Digital Rights Management: Coding

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#70 of Commissions

Story commission for Blacktiger1337 Starring his tiger shape-shifter Tomoya doing some experimentations on Renamon. How will everyone's favorite furry corrupter handle what he's got in store?

The computer screen came to life on its own, pulsing with light as numbers began to flash and crawl over the display. The glow brightened until it reached blinding levels. A figure took shape in the room, vector lines forming a vulpine shape before shattering. The creature stood in the middle of the room, her fur a bright yellow, underside a pure white with proud chest ruff. Black on blue eyes scanned the room quickly. It looked like a rather plain bedroom. Desk bearing the computer that brought it here, a bed was tucked into the corner, but otherwise it was empty.

Scientists watched from another room, feverishly jotting down notes as the creature appeared. One, a white tiger, leaned forward with a crooked smile. "It does work. Sever connection to the internet and we can begin the tests."

Keys clicked, consoles opening and closing as the technicians worked to carry out the order. The tiger leaned forward, resting chin on his hands as he watched the creature roam around the room. A renamon, if the device resting beside him was any indication. The discovery of these creatures, these digimon, had been somewhat of a surprise to everyone involved. Naturally, the question of their nature quickly came into question. The creatures appeared to be non-binary in nature and wholly digital. Of course some people wanted proof of this and that's part of why he was here.

The other part was to find out how profitable these creatures could be. Wholly digital servants which could be customized to the owner's desire? If that didn't scream profit, he didn't know what did.

"Connection severed. The room is on an isolated network. Ready to begin alteration."

Whiskers twitched with a smile, "Alright, why don't we start with something simple?" Tomoya brought up a command on the screen before him and activated it with a few keystrokes.

Back in the room, Renamon's were narrowed as hands ran along the wall. There was no door. While the material world was largely unknown, they did know that there should be a door to the room. Nails picked at the edges of panels, but couldn't dig in far enough to even consider prying one up. Lips curled back into a silent snarl as a hand flew back, ready to try popping one of the panels up by force.

The fist froze mid-swing as a strange ripple surged through the renamon. Both hands planting on the wall with a gasp as vision blurred. What was happening? Looking down their body, the gender-less creature watched in surprise as their form rippled. Bright lines flashing along their frame as their code was altered. Renamon tried to pull away from the wall, wanted to turn to the computer and retreat, but their body was frozen in this position.

Teeth ground as the changes rippled through the digimon. Hips widening slightly, thighs thickening, and chest reshaping. Their chest ruffle changing, swelling, then thinning. Strange mounds growing on the renamon as breath starts to come in sharper gasps. Fur parting ever so slightly to reveal a pair of pink circles. Body continuing to reshape and change. The vulpine's fur bristling along their belly and down between thighs. Hair growing shorter and softer before a gash appeared. A pink slash that stood out sharply from that pure white fur of hers.

As quickly as it began, the sensation was gone. Renamon dropping to her knees with a gasp, entire body shaking from the oddity of that change. "What the..." she growled, a shaking hand sliding up to cup one of the mounds. It felt...fatty? By the code, why would she have these all of the sudden? There was no advantage to having them at all? And what was this? Her nails scraped over her nipple, drawing a surprised gasp from the vixen as her hand jumped away.

Tomoya smirked at the monitor as they watched the digital creature start to explore her body. "How are the readings looking?"

"She's a B-Cup, Sir."

Rocking back in his chair, he grabbed a tablet and ran his fingers over the screen. "Well that won't do, why don't we just..." A tap to her chest brought up that display, "test the customization?" He watched on the monitor as the vixen squealed, her form tensing again as it shimmered. The digimon gasping as her entire body shook, breasts swelling, swaying under her as they grew heavier.

"It has stabilized at a solid DD, Sir."

Tongue ran over his lips, "Very nice," the tiger purred. Watching as the renamon knelt there, panting heavily. Her hands slowly lifting to feel the weight of her heavier breasts now. His fingers danced over the screen again, "How is the personality control program coming along?"

Silence for a moment before one, "It's in beta still, Sir."

