A Dad's Dilemma, A Son's Solution

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Well, Father's Day is almost here, and it's been almost two months since I last wrote a story about an overhung young fox boy. So, I didn't really have a choice.

Remember to Fave/Vote/Comment if you like. :)

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


A Dad's Dilemma, A Son's Solution

"Ugh... what am I doing...?"

I stared at the screen, just like I had been for the past 15 minutes, deciding whether or not to hit the "Submit Order" button. I let my finger linger on the mouse, trying to will myself to click it, but once again, I pulled my paw away, sighing as I did.

My name is Martin Shale. I'm a 39-year-old corsac fox with dusty blond fur, and at the moment, I am having an internal struggle about whether or not I should buy the dildo that I had added to my "cart" on the website.

"This is stupid... it shouldn't be this big of a deal!" I was nearly shouting, despite the fact that there was no one else in the house.

I had known for quite a while that I'd been interested in guys as well as girls, it was just a side of myself that I had never really explored. I never had a boyfriend, never done anything with a guy, as far as I knew, it was just a curiosity... a phase... and for a long time I assumed I had outgrown it. When I was 21, I married a beautiful woman, we had two sons together, and I would not trade that time away for anything. Sadly though, we separated close to 3 years ago, and ever since then, it's been a bit of a... lull for me, as far as relationships go.

I had met women, several of whom seemed fairly interesting, smart, beautiful, everything that I would look for, but none of them really clicked with me. Before long, I realized that I just wasn't noticing the women as much as I was noticing the guys... Memories started resurfacing, feelings that I had apparently repressed, and eventually I began to wonder, if maybe... just maybe...

"No..." I continued to talk to myself while the webpage taunted me. It may not seem like a big deal, and honestly I would tend to agree with that thought. It was literally just a piece of phallic-shaped plastic... or whatever material it was made of... and I couldn't bring myself to go through with it. It just felt so... official, I had barely even been able to deal with going to the website in the first place.

"I'm not going to be able to do this, am I...?"

I pulled myself up out of the chair, and began to pace around nervously. My laptop was currently set up in the kitchen, so I simply paced around on the tile floor, trying to come to terms.

As I strode back-and-forth through the kitchen, I eventually noticed the microwave clock out of my peripheral vision, and was a little surprised upon seeing the time, "Ack, it's past 12 already?" I did have several things to do, and I usually preferred to get everything done before the kids got home from school, and if I wanted to accomplish that today, then I needed to get started. I took one last look at the laptop screen, but turned away, hoping that maybe taking my mind off of it might clear my head a bit.

"I'll... make the decision later..."

I headed upstairs to get the laundry, the first of the tasks on my list. I could get the laundry going, and then make my trips to the bank and the store while the clothes were being washed.

No sooner had I reached the top of the staircase than did I see a pair of basketball shorts laying there on the floor of the hallway. "Marston..." I sighed as I spoke out my son's name, and snatched the garment up off of the floor.

Marston is the older of my two boys. He's 17, he's slim, and has very much the same dusty blond colored fur that I have... oh, and also an absolute slob. I don't even know how some of his clothes get left where they do... "Why are these even here? Does he change in the hallway...?"

Taking the basketball shorts in-hand, I proceeded into my other son's room first, knowing that it'd likely be at least a little bit easier gathering the clothes from there first. The younger of my boys is named Collin. His fur is a few shades darker than mine, and like his brother, he's pretty slim. He's only 12, but to his credit, he's much neater than his older brother. Whenever I gathered clothes from his room, I rarely had to do anything more than empty out his hamper.

Combined, it only took a minute or so to get the clothes from both my room, and Collin's room, but as I expected, Marston's room took significantly longer. Right when I walked in, I could see clothes scattered across the bed, floor, dresser... there was even a t-shirt hanging off of the ceiling fan. Frankly, the only place where there weren't any clothes was inside the hamper.

I really have to start making this kid do his own laundry...

Though slightly annoyed with myless-than-neat­ teenager's mess, I took the time and gathered all of the clothes I could find from around the room, and added them to the load to be washed.

