Curse of the Crinkle Crate! | Chapter 5

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#5 of Curse of the Crinkle Crate! [Comm]

It would appear that cats aren't the only creatures who may suffer from their innate sense of curiosity. Kazard, a silver-furred fox, finds himself a victim of a mysterious curse centered around a heavy wooden box that appears apparently out of nowhere in his own living room. After opening the box he finds himself victim to the will of the strange container, which no matter how much he bargains with is determined to see him thoroughly humiliated. Will the fox outwit this strange curse or will he succumb fully to the whim of the magic slowly turning his life upside down?Contains: Diapers, Forced Messing/Wetting, Bondage, Forced Infantilism, Sub/Dom, Fantasy, Humiliation, Blackmail, Hypnotism, ChastityRating: 18+

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Commission for: :restitution69icon:

Thumbnail by: :babystaricon:

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Chapter 5

The Bargaining

The grey fox stood underneath the warm, hot water cascading down onto him from his shower head. A slight sense of relief crept inside him along with the warmth of the water as he let out a small sigh. His arms were crossed and hugging his chest, head leaning against the wall of his shower stall. As the water dribbled down his arms and created stringy rivers down his legs he allowed himself to close his eyes to think.

The day at work had caused him no end of grief, as he had been constantly distracted from his work due to his newly acquired crinkle underwear and his constant paranoia that his coworkers might notice something off about him that day. He had kept telling himself that as long as he behaved like everything was normal nobody would probably even suspect anything different about him, but he still struggled to believe his logical reasoning.

Getting home that day he had shrugged his bag off onto the floor after locking the door behind him. Immediately, he had stripped off his pants to inspect his now well-used diapers. Although sagging slightly now due to the punishment his incontinent body had delivered to them, he found that they had held up surprisingly well after so many uses throughout the day.

He had reluctantly admired how the tapes held his diapers securely around his waist, as well as the well-designed plastic lining around his legs and absorbent material on the interior. After a few minutes of inspection however the smell of the accident in the seat of his pants hit him, and he had shivered slightly from disgust.

Striding over to the box which still lay in his living room he had picked it up, finding it to be quite heavy he lugged it up to his bathroom and awkwardly cleaned himself up with toilet paper. Grimacing the whole time, he realized he may well have to follow the box's advice on acquiring incontinence supplies.

After he had used up an entire roll of toilet paper he had decided that simply showering and using soap to get the mess out of his fur would be the best solution. After a good few minutes of fervent scrubbing, he had at last cleaned himself to his satisfaction, only to have his slightly raised morale crushed once more as he had realized that some of the water dribbling down his legs had a suspicious yellow tinge to it.

He had once again wet himself without warning, this time thankfully while in the shower and his accident was flushed away down the drain immediately. He had pinched the bridge of his muzzle with a paw, tails flicking irritatedly as his frustration grew.

Can I seriously not get a break from this? How do I go from being a perfectly functional, toilet trained adult to having the potty abilities of a two-year-old!

As he allowed himself to bask in the warmth of the water showering onto him he remembered back to what the note in the box had mentioned, that if he wished he could attempt to bargain with the wooden receptacle but that it might lead to unforeseen consequences.

What is this thing anyway, some sort of anthropomorphized wooden genie? Do I make wishes only to have them backfire?

Kazard reached for his bottle of shampoo and started working on cleaning his fur. Concluding by giving his headfur a proper scrubbing he rinsed and shut off the water. Tentatively, he opened the box and retrieved another white diaper from the box's seemingly endless stash.

After once more awkwardly rediapering himself, gingerly looping his tails through the tail hole and bringing the front over his crotch to be taped up.

Kazard hefted the box once more, and with some effort brought it into his bedroom before practically dropping it next to his bed. Grabbing a pen and notepad from his office he half-walked, half-waddled back into his bedroom before sitting in front of the box, placing pen and paper and on top of it.

He tapped his chin with a paw, gazing to the side at nothing in particular, lost in thought of what he should write.

What exactly do I even want? I want to not have to wear diapers at all period, but I doubt that this box will allow me to request such a thing... I keep getting distracted and bothered by the fear of other furs finding out that I have to wear diapers due to this problem...

The fox began to write, creating and then crumpling several drafts until he finally arrived at what he found to be an appropriate and well-structured request.

Dear box,

I am following your instructions to remain diapered well, but I am finding it

rather unpleasant at work when I use my diapers and have to also interact with my

coworkers; I am distracted from being productive by worrying about others finding

out about my incontinence. Would it be possible to receive diapers that are more

discrete and less likely to be detected by others?

He read it over several times, this really does not seem too unreasonable to ask... after all, I'm stating that I'm being cooperative with the wishes of the box which seemed to be what it wanted judging by its original note, it can't be too much to ask to have the stress of discovery by others lifted!

Satisfied, he ripped the note from his notepad and lifted the lid of the box, depositing the piece of paper gently on top of the stacks of white diapers held within and shutting the lid.