He knew this, "Then why don't we just start simple and rile her up some?" The menu brought up an overview of her body, as well as several scales which broke down the creature's emotional parameters into several simple options. Touching her arousal, he began to tick it up slowly, watching the monitors with rapt attention.

What was happening? Renamon growled to herself as she felt her breasts. One second she just grows a pair, and now they were getting bigger? Her fingers explored a breast. Not just larger, but more sensitive too? Just touching one made her shiver and gasp out, huffing quietly.

Her cheeks started to grow flushed as her fingers explored her breasts. A warmth surging within her core as a quiet whimper slipped from the vixen. Thighs pressing together as heat flashed through her body. Chest heaving as she started to squirm, kneeling there on the floor as a moan forced its way up her throat. Thighs shaking as that raw warmth flooded through her, each shift sending shivers racing down her spine. Tongue slipping out as the vixen's hand fell to her thigh. Huffing as fingers slipped over and around her breast. Fingers kneading her thigh and slipping closer. Body shivering as pleasure spiked through her. "W-what's going on?" she groaned, fingers tracing her thigh.

"I can help you with that."

The digimon's cheeks went red-hot with a mix of surprise, embarrassment, and rage. She leapt to her feet with a growl, falling into a fighting stance even as she spun to face the voice. A strange male stood before her, holding a tablet. His body half-bared before her, revealing a striped, toned body to her. A door whispered shut behind him, almost merging with the wall as it sealed shut.

Lips pulled back into a snarl, "Who are you? What have you done to me?" Energy began to surge through her body, frost gathering around her hands. Ready to leap and unleash her attack the instant he moved towards her.

"Done?" He tilted his head slightly. "Why, I've just been playing with your code a little. Just like this." His finger jabbed the tablet.

Her body surged to leap and unleash her attack on the male. Muscles locking before she was even halfway through the jump as raw, electrical pleasure shot through her. The intensity of it even stopping her scream as fur stood on end. Her shoulders banged off the wall, nails scraping off the smooth surface as every fiber of her being vibrated. Tongue hanging from her maw as she tried to catch her breath, thighs shaking with the intensity of her sudden orgasm.

Tomoya licked his lips slowly, "Subject appears to be overwhelmed by the climax command. We might have to tone it back some." He watched as the vixen sank to the floor slowly, drool running down her neck as she stared at him with hazy eyes. "Or perhaps not, further experimentation will be needed." The tiger stepped out of his pants, cock springing free as he advanced on her. "Now, I want you to suck my cock."

Renamon looked at him, that fire returning to her eyes as she uttered a growl. "I don't even know what a cock is, much less how to suck one." Her gazed dropped to the thing between his legs, instantly comparing it to the gash between hers. It was big, looked like it might be meant to go inside hers, but she didn't want him near her. "Get that thing away from me before I..."

She trailed off and blinked dumbly, the tiger's finger adjusting a slider. "Before you do what?" A shiver came from the vixen, but she just stared at his cock. "Subject appears to be uneducated on the subject of fellatio. Can we upload something into her code?"

A voice crackled through the intercom, "Linking media files to her code now."

Fur bristled as something clicked in the back of her mind, images and videos of a woman putting that thing... a cock, into their mouth. She found herself leaning forward, drawing towards it until her tongue was bathing the flesh. One hand sliding over the tiger's hip as her other moved to stroke his cock. The thought of resisting didn't even cross her mind as she let her tongue bathe the tip and down the shaft. Jaws stretching to take his member into her maw and suckle on it.

Tomoya sighed happily and leaned his head back, "I'd say that her inhibitions and pride had successfully been lowered." He gritted his teeth as she drove her head down to his root, throat squeezing over his cock. "Oh and she's good too, good job on selecting those videos. I am going to test how slutty she has become with these few alterations."

Resting a hand on the back of her head he drew back and slammed in, heavy balls crashing off her chin. She didn't even gag, just pushed forward for more. Her moan shaking around his cock as eyes rolled back. Cheeks flushing as she stared up at him, wanting more even as he pounded down her throat. Nose mashing into his groin with each bob. What was she doing? She didn't know anymore and it was quickly starting to not matter either. Not as the taste of the male's pre flooded her tongue.

