The Invisible Admirer

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Commission for Etis.

"Woah, when did you get a Nintendo 3DS?"

"Huh? Oh, one of the caretakers let me borrow it..."

In the confines of Vell's care home, the young bat sat with his friend and secret lover, Etis, the pair of them cross-legged on his bed. It was yet another day where Vell had been asked to stay in, and he was forced to invite Etis over rather than go and hang out at his apartment. He didn't like being in the care home that much: the other children were particularly intrusive a lot of the time, and he had to share a room. Etis' apartment was nice and quiet.

Etis didn't seem to mind, though; he didn't have a lot to do most of the time and Vell still needed a little bit of guidance with his new abilities, though he had a good grip on them now. Regardless, it gave him something to do other than go out and feed all the time.

Sitting across from them was Leo, a young wolf boy who had come to know the two of them very well. Unlike them, however, he was stepped in books and paper, apparently studying and completing homework for school. He occasionally raised his head to shoot the pair a lingering glance, wanting to join in, before he'd return to his work and quietly grumble to himself. Vell sympathised a little, but Leo had a habit of leaving his homework until the last minute: Vell, on the other hand, had already got it all done.

"Guys! Dinner's ready, get done here." A voice called, and on cue, the boys get up and trudged their way downstairs, leaving their possessions behind. The caretakers of their little care home had already prepared up meals for them, along with Etis, who was expected to either stay the night or leave soon-after: in either case, they had coaxed Vell into preparing a sleeping bag, unbeknownst to them that Vell and Etis often shared a bed when they weren't looking. Like most dinnertimes, it was full of clamouring children, arguments, and the occasional bout of quiet munching. The caretakers never ate with them, which gave the cubs free reign to talk amongst themselves.

As Vell and Etis got into a quiet discussion amidst their dinner of fish fingers and chips, one of the boys sat across the table staring at them intently, chewing his food thoughtfully. He was a panther, short in stature and delicate in posture and face structure: he was the epitome of a 'cute kitten', with a baby face and naturally boyish, lean features. All the children in the home knew him well: he was a 11 year old boy, by the name of Koen. No-one ever saw him without his stereotypically baggy hoodie that looked a good 2 sizes big for him, covering the entirety of his body, and even some of his waist and legs. With midnight black fur and sharp yellow eyes, he was a mysterious sight to behold for anyone that laid their eyes upon him. Yet, in that moment, neither Vell nor Etis paid him any mind.

He watched them with a peculiar intensity, sometimes opening his mouth to speak before closing it again, as if he'd decided against it or couldn't find the words. He remained dutifully silent as he ate, picking at his food, making it clear that something was on his mind.

When dinner was over and the entourage of children began to move, Koen did the same, his gaze fixated on the two boys. He watched the bat and fox make their way towards the stairs, ascending up onto the upper floor, and he followed along behind them. It didn't take long for Leo to join the duo for a moment, giving him no chance to speak with them. With a grunt, he stepped into another room on his own and closed the door.

"Ugh, so much homework..." Leo grumbled, staring down at the papers in front of him before raising his head towards Vell, an expression spread across his face. Vell seemed all too familiar with it, for he quickly shook his head.

"Nuh-uh, Leo. I did your homework last time. Plus, I have a guest over!" Vell argued, and the boy groaned, bouncing around on his seat.

"C'moooon!" Leo complained. "It's so booooring."

"That's the nature of homework, Leo. Maybe you should have done it earlier in the week." Vell retorted, and their little argument brought a small smile to Etis' lips, who was sitting next to his bat friend, 3DS in hand. Suddenly, he tensed. Vell seemed to sense it and he glanced towards Etis, patting his shoulder.

"You okay?" Vell asked quietly, and Etis nodded.

"All good." He shot Vell a sideways glance, and Vell got the sneaking suspicion that something was amiss. Rather than press for more information, he retreated into silence, watching Etis play with the handheld whilst Leo groaned and complained in the background, surrounding by a metaphorical mountain of work.

It was already growing late. On that day, the caretakers afforded them an extra hour of downtime after dinner, before they were inevitably ordered and corralled to get changed and ready for bed, much to Vell's irritation. He was 13, and being treated like a child was irritating. Regardless, he obeyed them, knowing they'd likely hold his guest metaphorically hostage if he argued with them. They were eventually left alone and the lights were turned out, signalling bedtime. Outside the window, the sun had set beyond the horizon and cast the world in the blanket of night.

