New Friend , New Lover- Chapter 2

Story by Lon3Wulf on SoFurry

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The second semester came up two weeks after Chase and I became mates.We continued our lives as normally and didn't show too much affection outside of our house due to the fear of others.At school, we were normal students but on the inside we wanted to be in each others arms nearly every second.We gave each other smiles whenever we glanced at one another.At home, we are always in each others presence, safety and comfort.Sleeping in each other's arms at night for warmth is a magical scene of happiness.The feeling of pure bliss as we kissed into a loving embrace.I can not see myself without Chase... I hold onto him and care for him with just as much love and care he has given me.His smile is my sun, his arms are my god, and his body is my shelter.His eyes are my ocean of perfect beauty staring back at me.Everything about him is perfect, and I know he and I will stay true.We promised each other.I intend to keep that promise and I know he does too.

One morning as Chase and I enjoyed our breakfast at home alone, the phone rang.I picked the phone up.

"Hello?"I greet with a warm feeling.

"Hey, It's me, Chad.Matt and I found this flyer for the festival this weekend and got this idea." said Chad over the phone.

"Who is it, sweety?" Chase said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck.

"It's Chad, hunny."I said as I turned to nuzzle Chase back."Tell me more about this idea, Chad."I responded as I returned my mouth to the phone.Chase was now placing his ear close to the reciever.

"Well, we thought it would be cute to do a double date... Matt and I and you and Chase... sound okay?... I know if you don't wanna due to the outness of the situation... it's okay." Chad returned.

"What do you think of a double date with Chad and Matt at a festival with weekend, Chase?" I questioned as I turned at stared into my lover's eyes.

"Sounds perfect... tell them we will go..." Chase said as he licked my snout and smiled.

"Well, you heard him, we will happily go!" I exclaimed in joy.

"Alright!I will tell Matt!See ya at school in a few!" said Chad right before he hang up.

"Can't wait for this weekend!Yay!"I said bouncing after I put the phone in the charger.

Chase caught me and held me tightly as he glanced into my happy eyes with me staring into his.We smiled and kissed for a moment.

"I love you so much... you are the best thing that happened to me." we said to each other nearly at the same exact time.This caused us to blush, still staring at each other and then huggle tightly.I looked at the clock for a moment and realized me and Chase had to get going.

"We got to get ready for school... don't wanna have my parents riding our asses for being late... again" I added playfully.

"Alright, let's get ready, Chris..."Chase smiled as he kissed me before heading to our room to grab our stuff and head out for school.

Chase and I raced to school for fun like we do every morn, barging into the lobby and greeting Matt and Chad, where we meet every morning.As we entered the lobby breathless, Chad and Matt we leaning against a wall watching us catch our breath as we etched our way our to them.Matt had a piece of paper in his paw.

"Hey!....How are... ya guys?..."I said nearly out of breath.

"Good." responded Chad.

"So...who won this morning?"inquired Matt playfully with a grin.

"I think... I did..." said Chase bent over, panting for air.

I just shrugged and said "Let's just say after school to settle this on a game of Halo 2 like always?Sound good?"

"As always..." Chase grinned.

"Oh, by the way, here's a copy of a flyer for that festival I told ya about."said Chad smiling as he handed over the flyer.

I glanced at the flyer with Chase looking over my shoulder, glancing down at it.

"Winter Festival.Free to all students attending local high schools.Bring your friends and enjoy." I read off of the flyer.

"Sounds interesting." Chase mentioned still over my shoulder.

"So, this is tomorrow?Sounds okay.Looking forward to it." I smiled as I handed the flyer back to Chad.

"I am.I wanna kiss Chad on the top of the ferris wheel." Matt said as he wrapped his arms around Chad, blushing as he kissed Chad's cheek.

Chad fell silent but then kissed back on the lips of Matt and smiled."Same here, Matt."

"That is so adorable..." Chase said with a small tear in his eye as he nearly mimicked Matt, wrapping his arms around my waist as he planted a kiss on my cheek.