He paused for a few seconds, kneeling and waiting in front of the box for something to happen. Nervously he lifted the lid once more, and his eyes almost bulged out of his head as he saw that his note was gone and was replaced by one with the same handwriting as the previous note form the box had been written in.

How on earth did it even reply so quickly?! Kazard wondered to himself, as he picked the note up with one paw, the other still supporting the box's lid open with the other. His eyes fervently perused through the message.

Your anxieties and fears have been noted,

And time has been spent and devoted,

Towards easing your thoughts and apprehensions,

With serious and kind intentions!

Find you now that when wearing your diapers,

Subtly hidden they be with the confines of your clothes,

Your feelings of discontent and lack of pleasure,

Are things that your diapers will no longer ensure!

Rest well tonight and feel no self-sorrow,

For the effect shall begin tomorrow!

Kazard squinted at the message, trying to figure out what the box's rhyming lines were trying to say. He had never been much for poetry and found himself gritting his teeth annoyedly at the container's rhyming couplets. Could nothing with this wretched thing be simple? What did I ever do to deserve such an inconvenience!

One thing did stick out, however. The box seemed to be saying that his diapers would appear to be better concealed underneath his clothes, which brought a greater sense of relief to the fox. He looked down at the open lid of the box and set the note aside picked up one of the diapers.

His eyebrows raised in surprise as the white diapers now appeared to be slimmer, although equally as heavy if not more so to the ones that had previously been stored within the container.

He unwrapped one, realizing to himself that he could probably be able to just take one to his study to inspect and perhaps learn more about his new, still unfamiliar underwear seeing how the box promised an unlimited supply of them.

Well then... That wasn't as difficult of an ordeal as I had expected... The fox stood up, feeling as if at last he had acquired some measure of control over his situation. He pushed the box underneath his bed, securely storing it there.

Still clutching the new, slimmer diaper in his paws he walked with his slightly shifty gait, due to his diapers, back into his office and sat down in front of his computer with a sound like he had landed his behind on a pillow coming from his padding.

Ignoring the noise, he booted up his computer and began to inspect the diaper as closely as he could. To his annoyance, he could find no distinguishing marks or company logos on it. It was as if the creator of the diaper had simply wished to create a well-functioning product for the sake of itself, and not for profit.

Kazard spent the next hour googling various companies which specialized in incontinence products but found no images or brands that matched the appearance of the diaper he wore and held in his paw, unwrapped and now a little disheveled from his thorough inspection.

Although finding no product that matched the box's, he found himself reading through several guides and instructional graphics discussing the logistics and tips on incontinence.

Feeling slightly defeated, he created an account on one of the websites he found to be quite professional and discreet with its delivery, and added anti-rash cream, baby powder, wipes, and after some deliberation a pair of blue plastic pants to the cart before checking out, reading the projected delivery date as only a few days from now.

Annoyed that his expenses were now increasing because of the demands of the wooden vessel, but feeling better and more informed about his situation Kazard stood up from his desk and padded downstairs into the kitchen. Feeling something damp between his legs he looked down, and placed his paw on his padded front and squeezed.

He felt a distinct squelch between his fingers and realized that he had wet himself without even realizing it while he was perusing the internet. Whatever that box did seriously took away my control... I didn't even realize at all that I was urinating, I could wet myself at any given time without warning...

Adjusting his glasses on his face he decided to move past dwelling on his diapers for once and fix himself something to eat. Padding into the kitchen with his diapers rustling, he quickly created himself an array of snacks before padding back into the living room and laying himself down on the couch with his array of delectables.

Turning the television on the rest of Kazard's evening was spent in relative undisturbed quiet, save for the occasional flooding of his diapers that seemed to remind him of his incontinent state just after he was able to take his mind off it.

Even when he had decided that the best way to distract himself from his diapers was to go to bed, he found himself uncontrollably messing into his diapers a few minutes after he had curled up underneath his covers.

Kazard couldn't help it, he whimpered out loud as he gingerly extricated himself from his covers, trying to minimize contact with the mess in the seat of his padding with his backside. Grabbing a diaper from the box, he retreated into the bathroom once more to clean and shower the mess from his backside. Twenty minutes later, an extremely tired and freshly diapered fox collapsed on the top of his covers, falling asleep almost immediately without even covering himself, padded rear raised up in the air as his mind descended into an exhausted sleep.

Curse of the Crinkle Crate! | Chapter 6

Chapter 6: The Bargain Kazard opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm blaring through his bedroom, almost immediately he reached a paw down to inspect the front of his padding. Dismayed but not surprised, he found the front of his diapers to be...

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Curse of the Crinkle Crate! | Chapter 4

Chapter 4 The First Day, Continued The rest of the day did not go up from there. After Aaron had sauntered away, Kazard had found concentrating on his work difficult with the warm, slightly squishy presence of his soaked diapers pressing against...

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Curse of the Crinkle Crate! | Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The First Day Kazard nervously pulled down on the fabric of his pants near his inner thigh, feeling highly paranoid about his current, crinkly predicament. He had woken up that morning feeling refreshed, albeit having fallen asleep on...

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