Without the light to illuminate them, Etis and Vell rested against their respective pillows, in separate beds, whilst Leo had already drifted off soundly with his books piled neatly by his bedside. Slowly, Etis shifted and sat up, tiptoeing over towards the wolf as Vell watched him, making out the dark outline of his silhouette. He watched the fox make some peculiar gestures over Leo's before, before he breathed a quiet sigh.

"...I think we're good."

He spoke as clearly as if it were during the day, and Vell sat up, reaching over to pop on the lamp at his end table. The light from the bulb illuminated the room and Vell wrinkled his nose, flicking his gaze from Etis to the wolf cub, then back again. He made a silent gesture and Etis smirked.

"I have a little more at my fingertips than shapeshifting. I just made sure he couldn't hear us...or anyone else outside the room, for that matter." Etis assured him, and Vell shifted to sit up properly, clad in basic pyjamas pants.

"I didn't know you could do that," The 13 year old remarked. "What, are you wanting to...?"

"No," Etis shook his head, before turning his head towards the corner of the room. "You can come out now."

There was a moment of silence, where Vell was growing more and more concerned that his friend had potentially lost his mind. Then, to his surprise, he watched as it seemed the wall itself was melting. No, it was more than that-- it was as if a figure was bleeding colour, its body oozing and shedding a skin that was the exact same shade as the wall. To Vell's surprise, there stood a figure: a panther, with a baby face and sharp yellow eyes.

"Wait...Koen? Is that you? How did you...?" Vell began, before his eyes widened at the sight. For one, Koen was completely and utterly naked, his short, fuzzy black fur covering his from head to do, with a slightly thinner coat around his stomach, revealing just the faintest hue of his pink skin, a tiny humanoid member sitting between his legs. What shocked Vell more than that, however, was the additional shoulder joints that sat underneath Koen's armpits and next to his ribcage, alligned up with the ones above it. Though Koen seemed to do his best to hide them, Vell quickly put two and two together, realising that the panther, who he had known for a year or more, had 4 arms.

"Did you not think I could tell you were hiding there all night? I'm more surprised that the caretakers didn't find you missing." Etis remarked, and the naked panther shuffled awkwardly on his feet, a sheepish grin spreading across his face.

"I know how to set up a double." He was, of course, referring to the arrangement of objects and pillows in a bed that made it look like his own body, at least in the dark. Vell had realised what he'd meant rather quickly: he had done it on many occasions himself, though it never worked once you were caught once. Thankfully, he hadn't been.

"How...?" Vell began, scratching his head in confusion. "Just how?"

"Richard knows." Koen replied, and it was all the explanation he needed. Richard was a caretaker at the care home, so it made sense that he'd cover for Koen whenever he needed to hide his extra arms. Vell felt a small pang of empathy; he imagined that it couldn't have been easy all these years.

"So tell me," Etis began. "What is a displacer beast doing in such a small care home? I thought your kind always tended to stick together."

"I guess...I wouldn't know about that," Koen dipped his head as Vell watched, still struggling with the situation. "I didn't know my parents."

Etis realised he probably hit a sore subject, so he backed off somewhat, moving to take a seat on the bed next to Vell. He offered Koen an apologetic nob and the boy shuffled again on the spot, not too phased by the off-handed assumption. Instead, he took a tentative step forwards, glancing anxiously over to Leo, who still slept soundly, completely unaware of the conversation happening a mere meter or two away from him.

"I, um, actually wasn't here just to take you by surprise. Sorry," The panther added a meek apology to his words, glancing over at Vell, before returning his gaze to Etis. "I, uh..."

He looked as if he were about to faint. Vell couldn't fathom why, but the boy's fleeting glances and shortness of breath worried him a little. Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, Koen finally swallowed his nerves and cut over him.

"I heard about the things you did," Koen began. "Well...I saw, too. In the middle of the night, I went to get some water and I looked through your door and saw..."

His cheeks flushed, and the duo soon realised what the boy meant: he had peeked in on them before, when they were messing around with Leo. Of course, Etis knew this already: he had been waiting for Koen to approach them for sometime now. He hadn't wanted to pressure him into it. Vell, however, felt a little bit guilty and also a bit embarrassed about being caught. Koen, however, didn't seem to be there to scold them for it.

"I, um, well..." He struggled with his words again, before he finally found his courage and continued. "I was hoping we know. Do things."

Etis caught on pretty quickly to what he was asking, and he gestured him closer with a hand, sporting a grin. Vell looked between them for a moment before it dawned upon him as well, and his face flushed at the thought, looking the panther up and down. He was cute, sure, would it work with those 4 arms?

