A lovely Nightmare

Story by Tanhi Makto on SoFurry

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Simon Rookmaster arrived at camp Walsingham at 1900 hours and, as he had suspected, it was deserted. There was no sign of the garrison at all and weeds were growing everywhere. Simon noticed that some of them appeared to be juvenile Alurane and took action, spraying them with a special anti herbicide. Back in officer school, his classmates had dubbed him 'spyman' because of his keen eye and general skill in getting information. He quickly conducted a search of the base but found nothing, just empty buildings and a few rodents.

Since it was getting dark, he decided to find the most comfortable barracks and turn in for the night. Finding the NCO barracks to be in the best condition, he set up his stretcher in the middle of the largest room.

He cooked one of the rat packs he had with him, the army called them "Ready To Eat" but the soldiers called them ready to excrete. He choked the awful food down and followed it with a warm cup of tea, and a dash of Brandy that he had found in the mess kitchen.

After making sure his pistol was loaded and within reach, Simon crawled into his sleeping bag and turned off his lamp. Almost as soon as he closed his eyes he felt himself drifting off to sleep, which he found odd as his analytical mind seldom let that happen, it often ran through the days events and plans for the next before "switching off".

But that didn't bother him, as he was in the midst of a wonderful dream.

A beautiful woman, with a body that could only be described as perfect had appeared before him. Her long, silky black hair, falling past her knees; shimmered in the light of a full moon, and her wide hips swayed as she walked towards him.

Simon was by no stretch of the imagination inexperienced with women, but this woman was making him act like a horny school boy who was lusting after a teacher.

Seeing the look on his face, the woman gave a sly smile and licked her lips.

The next thing Simon knew he was naked and fully hard, the perfect woman appeared mere inches from him in a flash, and pushed him to the ground. She landed on top of him, and without a single word reached between his legs to grab his throbbing member.

Giving it a few perfunctory strokes she positioned herself and impaled the length of it inside her with a grimace of pleasure. Simon felt sure he was going to climax at any moment but something, perhaps his desire to enjoy the warm tightness as long as possible or some other factor kept him from doing so. The raven haired beauty was now riding him with a slow, measured pace. Simon tried to thrust up, but found that he couldn't, she seemed to sense his frustration because she smirked and let out a laugh that sounded like tinkling glass. For what seemed like hours, she slowly, almost purposely rode him- bringing him to the edge countless times. The sensation was quite literally maddening, and just as he thought he was going to lose his mind, she allowed him to cum. It was the most painful, yet pleasurable Simon had ever had. He came so long and hard, it was like multiple orgasms at the same time. The clenching muscles and rapid breathing told him that he had only been allowed release because she had come too.

The next day, Simon woke up to sunlight shining on his face. He felt more tired than ever, as though he had run a marathon in his sleep. Remembering the dream he had had, his penis began to get hard, swiftly resolving to stay focussed on his mission he found the bathroom. After a cold shower, which Simon for once didn't complain about he set about conducting a through sweep of base and the surrounding area.

Searching an abandoned storehouse, his mind began to wander and he began thinking of the dream woman. But now, in the light of day he could think clearly about it. Recalling the corps motto "Manui Dat Cognitio Vires" he set about using a process of elimination. He knew that MGE-1 was inhabited by all female monsters, his problem was which one had attacked him last night? Simon knew that it had only come to him in his sleep, that it was extremely forward, and that it had made him cum a huge load. He saw her in his minds eye, she had been exactly the type of woman he fantasised about, beautiful, curvaceous and straight forward. And her eyes, those deep green eyes! "WAIT!" he yelled, those eyes had a look of nervousness, and fear that was totally at odds with her behaviour. Simon began thinking aloud "came to me in the night, exactly my fantasy woman, aggressively forward, but is actually timid and scared." He knew what the monster was now.

That night, Simon did everything as he usually did not giving any sign that he had any inkling of knowing. He got into his sleeping bag, and pretended to be asleep as he had learnt in training. It wasn't long before he sensed the Nightmare's presence.

He waited until she got within reach before striking. With a burst of speed he reached up and grabbed her wrist as she was reaching down to touch him.

The nightmare froze, with a look of fear on her reddening face. "I, I I..." she stammered before fainting. Simon stood there, not quite knowing what to do, he had attempted to catch her but it had happened too fast. As a Captain, he was supposed to be a gentleman, and a gentleman would stay and care for a woman. Simon paced thinking out loud "she's not really a woman, she's a monster, get out of here whilst you can!" But Simon looked down and saw her face, she looked rather pretty, in a cute way and she had looked so scared when he grabbed her. He considered that she fed on semen, and that with no men around, she must have been starving. Technically she had only stolen his because she was hungry, and besides he'd enjoyed it. His mind made up, Simon fetched a bowl full of water and a cloth from the bathroom and began to wash her face. Soon the cold water had an effect and she began to come to. Her eyes fluttered open and focused on his face, when she saw it was him, her legs began to kick and she looked like she might pass out again. "It's OK, I'm not going to hurt you" he reassured her "y-you're not? She asked meekly.

