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#2 of 101 Dalmatians

This was born from two different RP sessions, which I've compiled, edited, and canonized into a sequel for Truth or Dare. This time, Thunderbolt brings his perspective into the story.

Once again, IB: CaptainAmazing was my roleplaying partner.

"Thunder...?" Patch rolled over onto his back, lying in the soft grass next to his new best friend. Cool night air made for a pleasant evening under the stars. It was late, but his parents knew where he was and as long as Thunderbolt didn't shoo him away, Patch felt no need to start heading for home just yet.

Thunderbolt lay on his back as well, one forepaw softly batting at the air. He didn't miss London. Little Titchfield was nice and quiet. The Dearly farm was just a short walk from his trailer now, so he could also keep an eye on his new little friend. He cast a glance at the pup lying next to him and grinned. Patch was quite a shadow, but Thunderbolt didn't mind. When dogs stopped shadowing him, that's when he'd worry. Besides that, he genuinely enjoyed the kid's company. He turned his head slightly. "What's up, Patch?" he asked.

Patch felt so small next to his hero. Even Thunder's voice was so much bigger and deeper than his own. He stared up at the stars. Out behind Thunderbolt's trailer, they were the only dogs around as far as anyone would care to look. Everything was so quiet and still. Patch loved it, being here with Thunderbolt like this. Even if they weren't doing anything but talking. He could ask him any question in the world. "What's it like being famous?"

Thunderbolt's head spun with all the canned answers he had for questions like that. He leaned back into the grass. "Well, it's actually a really great deal," he said. "Some dogs can't handle being famous, and they don't like it. But I do." He stared up at the stars as he rambled. "I get to be on TV, be a hero to tons of folks." He chuckled. "Plus there are...other benefits..." he stopped himself, shutting his eyes with a small groan. Smooth, he thought. Did you forget he's a pup or something? "It's nice," he finished lamely.

Patch's ears did that perky thing they do when they hear something they don't quite understand. He looked over at Thunder. "What do you mean? Other benefits?" By the look on Thunderbolt's face, it was probably yet another thing he was 'too young' to hear (he was so sick of being told that), but he thought he might as well try to get an answer out of the Shep.

"Uh-oh," Thunder mumbled under his breath. Do I tell him? If I don't and he asks his dad...and his dad finds out he heard it from me... Ugh. Thunder rolled onto his side to face the pup. "Well, see, grown up dogs sometimes feel a certain way." He tried to make this easy on himself. "Your dad tell you where pups come from yet?"

Patch giggled. "Well...sort of. I asked him about it last week and he said I was too young. He told me it takes a boy and a girl, but I know all about sex and sperm and all that, too. Me and Lucky figured that out on our own." He cleared his throat, obviously a little nervous. "But don't tell Dad!"

Hearing Patch say those two adult words in his cute little London accent had a completely different effect on Thunderbolt than he imagined it might. He couldn't stop grinning. He smiled reassuringly down at the pup. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, buddy. But I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to." Thunderbolt told himself sternly to not embarrass the pup, but he couldn't resist prying just a little further. "So you and your brother..."

Patch stared back up at the stars again, which were starting to fade. Clouds were gathering and he smelled rain on the air. Then it dawned on him what he had just confessed. Not only had he done naughty things with another boy, but with a littermate! "Yeah... In the barn," he muttered. "We played Truth or Dare."

"Say no more," said Thunder. Right away, he regretted stopping him. He wanted Patch to say more. Much more. In fact, he realized the very thought of it was causing a small, but noticeable increase in thickness inside his sheath. The more he tried to ignore it the stronger it became. He willed himself not to show pink and then willed Patch even harder not to look down between his legs.

But that's exactly what happened. The pup looked over and noticed Thunder's sheath was suddenly more defined...and getting bigger! He also noticed the speck of pink. He quickly looked away, wondering if he was supposed to see that. During the awkward silence afterwards, his eyes were still sneaking glances at what was going on between his hero's legs.

Thunderbolt noticed Patch's gaze. He knew he should try to run damage control. Roll over, cover himself, or at least try to think of something gross to make his cock shrink. But all he could think about was Patch and Lucky. "Did you like it?" The Shep had no idea what he was doing.

"Yeah!" Patch answered a bit too quickly. "I was fun I guess."

Thunder chuckled warmly. "No need to be embarrassed. It is fun...and it feels good. Those are just facts of life. Which is why sometimes dogs have sex even if they don't want puppies. Being famous means there's a lot of girls that what to do it with me," he explained. "And that's what I meant earlier when I said 'other benefits.'"