He quickly realised that it was more than that, as well. As Koen drew closer to Etis, more appendages made themselves known: in particular, thin green tentacles fanned out from Koen's body, 4 of them in total, and they curled around to coil and caress along the fox's wrist. Etis didn't seem phased by them, and Vell could only assume that he was familiar with their kind already.

Though Etis had been the one to make the initial move, and though it was Etis that was touching him, Koen's gaze instead consistently darted to Vell, who sat and watched them with a curious, slightly smiling expression. The bat was a little aroused and excited at the thought of someone new, especially someone so peculiar. He could overlook Koen hiding his supernatural heritage, for now.

Etis, who always slept naked anyway, pushed his own naked body up against the panther's own and touched their fur together, his hands sweeping around to grope at the small of Koen's back and down towards his rump, giving his boyish cheeks a firm squeeze. Koen's face flushed and his tentacles curled around, his 4 hands touching in all manner of places as he quietly explored Etis' body, feeling up his curves, his chest, down to his hips and inner thighs, even. Each of those tentacles ended in sharp, jagged claws that run along the surface of their flat, widened ends, but Koen was remarkably dexterous in managing all of his tentacles, letting them graze Etis' skin only somewhat.

"Why don't get into a more comfortable position?" Etis recommended, and he shifted, gesturing for Vell to get up as the fox moved over towards the pillows, tugging the displacer beast along with him. Vell stood to give them room and decided to slip off his pants whilst he was there, admiring the view of the two of them crawling along the bed before he moved towards the foot of it, sitting on the edge and watching them. Etis laid himself down against the pillows and blankets and pulled Koen on top of him, their bodies pressing together. Koen had the luxury of propping himself up with two hands, whilst the other two roamed and groped Etis' body. The fox hooked a hand around the back of Koen's neck and pulled him in for a sweet and tender kiss.

An affectionate moan escaped Koen's lips as his muzzle met with Etis' own, and the two boys-- at least, young-looking boys-- squirmed and pushed themselves against one-another. Koen's tail flicked and twisted in delight as his tongue lolled from his mouth, dragging the rough edge of his appendage against the cool, flat breadth of Etis' own. Feeling impatient and neglected, Vell crawled up closer towards them and admired their swaying behinds from the back, before reaching out. In a matter of moments, his hand touched with Koen's bare cheek.

He felt the boy's muscles tense under his touch, but then they relaxed as Koen shifted his attention back to Etis, angling his head and sharing in yet another passionate kiss, his crotch grinding and grazing with Etis' sheath. Vell crawled a little further forwards, moving his hand to the other cheek as his other limb soon joined the first, grasping each buttock in either hand and giving them a firm, fervent grope. They were soft and squishy in his hands, the fur delicately touching with his own skin. He parted the cheeks, but couldn't see much in the dim light. Regardless, he dug his thumbs into the crevice between Koen's cheeks and lowered his head, lidding his gaze as his lips drew closer.

Koen gasped and backed off of Etis for just a moment after feeling the tingle of pleasure that spread from his behind and up his spine. Vell's lips had slipped between the crack of his cheeks and the warmth of his tongue had met with Koen's pucker, slathering from the bottom to the top, running over his sensitive entrance with an unbridled passion. The cub's knees shuddered and he dipped his head down, panting quietly to himself as Etis greedily ran his mouth up along the panther's neck and across his shoulder. Etis could feel the gentle pulsing of the boy's humanoid cock against his stomach, and the thought of it tantalised him.

Koen let out another quiet groan, pushing his behind back as the pleasure heightened. His little cock twitched and pulsed, his member sliding and grazing against the fox's stomach and pelvis as Vell passionately slurped and suckled, his tongue probing and pushing against the sensitive entrance, threatening to plunge in at any minute. Etis reached a hand down between him and the displacer beast, touching his fingers along the panther's fuzzy stomach before touching with his cock. The boy tensed and quivered, his member twitching in Etis' grip as the fox gave him a few encouraging strokes.

Though Vell wanted to keep going, the panther seemed intent on changing positions, much to the bat's dismay. He shuffled forwards and Etis watched in surprise as Koen rolled over, pushing his back up against the fox's body and laying himself flat against him. Whilst Etis looked at Koen expectantly, Koen stared up at Vell, who admired the two of them, one laying atop the other. The bat watched as Koen raised his legs up, tucking two of his hands underneath his knees whilst the other two reached underneath to grasp his own cheeks, spreading them to reveal his slick, spit-covered hole.

"V-Vell..." The panther mumbled, somehow unable to meet the bat's guy, be it down to his shyness or the embarrassment of being in such a vulnerable position. "I want you to, it with me."

