Fuli and the Stagehand

Story by jaime_lion on SoFurry

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Fuli need some help getting her diaper changed on the TV set for The Lion Guard.

This is a story I got commissioned by the V-claw.

Here is the picture that inspired it.http://www.furaffinity.net/view/26132847/

Ever since I was a child, and I first watched The Lion King on a VHS tape I borrowed from my cousin, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. While other kids my age dreamt about being police officers or astronauts, I was the only one in my class who wanted to work in filmmaking. But unlike many of them, who eventually found different paths and aspired for different dreams later on, I was able to carry on and follow my goals by the time I reached adulthood. After the countless sleepless nights I endured studying during college, the grueling climb of internships I had to overcome after graduation, and the mountain of student loan debt I was still chipping away at month after month, my dreams were finally realized when I landed a premiere gig at the largest company of all: Disney.

Sure, I was merely a stagehand for the series The Lion Guard, but it was still a job I couldn't have been happier to receive. Even though I'm not any of the massive stars in front of the camera, I couldn't necessarily complain about being part of the magic while I worked behind the scenes. Not only was I able to see just how detailed and vast the sahara sets looked from the inside of the studio lot, but I was able to learn more about the actors on set than any tabloid magazine could even dream of. Not to mention, helping to assist the actors between takes certainly felt more gratifying than serving overspecified drinks at Starbucks to uptight soccer moms and bratty teens.

Of course, I'm pretty sure that if my friends really knew what I had to do during my shifts, they might have seen things a little differently.

When I was first hired to be a stagehand for The Lion Guard, I was assigned to organizing outfits in the costume department for the first couple weeks. Even though all of the actors on the show were animals, that didn't mean they were completely naked during takes. I learned from my internships just how strict Disney could get when it came to certain things being shown on camera, which obviously included genitalia; because of that, one of the first big secrets I learned about was their "cover-shorts." They were basically like spandex bicycle shorts, but with a faux-fur lining on the outside that matched the actors' coats perfectly. It may have been an odd requirement for the performers (at least, from my personal perspective), but they certainly worked in making sure no privates were shown on camera.

And for one particular actress, who I came to know personally as Susan behind the scenes, the shorts were also necessary to hide something else.

I could remember the day I was first assigned to be a stagehand during the filming of an episode. Even though I wasn't exactly the intended audience demographic for the series, I could recall just how starstruck I felt while seeing the actual set in person. Yeah, I was a little surprised to learn that the backgrounds were all green-screen, but the level of detail that was placed in the physical props and ground sets certainly made up for it. I knew that the Jungle Book remake used a similar approach for their production, but I wouldn't have predicted a TV series would have that same amount of dedication.

Fortunately, I was able to conceal my excitement about working on set, and remained respectful to all of the actors between takes. Despite being a fan of their work, I knew better than to ask for an autograph or try chatting with them like old pals. Instead, I kept my focus on my work during that first day, and only spoke in "Yes, Sirs" or "Yes, Ma'ams" if I was asked to do any specific tasks. I was sure I may have looked a little too tensed or nervous, but I certainly didn't want to make any mistakes and leave a bad first impression.

Nevertheless, I was lucky enough to not make any big waves during the first half of my shift. I did my rounds as quickly and diligently as I could, and I tried to keep my focus on the tasks that needed to be done between takes. When the actual scenes were being filmed on camera, I remained as silent as a ghost as I watched the scenes in person. I could remember how mesmerized I felt when I witnessed that first scene, and felt my inner-child squeeing in delight at having such a long-awaited dream realized. I also remember how grateful I felt about the backstage areas being so dark during takes, since I was probably grinning like an idiot and didn't want anyone to see.

Meanwhile on the actual set, the silence from the stagehands was downright necessary for the scene they were filming. I can't exactly recall what episode it was for, but involved the character Fuli sneaking around through patches of tall grass. Even though all of the physical features of the set were artificial, they looked just as real as any patch of wilderness I would've seen outdoors. And even with all of the near-blinding stage lights, the gigantic green sheet behind everything, and the multiple cameras pointed at the cheetah's every movement, the actress prowled through like setting like a natural.

