Camp Out

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#1 of Franklin Fanfics

This story was compiled and edited from a long RP session with IB: CaptainAmazing

Fox and Rabbit have a little backyard camp out. It turns messy.

The tent felt safe. Somehow safer even than the house. It was like a magic barrier around Rabbit and Fox that could protect them against anything. Not that there was anything to protect against. It was a calm night and the two of them were just starting their little backyard camp-out. Rabbit was glad it was just the two of them. He liked all his friends, but some one-on-one time with Fox would be perfect. Rabbit had something special to talk about tonight, and he'd only trust it with Fox. He wasn't even sure why. Fox just seemed like the one friend who might understand.

"So what should we do first?" Rabbit asked, a bit nervous. He sat on his sleeping bag, playing with the zipper and thinking about what he'd say when he felt comfortable enough to say anything about it at all.

Fox sat across from Rabbit on his own sleeping bag; it was still too warm and too early in the evening to climb inside it. But what to do? If there had been more of his friends present, he might have suggested truth or dare, but it wouldn't be quite as fun with just Rabbit. He remembered a happy daydream he'd had about playing truth or dare in a group with Badger and getting to give her a kiss on the cheek. Just the thought of it made his face turn red and he quickly shelved the idea. "Ummm," he thought aloud. "Do you know any scary stories?" he queried. "Outside at night is the best time for them." He grabbed the flashlight and held it in front of his muzzle and made a ghostly noise and an evil laugh.

Rabbit giggled back, but there was no way he could think up a scary story tonight. Too much on his mind. And he was distracted by something else, too. Fox was sitting on his haunches and Rabbit was trying so hard to keep himself from staring between his legs. This new piece of anatomy had been brought to his attention recently, as well as everything that went with it. He had no idea how he'd gone so long without noticing the plump fuzzy white sheath and the two neatly packed white orbs below it. Why did he like looking at them so much? "I can't think of anything scary right now..." He tore his gaze away from between Fox's legs and tried to maintain eye contact. "But I do have a story." He was trying to work this into the conversation any way he knew how.

Fox felt Rabbit looking at him rather earnestly and somehow it felt different, but he couldn't have said why. Fox put the flashlight on the floor of the tent beside them, pointing up so it made the entire tent light enough to see. He wondered what sort of story Rabbit had in mind. "What's it about?"

Rabbit cleared his throat. "Do you remember my cousin Jack?"

Fox thought carefully. "Um..." He started to shake his head no, then stopped. "Wait, is he the big kid? The one who broke his arm riding his bike down Thrill Hill?"

Rabbit nodded. "It's a story about him." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well...him and me." He nervously shifted around on his sleeping bag, suddenly wishing he were inside it, protected and hidden. He couldn't believe he was going to do this. Jack had made him promise not to tell any adults, but he supposed telling Fox was okay. As long as Fox promised... "But you can't tell anyone, okay? It's a secret."

Fox gave his friend a puzzled look for just a moment before flashing his winning smile. He grabbed the corner of his sleeping bag, covered his muzzle with it, and drew the zipper across. "My lips are sealed," he said in a funny muffled voice. Behind his goofy smile, Fox was already trying to imagine what it could be that Rabbit and Jack had done or talked about that would require secrecy. Fox imagined himself having an older brother or cousin to look up to and to do stuff with. "It must be cool having an older cousin," he said.

"Oh, it is," he admitted. "Last weekend, Jack came over and stayed the night. And when my parents were asleep and we were alone in my room, he showed me some neat things," he started. At this point, he was whispering. He wasn't sure how to go on. He almost couldn't control his excitement, but he just couldn't find the words. He reached down between his own legs and put his paw on himself, idly fidgeting. "He taught me some things about sheaths." He could feel himself blushing. Was he really doing this? And why couldn't he stop himself from looking between Fox's legs?