Vell swallowed visibly as his gaze trailed down the panther's boyish body, his average frame and flat hips, all the way down to his twitching little erection and fuzzy balls, and beneath that the quivering pucker and his rounded cheeks. The bat wordlessly shuffled forwards, intent on doing exactly what the panther so desperately wished for. Etis found himself amused, his hands curling up and around the panther's body, sliding in between his two sets of shoulders. His fingers grazed over the boy's nipples, teasing the nubs with a digit each, just to stimulate him.

Vell leant forwards, leaning over the two cubs and digging into the drawer by his bedside, where he retrieved a bottle of honey-like fluid. As he popped the cap, the air around them was filled with a sickly aroma. He tilted the bottle and squeezed the substance on his cock, smearing it all around until it glistened in the light of his lamp. Popping the bottle shut, Vell shuffled forwards and slipped the end of his humanoid member against the panther's pucker, a brief crease of worry spreading across his face, before he smoothed it over, driven by arousal alone.

He had been concerned at first that Koen might be a little too tight, but to his surprise, the displacer beast's tight ring stretched easily to accommodate his member, and he met very little resistance as he slipped his member forwards, sliding deeper into the cub's behind and feeling every inch of his warm, spasming muscles. If he had to guess, Koen might bear similar qualities to Etis, with regards to inhibiting pain of discomfort. The panther lidded his eyes and a quiet sigh escaped his lips, his member wildly twitching and throbbing against his stomach as a tiny bead of pre-cum slipped from the end of his foreskin, dropping against his fur.

Etis' fingers flicked and gently pinched the panther's nipples and the boy shuddered and quivered in response, his body trembling from the sensation on both ends of his body. Vell sunk himself in until his pelvis met with the panther's behind, before he tugged back and began to thrust. The lube, coupled with the panther's slick insides, made it easy for him to picky up a solid, steady rhythm that had the cub's package bouncing and his breath coming out in quiet, laboured pants. Koen's cheeks quickly grew flushed from the pleasure, his fingers digging into his own skin as his toes curled. His hands, clasped firmly around his own behind, quickly moved to grip onto the bed inside as Vell's hands moved to hold onto his hips, keeping him steady.

Etis admired the show for some time, enjoying the feel of the boy's perky, hardening nipples under his assault, but he was going sexually impatient. His knotted cock, sitting beneath the small of the panther's back, twitched and ached for its own attention, and the most that it was recieving was the occasional rub from each powerful thrust. He wanted more. He gestured with a hand to Vell, who realised he wanted something and slowed, sliding his hips back until the edge of his glans caught on the boy's tight, squeezing ring, keeping him there for a moment.

"I want to have some fun too." Etis giggled into the panther's ear, and although Koen couldn't see, he could almost certainly feel the fox's twitching member, prodding up against his back, before Etis slipped a hand down underneath the panther's body and angled his member with his free hand. He tugged it around until the length of his tapering vulpine cock prodding upwards against the underside of Vell's own, before he angled it backwards, sliding it towards Koen's behind. Vell's eyes widened at the thought and he snapped his gaze to Etis.

"Are you sure? I mean..." He trailed off when Koen fervently nodded, the panther's lips parted in a quiet pant. He wanted this. His tentacles flicked out and curled around their forearms, gripping to them in an effort to steady himself and perhaps provide him with some courage, those sharp fangs grazing their skin.

With a satisfied smirk, Etis pushed his hips upwards. The tapering end of his member pushed and prodded until the tip of it slipped past the initial ring and into the panther's behind. Vell slid forwards with a grunt, a sigh escaping his lips as he impatiently slid his cock up towards the base, before he pulled back. As he did so, Etis pushed his hips upwards, allowing the length of his cock to firmly embed itself in the feline's behind, the combination of Vell's cock and Koen's lubed insides helping to slicken up Etis' length. He hilted up to his pulsing knot, before sliding back just as Vell thrust.

They kept up their thrusts in a steady, alternating rhythm, leaving Koen with little to no reprieve between the two of them. Every buck and tug was replaced by another, until the three of them were gyrating and squirming, panting in aroused passion. Koen couldn't stop himself from using a free hand to jerk himself off whilst Etis held the boy firmly to his body with both hands, Vell gripping Koen's hips to keep him steady as well. With the panther firmly held down, they were free to thrust and fuck with as much gusto as they liked, whilst Leo slept soundly not too far away.