"Oof... that was a pain..."

Finally finishing up in my older son's room, I pulled out my phone to check the time, "Ugh... even for Marston's room that took too long..." It was getting close to 1 PM, and I still hadn't made any substantial progress. If I wanted to get everything done, I had to get the laundry started ASAP. With the laundry basket in-hand, I made my way back down the stairs, but upon reaching the first floor, I began to notice that something was slightly off...

I paused, and glanced around, it took a few seconds before I noticed a familiar backpack sitting there on the couch, Collin's backpack.

That wasn't here earlier, was it? Maybe I just didn't notice it? Did he forget it this morning?

I searched for an explanation in my mind, not that I had much time to. As soon as I turned the corner to set foot into the kitchen, I got the answer.

My son was standing right there, apparently home from school already, "Collin?"

He looked up at me with a smile, "Oh, hey Dad."

I prepared to voice the obvious question, and ask why he was home already, but I froze. Alarms started going off in my head, as I realized where he was standing... He was right in front of my laptop, and the webpage that I left on the screen was... oh shit...

I wasn't quite sure how to react, he was clearly looking at the screen, but judging by the cheerful demeanor on his face, he wasn't shocked, disgusted, or anything of the sort. Definitely not showing any signs that someone would expect from a kid that just caught his father buying a sex toy...

Maybe he doesn't know what it is...

It was the only possible explanation that I could come up with. At 12 years old, I'm sure I didn't know anything about sex, and I know for sure that I hadn't discussed anything with him just yet... I just needed to act like it was no big deal, and I'd be home free...

...at least, I thought that, until Collin spoke again.

"That's not the one that I'd pick for you."

** THUMP **

The clothes basket that I was carrying slipped from my grasp and hit the floor, though it might as well have been my jaw.

"Uh, wh-what...?"

He can't possibly be saying what I think he's saying, can he?

I leaned down to pick up the laundry, but kept my gaze on Collin, barely even breathing as I waited for him to elaborate.

"The toy that you're ordering. I think that a different one that would be a lot better. This one's too small, and the knot might be too much, if you rush into it"

I was stunned. I heard his words, but my mind wasn't even working enough for me to provide an intelligible reply. He definitely seemed to know what it was, but he was talking about it so nonchalantly, he wasn't taken aback in the least.

"Er, I..." I didn't have an answer, I responded with the only coherent thing that I could come up with.

"Uhh, hey... what are you doing home so early?"

And thankfully, just like that, he was completely off of the subject, "Dad, I told you that I had a half-day today!" He spoke in a rather adamant tone, leading me to believe that he actually had told me. It wouldn't have been the first time that I forgot about something like that.

"Half day...?"

"Yeah! They mentioned it last week, something about the teacher's association meeting... I think. Mars is off too."

A spike of panic hit, and I immediately started darting my head back and forth, half-expecting to see the teenager in a corner of the room or something, "What?! Marston's home too?!"

Collin shook his head, "Nah, he dropped me off, and then went off to meet his friends or something."

I let out a small sigh of relief, at least one of my children hadn't seen my laptop screen one click away from the purchase of a sex toy.

Collin, just as casual as ever, walked over to the fridge and opened it, "Anyway, can I grab a snack? We don't get lunch on half-days."

"Uh, yeah. Go for it, Collin."

Smiling, the pre-teen grabbed something from the fridge and trotted past me, "Thanks dad." Just like that, he headed up the stairs, assumedly towards his room, grabbing his backpack on the way.

I was dumbstruck. I still remained there on my knees with the laundry basket in my paws. I couldn't even bring myself to stand back up as I tried to make sense of the conversation that I just had with my 12-year-old son.

After a few more seconds, I heard his door shut from the floor above, and that seemed to be enough to snap me back to reality, at least somewhat. I pulled myself up, and immediately stepped over to my laptop. I intended to close the page and shut it off right away, but caught sight of the screen once again, and couldn't help but let Collin's words echo in my mind.

"What did he mean by 'it's too small'?"