Fox couldn't help but give an embarrassed little giggle as Rabbit mentioned 'sheaths.' He noticed where Rabbit's paw was and that made him blush even a little more. He'd never really taken any notice of Rabbit...down there before. "What did he teach you about them?" Fox asked, grinning through his blush. "I mean...what is there to know?"

One last time, Rabbit had to convince himself not to back out. He reminded himself why he was doing this in the first place. If he didn't share this with someone, he might burst. Fox was his most mature friend, and he could never tell a girl, so if it was going to be anyone, it had to be Fox. "Like what's inside them..." He pulled his own sheath back, revealing his red, shiny, slender penis. He had to work physically to keep himself from shaking. "You know... Your weenie?"

Fox was aware of what was inside his sheath. He and his dad had had the "talk" a while ago, but Fox still wasn't 100% certain of all the mechanics. He suddenly thought he knew what Rabbit was talking about. Jack had told Rabbit about the birds and the bees for the first time! "Oh, that! I know about that already... Like the birds and the bees, right? That's what my dad calls it." Fox found himself staring between Rabbit's legs. Fox had been goofing around in the bathtub one night and had pulled his own sheath down. Rabbit's weenie didn't look quite like Fox's.

Rabbit was taken aback by how casually Fox was dealing with this. Suddenly, he was a bit more comfortable, so he left his sheath down and leaned back on his arms, almost showing off his penis. "Well, sort of... He told me some stuff about where babies come from. That was pretty gross," he giggled, almost forced, just to lighten his own mood. "But then he showed me..." This part was difficult. "I mean...he touched it... A lot..." Rabbit looked between his own legs, almost like he didn't believe it himself. " I could see how it feels."

This was something new to Fox. His dad hadn't told him anything about touching it. He'd touched it a little in the bath that one night, but it hadn't been anything special. As Rabbit leaned back, giving him a bird's-eye view of his equipment, Fox suddenly felt a little nervous. He didn't want to come off looking like a baby who didn't know anything, but he really didn't know what Rabbit was talking about. He wasn't sure what to say. " did it feel?"

"Well, at first, it was a little weird. No one's ever touched me there before." Rabbit let himself play between his legs a bit more, softly rubbing, stroking... "It felt kinda good, I guess. But then it started getting bigger. And hard, too." He noticed it was starting to enter that stage now. Just talking about it was starting to make his youthful penis throb and grow. He knew he should stop playing with it, but he couldn't. "And it started feeling better."

Fox looked suitably impressed. "It got bigger? much bigger?" He noticed Rabbit playing with his penis, kind of...massaging it. It made Fox feel funny. Almost like he wanted to try the same thing. He reached a paw down stealthily to his own sheath and after a bit of fumbling, pulled his own sheath down.

"It got longer...and thicker, too. And it stood straight u--" Rabbit stopped himself when he saw Fox's penis for the first time. It was in plain view, and he couldn't help but notice a few fundamental differences. "Yours looks weird," he said.

Fox giggled. For a moment, he wanted to block Rabbit's view with his paw, but figured, what the heck, Rabbit had already seen it. Besides, he was still staring at Rabbit's. "Heh, I was gonna say the same thing about yours," he said, looking between Rabbit's legs. And it appeared he was right, his penis had gotten a little thicker and longer. "Do you think mine will get bigger if I play with it too?" he asked.

"I think so." Now that they were both equally exposed, Rabbit felt much more at ease. "When Jack was making mine hard, he started rubbing it up and down really fast," he said, giving Fox a demonstration by stroking himself to a full erection. Then he let himself go and showed Fox what he'd accomplished. He wasn't terribly nervous anymore. In fact, he was somehow proud that he knew this and Fox didn't.

"Ok, lemme try that," Fox said, warming up to the task now. He moved his paw up and down over his penis like he'd seen Rabbit doing. It surprised him. "Mmmm," he said. "That's...sorta nice," he said. He looked down at his tool after a few moments, sizing himself up to see if he'd grown. He had. Or, at least he thought so. "Does it look bigger to you?" he asked his friend, staring over and noticing that Rabbit's had indeed gotten bigger; considerably bigger.