"But Lucky is another boy."

Thunderbolt, who'd certainly had more than a few males in addition to his share of females, felt himself getting harder inside his sheath. Here he was, talking to his number one fan about sex! Thunderbolt couldn't resist having a look at Patch's sheath, even though it did nothing to help the pressure between his own legs. "Boy dogs can have sex, too. Just not in the same way."

It didn't really make sense yet, but the pup was happy enough just to know more about the subject than his brothers and sisters. Patch relaxed and his eyes were on the sky once again. The stars were gone. " do it a lot?"

Thunderbolt smiled to himself. "Mhm. Mostly with girls, though. I've got..." he rubbed the back of his neck, "regulars. They're gonna miss me back in America."

"What's it like?" Patch inquired with genuine hope in his eyes.

"America? It's a lot like here, except the humans are fatter and they drive louder cars."

Patch laughed. "No I mean, what's sex like?"

"Oh... Well, that's probably something you should ask your dad." The pressure in his sheath was beginning to hurt, so he slipped his forepaw down when he thought Patch wasn't looking and slid a couple inches of his cock out. He hoped it was dark enough to hide it. "But you'll find out someday," he said, knowing the pup wouldn't be satisfied with that answer. He waited for Patch to dig further.

It didn't take long. "Is it better than rubbing yourself?" Patch was starting to develop an erection of his own.

"Oh, yeah..." Thunder's cock was getting dangerously hard. If he didn't pull it out of his sheath soon, his knot was going to be stuck.

"How much better? 'Cause when me and Lucky ha-" Patch stopped short when he felt a drop on his nose. Then another.

Thunder felt them, too. "Starting to rain."

Patch hopped up and shook. "I guess should get home, then."

Just then, as if Thunderbolt's crew had suddenly turned on a rain machine, the sky opened up into a torrential downpour. The Shep laughed over the noise of all the fat raindrops. "Whoa! Let's get inside!" He raced that way and Patch hesitated a bit before following close behind. Patch loved to play in the rain, but he knew his parents would be cross with him if he came home soaked.

Thunder let the younger dog in first, then slipped through the door himself just before the rain started falling even harder. They both shook their coats free of water once inside. "I don't know how you England dogs deal with all this rain..." He sat and looked down at Patch. "Well, we can't have you walking home in this. You can w-" Thunder stopped short. The young dog looked stunned. When Thunderbolt realized where the pup's eyes had settled, he nearly panicked. In their mad dash, his cock had slipped free.

A single lamp was on in the trailer, providing relaxed lighting, but it was more than bright enough for Patch to see what had happened to Thunderbolt on the way in. His curious young eyes had followed the Shep's belly all the way down when he sat. If he had been about to say anything, what he saw down there stopped his words in his throat. His jaw dropped. He shook his head and looked away, trying to pretend he didn't see anything.

Thunderbolt realized his relationship with his young protégé was about to change. The pup looked so unsure of himself and all Thunder could do at first was clear his throat awkwardly. If he treated this the wrong way, he might turn the kid in the wrong direction, or even get himself into a lot of trouble. But maybe if he didn't make a big deal out of it... He considered his options.

Seeing Thunder's penis made Patch lose his nerve. "I... Sorry. I didn't mean to look..."

"Hey, you've got nothing to apologize for, buddy." The Shep had hoped his erection would start to go away with the adrenaline rush, but he was fully knotted now. As he made his way over to a pile of pillows, he knew he would be stuck with it for some time, so he forced himself to treat this like any other trivial thing. "You see, Patch, this is a natural reaction for an adult dog to have when he's talking about...the kind of stuff we just were." He lay on his back, casually exposing himself even further while he sank comfortably into the cushions. "It's okay. I know you're just curious. You can look at it if you want. Truth is, it's probably going to stay hard like this for a little while."

Patch started to settle down. He wanted to look his hero in the eye, but all he seemed to be able to do was stare blankly between his big legs. He just couldn't help himself, especially as the Shep rolled belly-up again and gave him express permission to do so. Thunder didn't seem to mind, so he stopped trying to look away. After all, this was a chance for him to seem grown up in front of his idol.

"We've both got one. I mean, it's nothing you haven't seen before, right?" Thunder was trying his best. Perhaps if he played it off like no big deal, Patch wouldn't run home and tell his parents. "I don't mind you looking...unless it makes you uncomfortable."