"You are adorable..." I said as my lips pressed up agaisnt Chase's, giving him a warm kiss and smile.

Suddenly, the intercom came up and played some 80's music.This signaled the fact we had five minutes to get to class.

"Well, time to head to our new first periods... sounds like joy..." I said pulling out my new schedule.

Matt, Chase and Chad did the same.

"Mr.Silet.History of War.Room 411." we said one after the other.

"PWNAGE!We all got the same class!" exclaimed Chad.

I hugged Chase as Matt hugged Chad, all of smiling and exclaiming.

"Let's run to class before he busts our asses for being late." said Matt.

The rest of us nodded and we started wallking up the stairs to our destination.

As we entered the room, everyone else was scattered about the room.Some in the back seats, some on the windowsills, some drawing on the dry erase board for fun.We head for the corner of the room, where no one was apprently sitting or near for that matter.As we took our seats, Mr.Silet entered the room as he rubbed his temple and ran over to his desk.He looked like hell in my opinion.The bell rang shortly after his arrival with a flood of students pouring into seats.Mr.Silet clicked and typed away on his computer furiously as if life depended on it.With a final click, he sighed and looked up from the screen, straightened his tie and stood before the class with a clipboard with the attendence in hand.

"Good Morning, class.My name is Mr.Silet.I will be teaching you the history of war for two terms and plan to make it as interesting as possible to my abilities.Now, to start the day, I will give you some good news.Sit where ever you may like, relax while you are in this room but just don't ruin anything."Mr.Silet said smiling somewhat.

The class released cheers and exclamations into the air.

"To start of this class I will need everyone's particapation in today's assignment though...Today, we are-"Mr.Silet said before being interupted be the intercom.

"Sorry for the late annoucements but may we ask everyone to stand for the pledge?"Said the principal.He continued onward with this as everyone got up and placed their hands on their chest and just stood their silently as the principal said every line for us.When it ended, we all sat down."Now in chool related news,..." the principal lead on as he blabbled away.

"How to get rid of that infernal noise called the principal's voice?" said Mr.Silet playfully, casuing the class to giggle loudly.

"I say we blow up the intercom and end everyone's suffering." Matt whispered and making us snicker.

"I heard that!"Mr.Silet said pointing to the back of the class, directly at Matt."That was an excellent opnion and I have an idea.For the begining of class, we will devise ways to end morning annoucements.Don't care how ridiculous or crazy it is, just blurt out ideas."

Matt nearly fainted and blew a sigh of relief.The rest of us slowly relaxed and got into the idea.Soon everyone was shouting out ideas.

"Blow up the school!" from one corner.

"Send the principal to Moscow!" from another.

"Not coming to school!" said Chase playfully.

"Blow up the intercom!" Matt restated.This made Mr.Silet smile as he scribbled the ideas onto the board.

"All brilliant ideas!As with every descion, ideas must be made.Brainstorms must occur.This is very important in war and how it operates." said Mr.Silet, facing the class."But my solution to the annoucements would be tied the principal up and replace that crap 80's with stuff you guys like.I mean, you are the people who listen to it, at least make sure you guys like the music."

The class grew smiles and cheers roared through the atmosphere.

"Mr.Silet, how do you not suck like the rest of the teachers?" said Chad , waving his hand for Mr.Silet's attention.

"I learned to live a little and call me Jeff.Mr.Silet seems to business.I am here to be your friend and make sure when you come to school in the morning, you have fun instead of listen the intercom and take notes.By the way, what is your name?" said Jeff.

"Chad." responded Chad with a smile.

Jeff was suddenly spooked a bit when he heard it.

"Shit!The attendence!Alright, everyone!When I say your name, just say here or something!I don't wanna have "mr.I-don't-know-when-to-shut-the-fuck-up-on-the-intercom breathing down my neck first day of a new semester!" Jeff panicked as he began blurting out names and scribbling on his pad when no one answered.Everyone laughed.He hopped over his deask and typed away at the computer and send the attendence down.He then sighed and looked back at the class.