New images joined the first set. Guiding her hand between her legs and over her pussy. Her lips were swollen, thighs matter with juices from her electronically induced climax. Quiet huffs slipping out as the vixen stripped her gloves off, tossing them aside before burying two fingers into her snatch. Cheeks flushing hotter as she bobbed her head. The feeling of this powerful male fucking her face doing things to her.

Tomoya dropped the tablet to the desk, "Oh fuck yeah," he growled, gritting his teeth as he planted both hands on her head. Fingers twining through her hair as the other cupped the back of her head. His thrusts coming faster now. Barely even moving as the vixen finally gagged around his throat. Eyes rolling back towards him as his cock began to choke her. She didn't let up though, every fiber of her being driving her to please the male. Tongue bathing the underside of his cock as her fingers flew in and out of her pussy. Hips jerking against her hand as she groaned.

"Ah fuck!" he snarled, pressing deep. Renamon's eyes going wide as she felt that first pulse race up the underside of his shaft. Heavy pulse jetting down her throat as darkness began to creep at the edges of her vision. The tiger hissed and rocked his hips, claws scraping at her head, balls thumping against her chin with each shot. He wasn't going to let everything to down her throat though.

Locking eyes with her, he pulled that fat cock out of her mouth. The vixen gagging as it was ripped free, mouth hanging open to accept the spunk as it shot across her tongue, then over her face. Eyes rolling back hungrily as she moved to catch every last shot across her face. Not caring that it was matting her fur or how it made her look as each blast crossed her features. Hot and thick. Each shot making her pleasure rise as she squirmed here. Fingers pumping her pussy. Thighs quaking as her moans rose in volume. Quickly approaching a scream as that orgasmic bliss crashed through her core.

"Nah uh," the tablet beeped, "No cumming yet."

Her eyes snapped open as that climax loomed over her. Her entire body vibrating like a plucked string. "What?" she gasped. Fingers pumping madly, thumb rubbing her clit in rapid circles. "WHAT?!" came the scream, "You can't do this to me!"

He licked his lips, running a hand over his cock, "I believe I just did." Grinning, the tiger growled at her, "Do you want to cum?" She nodded. "Let me hear you say it."

"Please," she nearly whined at him. Hating herself for accepting the degradation in such a way, "Please, I need to cum." Hips wiggled, her tail flagging up higher as a whine broke free. "I... I can't help it, I need to feel it." Her thumb traced her clit quickly, feeling that thrumming that refused to abate.

Oh this was even better than they'd planned. Tomoya knew that every action was being recorded for their records with the digimon's code being monitored closely. "Alright," he started, "get on the bed, on all fours like the needy bitch you are." She stared at him blankly before her features twisted into a snarl, that pride coming back. He arched a brow slowly, "I can keep you on edge for a very long time, whore." That fire reignited. "The only way you're going to come down is to bend over and beg me to fuck you like the slut I've made you into."

Renamon bristled at his words, lips curling back to show off her teeth. The vixen's claws digging into her thighs hard as she glared at him. She wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, to let her leave, anything.

But she found herself moving towards the bed. Fur bristling with anger as she growled at the male. Slowly easing herself onto the bed. Knees and elbows sinking into the bedding as she got herself into position. "There," she snapped, "is that good enough?" He just shook his head, smiling at her. Energy crackled around her body, the vixen wanting to scream at him to just let her be. Instead, she reached back and spread her cheek apart, tail lifting up higher. "That?" He kept staring. Gritting her teeth, her growls picked up a slight whine, "Please fuck me. Please let me cum..." The tiger didn't move, "Master."

His hand came down on her ass with enough force to make her yelp, "There, was that so hard?" Renamon was all but ready to scream at him to get it over with when he moved behind her. His heavy cock smacking off her rear with a solid thump. The tiger grinding into her backside before sliding down and easing his cock between her swollen petals.

The world exploded as he slammed in. Pain of having her virginity stolen from her mixed with being stretched by such a large member, meshing seamlessly with the rapturous joy of being allowed to cum. Renamon thrashing under him with an animalistic scream. Tomoya threw himself over her, pinning her arms down and planting his feet into the bed. Using his body to keep her under control even as he began to thrust. Throwing his weight against her backside with hard, relentless slams. The warm trickle of data running down his balls, only to vanish into the ether, mixing with the slick, blazing heat of her tunnel.