The dimensions of the toy on the screen were clearly stated, it was five inches long, which honestly, outclassed me by at least an inch, and Collin thinks that's small?

I shook the thoughts from my mind, both literally and figuratively, and turned off the laptop, "That kid must have some crazy expectations about certain sizes..." I thought it best to simply proceed as normal. The situation was a little embarrassing, but it was over...

Completely over and done with... right?


Despite the boys only having a half-day of school, the day went pretty much as planned. I got to the bank, got groceries, and finished everything that I needed to around the house, all without anything going wrong.

With as much as I got done during the day, I didn't feel like cooking anything, so I just ordered for pizza. I figured that would make everyone happy.

It got to be around 10 PM, both boys were upstairs, and I sat in the living room, slowly passing out, as the TV showed some black-and-white movie that came on after the hockey game that I had been watching. I usually would have gone upstairs and started to wind down for the evening, but I couldn't shake a slight feeling that I was forgetting to finish something...

I put my feet up on the coffee table, stretching and relaxing myself a little, and found my gaze drawn to a spot on my jeans that I had not noticed before. A red spot, which I quickly identified as pizza sauce.

"Ugh... must have gotten this on myself at dinner." I stood, and using a napkin that I had nearby, started to wipe at the spot, "I really hope this doesn't stain, these are my favorite pair of p--Oh! The laundry!"

The potential stain on my clothes sparked my memory, and it immediately struck me what I had neglected to finish. The clothes that I had gathered earlier to be washed were still in the laundry room.

I had likely forgotten because everything was pretty much done, I had put the last load in the dryer a few hours ago. They were, without-a-doubt, finished by now. I simply hadn't brought everything back upstairs.

My memory thoroughly jogged, I headed towards the laundry room, ready to complete the task that had been lingering on my mind. It only took a minute or so to pull the last few articles of clothing from the dryer. I had already separated the clothing into separate baskets for all three of us, and I don't bother to fold anything. That's at least one task that I leave to my kids to do for themselves. So, with three sorted baskets of once-again-clean clothes in-hand, I made my way upstairs.

The first stop was Marston's room, I could hear the bass from whatever music he was listening to before I even got to the stairs. I knocked first, not expecting to get an answer, as he rarely hears me knocking whenever he's listening to music.

I pushed the door open, and glanced in, "Marston?" He was sitting at his desk, controller in hand as he played some game on his laptop. As usual, he didn't notice my presence.

Marston sat there clad in a white tee-shirt and boxers, his attention completely fixated on the game he was engaged in, to the point where I nearly had to shout to get his attention.


"Huh?" He finally turned away from his screen to see me standing there, "Oh, hey dad, what's up?"

I simply held up the basket full of his clean clothes, not particularly wanting to compete with the loud music by speaking again.

"Oh, thanks." He took a few quick glances around the room, as if he hadn't even noticed, until that very moment, that all of the clothes that were scattered all over the room had been taken, "Uh, can you just leave them there?" And just like that, he turned back to his game, without another thought.

Rolling my eyes, I left the basket just inside of his door, and closed it shut behind me.

I picked the other two baskets back up, and turned my sights to Collin's room. Unlike Marston, it looked like my younger son had left his door open. I stepped over to peek inside, and just as I realized he wasn't even in the room, I also noticed that I could also hear the shower going in the bathroom. It was about that time, Collin often took a shower right before getting ready to go to sleep.

"I guess I'll just leave his stuff on his bed."

I was still carrying both the basket with my clothes, and the basket with his clothes, one on top of the other as I entered the room, which as it turns out, wasn't the best idea. As I set the baskets down, in an effort to put Collin's clothes in place on his bed, I apparently did not have them balanced well enough, and for the second time of the day, a basket of clothes that I was carrying went crashing to the ground.

"Ah, shit..." I looked at the mess of clothes and sighed. Luckily, it was only my clothes that had spilled, so I at least didn't have to separate each piece of clothing as I picked them up. I moved Collin's basket out of the way, and began re-collecting all of my spilled garments, which proved to be more difficult than I expected.

"Ugh, did a few things actually go underneath the bed...?"

