Stranded Desires

Story by vallygirlly on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories

Tony and his swimming team friends are stranded on an island after a plane crash along with a rival team. While needing to work together they find themselves constantly at odds with each other. Now they deal with hardships and secret desires while trying to survive.

(Contains Yaoi/Gay scenes)

You never think it would happen but it's always in the back of your mind. That moment or event that could occur but you're always so sure won't; or at least you hope it won't. But sometimes fate is funny with how things go.

It seemed for Tony fate was against him. The wolf hound of 20 years was he top of his swim team for the University of Bluepaw. He and his team had managed to reach all the way to the top, finishing first in every swimming race. They were now on their way for the nationals and part of it was thanks to Tony's skills and speed.

Of course one would not see this as bad but for Tony it was. He'd help his university win out of the sake of duty and necessity but in truth he feared what it meant for winning. The pressure of trying to make it into the big leagues, how it would seem that everyone would out their faith in him to win, and worst of all if it meant leaving his hometown of Bluepaw.

Tony never really traveled because he was always the type to keep a comfort zone. His home. His school. Among his friends and favorite spots in in town. Even in the pool, swimming and stroking back and forth through the water. All of these were things he felt comfortable with. But the idea of going an entire country away, so far from the place he knew and loved, he worried what that would bring.

His father had always told him "Tony, my son, you can't make the world any smaller than it is. You just have to grow as big as it is." While not the most memorable of advice to be given Tony understood what was meant. He knew it would be time before he felt good about being outside Bluepaw he just didn't feel ready now.

Nothing could stop that now however as Tony was already at the airport with his team, readying for the flight to where the nationals would be held. He sat near the window looking out to the passing planes on the runways, the ones taking off in the distance, and the clouds forming in the sky.

As Tony sat a ways from where the rest of the team was one of his friends, Marshal, had spotted where he was sitting. He was a Doberman at the same age as Tony and most of the others on his team, dresses in the same pair of sweats and matching hoody with the blue and white emblem of their university on the back and front.

After sitting down and looking out to the same scene as Tony he asked "Hoping the weather gets bad, right?"

Not looking towards him Tony sighed with anxiety "I've never flown before. I've seen it on TV and movies."

"Right." Marshal nodded. "And in half of those the planes always crashes." Seeing his friend's more nervous expression made him roll his eyes "You know that pretty much never happens. And anytime it does it's always a freak accident."

"I know. I know." He groaned. "It's just... God, Marshal. I didn't think we'd get this far. That I'd get this far. But now that we're here I'm just so....nervous. I've never even been outside town before. And now all this. It's happening so fast."

Seeing how upset he was getting Marshal tried to think of a way to calm him down. Some of the others on the team noticed but Marshal waved them off, not wanting more negative attention given to the situation. He reached over and put his hand on Tony's shoulder, rubbing it and patting it lightly.

"Look, Tony, I know you're worried. So am I. So are the rest of the team. Even Coach is probably trying to hold back letting out an ocean of piss at this point." The joke made Tony chuckle a little. "But that's the point of it, man. I'm not trying to sound cheesy or nothing but when you get down to it, going out of your comfort zone is part of growing up. And you're already 20, dude. Better start doing it now before you're wearing diapers again in your golden days."

An unbeatable smirk came over Tony's face as he retorted "Funny. You're wearing them now and you seem old enough." The two shared a laugh at Tony's joke before he nodded and said "You always know just what to say, don't you?"

With a shrug Marshal replied "Part of my charm. Admit it, man. You love it."

Tony nodded before finally turning to face his friend. The wolf and Doberman smiled at each other as close friends could ever do. For as long as they knew each other they always knew how to comfort one another. The way they were almost drawn to each other at times.

Marshal felt himself lean closer and closer to Tony before he was stopped, the wolf's hand on his chest as he softly said "Not here. Not in front of everyone.... Not yet."

He nodded in agreement before taking a quick glance around to make sure no one on the team had seen. As far as either knew no one had but what they didn't know was that the near intimate moment had been spotted. Alex, a small young otter among the taller more strapping lads, had peaked the scene from the corner of his eye. He too saw that no one else had seen but kept it to himself. For now.