Renamon grabbed the pillow and buried her face into it, huffing even as her hips slammed back against the tiger. She couldn't help it, every instinct driving her body back against his even as her entire body shook from the force of her orgasm. Her tunnel screamed in a mix of pleasure and pain. Throbbing around that massive cat cock.

Eyes rolled back in her head as the tiger fucked her without stopping. Her body shaking under his brutal thrusts, tail batting at his chest and neck as whines were driven from her. She couldn't get a single thought to form in her head. It was just endless waves of pleasure and instinct screaming for her to drive back into him. More images flashing through her mind as even more media was linked. Eyes squeezing shut as her entire body vibrated. Gut tensing as another climax built within her. Huffs and pants coming from the renamon as the tiger slammed against her.

She yelped and screamed, leg pressing against his as her body jerked up and back. Walls clamping around his cock as she came harder than before. Lights exploding behind her eyes as her fucked her senseless. The tiger's body hammering her backside for several more seconds before driving deep. His tip slamming against something deep in her body before warmth flooded. Eye snapping open wide as he pumped his seed into her, gut starting to swell within seconds.

She twisted, "Did you just cum in me?" came the panicked gasp. Why was it important he didn't cum in her? Mind racing through the connected media gave her only vague answers. Something from the pornographic media had her certain it was a bad thing. Vague ideas of something called pregnancy, whatever that was.

He drove against her hard enough to drive the vixen into the bed. "Yes I did, and I'm not done with you yet either." A beeping from the tablet made him sigh. "Although a break might be nice." Smirking, the tiger pulled out of her with a wet slurp. Wiping his cock off on her thigh. Leaning back, he watched as a trickle of his cum leaked out of her pussy and drooled down her thigh. "Sexy," He grinned at her. "I'll be back in a bit." A slap made her fall onto the bed with, huffing quietly. "Get some rest, we'll get some snacks and drinks to you." He waved a hand towards a wall, "Bathroom is there if you need it."

Then he was gone. Renamon heaving a somewhat relieved sigh as she lay there. Every last hair on her body vibrating as she came down. Eyes drifting slowly before shutting as sleep claimed her.

"That's it, bet you're loving this you little digi-slut." Tomoya growled into Renamon's ear, the tiger pounding the vixen into the bed hard enough to make the metal frame creak and groan.

She ground her teeth, refusing to answer even as her body tried to push up into the male's vigorous rutting. He had her pinned to the bed, his arms lifting hers, fingers linked into place against her neck. A growl was pressed into the pillow, the sound losing some of its edge as his cock rubbed over her clit. Thighs quaking from the force of his thrusts and the arousal that was quickly spiking through her.

Renamon had been fast asleep when the male struck mere moments ago. Only just waking when he'd opened the door and put his weight on her before having at it. His teeth biting at her shoulder before working up her neck to clamp at an ear. His growled pants rolled over her, "How many times do you think I can make you cum before my lunch break is over?" Legs pressed tighter to her thighs, "Think I can have you begging for my cum before I'm done?"

Lips pulled back into a snarl, "I'd never debase myself like that!" each word driven out as a pant as the tiger's weight slammed into her backside. Growling, she thrashed under him, trying to throw the tiger off her even. Her resistance only seeming to make him drive against her that much harder. Eyes crossing as he shoved deeper than before somehow, tip kissing against some barrier within her body.

Teeth grazed her ear again, "I think you will." He was huffing louder against her, balls smacking off her backside. "See..." he growled, "Been fucking with your code again." Tongue licked over her ear, "You can't finish until I say a command word."

Her eyes snapped wide and head twisted within his grasp. Tomoya was grinning down at her as he huffed. Slowing his thrusts enough to really drag his cock against her insides. Letting her feel every last inch of his cock, jabbing her cervix a few times before drawing back again. His tail lashing behind him as he smirked at her. Leaning in to bite at her neck and shoulder again, pressing growls at her.

