Scaling Up Affection

Story by Ashari on SoFurry

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#12 of Personal Works

Summary: Ofenna visits the apartment of her new boyfriend, the cobra Lex, who ends up suggesting a different way to warm her up when he notices she's a bit cold. She then asks him to take it further.

Final word count: 2417

Another personal work of a different variety! Wanted to try more happy and calm encounters while also slipping in something that suits it well.

Interested in getting a story like this, or any of my others? Check out my commission info here! Want me to do more of some particular character or theme? Let your voice be heard here!

"Here we are, home. Such as it is." The cobra, Lex, said, as he finished with the lock and pushed the door wide. His unusually long tail curled slightly forward subconsciously, bumping the calf of his company. He blushed at that, muttering an apology. To look at him one would expect a more dangerous and serious attitude. The scales along his body were glistening black and polished to shine, mottled flecks of grey and white pitted between them, and his belly was a smooth dusting of a deep pastel blue which grew darker still when it reached under the hood that spread to cradle his face.

Ofenna brushed the dyed-purple fringe of her hair out of the way, shaking off the bump. "Don't worry about it, it looks nice." She offered, only really able to see a hallway and the corner of a room in the waiting apartment. The two tones of brown of her own fur were visible thanks to the cut of her top, exposing the lioness' shoulders and neck a little. When she tensed a little, Lex took the initiative.

"Let's get in, I know it's not really cold here, but it'll be warmer in my apartment." He held the door for her, watching her hips for a moment as she entered.

They'd first seen each other at a bar that Ofenna had gone to with her work colleagues, though they'd not exchanged more than light glances. That changed when the lioness had gone to a club that she'd only recently been introduced to by friends and Lex was there too. He had spotted her and spent a little time summing up the courage to approach and speak with her.

That evening was a little awkward, Ofenna frankly a bit wary due to how intimidating he looked, and so when their conversation quickly died down, she'd been braced for him to start making advances. Instead he'd excused himself, bidding her a good night. When they met again at the club later that week, her guard was not as high and they managed to instead hit off a good conversation that paved the way for more interactions. After yet more meetings their talks had lead to a date, and then back to Lex's home.

It was a modest apartment in a nice neighbourhood, but definitely belonging to a lone occupant. The choice of decoration and the way most things were strewn around, not exactly messy, more 'lived in', gave away that no room-mates would be lurking. Lex hurried over to stack a few books in a neater arrangement, offering the nearby couch to her. "I'll make something to drink. Anything you'd like?"

"Coffee would be fine, if you have some." She replied, smoothing out her clothes as she took a seat and relaxed into the soft cushions. Lex nodded and moved away, the tip of his long tail wiggling happily before it trailed out of sight.

She looked around the room eyes falling on the covers of books and films which, reflected the calmness she had come to expect of his character. She thought for a moment about getting up to join him but soon the sound of movement signalled his return, two mugs in hand.

"Here we are! Hmm, you still look a bit chilly." He said, concern in his voice when he looked over to her. He sat beside her after he'd put the drinks down and gently touched her shoulder with his hand, a finger poking to subtly check the temperature.

"Maybe a little." She admitted looking up in return. Keeping herself from smiling at the light tickling sensation of the brushing finger.

"I've got an idea, if you'll humour me. You might like it too! Some of my previous-" he cut off what he said, knowing it a bit of a faux pas to mention activities with exes when fostering a new relationship. "Suffice to say I've heard positive things about it before, and if you don't like it just say and I'll stop and find you a spare top or a blanket!"

The lioness raised her brow, a little suspicious but nevertheless piqued by the thought. "Alright, show me what you had in mind." She said.

"I won't keep you in the dark, it's my tail, coiling it around a person can be a warm and soft experience, and don't worry, I'm not a constricting breed of snake so I don't think I could do any damage even by accident." The long limb was already sliding behind Ofenna's rump, brushing between her clothes and the couch behind.

She straightened a little, but then with a smile, relaxed herself. "Sure thing, Lex, I'll try it and let you know."

He grinned at the encouragement, the tip pressing into the air at the other side of her as he gently put his arm behind her back, giving her a quick squeeze. She took hold of his shoulder herself, her fingers kneading at it as he began to twine his tail around her waist, starting by covering the small line of bared fur where her top had got a little hiked up, from the slow and hesitant motions he was still a little shy about it too, not fully confident, his eyes constantly watching the feline for any response.

Ofenna felt the caress of the smooth limb brush over her back and around the side like a gently rubbing hand, firm enough to avoid being ticklish and keep it gliding smoothly. Another two coils and his tail tip was brushing below her breasts, a waist-cinching band of scale-covered muscle gently rolling along her. His tail lifted up a bit, not squeezing her chest further, instead bunching up to put a bit of weight at her far shoulder and cradle the nape of her neck before pooling on the other side. There was still an ample amount of tail free, curled haphazardly around the rest of the couch and even a little on the floor.

"How is it?" He asked. It was wonderful, the firm yet gentle squeeze of the soft muscle all around her waist was like an ongoing hug, the small motions that accompanied their breathing and heart beats served to just keep the feeling fresh. Ofenna rubbed her cheek against the thicker coil and let out a little happy purring noise. "Ah, I take it from that noise you like it?" He said winking.

"Oh, indeed, and already I can feel it trapping some heat, it feels warm and wonderful on the skin especially..." Her smile plain across her face already, the cobra himself found the soft fuzz of the fur a treat to touch with his sensitive appendage, and when he gave her a gentle snuggle he felt her breath speed up just a little.