Spotting a couple pieces sticking out from under the bed, I leaned in to check, confirming that several pairs of briefs had indeed slipped past the bed frame. I even had to crouch down fairly low to reach the last few things that had spilled out, and upon grabbing the last one, it actually gave a bit of resistance, "Oh, come on... what's it stuck on...?" I tugged again, this time pulling along whatever it had snagged. A couple more pulls, and the pair of underwear I was retrieving came into view from underneath the bed, along with an unmarked cardboard box.

My first thought was to not invade my son's privacy. He clearly had the box hidden for a reason. I don't know what it was, maybe parental concern, maybe morbid curiosity, but something in my gut drove me to move my paw, and before I knew it, I was peeking inside.

I only meant to look for a moment, I didn't even completely remove the top of the box, but what I saw was enough to get me to stumble backwards in surprise...

"ACK! Wh-What?!?"

I moved back to look again and make sure that I wasn't seeing things, and my jaw about dropped when I took a look inside.

Sex toys...

Dildos, cock sleeves, vibrators... despite the fact that I was staring directly at it, I couldn't believe it. If there was one thing that I absolutely did not expect to find in my preteen son's room, this was it...

My paw pretty much moved on its own, without thinking I reached in and grabbed one of them, as if I were confirming that it was real. I held it up in the open and got a look at it, but was too stunned to really do anything besides stare at it in awe. At least, until I heard the bathroom door click open.

** click **


Quicker than I knew I was capable of moving, I closed the box, pushed it back under the bed, and immediately stood up, doing my best to look as nonchalant as I could for when Collin stepped into the room. Thankfully, I then looked over the scene to make sure that everything was back in place, otherwise, I probably wouldn't have noticed...

Fuck! I'm still holding the dildo!

Collin's soft footsteps could be heard through the hallway. I knew I didn't have any time to react, it was more-or-less instinct when at the absolute last moment, I stuffed the item into the basket filled with my clothes just as he entered the room.

"Oh, hey dad!"

"Hey, Collin, just... uh... your laundry..." I'm sure I sounded a little more suspicious than I had intended to, but thankfully, Collin didn't seem to notice, probably partially due to the fact that he was a little preoccupied. As he had just come out from a shower, the only thing that he had on was a towel wrapped around his waist, and he was using a different towel in an effort to vigorously dry his head fur.

"Oh, my clothes, thanks!"

"Yeah... um, good night, son..."

Without even waiting for a response, I grabbed my basket of clothes, and exited the room, closing the door firmly behind me.

I proceeded to the master bedroom, once again made sure to close the door firmly, letting out a sigh as I slumped to the ground, with my back against the door.


I didn't know how I was going to deal with this, or even if I was supposed to deal with this.

He's 12! I have to do something, right? Have a... father/son talk or something...?

I had honestly thought that I was ready for this phase of Collin's life. After getting through Marston's puberty, I didn't think that anything could surprise me, but I was absolutely unprepared for this.

As I sat there contemplating in silence, my gaze drifted towards the clock. It was close to 11 o'clock, so I came to the conclusion that whatever I did decide to do, it was going to have to wait for tomorrow.

I still had the basket of clothes that needed to be put way, but, I was pretty much ready to just leave it, and head to bed. In-fact, if it hadn't been for the whole situation with Collin still weighing heavily on my mind, I'm sure I would have. So, hoping that the menial task would clear my mind, at least somewhat, I shrugged, and took the clothes over towards the dresser.

I didn't even get the first shirt folded...

** thump **

My attention shot to the floor, right near my feet, and there it was. The dildo that I had inadvertently taken from Collin's room.

The moment was such a snap decision, that I had honestly forgotten that I even took it. It had fallen to the floor, assumedly after having been stuck in the shirt that I just picked up. It was only laying there for a second, but right away I began to consider how similar it looked to the one that I was looking at online earlier.

Reluctantly, I bent down to pick it up, and examined it closer. It was pink, pleasantly firm, right about five inches long, and had a knot near the base of it. Honestly, it was nearly the exact same as the one that I had been looking at, which got me thinking...