The vixen's walls were already rippling around his cock. Each thrust met with the wet, lusty sounds of her pussy squelching around him. What cum hadn't drooled out of her earlier was stirred up by their rut, adding to the mess that clung to his folds and her thighs. Strands of their mess clinging to his balls each time they smacked off her body. Matting her fur further with each strike. Teeth were grinding as she tried to control the lusts that were crashing through her.

She could feel her willpower waning. Each thrust shaving off that much more. Pressure without and within starting to crack what little resistance she had. With her arms trapped like they were, she couldn't even dig her claws into the bedding to muster up more resistance. She huffed and narrowed her eyes, grinding her teeth as his pace picked up even further.

"Please!" she gasped, voice cracking with the word. Even without looking she could feel that smug grin as it pressed against her back. Thrusts coming sharper, shallower now. Each one probing her cervix and driving the breath from the vixen's lungs. Teeth ground as he drove her harder into the bed, her pride only able to take her so far as her nerves jangled with that denied orgasm. Burying her face into the pillow, she thrashed against the male under her. His grip tightening on her to keep her from squirming away.

"Fffffuck! Please, please let me cum!" What did he want from her? It was getting hard to think, her tongue hanging from her muzzle as she whimpered and whined under him. Teeth ground so hard she could feel her jaw popping, "PLEASE CUM IN ME!"

A snarl ripped from the tiger as he slammed against her, "Scream, Bitch!"

She couldn't do anything except obey. Her scream setting off her climax, the digital vixen thrashing on the bed hard enough to nearly dislodge the tiger. Walls clamping around his member, juices squirting around his base as she peaked. He slammed every last inch into her with a snarl of his own. Hot cum blasting her insides, overflowing the vixen in a matter of seconds. Renamon's teeth snapping down to cut off the primal cry, burying her face into the pillow with a gasp. Walls clamping and drawing at his cock, pulling the seed hat much deeper into her as she groaned.

Tomoya gave another thrust against her before drawing out, letting the last of his climax spill over her backside. The digimon refusing to look at him as he finished on her backside.

He brought his hand down on her ass with a hard smack, "See, that wasn't so bad was it?" A wider grin splitting his maw as his shoulders rolled. Renamon muttering something into the pillow as she refused to look anywhere but the dark confines. Perhaps it was time he showed her one of his tricks. Something that'd catch her off guard and be a whole hell of a lot more fun for him. Shoulders rolled as he called upon his shape-shifting nature for a fun trick.

Renamon kept her face buried in the pillow, refusing to look up as the bed creaked and shifted as the tiger moved. Lips curled into a silent snarl as he settled near her. A hand rubbing at her head, only drawing a louder growl from the vixen. "Now, that's no way to behave, is it now?"

"No it isn't."

She barely registered the second voice before hands grabbed and flipped her over. Renamon started to spit a curse before she froze, eyes darting from the tiger by her head, down to the tiger that was holding her legs in his iron hard grip.

They were the same tiger.

Renamon looked from one tiger, to the other, then back. Both were grinning from ear to ear down at her, "Surprised?" They chimed together.

Legs were grabbed and pulled onto one male's shoulders, the vixen being jerked off the bed until her rear hung over the edge. "Nice little trick, isn't it?" he growled, hard cock coming down on her gaping cunt before pressing in with a growl.

Renamon arched, grinding her teeth to hold back the moan as he filled her again, tunnel quaking around him. The other male grabbed her wrists and held them, moving to straddle her head, "See, I'm a shape shifter," he growled. Hide rippling as a second pair of arms grew from below the first. Grabbing her head and forcing her jaws to open, "I've got a lot of tricks up my sleeve, Vixy."

She twisted within the grasp, his impossibly strong fingers forcing her jaws open until his cock drove in. Both tigers growling as they hilted inside her, "And we're going to use every last one to bitch-break you."

Arms were drawn closer to the male, wrapping around his back, the other's hands holding tight to her legs as they spit-roasted her. Incredibly strong bodies crashing against her with a brutal pace, every thrust driving her into the other. Lips curled into a gagging snarl as she tried to bite down.

But she couldn't.

