A Night in the Club

Story by Lucien Cipher on SoFurry

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It's been awhile thought I'd just do a fun little short story.

Vivvian was a young mare who grew up in the city focused on her studies, always responsible and never really busting out of her shell. She was as gorgeous as could be, beautiful chestnut fur with a few white splotches here and there, one completely covering her left breast making it even harder not to notice her already eye drawing breasts. Each round and large maintaining plenty of perk despite their size, she honestly found the little stares they would attract kind of cute at times, but was much to shy to ever really flirt with anyone. That's just how she was despite the beautiful curves and graceful figure she has Vivvian was never the overly social type. Always feeling the pressure to finish college and rise above her farming families legacy. She couldn't believe she had agreed to meet her friend at a night club, especially one with a reputation like Oracle's, said to be one of the wildest spots in the adult scene of the big city.

To make matters worse when Vivvian got to the club her friend was no where to be found, the little vixen had waited to the last minute to let her know, when she was already about to go in, so the mare decided she might as well check it out. When she got in the club there were many eager furs ready to flirt with her, but none could get her out of her shy little shell, even after a few drinks which soon drove the mare to the ladies room. She went to the far stall beside the wall as she always did, finding it the most private. However after doing her business she noticed a strange rustling against the tacky poster low hung on the wall, and after further investigation she found a mostly limp canine shaft seeking to poke through a large hole behind the poster. Many thoughts rushed through her head seeing the jarring site, but as soon as the strange warm musk of the males arousal hit her she knew exactly what she wanted. The intoxicating scent drawing her ever closer till she found herself reaching for the flaccid shaft and beginning to stroke the cock eagerly.

Lucien knew he shouldn't be doing this, mortals stood no chance when confined in a small space with his demonic musk, but he didn't care. The normally feral hellhound had even shifted his appearance to enter the club, he needed some relief and bad, and when such a sweet little soul had come to the other side of the glory hole he couldn't help himself. The hellhound didn't stroke himself hard not yet, he would leave that surprise for her. Only pulling his sheath back and pressing it and his heavy sack against the hole in the wall pushing his soft member through and waiting on his scent to do its magic.

Vivvian didn't know exactly why she felt the way she did, she just knew that her only need at this moment was to satisfy this stranger's cock, she had no reason to be shy he couldn't see her, didn't know who it was at all. She had nothing to fear this time as she stroked it with abandon, feeling herself grow hot as the thing throbbed and pulsed ever larger in her grasp. Watching it swell huge nearly to the size of her forearm, using both hands to stroke the monstrous canine shaft, leaning in and kissing the knot which began to swell, becoming so large there was no way it could go back through the hole without being satisfied.

Lucien hadn't expected this, in his haste he forgot to worry about his knot, sealing him firmly through the hole, the mortal on the other side trapped with his scent and throbbing erection. His precum struggling out of his tip in little spurts through the tight vice around his shaft, which only made his arousing scent all the worse on the poor girl, who began to wildly lick and slurp at the flow. Massaging the amazing smell of it into the fur of her breasts whenever a stray spurt hit her cleavage.

Vivvian went wild for the stuff her strong equine tongue worshiping the tip of the wonderful shaft she'd found, drinking each spurt she caught and pulling her shirt away, so she can feel every stray bit that lands on her fur, massaging her body happily before beginning to truly suck the cock offered to her. She gave strong eager sucks to the tip and slid what she could into her mouth, but she was just too inexperienced to really deepthroat the huge member, but she refused to be defeated by its size, first massaging the length with her hands wildly, giving the knot an occasional squeeze or teasing tug, her head bobbing wildly on what she could fit in her mouth to suck. She went like this for awhile, doing all she could to pleasure this stranger but it didn't seem she was getting anywhere fast, even the throbbing spurts of his delicious precum had stopped coming so often. But an idea finally struck her, the mare reaching down to lift her large bust, squeezing her breasts against his shaft and massing it with them in alternating motions, all the while going wild with her tongue around the tip of that amazing cock.

Lucien was beginning to grow bored with the efforts of the female on the other side, but when he felt those huge warm breasts surround his shaft he nearly blew his load then and there, then the wild lashing of her tongue almost made him howl, but she had him now and he knew it. She began to tug and suck him in between the tongue lashing, squeezing her breasts more firmly against him and bouncing them more wildly.

Vivvian felt a strange excitement in her whole body while she worked this strangers cock, she felt a desperate need to taste his cum, his scent and other taste having been so mind blowing she had no ideal what it would do to her, but she needed it. Moaning around his cock while sucking, rubbing her tongue all over it when she wasn't and then she felt it, each mighty pulse fighting through the squeeze of the hole, swelling his already huge member before flooding her mouth, the first was enough to fill it completely. She tried to swallow it all before the next came but just couldn't, forced to release the dick from her mouth to breath while it painted her with thick hot spunk. She squeezed her tits together like a seasoned whore to catch all she could, trying to catch more in her mouth when her breath finally came back only to be driven off again, he came at an inhuman rate painting her in his amazing scent.

Lucien sighed contently as he finally felt the beautiful release of his climax, chuckling to himself as he felt the mare continue to play with his shaft, but his chuckle died when he noticed his knot was still swollen keeping him firmly in place, the scent of his cum having driven the woman so deep into arousal that she attacked again, and again, and again, I wonder if he will ever be free.