Rabbit watched Fox stroke himself so closely, he could've been hit with a rock and not notice. "I think it is... Especially the bottom. Looks like it's still growing, too." He stared at Fox's knot, not knowing how it worked or why. He pointed at it. "Is that normal?"

Fox felt a twinge of worry. "What? I dunno, I mean..." he trailed off and blushed a little. "I've never done this before. I don't know what's supposed to happen." He stroked a little more and considered. "Well, it doesn't hurt or anything, so I guess it's fine." He stroked a little over his growing knot. "In fact...the bottom part feels the best." Fox giggled a little bit, "Who's do you think is bigger?" he asked, a little mischievously.

Noticing that Fox's was still in the process of growing, and that his own had reached its peak several moments earlier, Rabbit said, "Yours. Definitely yours." He kept stroking himself, looking at this new part of his friend. "I like it when mine's hard. It feels nice."

Fox stroked his too, leaning back and looking over at Rabbit doing the same. He felt very pleasingly grown up. He looked down at his penis again and was started to see a clear liquid beading up at the tip. "Uh...Rabbit?" He gestured to his penis. "Is Is it supposed" He couldn't really think of a proper word for what it was doing.

Rabbit knew he would have to take the part of the teacher again. "Yeah, it is. In fact, there's another part to my story..." And there was. A part that he would have trouble talking about even now: his first climax... "So Jack kept rubbing it. He kept doing it even after it was hard. He was really good at it. I mean, it was still kinda weird, but I didn't want him to stop. It felt too good, hehe." He cleared his throat after the awkward giggle. "Well, then it started feeling even better. It just...made me really happy. Made me feel good all over, especially down there. I liked it a lot, and he didn't seem to mind doing it. So I just...leaned back against my pillows and let him."

Fox was just stroking absently now, enjoying the feeling. It did feel good once it got hard, that much was true. He hadn't known that there would be more to the story, though. Something that would involve the strange liquid that was just now dripping down Fox's penis. This was certainly more interesting than any spooky story. "Yeah? What happened then?"

"So then it started leaking like that and Jack used it to make my weenie real slippery. That was really nice. And then it started feeling...really good. I mean really good. It was amazing. And then a bunch of white stuff came out."

"White stuff?" Fox thought back. He couldn't remember if his dad had told him about any white stuff or not.

"Yeah. For a few seconds, it was..." He paused. "It was like...well..." He searched his young mind for any words that could possibly describe what he'd felt. He couldn't find many, but he tried his best. "You know what a sneeze feels like... Sorta nice, like a strong, tingly, buzzy feeling? You know, you like it even though it's almost too much?"

Fox shrugged before saying, "Yeah. Is it like that?"

Rabbit's penis was leaking now. His increase in speed was responsible for that. "Sort of. Only it's inside your weenie and it's," he threw up his arms, "a hundred times as good!"

A big sneeze inside his weenie? Fox's ears went down. That sounded...confusing. "So it's not gonna hurt, is it?"

"No way! It's the best thing I've ever felt!"

Fox tried to imagine it. He couldn't really, but he thought he'd like to try and experience it for himself. If Rabbit said it was nice, it probably was. "Do you think we that happen here?" He looked down at his penis; it was getting more slippery with that liquid. And Rabbit had been right. It did make things feel better. Fox let out a little shuddery breath as his paw stroked over his knot.

Rabbit remembered the preceding five days. Each day, he'd tried to recreate what Jack had done. Only Thursday did he manage it. And he'd done it several times since then. "Yeah, we can do it now. I've done it a few times myself since Jack showed me."

Fox also wanted to see what this "white stuff" was about. He balanced on his haunches again and put his other paw on his penis, massaging low on his knot while his first paw was up by the tip. That felt really good and he made it known with a soft little moan. "Oh, try doing it with both your paws! It makes it feel so good!"