I know that it probably isn't a big deal nowadays, but I remember how nervous I felt about seeing Fuli in the flesh on that first day. Not only was she a talented actress with surprisingly good range, but her character was one of my favorites in the actual series. Of course, I was sure I was blushing deeper than a tomato as I watched her pouncing movements, and tried to look professional during filming. Despite how young the character may have been on the show, the fact that the actress was actually an adult made me slightly less guilty for staring longer than I should've.

I distinctly remember when they were re-shooting one particular moment, when Fuli was getting ready to lunge out of a thick patch of grass to jump at an unknown target. I was standing a respectful distance from the camera's range, and had an admittedly candid view of the cheetah's backside while it was poking out from the back of the artificial grass. Her rear was swaying back and forth in a slow and rhythmic motion, with her tail flagged up and waving about in preparation. Because of the shorts she was wearing, nothing too suggestive could be seen from the angle she was perched in; however, that didn't mean that I was unable to see the incident that happened next.

Just as Fuli was about to jump out from the grass, her swaying hips froze up in an instant. Due to how quiet the set was during filming, I could hear the cheetah let out a faint and strained grunt from within the grass. Since it wasn't the first time I watched her take, I knew that she likely didn't intend to make that noise. I then heard something similar to a growling noise immediately afterward; and given how strongly her hind-legs twitched during that sound, I had a feeling that it wasn't a noise that came out of her mouth.

"Nnnngh!~" Fuli leaned back as she let out another brief groan, and struggled to stay upright in her squatted position. I wasn't sure what was happening, but the spasming of her legs were apparently enough to make a producer yell out "CUT!" from somewhere I couldn't see. All of the primary lights turned on after a bell rung, indicating that the cameras have stopped filming. But for the actress still perched in the middle of the set, the only movement she made was an involuntary shiver as her groans turned more audible.

I heard a couple of the other stagehands sighing before they went back to work, almost as if this sort of thing was commonplace for them. I was still a rookie on the set, so it wasn't like I could've been able to guess what exactly was up; of course, I also didn't want to bring any attention to myself by asking someone what was going on. So because of that, I ended up witnessing the moment with my own two eyes without any warning. In retrospect, that was probably for the best, since the classic mantra "A picture is worth a thousand words" certainly applied to what I ended up seeing Fuli do.

"Nnnngh! S-Stupid shorts!" I could recall hearing her muttering under her breath, before she used one of her rear paws to scratch at the side of her waist like there was a flea. However, it turned out that she needed to get a claw under the waistband before she reached back with her muzzle and clenched the shorts in her teeth. I was completely by myself while I was standing by a bundle of audio wires, and watched in surprise when the cheetah managed to pull down her shorts by herself. I wasn't sure what I was expecting to see, but it certainly wasn't the secondary garment that was hiding beneath the first one.

As soon as her faux-fur shorts slid off from her backside, my brows rose up upon seeing a padded wall of white plastic covering her rear. The garment also had lines of blue elastic crumpled tightly around Fuli's waist and thighs, ensuring that the item couldn't be taken off as easily as her shorts. I had to do a double-take when I realized what it actually was, since I would've never guessed those shorts could conceal something that big or bulky. But alas, despite how strange it may have sounded at the time, I couldn't deny what my eyes were able to see.

Fuli from The Lion Guard was wearing an adult diaper.

Or at least, the child-sized article of poofy padding was technically an adult's diaper, since the actress herself was wearing it. Even though the cheetah was playing a child on the show, most people (including myself) knew that she was actually a legal adult. But regardless of the technicalities, I could still remember how shocked I felt when I first saw that thing, and how hotly my cheeks burned in second-hand embarrassment. I knew that I was likely to see some crazy things behind the scenes, and possibly have some moments that would change my perspectives on an actor or two; but of all the things I would've expected to witness on my first official day as a stagehand, I would've never guessed a diapered Fuli would be one of them.