Patch wasn't sure how he felt about this. After playing with his brother in the barn, he thought he could handle anything, but Thunder's cock was enormous compared to his own. Finally, he was able to look away from it and make eye contact with Thunderbolt again. "So...does that mean we can keep talking about sex?" The poor pup had trouble focusing on his own thoughts with an eight-inch cock staring him in the face. "'Cause I had some more questions."

That was exactly what Thunderbolt wanted to hear. He smiled down at the pup. "Sure. Ask whatever you want, buddy." He figured he might as well answer all he could. He ran an idle paw down his length, letting out a soft sigh.

Patch watched Thunderbolt touch himself, and his little balls started to tingle a little bit. His paws began to shake. He had no idea why he was so nervous, but Thunder seemed as calm as ever and he didn't want to appear weak in front of his hero. "Um..." He could barely get it out now, just staring at the huge penis coming from between Thunder's legs. "You never...uhh... You never answered my last question." Patch inched toward the Shep. "How much better is sex than just rubbing it?" For some reason, this interested him more than anything else about the subject, and he looked into Thunder's eyes with curiosity.

Thunder saw Patch scoot closer, and more naughty thoughts occurred to him. The star had never 'played' with a puppy before, but something about Patch just drew him in, forced him to give an honest answer for every awkward question. "Well, to be honest there,'s hard to describe..." he trailed off a bit. "Very warm. Wet. And if you find the right girl, tight. And the orgasms are..." Thunder thought for a moment. "When you were playing with your brother, did either of you have orgasms?"

Patch gave Thunder a blank stare.

"I mean, did you squirt?"

"Oh! Uh...yeah, we both had an orgasm."

"Very nice. Bet you liked that part."

Memories of that feeling flooded the pup's young mind. "Yeah. It was..."

"Incredible, I know. Have you done it since then?"

Patch shook his head.

Thunderbolt absolutely could not help himself. He gave his little friend a mischievous grin that showed off his teeth. "Wanna do it now?"

The question sent Patch's heart soaring into his throat, and for a moment, he honestly couldn't decide if what he'd heard was real. The pup didn't deny that he wanted to. All this talk was having an effect on him as well. His erection was getting noticeable. But what would his brothers and sisters think? What would his dad think?

Almost as if he could read minds, Thunder added, "I won't tell anyone if you won't." The Shep rubbed himself a bit harder, encouraging a stream of fluid to drip slowly down the shaft.

Patch watched the droplet travel down his hero's knot and into his sheath. The sight was almost intimidating. "Yours is huge," he said, avoiding the question. "Way bigger than mine. Mine's...really small," he said, a touch of sadness in his voice.

Thunder snickered inwardly. "Oh, come on now Patch," he assured him. "I'm sure you're normal for your age." Patch didn't look convinced at all. Instead, he hung his head, letting his ears hide his face. Thunder wasn't having it. "Come here, buddy." He patted the pillow beside him. "It's alright."

As the pup came over to lie next to his hero, he couldn't take his eyes away from between Thunder's legs. It was just so huge! Knowing his own hardening puppyhood might make an appearance soon was scary...but somehow liberating.

Thunder's paw came around to almost cradle the little guy. Having admired the kid's sheath more than once tonight, he had a pretty good idea what to expect. "You know, I bet if I saw it, I'd be impressed."

Patch was a smart pup, so he knew exactly what his adult friend was getting at. He didn't know if he should be doing this, but his young body had a mind of its own, so his right paw went ahead and slipped his cock fully out of his sheath and he was barely able to suppress a moan from escaping his muzzle. He lay there, exposed, terrified, excited...and horny. His heart was pounding so hard, he could feel it in his ears.

As Patch pulled his sheath down, The Shep's eyes were all over it. The pup had just done it without waiting for any official instruction. Thunder absolutely adored that, and he grinned as Patch's cute little paw stroked his fully exposed cock. He was already fairly hard and it didn't take him long to fill out the rest of the way. Thunder stared quietly at it. "Well, would you look at that..."

Patch visibly brightened up. The pup couldn't help breaking into a proud grin. "So it's not too small?"

Thunder reached down and took the little penis gently in his paw, slowly looking it over and examining its shape. "I'm actually impressed, kid."

The grin on the pup's face widened. At the same time, he shivered at the paw on his weenie. Only Lucky had ever touched him there, and Thunder's paw was different. It was huge, but it was just gentle enough to tickle him as he was being explored. "How big were you when you were a pup?"

