"

A nudge at her side came with a reply, "It was either that or tell folk y'were pregnant with my kid."

Despite the blush raging across her cheeks, Pris giggled and sat with her new friend. They exchanged little details and big details while sitting underneath the sun and it was better than any break she could have ever hoped for. Hopefully, their friendship would continue long after this little trip and just the same, perhaps they could have fun again sometime just like this.

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