I also wouldn't have expected to see her use it right in front of me.

I honestly thought I wasn't able to be seen from Fuli's point of view, mostly because I was standing several feet behind her and underneath the backstage shadows. But while that petite cheetah was groaning with her tail flicking upward sporadically, I was caught by surprise when she turned her head around to glance at her padded attire. I have no idea how I must've looked on that day, but I'm sure that I was blushing rather deeply by the time she actually noticed me. I knew that I shouldn't have been so frozen when there was work to be done, but I felt like my body turned to stone when the cheetah's gaze met my own.

I wanted to assume Fuli wasn't staring at me, but I was the only person standing at that spot while she was still on the set. And since my mind was drawing a blank, there was no way for me to respond when I saw her eyes narrowing on me slyly. I was sure for a second that I would've been called-out by her, or that I'd receive an ear-chewing by my supervisor for my incompetence. However, Fuli didn't say anything as she took notice of me, and her diapered rump was positioned tight in my line of sight. Instead, I could only watch in stunned silence when I saw that cheetah grow a faint, and mischievous-looking smirk across her muzzle.

Maybe she knew that I wasn't going to move, or that I wouldn't say anything to stop her. Or maybe, Fuli made a wild guess that I would've enjoyed seeing what she did next. But whichever reason it was, she kept her intimidating stare on me as she spread her hind-legs further apart, and began to squat herself down. I didn't want to think that she was wanting me to watch her, but her smile certainly gave that impression as she took a breath, and let out a low grunt under her breath.

I could still remember hearing those gurgling noises that came from Fuli's gut, which emphasized that she probably needed that diaper pretty badly. But as soon as I saw her face clench inward, her groans intensified before I heard something much more alarming. At first, it sounded like something like a faint and whispered hum, since that diaper was able to muffle her passing gas rather significantly. But less than a couple seconds later, I was able to hear that first wet, sloppily audible splurch as the rear of her diaper began to expand out.

"Nnnnnghhhh..." Fuli's eyes were struggling to remain half-lidded due to her strain, but she managed to keep her insistent stare on me while she pushed that bulging mess out. Her legs quivered a little while she was squatted down, and her tail was flagged right up while it was clipped against the diaper's waistband. Meanwhile, the back of her padding continued to expand out as I heard those muffled sounds of her expulsion, and saw first-hand just how badly she needed to go. Even though I knew there were dozens, if not hundreds of staff on the set that day, I honestly felt like I was completely alone while watching Fuli go number two.

As the padded rear continued to bulge out, and the white plastic started to grow the faintest brownish hue just beneath her tail. I didn't take notice of the hissing before I saw another color emanating from between her legs. At around the same time Fuli was flooding her pampers (not an expression, I know first-hand that's her preferred brand), it seemed that her bladder gave way to contribute to the mess as well. Even with the combined noises of the cheetah's hard grunts and crinkled squishes, that distinct hiss caught my attention as I saw the bottom of her diaper hanging downward at a steady rate. By the time the crotch of Fuli's garment hung down an extra three or four inches at least, it was hard to tell that diaper used to be white while carrying that unsubtle yellow and brownish hue.

To this day, I have absolutely no idea how I must've looked while staring at her that day. None of the staff I worked with were around to give me any insight, and the camera crew were already doing other things while Fuli was left to mess in her diaper in front of me. But given the fact that she never once looked away with me, and managed to maintain a notable smirk through her strained grimace, I'm pretty sure I had to have looked unique enough to garter her as an audience. Of course, considering how hot my face felt during that moment, and how badly my heart was racing due to the shock and uncertainty I was feeling, maybe she saw me as being... cute or something?