They sat in silence for a moment, Lex was enjoying the time, but he could tell from the way she kept taking breaths that she was on the verge of saying something, but was a little nervous to speak. He waited it out and sure enough she soon opened her mouth to him. "Hey, Lex... uh, do you want to try a bit more?" She asked. Flicking her eyes to look at the tip of his tail.

"More as in, with more of the tail? Or try harder? I don't know which you mean." He said, smiling calmly.

"Um, more tail, yes. It's just I can't help thinking what it would feel like to be totally covered and rubbed inside it." The lioness said at her words the snake's tail gave one last gentle clench before it rolled off, unwinding. "Hey, that's the opposite of what I asked for!" She said, chuckling playfully before he thought her complaint was serious.

Lex let out a chuckle of his own, "I could certainly do it." One of his hands fell on his tail showing the ample length left. "But I worry that you'd end up getting too warm inside." While he spoke he reached over to the forgotten cups of coffee on the table and took his up, the liquid cool enough to take swigs from but still enticingly hot.

"What about..." she said, smirking coyly to herself, waiting for him to take a sip. "If I took some of my clothes off first?" It wasn't quite the surprised spray she was baiting out, but the cobra did have to stifle himself to prevent choking.

"I-I mean, I just invited you here for the evening, I wasn't- that is to say I'd not mean to presume to- well, you know." He said, a little flustered before taking another drink to try and buy time.

"I'd not go fully nude, but your scales felt so much nicer on skin than between clothing, what if I just take off my outerwear and then we go from there?" She said, teasing further by already pushing a hand under her top and tugging it up to show her creamy-shaded belly.

He took a breath, folding his own legs a bit further together as he tried to calm himself, a beautiful lioness was asking to show more of herself and climb into his coils, what sort of maniac would he be to say no to that? "Alright then, but uh, mind if I take two minutes, you can drink the coffee while I'm away." His thumb jerked to the bathroom and at her nod he got up and left.

When he returned to see her already prepared he couldn't stop himself whispering a brief "Whoa." She was down to just a pair of gym shorts and a sports bra, more of her fur on display and the whole form of her body shown off, leaving little left to imagine. She smiled at him, her drink quite drained too, to show there was little further need for interruption.

He didn't need much encouragement, leaving his own clothing on as he crossed over to her, his hands resting on his shoulders as the tip of the tail slid to touch her bared paws. Once again it pressed against her body as it curved around behind and started to rise, but there was no hesitation this time, the tip corkscrewing over her shins as he moved his arms to brace her. "All the way up then?" He asked, peering into her eyes. She gave a nod, putting her arms at her sides in quiet invitation, and she gasped as her legs were already fastened together by the simple winding motion.

It felt just as soothing as before, the sleek scales brushing over her fur and leaving no gaps between the coil, instead the more the tail flowed the thicker it became, the second coil as thick as her wrists and the third growing until it was wider than her arm, slowly it spun up, and once it was over her knees, starting to hold the shins, she realised that despite his claims he was still pretty strong in his tail. There was no difficulty in balancing as the grip just held her weight.

Letting it continue she started to purr, spurring him to move quicker yet, the tail winding over her thighs and then to the hips, the bunched coils continuing to twist around. "You look great, it's almost a shame to cover you." He said flirtatiously. "Comfy?"

"Mmmh, getting there." She whispered the tips of her fingers curling when they felt the snake reach them. She stiffened just a little as the wrap took in her wrists and then flowed up to her forearms and hips. "I think I'll look great all the same." She bragged back, winking, With her covered this much he was free to sit down. His tail showing some strength by holding her in the air which made her let out a surprised sound. The tail kept coiling upward, sliding over her body even though she was suspended in mid-air.

When it reached her chest it didn't skip this time, completing the wrap by going over her breasts and then snaring up her shoulders. It was like a hand had coiled fingers over her entire body, pressing light and very warmly against her. Yet it was still soft and with enough give to be comfortable. He brought his wrapped lion closer to his chest, his arms hugging around the mass and pulling her to him, by now her legs were wound up in muscle thicker than her thighs and the tail tip still spun gently around her neck, bunching up at the cheeks.

She looked into his eyes and then closed hers, lips opening softly. He hesitated only a moment in taking the signal for what it was, leaning forward to press his snout to her nose and give a gentle yet loving kiss. The way she kept moving just a little inside his grip felt wonderful to him, and the constant growing warmth was joy for her, they shared their appreciation in that sweet meeting of the lips.

When they broke the kiss she whispered on. "Thank you, this is ... incredible. It was right to ask."

"You got it, babe." He said back, the tip of his tail brushing behind her ear warmly. "Just let me know when you want out."

"Actually..." Ofenna began, leading him to quirk his brow. "Would you be happy to cover my head too? N-not the nose but."

Lex blinked, "Hey you really are enjoying this. Alright 'Fen, I'll do it." He gave her one last brush with his hands before the tail slid around her face, gently laying coils over her eyes, hair and ears, and the tip poking back to slip over her lips. He still had a measure of tail left despite the fact he'd completely engulfed her in soft muscles and with it he stretched to the side, putting her on the sofa and resting her head on his lap.

"If I hear you mumble, I'll take it off, but just relax in there until you've had enough, alright?" The male said, and the slight nod she gave in reply could be felt rather than seen. Whenever he felt that she might be getting a little warm he cracked a space in his coils to help regulate that temperature.

When he invited her to his apartment he never expected this outcome, but he certainly wouldn't complain. Hoping she felt the same way, he looked down at the coils of his tail with growing affection, maybe she was a keeper.

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