The entire teams attention was taken when they heard the boarding for their flight, Coach calling out "You heard it, team. Let's get moving."

The coach, a large brown bear that was greying around the fur on his face for his age, stood at the entrance and took a head count of each member; Marshal and Tony being the last before he went through.

As he followed the rest of his team Tony looked ahead at Marshal. They'd nearly kissed in front of everyone and that was something else Tony was still coming to grips with. What they'd done together in secret, something Tony never thought would happen, was almost unbelievable even to him. But it was secret for a reason because who knew how they would be treated if everyone knew. How they'd judge and so.

But Tony could never forget how it all started a few weeks ago, after winning another race that brought them closer to the Nationals they were on their way to now...


<i> A few weeks ago... </i>

Another victory for the Bluepaw University swim team thanks to Tony. The young wolf had proven his swimming legs yet again as he managed the final stretch against Violettail and secured their spot further up the chain to Nationals. Everyone was still talking about it even in the locker room as they changed and readied to leave.

Tony was barley in any of the conversations. He was too busy worrying about what it would mean if by the next race they did win and would have to travel out of Bluepaw. Here and there someone would talk to him or shout nearby and he would give a quick reply but for the most part he stayed to himself. He barely changed for that matter, still in only his blue and white speedo, the matching colors for his school, as he seemed too perplexed by the idea.

Eventually Coach came in and started his usual little pep talk before they left. The big brown bear Coach Atkins, or just 'Coach' as they all called him, used to be a swimmer like them. He still had clues on how his body was shaped that said as much, but retirement before becoming a coach had taken its toll on his stomach. It had grown plump and a little bouncy from the lake of exercise replaced with the need for sweets. Even so he was still large and strong and still had the knowledge he could pass to those like Tony and the others.

After his speech Coach let everyone out, all but Tony still behind, before asking "Coming, Star Swimmer?" calling him by his nickname.

Tony finally met his sight and answered "I might just hang around for a little bit longer, Coach. Get some more practice in for the next meet."

He nodded with approval before warning "Just make sure you're not too late. They need to lock up in a few hours."

Tony nodded before turning back to his locker. He could feel Coach still watching him, perhaps trying to asses if he had other plans in mind for staying behind. But Tony knew Coach knew him better than that. He wasn't any sort of trouble maker. Perhaps he was just taking in how a lot depended on him now to help them come closer to reaching their goal; which only served to build Tony's anxiety. When Coach finally did leave he took a deep breath and took a seat at the nearby bench.

He sat there for a few minutes trying to calm himself and think before hearing someone come from behind. He jumped to his feet only to feel relieved to discover it was friend Marshal. The athletic Doberman wore only his jacket and speedo underneath. He leaned against the locker with a confident smile on his face while looking at his friend.

"Good work out there, man." Marshal said. "You were like a torpedo."

Bashfully Tony replied "Thanks. I mean I think I could do better."

Marshal sighed and said "Dude, stop doing that. You were fine. More than that. You were great."

Tony still seemed bashful about it to where he turned away from his friend. He didn't realize until he looked back that Marshal had walked up to him, standing very close to where he was now. Tony looked up only to see the same smile on his face. Tony looked confused at his friend's action, trying to see if something was wrong.

"You were great, Tony. The way you moved. The way you pushed yourself. It was amazing."

"Uh...thanks. I mean I just tried as hard as I could."

"I know." Marshal said before reaching out both paws onto Tony's shoulders. He pushed his friend back slightly until he was up against the lockers behind, saying "And I think you deserve something as a reward for all that hard work."

At first Tony wasn't sure what was going on, this being the first time Marshal had ever acted this way around him. Before he knew it his questions were being answered as Marshal leaned in, Tony quickly questioning what he was doing. He didn't answer nor could he as his lips planted against Tony's.

Tony's eyes went wide before wincing at the feeling. Marshal was actually kissing him! How long had he wanted to do this? How long had he felt this way about Tony? So many questions went through his mind even as he lightly resisted, trying to push Marshal off of him.