The Shep was only listening with half an ear. His touch became more deliberate. His paw went flat on the pup's belly and he moved it back and forth, trapping the knot between two digits as he stroked. The whole paw rubbed the entirety of the pup's belly and crotch.

Patch let slip a soft moan as Thunderbolt caressed his knot along with the rest of his lower reaches with just one big, skilled, German Shepherd paw. "Thunder?" he muttered breathily, trying to regain the attention of his hero.

Thunder didn't respond at first. He just kept rubbing along between the pup's legs, curling his paw to touch Patch's little balls on the downstroke. His big paw could cover so much ground on the kid's body and he knew he was enjoying it. "I'd say I was about your size when I was your age. So, you'll probably be as big as me when you grow up. The girls are gonna love you."

Patch couldn't stop himself anymore. His hips began moving in time to Thunder's strokes. He'd had belly rubs before, but never like this. He was whimpering with pleasure and a single, clear bead of precum trickled down his puppy cock. The extra slow stroking - plus the thoughts of one day having a penis like Thunder's - was putting him in a trance. Patch looked innocently into Thunder's eyes. "That feels really good."

Thunderbolt grinned, watching the precum flow. "I know, buddy," he cooed.

Any sense of awkwardness was gone now, and Patch didn't care if this was right or wrong. He stopped thinking as the feeling built into that familiar tingle he'd missed all this time. "Thunder," he whined. "It's...uh...."

When he saw how close Patch was getting, Thunder's inner devil also came out to play. "Come on, Patch. Squirt for me," he whispered into the pup's ear. "Let's see what you've got."

Patch moaned at Thunder's naughty words as they tickled his ear. He was far past the point of no return. His hips bucked upwards as the tingle rose from his balls into his cock. Higher and higher until, with a cry, his orgasm began with a gush of young cream. It wasn't very thick, but it was long and it spurted out onto Thunder's paw and up Patch's chest. Little hips bucking upward, he went off again and again, four more ribbons of puppy cum landing on him. With a soft moan, the orgasm ran to a trickle and stopped as he laid panting, eyes shut.

Thunderbolt marveled at the sight, watching Patch's face as he lost himself in only the second orgasm of his life and then rested in what looked like a lovely afterglow. There were a hundred things Thunder wanted to say, but he kept silent. His paw slowed down, massaging all the cum into the pup's belly and around his sensitive knot.

"Thunder," Patch muttered. "That... That...uhh..." Still at a loss for words, he looked up to see the mess he'd made. He moaned softly again as the big dog continued rubbing him and suddenly found himself shyly unable to meet Thunder's gaze.

Thunderbolt broke the awkward silence. "Looked like it felt good," he said with a pleasant smile. "You were pretty cute, moaning and bucking your hips like that..." His paw never left Patch's belly. Instead, he sped things up a bit, carefully testing the water to see how sensitive he might be.

The young Dalmatian didn't know if it was possible to blush any more than he already had been, but he sure was trying. "Sorry I got it on your paw," he said when he could finally speak.

Thunder just kept rubbing. His paw moved deeply and smoothly like before, still giving Patch's now spent balls that extra touch. "Don't worry about that. Just relax and concentrate on how good this feels."

Melting into his hero's touch, Patch noticed his weenie was still hard as ever. As Thunderbolt rubbed him in silence, the pup felt himself shiver. He moaned softly under the big grownup paw and realized that the feeling was starting to build again. "Mmmm. Thunder, I think you're gonna...make it happen again." He and Lucky hadn't tried to do it more than once, but he saw a trickle of precum and somehow knew that he was on his way.

"Hehe, it's pretty easy to make you squirt, kid." Thunder smirked and pressed down a little harder with his strokes. He was having the time of his life and it looked like Patch was, too.

Patch wanted to violently buck his hips, but he was able to slow down and gently roll them instead, fully enjoying the feeling of being stroked this way. He let loose a long moan, almost a purr, as he rested his head back on the pillows and stared at the ceiling of Thunder's trailer. His feet batted the air helplessly while the paw worked between them. "Feels so much better than when Lucky did it," he breathed.

The telltale signs began to show again. Thunder increased his speed. "And just think... In a few more seconds, you'll be feeling another tingly orgasm...squirting all over your chest..." He couldn't help but play with his own cock a little while he talked dirty to his number one fan. "You'll be moaning and bucking your hips again... It's gonna feel so good pumping out all that sperm." Thunder started rubbing a little faster, giving the pup a naughty look, reminiscent of the trademark grin he liked to give all his fans. "Are you excited?"