"No, just lie still, you fainted and you need to get your strength back. Here, have some water." He added, offering her his canteen. Giving it a cautious sniff before drinking it down ,she looked at him with fearful eyes. "Why are you being so kind to me?" she asked, after a long silence. Simon took a deep breath before answering "well, I don't really see that you've done any real harm. I know that your kind feeds off human semen, and that you must have been starving, with no men around. What you did is no more than I would have done in such a situation."

"Really?" she asked, incredulous. "Yes, really, and to be honest I think you're beautiful he said. She blushed at that "you're just saying that" she murmured, looking at the floor.

Simon, sighed and got up "come on-" he said, offering his hands "lets get you on her feet-umm hooves, shall we?" Hands trembling, she took his outstretched hands and with a gentle squeeze, he helped her up. She was a little unsteady, and grasped his arms tightly for support. Simon smiled down at her and she smiled nervously up at him, with tears in her eyes. "That's better, you have a lovely smile" he said as he wiped her eyes. "My name's Simon, what's yours?" he continued. "Echo" she replied with a bit more confidence. "That's a beautiful name" Simon told her. "Echo, there's something I want to do, but I want your permission first." She gave a slight nod "I want to kiss you, okay?" with a nod she whispered a small yes. Simon caressed her face with both hands and then leaned down and gave Echo the most passionate kiss he had ever given a woman before.

When they stopped, Simon was surprised to see that she was crying. "What's wrong , was it too much?" Simon asked anxiously. "I-it's not that" she sniffed "then what is it? He replied. "I'm still so hungry! Last night wasn't enough." As if on cue, her stomach let out a huge rumble which was enough to set her off in earnest. She was wailing now, and tears were pouring down her face. Simon held her tightly and gently massaged her ear "shush, it's okay, I know you're still hungry. I've prepared for tonight." The soothing words and the physical comfort calmed her down. "Y-y-you have?" she asked; sobs still racking her body. "Yes, I have, I'm ready to give you as much as I can."

Echo nervously kicked the ground with a fore hoof "are you sure, even if I'm like this?" she said sheepishly. In spite of himself, Simon grinned and gently grabbed her chin and raised her head "yes, now do you want me?" Blushing, Echo nodded enthusiastically.

Simon Took of his PT shirt and DPM trousers and then reached over to take off Echo's hooded tunic with its semi-precious stones and gold lacing. Simon looked eagerly between her fore legs, but saw no sign of her pussy. "Umm, it's-it's you know" she said timidly. "Ah of course, forgive me." Simon said, mentally kicking himself. He took her hands in his and intertwined their fingers "I want you to pull down my boxers, Echo." He whispered into her ear. She shook her head "come on I'll guide you" slowly he led her hands to the waistband "now, slide your fingers in." She complied without hesitation. "That's it, now pull down." He encouraged her. She did so, and her eyes widened at the sight of his manhood. Seeing the hungry look in those same eyes, Simon gave her a kiss, and slowly made his way to her rear-end, stroking her flank as he went. When he was right behind her, she flicked her tail to one side and Simon saw that see had a vagina just like any Mare on his father's estate, but he looked up and saw her face looking back at him and he was filled with love and lust. Feeling the heat and seeing the glistening hole 'winking' at him, Simon lost no time in thrusting into her. He gasped at just how tight and smooth she was. It was like nothing he had ever experienced. Echo too was in ecstasy, biting her bottom lip, and caressing her breasts. Simon grabbed her flank as he thrust in and out of her "Mmmm! Faster, deeper!" Echo moaned as he slammed into her.

"Ohhh, Echo! You're so good!" gasped Simon in reply. Soon he felt is orgasm building and with a groan, he buried himself deep inside Echo's sucking pussy and blew his first load. Standing behind her, still holding her flank to support himself after his orgasm Echo spoke up "I'm so close" she breathed. "Sorry, it'll be a little while before I can go again." apologised Simon. "But I can do this-"He said, dropping to his knees. "What a-AHHH!" Echo began to ask, before Simon answered by licking her clit and sticking three fingers in her soaking cunt. "Simon! I'm going to; stop Simon I'm going to-"

Echo began to stamp her hoof and then her vaginal walls contracted around Simon's fingers and he felt a warm liquid hit his face. Echo had pissed because of her orgasm; it was gushing out, and Simon dashed forward and caught the last of it in his mouth. He was as surprised by his actions as he was by the taste; it was sweet more than sour, like apple juice. "I'm so embarrassed!" cried Echo "I peed all over you when I came!" "It's Okay, Simon assured her. "Look, I'm hard again." He said teasing the entrance to her still hungry hole. "You ready to go again?" A weak "uh-huh" was all she could answer with.

So he eased himself into her, and began ploughing into her amazing warmth "Echo! This is amazing! I love you, Echo!" She began rocking back and forth in time to his thrusts "Simon, I love you too!" And as they yelled each others names, they both came.

As they lay next to each other, Simon said "Echo, I'll stay with you and feed you every day, I really do love you." She kissed him, and they fell asleep holding hands with smiles on their faces.