When he broke away Marshal said "I really like you, Tony. I know we've been friends for a while now but I've felt very different about you ever since you joined this team with me. The way you're always pushing yourself. And how amazing you look in your speedo."

After mentioning it Tony realized one of Marshal's paws was reaching down, feeling the bulge in front and how it was starting to stimulate. Tony felt his member contort at the touch, pushing against the speedo as if trying to break free. He closed his eyes, bite his lip, and began to breathe more erratically.

"Muh-Marshal... D-Don't...." he winced.

He didn't listen as he continued to feel the outlines of Tony's penis underneath. It became more and more erect out of reaction than anything else. Marshal's own manhood was stiffening under his speedo, pulsing and beating to be let free. Even with his smile Marshal continued to lick his lips at the prospect of how this would all end.

Eventually Marshal knelt down, turning Tony around in the process, before cupping both cheeks of the wolf's buttocks. Tony's tail lifted out of habit which gave his friend more of a view of the firm rear he had; all the working out and swimming helping to shape it so. Tony glanced back at the corner of his eye seeing the more than pleased look Marshal had as he continued to grope and squeeze them. At one point he stopped only to remove his jacket, now wearing nothing but a speedo as Tony was, before continuing.

"God, Tony. Your ass is perfect."

Before he knew it Tony felt his speedo being pulled down his legs, Marshal's paws rubbing his furry legs all the way down until they were around his ankles. Marshal held each and helped to slip the speedo off of them, tossing it away to leave Tony as naked as the day he was born.

Tony felt helpless yet invigorated. Scared yet relieved. He didn't know what the right feeling for it was. Part of his was surprised at his friend for so many years suddenly doing this. And yet another part of him liked this. No one ever touched him this way before and to be honest it felt good. He just never thought his first time would be with someone like Marshal.

As Marshal spread his cheeks Tony flinched, the eager Doberman smirking "You're so sensitive, man. Bet no one's ever tried to do this to you before."

His thumb came around and teased against his hole before inserting it, Tony gave a loud gasp before covering his mouth. Even Marshal paused before they both realized no one else was around. It was all he needed as he pressed further and further in, feeling Tony shiver at the touch.

"God. It's so warm." Marshal commented while licking his lips a little.

His digit continued to poke in and out of his friend's butthole as the wolf hopelessly took it without resistance. His anus constantly clenched and released while quivering like the rest of him.

Eventually Marshal stopped to Tony's mixed relief and confusion. He was turned around by Marshal before being brought to the bench. His friend sat him down before pushing him lightly to that he was lying down with his back on the bench itself.

As he sat there Tony's erect penis twitched and bobbed much to his surprise. He'd been too distracted by Marshal's probing to realize how excited he was getting. Even Marshal had noticed and smirked at him, Tony's blushing face trying to hide.

Tony soon watched as Marshal pulled his speedo off while saying "Now it's my turn."

He tossed it away before stepped towards Marshal. For a moment he stood there and admired the moment of the two of them alone, fully naked and hot with pleasure, before taking position. He brought one leg over and turned his body so that his butt was a mere inch from Tony's nose. He gently lowered himself onto Tony's chest and made sure not to put too much weight; not that he doubted his strong, athletic body could take it.

"Go on, Tony." He looked back. "Show me what you've got."

For a moment Tony hesitated before slowly bringing his nose to touch against Marshal's anus. The whiff of it was somewhat foul yet intoxicating. His hands came up to spread his cheeks before his fingers tickled around the hole. Unlike Tony Marshal's back arched a little as he breathed with relief and excitement.

He can't remember what it was. A spur of the moment? Something he'd once seen late night on cable when no one else was home? Just a natural instinct? Either way Tony soon felt the fingers weren't enough. He reached up, his tongue poking out like a soft edge of a pen, and plunged against his butthole.

Marshal let out a shocked "Oh! Fuck!" Before he hissed and smiled "Oh yeah! That's more like it, Tony. Use that tongue!"

Admits his cries Marshal had managed to reach his hands down and feel Tony's erect manhood. He wasted no time and began to stroke the shaft while his fingers cradled and fondled his balls. He moaned as the wolf's lapping tongue continued to make sport of it anus before reaching down to suckle the penis. Feeling Marshal's hot breath and dripping saliva all over his sensitive member only served to invigorate his need to continuing licking.