"Well, I guess now we can start on the assignment and no it won't be boring, I promise."Jeff said playfully.

The class was baffled, looking at one another.We just shrugged and waited for the instructions.

"I want you in groups of four, or whatever and just come up with what your perfect war would be like.I don't care if it had the principal versus George Washington or Mike Tyson beating up George Bush!Make it ridiculous as possible!Make it your perfect war!Go on get started!Draw if ya hafta!List do whatever, just construct your wars!" said Jeff as he sat down and relaxed while everyone got into groups and started chatting loudly.Chase just turned around and looked at the group.

"Well, this teacher kicks major ass."said Chase smiling.

We all agreed and nodded.

"Nazis versus Elites!Beat that!"I said playfully.

"Looney Toons versus Iraq!" said Chad, adding to the list of ideas.

"Oh, no one can beat zombies versus rock bands!" said Chase.

"Didn't anyone think of Tom Cruise versus a chinese finger trap?" said Matt laughing.We all joined in on laughing.

"Alright, we only have three minutes and I just wanted to say... no homework!We will continue this on Monday!Hope to see ya all at the festival this weekend!" said Jeff as he span in his chair.Everyone gathered at the door with their stuff on thier backs.When the bell rang, we got up and headed out the door.

"Bye, Jeff!Have a good weekend!" I said, waving as everyone else did.

"Take care, guys!" responded Jeff.

After the rest of the school day, the gang headed over to Chase's and Chris's like they do every friday for their weekend sleepover. They tossed their bags onto the ground as they entered Chase's and Chris's rooms, taking seats in fronts of the TV as they kicked on the Xbox 360 and watched Halo 2 start up.They picked their respective profiles, picked the gametype and map, and counted down with the countdown.The screen appeared with 4 windows and the game began.Frag and plasma grenades flew through the air, ricochetting off of walls, and onto players.Bullets zoomed around the air, hitting either nothing or someone.The announcer screamed "Gained the lead!" , "Lost the lead!" ,"Double kill!" ,"Triple kill!", "Un-freaking-believable!" and finally "Game Over!" through the course of 30 minutes.

"Yes!Once again, we prevail!" said Chris and Chase, dancing and smiling in glory of their victory.

"Once again, we lose by nearly a million points in a team slayer match." said Matt looking at Chad, giggling.

"Alright, this time free for all!" said Chad with a grin.

"How 'bout a game of Juaggernaut, then?" said Chase.

"Capture the flag!" exclaimed me.

"Quiet down before someone goes deaf!" said my mom."By the way guys, mail."She handed out two packages.One for Chris and one for Chase.

"Do ya think?-" I inquired.

"Let's find out!" Chase shouted.

The two flamedramon ripped open the packages viciously.Matt and Chad had their heads over Chase and Chris's shoulders.

"YAY!I got Dead Rising!My order came in!" screamed Chase, now happy as a schoolgirl.

"Saint's Row!" I blurted in joy, giving Chase a high five.

"Okay, let me go deaf... not like I ordered these without a thank you or anything..." said my mom playfully.

"Thanks!" said Chase and I, hugging my mother simultaneously.

"You love birds just enojoy yourselves,okay?" said my mother playfully.

"Umm...w-what are you talking about mom?" I said, shaking slightly with a nervous tone.

My mother gave me a look and answered "I know about you and Chase, dear... I am okay with it, just keep the noise down while you two "sleep" okay?" said my mother with a grin.Chase and I were in a full blush.Scuffing our feet on the ground and looking down."And you two, same thing applies.I know about you two as well.I am fine with all of this just... keep the noise down... I don't wanna hear "Oh Chase" or "Oh Matt" at 3:30AM.Okay,now?" my mother said, grinning and leaving the room.Chad, Matt, Chase and I were in a deep blood-red blush and nodded as my mom left.

"Well... that was... um...." said Chad.

"Awkward?..." said Chase.