No wonder Collin seemed to know about it...

I looked over the thing for about a minute before ideas began to creep into my head, ideas that I wasn't particularly proud of...

"Well, it's clean... and I have lube in the drawer... I could..." I shook my head before finishing the thought, "N-No... how wrong and disgusting would it be to use a sex toy that's probably been in my son's... Well... in my son..."

Every part of my brain was agreeing with the sentiment that it was completely wrong to even be considering it. Still, something was urging me to continue. It was as if the curiosity that led me to almost buying my own toy from the website earlier had been multiplied ten-fold. As reluctant as I was a moment ago, the longer I stared at the thing, the less inhibited I seemed to become. The idea of trying the thing out was gradually starting to feel more and more attractive.

"But... it's not like I can even sneak it back until at least tomorrow."

I wasn't proud of it, but I was actually starting to feel myself get turned on at the aspect of trying the thing I had been so interested in, and I was going to need to take care of it.

Before I knew it, I was pulling off my clothes, and reaching into the drawer of my nightstand for the lube. Apparently, I had made the decision without even knowing it.

As I shucked off my briefs, the last article of clothing on my both, I held up the firm phallic shaped object, and actually bit my lip as I became increasingly eager to get started. I opened up the lube, and paused for a moment upon considering how much of the substance to actually use.

"Well... I guess, better safe than sorry...?"

My heart pounded as I applied a liberal bit of the fluid to the toy, and then laid back so that I could do the same to my tight ring, wiggling one, and then two slick digits in a bit, hoping that it would be enough.

I swallowed hard and then took a deep breath, not sure if I was ready for what I was about to try.

"O-okay... just... gently, right...?" I spoke softly to myself, moving the toy into position. I felt the tip graze against my sensitive pucker and shuddered a bit, almost hesitating, but managed to steel myself enough to poke the tip further, breaching my entrance with the object for the first time.

** GASP **

I inhaled sharply. I don't know what I expected it to feel like, but what I just experienced definitely wasn't it. I had never had anything more than a finger inside me before, so the sensation that I was suddenly feeling was completely foreign. I hadn't even accepted half of the toy's five inches thus far, but already I was wondering if it was going to be more than I could handle.

Still, I wanted to continue... It wasn't quite pain that I was feeling, but it wasn't really pleasure either. If nothing else though, it was an odd, filling feeling, but one thing was for sure, I wanted more of it, even if only so much.

I pressed it in again, and couldn't avoid letting out a slight moan as I did.

"Hah... Ah!" More of the sensation struck through me, urging me to keep going. I pulled the dildo out just slightly, and then pushed it back in, repeating the motion to get into a rhythm, and managing just a slight bit more of it each time, and simultaneously increasing the pace. I wasn't worried about being to take it anymore, that filling feeling was very quickly becoming addicting, and I was only concerned with feeling more of it.

I started to get rougher with my jabs of the object, knowing that I had to be getting close to taking the whole thing. I could feel knot bumping against me, noticeably thicker, and definitely more than I was ready for. Somewhere in my mind, I knew that, I knew that it would be a bad idea to try and force myself to accept it. Unfortunately what I knew wasn't important. I used all of the force that I could muster, and pushed, forcing the large bulb into me.

** POP **

"GAAH!" I let out a yelp, and immediately began to regret the decision. The sensation was indescribable, but it was undoubtedly too much. It was almost as if I was being electrocuted, I barely had control of my body.

I immediately moved to try and remove the toy, or at least the knot of it but somehow I couldn't. I don't know if I just couldn't get a strong enough grip on the base of it, or if I simply couldn't muster the strength to remove the tightly encased, but the state that I was currently in was basically keeping me unable to do much more than writhe around in a state of over-stimulation.

"Ah! G-Gotta... AH!" Another futile attempt, I turned over onto my hands and knees for hopefully a better angle, but even that proved difficult and I very nearly collapsed.

"I knew that that one might be too much for you to start with."

A pang of terror struck me like a bolt of lightning. That was Collin's voice.