Marshal would pause from his sucking to let out little cries of "Yeah. Keep going. Just like that!" before going back to it, knowing it kept Tony as invested as he was. Finally he cried out "I'm gonna cum! I-I...OOOHHH!"

His own member spurted and dripped as white, hot streams fell against Tony's chest. The wolf's grey and white fur was stained and sticky, something even he could feel. Tony stopped and Marshal's orgasm brought him to stop his actions on his penis, needing to level himself on Tony's knees before standing. He sat up and touched the damped spots on his chest, feeling a little disgusted yet not minding.

Marshal needed to catch his breath while saying "Sorry *huff* Tony. It's just *huff* I mean 'whew', that was fucking amazing."

Tony blushed again before saying "It's okay."

Marshal soon looked and realized "But you're not done yet." Pointing to his still at-attention member. "Guess we'll need to fix that." As he recovered Marshal thought before smirking "I know."

A little confused Tony watched as his friend stood him up from the bench and took a moment to kiss him. Tony returned it this time before Marshal leaned over, supporting his hands on the bench. His rear was now pointed at Tony with his small tail raised and his cheeks up in the air.

"Come on, Tony. Finish it." He said with slight look of desperation. "Don't quit me now."

As Tony put together what he wanted he seemed hesitant at first. All was happening so fast he still had trouble processing it all. The look on Marshal's near pleading face seemed to win him over, it being the least he could do for his friend after they both came so far. Tony rationalized that at this point there was no reason not to.

Grabbing a hold of Marshal's hips Tony pointed his cock at his hole. Slowly he pressed Marshal cooed with anticipation. Finally Tony pushed but a little but enough to penetrate. He'd finally felt his penis enter into Marshal and felt it like a wet, clenching hot towel around his member. Tony gasped himself at how it felt, so dirty and yet so good. Like an unyielding drug Tony didn't want the feeling to end.

As Tony thrust himself further and further with each short but powerful push Marshal yelled out "Yes! Yeah! FUCK! AH YEAH!"

Tony continued and yelped little bouts of "Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh! Yeah!" A few more moments passed before he stammered "I-I'm feeling it, Muh-Marshal. I'm-I'm going to-to-Ah! Ah!" It built more and more and more until "Marshal...I-I...I lo-"


A hard push followed by a "Hey! Watch it!" snapped Tony back to reality and out of his daydreams. It took a brief moment for him to realize during his little trip down memory lane he'd walked onto the plan and into the aisle of seats where the rest of his team was.

The one who'd pushed him, as he soon began to see, was someone from one of the rival teams for the Nationals. He recognized them first by their uniforms, all red and grey hoodies and sweats with the emblem of Scarletclaw University on them. The one swimmer in question was a tough looking mane-less lion male. He looked back at Tony with a cold look before taking his seat a few rows up with the rest of his team.

From behind Coach, having seen what happened, asked "Everything okay, Tony?"

This brought Tony out of his little unfriendly gaze at the other boy before saying "Fine, Coach."

He took his seat next to Marshal before Coach soon sat down with everyone else as well. As everyone readied Tony looked out at the nearest window to take one last look at seeing Bluepaw from ground level. An uneasy look was on his face at the fear of seeing it again.

Noticing Marshal asked "You alright, man?"

Tony looked back and nodded "Yeah. Just....just feeling a little more ready now."

Marshal nodded before relaxing in his seat. Tony too relaxed as best he could despite the still unsettling gut feeling he had. It calmed but a little as his hand found its way to Marshal's, both clasping together. They didn't need to look at each other to know they were there for the other.

Within time the plane would take off and the team from Bluepaw would be on their way for the Nationals. Sadly the flight would not reach its destination as a violet storm brewed in their path...

To be continued....

Interstellar Secrets

**Star Date: 3/15/2508** **Planet: LV-455** **Ship: USS Pioneer, Captain Walter Irons; crew of 200** **Mission: Mining vessel with intent to secure, extract and return valuable minerals and fuel sources to home base; planet Earth.** **Report:...

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