Every time her jaws tried to slam down on the cock, they'd stop just shy of her teeth grazing his flesh. She tried to thrash her head, get him with her fangs, but the motion only translated into a sensual roll of her body that drove her form between the males. Tongue rolling over the cock as her pussy grasped the other hungrily. Drawing them ever deeper as groans and whines slipped from the vixen.

Tomoya ran his hands over her cheek, "Didn't think I'd let you hurt me, did you?" His hand ran over her throat, feeling how it bulged around his cock with each thrust. Burying every last scrap of girth he had into her gullet. Savoring the feel of her growls as they shook around his cock, steadily transforming into those slutty moans he loved to hear from her. Reaching further down, he cupped her breast, twisting the nipple sharply as his thrusts grew ever more forceful.

Her legs were pressed higher up as the tiger leaned over her, almost folding her in half. "I thought about that while I was on lunch, you see. I saw that rebellious streak you had. Figured that you'd try to fight what we were doing to you." A sharp roll of his hips jabbed her g-spot hard enough to make her arch off the bed with a muffled squeal.

"So we installed a safety measure." Her eyes were rolling back in her head, drool running from the corner of her mouth as the males fucked her as if she were just a sex toy. Gagging around one cock while her pussy clamped at the other. Sharp spikes of pleasure surging as he twisted her nipple and pulled at it. Entire frame shaking between the pair as her orgasmic bliss was building, stronger than before. "Can't have our product hurting consumers, now can we?"

A rough tongue rasped her other breast, "No we can't. So we're going to make sure that the code is nice and safe, without bugs. You can feel it, can't you? The need that's growing? How you're craving our cocks in you? The way your body sizzles with pleasure while we're fucking you?"

It was, every hair was on end as the males pounded her. Whatever spark of resistance she had was fading as her cheeks flushed. Gulping wetly around the cock as she arched, trying to drive her body against the other male. She managed a few bucks before arching off the bed with a squeal as she was allowed to cum again. Toned stomach quaking with the force of it all. The vixen not even slowing her motions as she tried to pull herself to one male, then drive back to the other. Her entire world narrowing to just those two, her purpose becoming their pleasure.

Tomoya ground his teeth as her thighs shook against his chest, "Code injection seems to be taking hold." He angled his head to watch the sticky strands of cum and juice clinging to his cock and crotch. Each pound drawing a muffled squeal from the vixen as she squirmed between the two versions of him.

He huffed, "Sex addiction add-on is certainly working." A gasp was wrenched free as her tongue lashed over his crown. Teeth only just grazing his flesh before she drove in, nuzzling his balls. "Let the records show that her resistance seems almost entirely gone, while her skills have only improved drastically since the experiment began." A grin flashed towards the camera, knowing that the others in the control room would likely be very distracted at the moment. Sitting up, he slapped her breast, "The rena-slut wants that cum doesn't she?"

Another slap at her ass, "It's her whole reason for existing, isn't it?"

If she could have screamed, she would have. Instead, the vixen just nodded as best she could while slurping around the cock. Taking him to the root each time like a champion. Slurping and gulping wetly as another climax began to boil up. Not caring that the bare cock was pounding her. She wanted it, needed it, craved it, and there was nothing that was going to stop her from having it!

The tigers slammed forward with bellowing roars. Mighty sac heaving as they unloaded into the vixen from both ends. Renamon would have screamed in euphoric victory, if she wasn't busy trying to gulp down every drop she could. Not caring as her gut began to bulge from the volume the males were putting into either end, nor as the cum began to leak across her face. The warmth filled her, making her crave more even as she was given every drop.

A heavy huff came from the Tomoya at her mouth, "Subject has taken to the code. What should be done with her now?"

The one at her legs gave a thrust and pulled back, watching as the cum came pouring out of her gaping snatch. "She's the prototype. Naturally there will be further tests. A lot of further testing to see how she holds up." He grinned, "Can't have our new Digital Servants program going out without testing every last detail."

"No we can't. Shall we try for a triple?"

"Perhaps. Should we disengage the Heat mode?"

"Leave it on. See if she's compatible. Could raise the price they fetch."