I turned as best I could, and saw what I feared most. Collin was standing there at the door, a pair of red pajamas over his young form, and his eyes on me as I remained still, with my butt in the air, and a dildo shoved up my ass... His dildo shoved up my ass...

"C-Collin! W-What are you-- This isn't--"

He spoke as casually as he had earlier, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, "I saw that one of my toys was missing, and was on my way to blame Mars, but then I heard you in here, and decided to check.

Panic was surging through me, almost enough to make me forget about the object lodged inside me, so when Collin began to step further into the room, I tried to move, "N-No! Don't come in--NGGAAAH!" My arms gave out, and my front collapsed onto the bed, and still Collin proceeded forward.

"Hehe, I can help you out, dad." Seemingly amused by the amount of issues that I was having, he let out a small chuckle as he spoke, and then right away, I felt him tug at the dildo base, and a shiver ran through me.

"Ngggh..." My mind was screaming to decline his help and not let him see me like this any more than he already had, not that I was able to say anything to him either way... Before I knew it, the knot slipped out of me, followed by the rest of the fake dick, and I let out a heavy sigh of relief as my body instantly relaxed, "Ahh... Oh, that... that was..."

"Yeah, it's honestly easier if you take it slower, and gradually build up so that you're looser. When that knot gets in it doesn't move much, hehe."

Despite Collin standing right there, I didn't even move from my humiliating position. He had just removed a dildo that was stuck in my ass, so I didn't feel as though I could be further embarrassed, and as I simply tried to catch my breath, I wasn't too concerned... At least, until he started speaking again.

"This is the one I was thinking that would probably be a lot better for you."

Wait... what?

"C-Collin, what are y--AH!"

The same feeling that I had just felt moments ago was right back, not quite at the same level of intensity, but enough to send a shock through my entire body. Collin was pressing another toy into me. Though it felt similar, I could definitely tell that it was a different one.

"This one's a little bigger, let me know how it feels."

A little bigger? It feels twice the size!

It slid in surprisingly smoothly, but I couldn't ignore the size of it, the shaft of this new toy had to be just as thick as the knot of the previous one, and already, Collin was pushing it in just as deep. Right away I was almost at the limit that had reduced me to a writhing mess a moment ago, but with the new toy gliding in-and-out as smoothly as it was, it was more than tolerable, it was starting to reach the point of pleasure.

"Ooh... Ghnnngh, don't stop..." I hadn't meant to let out the words like that, but it was starting to feel too good. Collin absolutely knew what he was doing as he worked the firm object through my stretched ring. The further it bored into me, the more I wanted it. Even without knowing how big this new dildo actually was, I wanted it all inside of me. It was very much the desire that I had felt before, but even more so.

"Ghh... Mo--ooooore..."

I started pressing back, in time with each of his jabs. He pushed it in, just as I pushed my body back. I wanted him to go deeper with the toy, be rougher, move faster. What he was doing felt beyond great, but it simply wasn't enough.

"It looks like you're liking this one, dad." Anyone could have read the pleasure on my face. My eyes were glazed over, and nearly rolled back into my skull, while my tongue hung limply out of my maw.

"Need it -ghnn- d-deeper..." I barely managed out the words as he pulled out and jabbed back in.

"I can't really go any deeper with this one, dad..." He didn't stop moving the object in-and-out of me, but he paused his speech as if he were thinking of something, "...but, I can try something a little more filling, if you want?"


My response was more enthusiastic than I wanted it to be, but it didn't matter. He was offering a solution to my dilemma, and I wasn't about to let the chance pass.

Right away, the dildo slid out from my depths torturously slowly. Even simply enduring the slow removal was making me quake with need.

The absence of Collin's toy left me with a distinct feeling of overwhelming emptiness. Every second may as well have been an hour as I waited, he said that he was going to bring out something more filling, and my anticipation was spiking.

** flump **

Something dropped onto the bed at my side, and I turned my attention, and what I saw there almost made my jaw drop. It was undoubtedly the dildo that was just inside me, and it, as I had predicted, looked to be around twice as big as the first one.