Patch's cute little whimpers returned when he heard his hero talking to him that way. "Uh huh," he nodded clumsily, shifting his focus to what was going on between his legs. If he hadn't been close already, Thunder's nasty words would have done the trick. He braced himself against the pillows and bucked his hips almost on cue. The tingling started, stronger than last time. More insistent. He couldn't believe how good it felt. It rose sharply up through his cock, settling inside the tip and making him twitch. A moment later, he burst again, firing more puppy semen onto his chest, just like Thunderbolt said.

Thunder was rapt. It was a sight he just couldn't get enough of. "There ya go. Good boy... Bet that's your favorite feeling in the whole world right now."

Patch couldn't answer. He moaned loudly at the jets of cream leaving his body. His eyes were screwed shut as he twitched. He bucked hard, scarcely noticing a particularly powerful stream shooting over his shoulder and landing on the pillow behind him.

Thunder saw it, though. "Wow," he complimented. "You've got some distance, Patch."

As he wound down, Patch sank into the pillows, panting yet again. Thunderbolt finally peeled his cummy paw off him, and the pup felt like he'd just been outside playing with his siblings in the mud. There was something else, too. A dull tingle was still resonating in his groin and he stretched out on the cushions to enjoy it.

Almost right away, Thunder knew what was going on. One thing he loved about Patch was how transparent he was. It was obvious what was happening to the kid at that moment. "Feel that?" Thunderbolt applied a gentle pressure to the area just beneath Patch's balls. "Down in here?"

Patch nodded in lazy contentment.

"Sometimes it happens after an orgasm. Just concentrate on that feeling and it'll stick around for a while."

Patch needed no further instruction. He shut his eyes and began stretching out again, rubbing himself against the pillows and listening to the gentle sound of the continuing rain. It certainly was no orgasm, but it was powerful. The feeling was making him squirm around in slow motion. It was obvious how much Patch was enjoying his first real afterglow.

Watching from above, Thunder was somehow proud. Young as Patch was, he was already surfing the waves of his afterglow like a pro. He lovingly stroked a dry spot on Patch's chest before turning his full attention to himself, rubbing his cum-slick paw over his bright red and neglected eight inches. He was so hard now he couldn't stand it. As Patch enjoyed pleasures of his own next to him, Thunder let out a quiet sigh as he started seriously working on himself. Small trickles of precum were already running out. After getting Patch off twice, his own wouldn't take long at all. The tip of his cock got the most attention. He slathered it with his slimy precum, letting out another long sigh that wasn't quite a moan.

Thunder's deep sigh drew Patch's attention back to where it was before. He watched the big dog's paw stroking up and down, watched little drops crawl out of the tip only to be gathered up and reused as more lube. He supposed since Thunderbolt had made no efforts whatsoever to hide himself or to even scoot away (they were nearly cuddling), that it was okay to watch. He put his paws behind his head, still enjoying the faint tingle at the bottom of his pelvis.

When he realized he had an audience again, Thunderbolt had to force himself to remember that Patch was just a pup. He turned a concerned eye to his young friend, but didn't quite stop his paws. "You know, if this makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to watch. I won't be angry with you or anything like that."

"No, no, I wanna watch. I've just never seen..." Patch trailed off for a moment, watching Thunder's paws work. "I've never seen a grownup do anything like this before." He motioned to what Thunder was doing to himself.

Thunder smiled over at Patch and gave him a wink. He stroked up and down his big cock, lightly rubbing the knot. That got him moaning a bit more. He was completely shameless about it, holding nothing back and letting Patch know just how good it felt. Then he stuck that paw behind his knot while the other slid down his shaft and over the tip, drawing another bead of clear pre. "Well, you're gonna see a lot just a minute..." He moaned again. "Gosh, this feels good."

Listening to his hero make sounds he'd never heard from him, Patch was feeling...different. Almost on instinct, he moved closer, leaning against the warm body of his hero. His own penis had gone back into hiding, but he was too busy watching Thunder to play with it anyway. More and more, he was glad the rain had stopped him from going home tonight. He couldn't take his eyes off his hero. "When you squirt, is it gonna be as much as I did?"

The Shep still spared Patch nothing, moaning lewdly like the kid wasn't even there. He bucked his hips upward in rhythm with his paws. When he felt the pup's little body against his own, he switched paws and wrapped his free one around Patch to hold him close. "You're about to find out, buddy."