Rabbit took the advice and used both his paws, balancing on his haunches like Fox. That definitely helped. "Yeah, that's nice." He continued stroking, making a note that he was getting himself marginally close. " ready for it," he warned through lidded eyes. "It might be a little scary at first. My first time when Jack was doing it, I couldn't really move or talk. I couldn't even think about anything except how good it felt." He thought for a moment. "And about the white stuff... Um, there might be a lot of it. I don't know much about foxes, but I make a mess."

Fox felt a certain sensation growing down in his crotch. It was a pleasurable, tingly sensation. It was very light and very diffuse, almost hard to tell it was there. But his penis seemed to be leaking a little more now. The sensations were so nice that he couldn't help closing his eyes a little. It grew in intensity. It felt a little familiar, almost like he'd felt something similar before. "Um...Rabbit?" he asked, feeling just a little foolish for asking so many questions. "Am I supposed to feel like I kinda have to pee? Is that normal?"

Rabbit nodded, close enough now to almost be too caught up in his own pleasure to answer Fox's questions. "Yeah, it..." he stopped to take a few breaths, stroking himself with intent now. "It'll feel like that when you're about to squirt. But you don't have to pee, I promise." He stared at Fox's penis, watching and waiting for the inevitable, proud that he'd been able to teach Fox how to do this.

The tingling sensation in Fox's groin was growing more defined now. It was centering down low, in his balls. He kept stroking, but looked over at Rabbit. He sort of felt like he wanted Rabbit to go first. In a somewhat breathless voice, he said so. "Hey, Rabbit... You wanna go first? Show me what it's like?" Fox moaned out loud, loving how this felt. How could he have gone so long without knowing anything about it?!

A smile crossed Rabbit's face. He didn't often get the opportunity to lead, and he was more than happy to do it now. "Okay, watch this," he said as if he were showing off. And in a way, he was. A few subtle moans later, he leaned back on one paw and let the other one take over as he began his orgasm. He got butterflies in his tummy as the first of his sperm came shooting out all the way across to Fox's sleeping bag. Rabbit watched it happen and moaned his pleasure out to his friend. The next two squirts followed suit. If Rabbit hadn't been too busy moaning, he might have giggled at it. Four squirts, five, six, not hitting Fox's sleeping bag anymore, but making a mess of his own. It slickened his little cock up and he stroked even harder before reaching squirt number nine.

The cub twitched and groaned the whole time, his free paw grasping his sleeping bag as though for dear life. His climax began to die down and he breathed a heavy sigh as it left him completely. His paw stayed on his penis for a few seconds afterward, bringing lots of white goo with it when he finally peeled it off. "Jack..." he said between breaths, "calls that 'having an orgasm.'"

Fox had stopped pawing himself and was staring at his friend with an open muzzle. "Wow," was all he could say, looking at the volume of white fluid that Rabbit had squirted everywhere. "That looks like it felt really good," he said, stroking again, the feeling still building, feeling like it was traveling up his penis ever so gradually. Fox was still staring at his friend and the mess he'd made, including the three streaks of it on his sleeping bag next to his foot. "Do you make that much every time?" he questioned, wondering what cleaning up must be like.

Rabbit nodded. "So far." He reached into his own sleeping bag with his clean paw and produced a towel that he'd hidden just in case things got messy. As he cleaned himself off, he looked at the three long ropes he'd left next to his friend. "I don't think I've ever squirted that far before, though," he said, offering Fox the towel.

Fox moaned softly, suddenly too close to take the towel. "I think... I think I'm..." He looked raptly at his penis, feeling the tingling right at the very tip of it. Suddenly, he erupted. He tilted his head back and moaned as his penis fired a rope of semen, splattering his fur. Rabbit was right; it was amazing. Almost a little frightening because all he could think about was how good it was. He couldn't hold himself steady, so his second and third shots splattered Rabbit's sleeping bag and all Fox could do was stroke harder, coaxing more and more thick semen out of himself. Five squirts. Six, seven, eight. Fox wondered how long this amazing feeling could possibly last.