I took that whole thing?!?

It didn't have a knot, but the entire thing was at least as thick as the knot from the first toy. If Collin was accurate about not being able to go any deeper with it, then I had somehow taken at least nine inches of fake cock, while still pleading for more. I could only imagine what the preteen had in-store for me next...

I felt movement on the bed behind me, Collin moving into position with the next toy, surely. I was just about shivering with anticipation, knowing that the full sensation was about to return.

A tap against my ring, and I held my breath. A small paw gripped my backside, holding me steady, and then the tip nudged against me. A bit of pressure followed, and a felt my entrance, once again, pierced into.

"Hnnngh..." I clenched my eyes shut, and bit my bottom lip, doing my best to stifle a shout. Right away, I could tell that this toy was definitely thicker than the last. Even with barely more than the tip in, the stretch that my ring was enduring was starting to push my limits.

This one feels... different.

I felt it right away, even besides the size of it, this toy felt unlike the other two. Collin began spearing it in, and right away I was just about seeing stars.


Whatever it was, about this new thing was driving me crazy. It was plastic, or silicone, or whatever the others were made of, it was something that felt unbelievable as it glided through me. I couldn't help but moan out in euphoric pleasure as it started to move. It was more than just filling this time, it was... warm?

It began to come together in my mind, albeit slowly, as Collin's movements did not relent. I honestly might not have even pieced it together, had I not felt a small paw against my right side, despite the fact that Collin had not yet removed his paw from my left side.

W-Wait... how does he have both hands on me, if he's thrusting the...

Time froze, I didn't even complete the thought upon realizing what was going on. I snapped my head around in dread, looking over my own shoulder to confirm my suspicions, and let out a gasp of disbelief upon seeing the younger fox behind me, and not a dildo in sight, completely disrobed, and both of his small paws on my body... The thick shaft that was invading my tunnel was Collin's, very real, penis.


The tone of his voice was rather cheery, "Surprise, hehe..."

"W-What the hell are y-you doing?!?"

"Well, you said you wanted something bigger, right?"

It didn't even compute in my head, the toy laying there next to me was over twice my own size, and more than likely, larger than any real cock that I'd ever seen. Yet, my 12-year-old son just said that he was even bigger?!

"What?!? What do you mean bigge--AHH!" Before I could even pose the question, he responded with a sharp thrust of his hips, and my head fell back forward.

"I mean that, dad." I could hear the smile in his voice, and I could feel what he meant, tearing through my insides. He gave another thrust, digging deeper in, spreading me even wider, and intensifying the pleasure I was feeling. I was being fucked by my son, and I was absolutely loving it.

Another thrust, and another inch buried inside me. If I wasn't experiencing it for myself, I never would have believed it. From what I could feel, Collin's dick was already rivaling the length of the toy, and notably thicker, but the frightening part was that he was absolutely not all the way in to me yet.

"You should relax a bit dad, I'm never gonna be able to get all the way in, if you stay this tense." Collin held still for a moment, assumedly giving me a chance to take his advice.

In that moment of interlude, so many questions flashed through my mind, questions that I needed answers to. None of this made any sense, and yet here I was on my bed with my preteen son's absurdly huge cock nearly ripping me in half... Yet, still... the only thought in my mind that mattered was reaching my limit, whatever that may be.

"Collin... d-don't -ngh- don't stop..."

"You sure, dad?"

He asked for confirmation, and my response may have been less subtle than I intended it to be.

"Don't stop!"

It was almost a shout, but it got the point across. Right away, his hips started moving again, pounding into me at an even faster pace than he had been before he paused. More power was behind each gyration, and his grip on my body was even tighter. He was so big, and it was clear that I was going to feel all of him... sooner, rather than later.

"Gnnhh... I can still get deeper, Dad!"

He was determined to fulfill my request, I had pleaded for him to get deeper, and that is exactly what he was doing. Pulling out nearly the entirety of his cock on each back stroke, just to slam in as far as he could a moment later. Each gyration had me feeling like I had reached my absolutely capacity, just to be proven wrong when he reach even further depths a moment later.