Patch grinned in anticipation, not sure what he should be expecting, but letting his imagination fill in the gaps. He relaxed his head on the big dog's shoulder and continued to watch him masturbate. The way he was moving reminded him of the way Lucky had moved when Patch was stroking him in the barn. Only there was something different about it. His hips rolled in ways that made Patch feel lightheaded. The lamp behind them shone in such a way that he could make out the bulging muscles in Thunderbolt's thighs as he flexed them. If Patch had a better handle on the word, he would have called it sexy.

Thunderbolt stroked himself furiously with one paw, really wanting to put on a good show for his number one fan. He stopped to apply some pressure below his knot, then quickly resumed while the feeling lasted. His orgasm was fast approaching and it felt like a big one. He let slip a long, naughty moan, clear precum running in a small river down his cock and over his paw. He slowed for a moment, feeling his climax right at the edge and savoring it as long as he could.

"That looks like it feels good," said Patch out of nowhere. "I like watching you." With his confidence inflated, the pup grinned in anticipation. His eyes were fixed on Thunder's throbbing cock, waiting eagerly.

"Bet you're never gonna look at my show the same way now, huh?" Thunder smiled down at him just before crying out and unleashing his orgasm. A huge burst of semen shot directly upward and landed on his arm. He moaned aloud, letting it drip down his fur as more of the thick stuff came spurting forth. Almost instantly, he was reduced to nothing but a series of weak, shuddery sighs. His body went wild with the pleasure he'd just given himself. Both dogs watched with perfect attentiveness as Thunderbolt's cock fired stream after stream of his hot, thick mixture.

The noises Thunder was making...the moans... Patch imagined how good it must feel. He was more than stunned. He could feel the heat from Thunder's body as thick strands of white stuff came shooting out the tip of his penis and landed all over him. The pup's muzzle hung open as he watched his hero orgasming, not quite believing what his eyes were telling him. He looked back and forth from Thunder's face to his doghood, not sure which one was more interesting to watch. His expression had completely changed. His ears had folded back and he looked almost like he was in pain (though Patch knew better). It was a look he'd never seen on the strong, confident dog before. Most of all, he was massively impressed by the simple volume of it. He hadn't imagined the force and speed at which the streams would rocket out. Even with the big cock pointing straight upward and his head all the way up on the Shep's shoulder, a few of them nearly hit him in the face.

"Oh yeah," the Shep moaned as he pawed himself. More ribbons of white appeared on his beige coat. The orgasm seemed neverending, but it eventually stopped, the last thick gobs of cream oozing down his spent cock. One last steamy moan and Thunder was done. He sank back into the pillows, cum streaming down the sides of his belly. He managed to turn his head and smile at Patch.

"Wow..." Patch's thoughts were solely on the impressive amount of white stuff all over Thunderbolt's underside. He inched his nose toward it, sniffing at it a little. It smelled so strong...much stronger than his or Lucky's. Patch sniffed closer, smelling saltiness and bitterness. It was almost dizzying. "Am I gonna make that much when I grow up?"

Thunderbolt grinned to himself, perhaps a bit further turned on by the pup's naughtiness. "Well, not every dog makes as much as me, but you've got a little volume yourself." Thunder smiled down at him, motioning toward the mess the pup had made earlier. "Yeah, I'd say there's a good chance you'll squirt like me when you get older."

Unable to stop an ear-to-ear grin, Patch snuggled up to his hero, supremely pleased with himself.

With his devil satisfied, Thunderbolt's conscience finally crept up from where it had been shelved. "Hey, Patch..." He looked over at his little friend with a serious expression. "I hope I didn't make you do anything you didn't want to."

Patch shook his head frankly. "No, it was really fun! Thanks for," he pointed to his sheath, "you know, playing with me... Twice," he giggled.

"Well, as long as you enjoyed yourself, that's good enough for me."

As Patch relaxed, the raindrops on the roof caught his attention again. "It's still raining," he muttered, looking out the window into the darkness.

"Guess you'd better stay here for the night, then." Thunder stroked Patch's head with an affection he hadn't had just this afternoon. "In the morning, I'll walk you back home and tell your parents you were rained in."

"Okay. Thanks."

"And if you ever want to do this again, I'll be here."

Patch couldn't remember ever feeling so safe. He licked Thunder on the cheek. "I love you, Thunderbolt."