As Rabbit watched jets of sperm shoot out the tip of his friend's cock, he grinned. "There you go," he encouraged. There was something supremely fascinating about watching all that white stuff come out when he wasn't the one doing it. And Fox's face was priceless. "Feel good?"

Fox found himself able to moan out "Ohhh yeah!" in response to Rabbit's question. Finally, Fox's orgasm slowed to a conclusion and he was able to open his eyes and survey the mess he'd made. It was nearly as much as Rabbit's. "Wow..." he murmured. "This is great!"

Rabbit giggled. "Told ya. Isn't that the best?" He looked down. "You squirted just as far as me," he said, pointing to the thick ropes on his sleeping bag.

Fox giggled. "Wow, I guess I did." His breathing had returned to normal and there was only one thing he could think to ask. "You wanna do it again?"

Rabbit was elated. "Absolutely." He had stopped stroking himself to watch Fox have his first orgasm. Now that he was done, Rabbit resumed his masturbation. "I can usually do it more than once," he said shamelessly.

Fox started stroking himself again too. His penis was very slippery with cum and it made it feel even better than the first time around. "Did Jack do this too? I mean, did you see him..." Fox searched for the words Rabbit had used, "Did you see him have an orgasm?"

"Yeah." Rabbit remembered that night. "After I was done, he sat next to me and did himself...three times. He said he took it easy on me because it was my first time." Rabbit watched Fox pawing and listened to the wet sounds his paw was making. "He called the white stuff 'sperm' and he used it like that, too." Rabbit pointed out how Fox was stroking with his own semen. "There was a lot of it..."

"Yeah, I bet a big kid makes a lot more than us," he said. "I bet his weenie was really big too, wasn't it!" he exclaimed, sounding quite a bit like he wished he'd been there.

"A lot bigger than mine. Even bigger than yours! Everything was bigger. Even his orgasms were longer." For a moment, he went there in his head. "I'd never seen him make those faces before... And he was moaning so loud, I was worried he'd wake up Mom and Dad."

Fox looked over at his friend, watching him stroke his penis, enjoying the wet sounds, but impatient for one or both of them to start up again. This really was a feeling that he felt he'd never get enough of. "Heh, I wonder what your mom and dad would have said." Fox couldn't help but giggle a little. "Does anybody else know about this? Franklin or Bear or...anybody?"

Rabbit felt his loins tingle and he knew it was starting up again. "Nope, we're the only ones...!" he said with an inflection that led into his orgasm. The second one was always even better and he threw his head back in pleasure and erupted like he hadn't done it in days. He was firing just as much, just as far, his free paw once again gripping his sleeping bag like it was his lifeline. He shut his eyes and behaved like Fox wasn't even there. "Uuuuuuhh," he moaned at the ceiling of the tent.

Fox stared transfixed as Rabbit exploded again. It was so fascinating to watch all that semen pouring out of his friend's cock. There was so much of it! Just watching his friend enjoy himself propelled Fox closer and closer to his own. He was breathing heavily now, absorbed in seeing how long Rabbit would last.

Rabbit was reaching the final stages of orgasm - nine, ten, eleven, twelve - the last two squirts being particularly powerful. So powerful in fact, that they both landed on Fox's right leg. As Rabbit wound down, he noticed what he'd done and his ears went lop. He blushed and giggled, the tingle still running through his privates. "Sorry," he said, still stroking out the afterglow.

Fox looked down at his leg and saw two large ropes of cum splashed across his auburn fur. Two ropes of Rabbit's cum. Rabbit seemed embarrassed, but for some reason, Fox wasn't as bothered by this as he might have thought he'd be. In fact, the idea of it seemed to be making the tingling in his penis stronger. Without even saying anything he flopped back and started to unload. The feeling was just as intense as his first orgasm, maybe more so, and the semen was just as copious. He tried to accept Rabbit's apology as it happened, but all that would come out was a thin, "S'ok" followed by a weary "Don't mind."