I know that sounds weird to say in retrospect, but it's hard to think of many other reasons for Fuli to be smiling at me during her mess session.

"Aaaaahhhhhh..." After what felt like an eternity of standing in awkward silence, even though it was likely only a minute or two at most, it seemed that Fuli had finished using her garment before me. The cheetah was breathing heavily while her cheeks carried a heavy blush, almost as if she had finished a rather arduous performance for her lone audience member. The back of Fuli's diaper was absolutely massive, with the browned rear of padding hanging downward and appearing lumpy due to the mess crammed inside. Her pee-soaked crotch was also hanging down rather obscenely, and carried a yellowish tint dark enough to make me believe she would've bursted if another drop tried to soak in.

But judging by the content-looking grin Fuli had across her muzzle, it didn't seem like she minded her appearance by any means before she finally spoke directly. "Heh~ So, uhhhh... you gonna help me out here, or are you just gonna keep looking?~"

I remember that I blinked a few times before looking around, even though I knew for a fact that she was addressing me. I must've looked like a goof (no Disney pun intended), but I wasn't too flustered by the cheetah to completely disregard her question. It took a few seconds for me to glance back at her, before she gave a sly-sounding giggle with a reaffirming nod. "Yes, I'm talking to you~ Come over here."

To this day, I have no idea how my legs were able to break from their frozen state so suddenly. Before I could even realize it, I was walking towards the closed stage with my face carrying a heavy shade of crimson, and my mouth feeling tremendously dry. However, the instant I got within ten feet of her, I faltered pretty badly when I caught that smell. I should've known better than to walk up to Fuli and her used diaper without any preparation, but there was nothing I could do but cringe when that wretched odor assaulted my senses. I still kept walking up to her, but my mouth was tightly pursed shut as I tried my hardest not to take any heavy breaths.

Again, my expression must've looked pretty amusing to the cheetah as she chuckled to herself teasingly. Just as I was about to try and cover my nostrils from the unflattering stench, Fuli pulled herself back up while her diaper was still heavily sagged. "Mnnnghh... U-Usually, I don't ask for this sort of thing from a stagehand, but... I kinda need some help getting out of this thing..."

I'm not sure if it was the implication of what Fuli just asked me, or the fact that she made the request with such a casually friendly tone of voice, but my eyes widened a lot when I realized what she needed help with. I knew that the job of a stagehand would involve some dirty work, but I never thought it would be that literal. However, despite the fact that I knew what she was asking of me, I felt my mouth open on its own before I asked, "W... W-Wait, you... you mean--"

"Yes, I mean that," she said as she cut my words short, and gave me a strangely pert smirk before clarifying, "I usually have my assistant on hand to help me with this sort of thing. But right now, I think she's running an errand in the costume department. So if it isn't too weird for you, could you... maybe give me a diaper change backstage?~"

I wasn't sure how I felt in that surreal moment, while my face was deeply blushed and my palms felt sweaty against the sides of my jeans. But given how friendly the cheetah was acting (at least in comparison to what I saw on the show), combined with her bashful blush, I felt compelled to nod my head without saying anything else. Fuli shot me a grateful smile as she nodded back at me, and lead the way towards the other side of the stage.

As I followed the diapered cheetah, my cheeks were burning while I kept my sights locked on Fuli's bulging attire. Part of me was trying to avoid looking around, just in case I caught any weird glances from other staff for being lead backstage in a manner so unusual. However, I'm fairly sure that even on that first day, my eyes were glued to Fuli's diaper for another reason. Again, I know how weird that may sound, but it wasn't like Fuli gave me much of a choice. As she strided back towards her changing table backstage, her hips were swaying much more notably than what I've seen from her on the show. And even with that thick, messy diaper keeping my focus, I was able to catch the occasional glance she made back at me with a cheeky smirk.