"Yeah..." Matt said with his head hung.

"As long as she is okay with you and I,... I am perfectly okay with her knowing about us." I stated as I held Chase, looking into his eyes with a warm smile.A tear ran down the two flamedramon's eyes as they pressed each other's lips together and murred slightly.

"I don't who knows, if I have your hand in mine... I can be happy... knowing I have you..." said Chase, teary eyed and smiling.

"I love you, Chase... so much..." I responded as I nuzzled Chase's neck lovingly.

"I love you so much as well,Chris.." Chase said in return into my ear.

"I can't top what he said but I will do the same for you, Chad... always have...always will..." Matt whispered into Chad's ear.

"And I will do the same for you, Matt." returned Chad.The room was now filling up with emotion.Tears and love bloomed in the atmosphere.

"Come on, let's have some fun... I don't mean to kill the moment but... I wanna save the love making for tonight." winked Chase at me.

"So, which is first?Zombies or gangs?" question Matt and Chad.

"Hmmmm, let's kill some gang members before slaughtering zombies,hun." I said.

"Long as we are having fun with one another, no game matters." Chase responded with his finger holding up my chin as he licked my cheek.We both murred and smiled at each other, happy to be with one another.Matt and Chad had started making out as Chase and I turned to resume sitting down to play Saint's Row.The two blushed and stopped, giggling as they resume sitting next to each other with Chad's head on Matt's shoulder and Matt's head on Chad's.I placed my arm around Chase as the game started up and relaxed in his company.We all watched and tok turns wrecking havoc in the town of stilwater.Watching cars explode, flaming hookers and pimps run around screaming as we shot down an endless police force and gang retaliation squad.

We continued this for about four hours, still in our lover's company.The clock read 7:30.

"Wanna kill zombies now, Chase?" I asked Chase.

"Sure..." Chase yawned and answered "Gangbangers get old..."

"You tired already, Chase?It's only 7:30." stated Matt.

"Naw... just need a stretch and I should be fine..." Chase said as he began to stretch and crack his knuckles and back.

"First dibs on Dead Rising!" Chad exclaimed as he pounced towards the player 1 controller.He picked it up and we watched the game start up as Chase sat back down.I put my arms back around him and he put his back around me.

Matt cuddled Chad and laid his head on Chad's and muttered "My little zombie-slaying guilmon."

Chad just murred and nuzzled back with a smile.

I relaxed with Chase who now postioned himself in my lap, realxing with me as Chad began kicking zombies like Jackie Chan.

At 10:43, we all yawned and began to stretch after turning off the Xbox 360.

"Burrr!" Chad said shivering."It's getting friggen cold out!"

We all were cold and shivered slightly.

"Our room had to be the one with the fucky heating in the house..." I said looking at Chase.

"I gots an idea.Let's all sleep in the same bed." said Matt playfully.

"I second the motion!" Chad blurted, impersonating a lawyer for fun and sheer randomness.

"I don't mind ,do you, hunny?" questioned Chase.

"Not really.I mean we are all gay, not like we haven't slept in a bed, naked with another guy before... just now it's 4 guys in one bed... oh the possibilities..." I said grinning, trembling a bit.

"My naughty flamey!" Chase proclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.He then picked me up and ran over to the bed, baring me in arms.Chad and Matt walked over as Chase leapt on the bed with me.

"Will there be any room for all of us?" Chad said.

"We could always have a group snuggle for warmth." Matt responded with a giggle as he picked Chad up and brought him onto the bed.

"Sounds like a plan..." I said, pulling my shirt over my head.I tossed into across the room and started to unbutton my pants.

Everyone else started stripping and throwing clothes until we all were in our boxers.We all noticed each other's bulge and blushed, shaking slightly.Chase opened the sheets and slid under, then gestured for the rest to follow playfully.I got under the covers and began to spoon with him, murring with a warm smile.Matt and Chad came in and began to spoon as well, everyone was still trembling.This gave the bed the feeling of a slight earthquake.I began to slide my own and Chase's boxers off and bring them off our ankles.I got them both off, leaving my erect cock firmly against his ass.Chase began to emit a low moan as I pressed harder against him and wrap my hand around his member and give it a tightly squeeze.