"G-Getting close, dad... D-Did you want me to..."

I didn't hear the end of his question, if he said it I was too lost my own pleasure to have comprehended it. I was honestly surprised that I still held enough coherence to answer, even if the answer was nothing more than a desperate plea.

"Y-YES! -hnng- DON'T STOP! DON'T -anngh- STOP!"

His next thrust felt particularly sharp, followed by him pulling back, and delivering another, even sharper. He was sheathing himself into me fully, forcing what I'm sure was ultimately close to a foot of soda-can-thick cock into me. Balls that felt as though they were as big as grapefruits crashed into the back of my own. Absurdly copious amounts of pre squirted and leaked from me, cascading down the back of my thighs. I was being held from my breaking point by a thread, and it was no more than a tug away from snapping.

Collin was hollowing me out to such a degree, that it didn't seem possible that I could be filled any further. I felt him lean in, his slim chest pinning my tail against my back, and his paws moved from gripping my sides to hug around my waist. He slammed in as hard as he could, again, and again, and then... I felt his knot begin to expand.

"SH-SHIT! TOO MUCH!" The swell inside of me was utterly unreasonable. All sorts of bursts of ecstasy surged through my body, as I was bulldozed by my orgasm. Without my length even being touch, I unloaded shot after shot of semen onto the sheets below as pure pleasure seized my body.

With Collin tied to me, his previously long strokes had involuntarily become short quick jabs, multiple times per second, his hips were slapping against my behind with such speed, it could have been mistaken for applause.


One last pound of his hips, and I felt it, more than I ever thought I would be able to feel it. The throb of his spire pulsed so powerful, I felt it almost as if it were my own heartbeat. Followed by a torrent of cum that I couldn't dream of rivalling on my best day.

With Collin's seemingly melon-sized knot inside of my passage, not a drop of the stuff could escape my body, and un-ebbing rush of fertile seed filled me far beyond what his monumental member had been able to reach.

A second pulse of his spire, and a second blast, just as, if not more powerful as the first, flowed through me. Each individual shot from Collin's cannon felt exactly like that, a cannon blast of spunk that would put any man to shame. Whereas my entire climax lasted maybe 15 seconds, My son's had been going on for at least twice that amount of time, and judging by the unabating stream I could feel coursing through me, it wasn't likely end any time soon.

Four shots, five shots, six shots in, and I had long since collapsed onto my side, no longer able to support my weight, especially with Collin more-or-less deadweight on my back.

I lost track of how long his unprecedented release lasted, but if the noticeable swell in my gut was any hint, I didn't want to know. I felt like an overfilled water balloon, absolutely stuffed with the preteen's cum, and I didn't have the energy to do anything except lay there, as my son hugged me from behind.

"You did great, dad!"

Collin was the first to speak, after a good three minutes of silence. His grip around my waist hadn't loosened, save for having to readjust to the cum bloated size, and I surmised that his knot wouldn't be deflating for a good bit longer.

"Collin... you..." I couldn't find the words. Maybe due to the state of over-exhaustion that was beginning to set in, or maybe because my younger kid still had his near foot-long dick lodged inside of me, "Uh... Thanks, Collin... you're definitely a lot to handle..."

With his muzzle on my back, I could feel a smile forming on his face, "Yeah, hehe... and I can do a lot better next time! When I saw your laptop screen earlier, I didn't think that you would be able to handle very much, but you can take way more than any of my friends or teachers can!"

My mind hung on two of his words, "Next time...?"

"Well, yeah! You did real good, but... I usually go like two or three times, we can try that next time, if you want!"

"Uh... we'll see, son."

The non-committal response seemed to be enough to satisfy Collin. Either that, or he was simply too exhausted to continue, I was assuming the latter. He remained spooned against me, with his knot locked inside me, as he started to drift towards unconsciousness, and I wasn't far behind. Despite what I had gone through this evening, the result was the peaceful serenity that I was experiencing now. Maybe a next time wasn't such a crazy idea...


"Wait... what was that about your friends and teachers...?"