I'm not sure if that was because she liked being watched, or if she liked being watched by me. But whichever reason it was, I was fortunate enough not to be distracted as she lead me towards her table. When I saw the plain white table, the only thing that indicated its purpose was a sign saying 'Property of Susan C. DO NOT USE.' I originally thought it was a catering table when I first saw it earlier that day, but the purpose was evident now as the cheetah hopped up without any effort. "Alright, so my diaper bag is underneath the table to the left. You see it?"

I nodded as I picked up the black travel-sized bag, which looked surprisingly discrete for its purpose. Heck, if I carried that item along with me, I'm sure most people would assume it was my personal laptop bag or something. But as soon as I placed it on the table beside Fuli, the inside of the bag contained all of the essential tools for a diaper change. One of those was a large bottle of baby powder, which was very well-appreciated when I saw Fuli laying on her back right in front of me.

"Hmph~" the cheetah's smirk turned more suggestive as she narrowed her eyes up at me, and spread her legs further apart to accentuate her swollen padding. "So, have you ever changed a diaper before?~"

I sheepishly nodded as I pulled out the essential items, struggling to keep my focus on the task at hand before it felt too weird. While it was true that I've changed several diapers in the past (both for my younger siblings, and once during a babysitting gig I wasn't prepared for), I would've never thought those skills would be implemented for a Disney star. Nevertheless, I already knew I was in too deep to back out as I found a box of sanitary gloves, and wrapped up my hands properly. But before I could begin, I mustered up my composure the best I could as I tried to ask her, "S-So, ummm... Is there any, uhhh... things I should do specifically?"

I was worried that question was unnecessary for the task at hand, but Fuli only shrugged with a smile while she gave a teasing wiggle on the table. "Weeelllllll... you could always check me first~"

In retrospect, I should've known that request was for her own enjoyment; both of us knew for a fact that she didn't need a check, since the smell alone was enough proof that she messed in her diaper. But alas, I could remember timidly nodding again before I slipped one of my hands down between her legs. Fuli tensed up the slightest bit while breathing in, and waited until my fingers graced the elastic around one of her legcuffs to hiss through gritted teeth. The cheetah squirmed the tiniest bit as I sunk two of my fingers beneath the cuff, and pulled it back to get instant confirmation. It was only for a second or two, but the sight of a glossy brown between her legs was enough to make me nod and pull my hand away.

"Y-Yeah!" I could remember blurting awkwardly, while my face felt like it was on fire from my blush. "Yeah, that... that's a full diaper alright..."

Fuli giggled with a more sensual grin as she eyed me with surprising confidence. "That's what I like to hear~" she purred before she leaned herself back, and gave me easier access to the tabs on the sides of her garment. "Considering how expensive these are to get custom-made, I like to think it's good to use them for their full purpose..."

I may have felt beyond uncomfortable, but I couldn't deny the cheetah's logic there. So when I finally undid the tabs on her diaper (and made a preemptive squeeze of her baby powder bottle to give me one pleasant scent during the process), I tried not to wince upon seeing the sheer volume of excrement inside of her thoroughly-used padding. There was enough moisture from Fuli's pee to soak the sides of her padding, and a considerable mound of filth that ran all across the inside from front to back. The smell was nearly unbearable, but I kept a straight face as I tried to say in a friendly tone, "Ummm... Well, it looks like you certainly did a good job, Fuli~"

She giggled in a much more natural tone from my compliment, and was quick to say assuredly, "Please, call me Susan. I'm only Fuli on that stage back there."

"S-Sorry," I muttered before I grabbed several of her wet-naps, and went to work. I kept my breaths as faint as possible while I held her legs up with one hand, and used the other to wipe all of the filth that was caked to her fur. Surprisingly enough, the process wasn't nearly as tedious as I would've feared. I only needed three wipes to get most of the sticky mess cleaned from her rump, before I placed them inside of her used diaper to pull away. I managed to unfold a clean diaper with my free hand while Susan's backside was still lifted off the table, before I lowered her onto the fresh padding. Of course, I still needed a couple more wipes as I brought my attention to her front, and tried to clean up around Fuli's private region.