"Your hands are freezing, but your dick is so hawt..." whispered Chase into my ear.

"Oh is my cock that warm, hunny?" I said with a playful grin and tone as I pressed the tip of my member onto Chase's tailhole.

Chase moaned like a madman "Oooooh Chris..."

"Having fun you, two?" Chad giggled playfully.Chase and I turned our heads and saw that Matt and Chad were completly nude and erect.Matt had his very large cock rubbing against Chad's tailhole, both moaning in bliss.Chase began to push against my cock which signaled he wanted me to dom him.I gave his cock a tight squeeze and began to slide my manhood into my lover.Both of us moaning loudly as every inch entered Chase.Chase put his hands on my hips and began to mve them in a humping motion.With my hand still around his cock, I began to stroke him off slowly as both our tongues were lolling out of our mouths.Matt plunged himself into Chad, which caused his member to poke my cheek a bit.They nearly moaned in sequence with Chase and I, we were just moaning our respective lover's names.The air was filled with murrs, moans, and mutters of names and "I love you"s.Chase began to squirm in pleasure and cause us to roll over so we were facing Chad and Matt, who were going nuts.I began to push Chase's groin closer to Chad's and Matt started to move Chad's towards Chase's.The flamedramon cock of Chase and the guilmon cock of Chad began to press against one another, causing the two to moan in exstacy.I began to increase the speed of humping as did Matt.Matt gestured his head for me to make me roll back over.I did so and was still humping Chase widly til I felt something plunge with a great force into me.A loud moan and yelp were muttered from my muzzle.It was Chad's cock that had entered me like that, which was Matt's intention.He began to hump harder and faster and now everyone was moaning, covered in sweat as it ran down our bodies and nearing orgasm like a rapidly-flowing flood ready to break down a dam.Chad was the first one to climax, releasing his seed deep into my tailhole, thrusting with each fire of hot, flaming cum.He moaned and laid between me and Matt has he domming me and being dommed by Matt.The cum began to dribble out my tailhole as Chad continued to pump his still erect member into me.Chase blew his load a few minutes later, covering my hand in his love seed.I brought my hand up to his mouth where he began to suckle on one finger and I leaned in to suckle another.We moaned on each finger we had our lips around, swirling to get the yummy sperm into our tummies.I couldn't hold my climax any longer.I fired blast after blast of cum into Chase's bowels, filling him up as his ass dribbled seed.I thrusted with each gooey shot of my sperm, harder and faster each one until I was basically slamming myself into Chase.Matt suddenly howled and released his batch of wolfy cum into Chad and knotted him as well.Cum dripped slowly from Chad, now joining the rest of the seed seeping into the sheets.We all feel to our left and laid down, cum-drenched and moaning in a puddle of a mixture of our own seed.Panting and convulsing in pleasure, we tried to somewhat disconnect ourselves from one another.I pulled myself out of Chase as Chad pulled out of me.Matt had to wait a few minutes for his knot to disappear which it did as we waited in our cum puddle.When he finally got out of Chad, we all gathered up, still sticky with seed, and snuggled with our arms around each other with a comforter covering us to keep warmth in.

"Love ya guys, G'night..." I said as I passed out and laid in Chase's hold.

"Night guys, love you Chris..." Chase whispered as he drifted off.

"Sweet dreams and nighty night" said Chad."Love ya, Matt..." sleeping in Matt's big arms.

"Mmmm, night guys, love ya... chad..." Matt responded as he snoozed.

New Friend, New Lover

Character List: Chris(me):a black flamedramon and also the narrator of the story Chase:a dark blue flamedramon who has his similarities with Chris. Chad:the enthusiastic guilmon and the lover of Matt.Friends with Chris. Matt:the calm...

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