Their gyrating hips soon grew laboured as they began to pant and moan with a great intensity, the panther between them rolling his head back and relishing the sensations that coursed through his body whilst his hand lazily jerked his stiff cock, sliding the foreskin back and forth. Every other thrust stirred forth the occasional whimper and moan, which only encouraged Vell and Etis to thrust harder and faster than before.

"Hnn... Fuck, I'm gonna cum..." Vell muttered, closing his eyes as he pushed his hips forward, trying to match Etis' rhythm as best as he could, but he was having difficulty doing so. Instead, he simply pushed himself in as fast as he could whilst Etis slipped back and forth, stimulating Vell's cock by grinding his own against it. That seemed to be enough for the bat, who shuddered and let out a quiet sigh as he orgasmed.

The wet sounds that had once filled the air quickly grew wetter with the sudden accompaniment of Vell's thick, sticky cum, each string and spurt coating Etis' cock as well as the bat's own. Koen's insides quickly became sticky with seed, and it slowly began to leak out with Etis' vigorous thrusts, his knot gaining a thin film of cum that made every sharp hump of his hips against the cub's behind to be met with a wet, audible slap. His balls jiggled and his knot pressed with each rapid thrust, his chest heaving.

Etis let out a quiet hiss and buried his mouth against the panther's neck, peppering him with passionate, sensual kisses as he achieved his own climax. He shoved upwards and, with some difficulty, he forced his knot into the tight behind, the ring stretching to accommodate the thick, bulbous base. The innards immediately slamped around every available inch of the thick knot and the sheer girth of it aided in keeping the cum inside. Etis' cum mixed with Vell's own as each spurt and string met with the bat's seed inside Koen's behind, creating a cocktail of cum and lube.

All that was left was to make sure Koen got what he so desperately desired. Vell leant back, reaching down with a hand to gently coax and jiggle the boy's balls as the panther lazily jerked himself off. The panther tensed for a moment, before he began to groan with a greater intensity, apparently rather enjoying the touch of another against his package. Etis soon moved a hand to join Vell, coaxing Koen's own grip out of the way so that he could replace it, his pristine white furred hand enclosing around the panther's length and giving him powerful, leisurely jerks, pumping his cock from base to tip, the foreskin sliding up and down with reckless abandon.

Koen let out pleasurable sighs and squirmed, the periodic squeezing of his innards making it clear he was enjoying himself. The trio relaxed there-- or at least, two of them did-- as they focused on Koen's cock, coaxing him further and further to an intense climax. The displacer beast's quiet groans quickly turned into fervent, carnal grunts as the pleasure grew and grew, until he was desperate to jutt and angle his hips, tongue lolled from his mouth as eyes scrunched up.

With one final restrained noise, the panther orgasmed, thick spurts of seed arcing over the length of his body to splatter at all manner of angles against his chest, staining his front of with dramatic lines of cum. One string was followed by another, and then another, as Vell jiggled and stroked the cub's balls amidst his orgasm, whilst Etis slowed his jerking to a steady pace, encouraging his spurts to shoot just that much further.

With a sigh, the panther rolled his head back again, his chest heaving with exhaustion. Vell smirked and tugged back, able to withdraw without too much difficulty. For Etis, however, it was a different story. His knot meant he'd be stuck there for a while.

"Mmh..." Etis sighed, nuzzling into the panter's fuzzy fur. "I could go for more. Could you go for more?"

A smirk spread across Vell's face. He leant forwards and stroked across the panther's sticky body.

"I definitely could." He grinned.

x x x

"Alright kids, up and at 'em."

Daylight had come far too quickly for the trio, who had spent most of the time lovemaking and enjoying each other's bodies. Koen had been an exotic delight for Vell that he quite wasn't ready to let go of, but the sudden arrival of reality had sent them into a frenzy. Leo, of course, was still sound asleep: Etis' magical spell to keep him from hearing them was still running.

Koen bolted out of bed towards the door, before realising the state he was in: his front was coated in dry cum, his behind leaking with fluids. Vell and Etis were in similar states, though they could excuse that with their own clothes. As the duo dragged themselves out of bed and hurried to put on pants and some sort of shirt, the boy turned to them, offering a meek grin.

"U-Um...thanks know." He was too shy to really say how he felt, but the way he squirmed on the spot and the happy flick of his tail made it clear he'd enjoyed himself. He waved his tentacles before he pressed himself against the wall. With a final farewell grin, he practically fell through it.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that," Vell muttered, before glancing to Etis. "But...we should get him to hang out with us more."

"You read my mind." Etis replied with a thoughtful smile. He was certain he'd have Koen again any time.