During the first half of the process, the cheetah remained surprisingly still and silent. And since I was too focused on the actual cleaning, I didn't notice how heavily blushed she was while her face was tensed in arousal. However, the instant she spread her legs apart for easier access of my wipes, I almost froze when I noticed the cheetah's petite sex out in the open. Her small, moistened lips were sporting a rather noticeable shade of red while they were swollen out, and pulsating from each rub of my wipes against her fur. Neither of us spoke a word as I worked as diligently as I could, but we both knew that I was able to see how she felt.

I could remember one brief moment before I finished, when I looked up at Susan's face to make sure she was alright. My blush grew even hotter when I saw her narrowed gaze on me, which was accompanied by a surly smirk that was far beyond normal flirtation. I wasn't sure why I didn't do anything in response to that suggestive look, but I was grateful I didn't as I finished wiping up her crotch. By the time I was finally finished, her throbbing slit was looking especially enticed before I folded the front of that diaper back over her crotch.

I wasn't sure how well I did as I taped her back up, but I was grateful to hear her feedback while I was tossing the dirty diaper into a nearby bin. "I gotta say, that's not too bad for a rookie~" she said in a genuinely impressed tone while she remained laying on the table. "Heck, you didn't even gag from doing it either! My assistant still has that issue sometimes~"

Even though I couldn't blame that assistant at all, I kept my mouth shut about it by the time I looked back at her. "Well, ummm... I'm glad that I was able to help you out, Fu--Err, I mean... Susan."

"Indeed you did~" she said before she sat herself upright on the table, and tilted her head curiously up at me. "You know... it's kinda hard to find someone willing to change me on the fly like that. I've considered hiring someone specifically for that, but well... that's kinda tricky to place an ad for."

I could remember smiling a little as I chuckled to that point, not disagreeing with Susan in the slightest. After I exhaled with a shrug, I was quick to note, "Honestly, I'm sure you could find someone who wouldn't mind that kind of job."

Her eyes narrowed on me as she smiled a little wider, and asked in a near-flirtatious tone, "Oh, really? Do you think you could be that someone?~"

I froze up in an instant, and I felt just as flustered in that moment than I had during Fuli's on-stage messing. Even though I knew she wasn't saying that as a joke, I was still taken aback enough to ask, "You... You want me to, like... b-be your changer?"

The cheetah's smile couldn't have been more sincere as she nodded her head up at me, and said reassuringly, "Well, if it helps, I can guarantee you'll be paid more as my caretaker than you would as a stagehand. Not to mention, you didn't seem to mind keeping an eye on me when I used my previous diaper, hmmm?~"

I had to look away from her after that teasing jab, and rubbed the back of my neck with an awkward blush. Fortunately, Susan was quick to add, "Plus, you did a way better job changing me than my assistant usually does, and I doubt she'd mind you taking her place in that task. So... what do you say? Are you in?~"

When I finally looked back at Susan, who was sprawled-out on her table and practically flaunting her clean diaper, I wasn't sure what compelled me to give her a nervous nod of my head. All that I remember was that after that fateful day, my task as a stagehand was significantly altered from then on.

Between Takes

There were days Baruti longed to return to Cape town, if only to escape the traffic. Taking a moment to compose himself, the well groomed Hyena checked his hair and teeth. Then he practiced adopting the appropriate smile, which was a real trick. With...

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Twilight's diaper change.

Celestia couldn't help biting her lip in uncertainty while standing outside Twilight Sparkle's door, despite the vast level of experience she had under her belt from her near-immortal lifespan. It's been less than a month since the... incident that...

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Jaime's babyfur journal

AN: consructive criticism is apreciated and nice comments are ok but mean one not accepted. If i see one mean comment i will remove this story i dont write for you i write for myself and i dont need to post these online. Thanks and enjoy these...

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