As Fox orgasmed for the second time, Rabbit stroked himself toward number three, which he knew would come soon. He noticed how strong Fox's squirts were and he imagined what his friend might be feeling at that moment. His face... Watching it was hypnotizing. Rabbit almost had to remind himself to sustain his own pleasure. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Feels...even better," Fox moaned, stroking himself harder than before. After an impressive fifteen spurts, he finally came to an end, his chest a dripping mess of semen. He trailed his paw through it curiously, watching it hang onto his paw in sticky streamers. "Wow, that's even more than the first time," he noted, looking over at his friend.

Rabbit could feel his third one fast approaching. "Oh yeah? Watch this," he said with a grin, almost making this a competition. He spread his legs wider (as if Fox's view could get any better), leaned back, and pumped his little penis the best way he knew how. Shortly after, he blew, shuddering at the powerful third orgasm and feeling long streams of cum shoot out of him. They flew almost straight upward and ended up on the floor, thick gobs that landed in front of Fox with an audible splat. Rabbit gasped and cringed at how good it felt. He was still new to this and it surprised even him. It made his eyes roll and his hips buck. He stared into space, feeling sperm pass through his penis.

Fox could hear the thick ribbons of cum that his friend was painting the floor with, and he'd seen the grin on Rabbit's face. It was almost as if Rabbit wanted this to be a competition. Fox grinned back at him and watched him powering through orgasm number three. It looked to be his biggest yet. Fox pumped frantically at his own cock, watching Rabbit spurting and waiting for his own third to start. "That looks like a good one," he said.

Rabbit couldn't respond. His squirts were nearing the teens and still going strong. As they passed fifteen, his head was rolling from side to side and his back arched with intense pleasure. "Yeah," he managed to say, briefly making eye contact with Fox. Finally at twenty spurts, they stopped and the bunny shivered and flopped over onto his back.

He looked up and grinned. "Beat that," he said, breathing like he'd just run a race.

Fox looked at the huge puddle of Rabbit's semen on the floor. It was very impressive. "I bet you'd have beaten even Jack with that one, wouldn't you?" he said, grinning down at his friend. But Fox was never one to back down from a contest, so he took his penis in both paws and started pumping. He was close. He massaged his cock all around his knot, coaxing it, trying to make it build up and be as good as he could. He pumped his hips toward his paws and let out a soft moan of pleasure.

Rabbit had never considered beating Jack's volume. "Hehe, maybe. I'll have to tell Jack about that one. I wonder if he'll believe me." Rabbit watched his friend masturbate, noting the shape of his penis again. "Yours looks cooler than mine. It's got all those curves and that thing at the bottom. Plus it's bigger."

Fox grinned. "The things at the bottom feel real good when you rub them. Really, really good." He took a couple of deep breaths. He gripped his penis with one paw and steeled himself. "Ok, here it comes." And with that he blew with a powerful third orgasm that made him moan aloud. His head fell back as the spurts went as high as his neck on the second and third rope. He could actually feel each stream as it traveled up through his cock and exited in a thick jet, eventually splattering next to Rabbit's impressive puddle. He bucked his hips as he'd seen his friend do and gripped himself in every way he could think of to make it last as long as it could.

Rabbit was stunned. Fox was up through fifteen and showed no signs of slowing. His eyes were closed tight and his face set in a determined, pleasured grimace. Fox reached twenty, the tingling was unbearable and he moaned aloud again. He got to an amazing twenty-four before his cock finally ran dry and he fell over backwards, still throbbing. The puddle he had created now dwarfed Rabbit's. Fox couldn't see it from where he was lying, but he knew.

With a pleased grin, Fox said, "I think I beat you."