Lucky & Pongo

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#3 of 101 Dalmatians

This story was compiled and edited from a long RP session with IB: CaptainAmazing

Just a quick detour from the Patch series. Lucky needs some love, too!

Lucky carefully slid the magazine out from underneath the old chair. He had been looking at it for a few days now, and it was the reason he'd been losing so much sleep this week. After getting the first pieces of the puzzle from his father and the rest of the pieces from that night in the barn with his brother, Lucky was very interested in the subject of sex. There was a whole new world open to him now, and his curiosity had been getting the better of him.

So now here he was, staring at it again in the middle of the night. The weird magazine. Most of it was boring dog stuff, but there were a few pages with pictures of dogs...'doing it' and close-ups of their naughty places. He'd found it upstairs in Rodger's room just lying out in the open. Lucky kept it hidden down in the basement since then, and after everyone was asleep, he'd come down to do to himself what he and Patch had done to each other in the loft. He would never share this with any of his siblings. Ever.

Well...if Patch were here, he might have finally shared it tonight. But Patch was off with Thunderbolt and he hadn't come home yet. He probably stayed there for the night. It was raining, after all.

Upstairs, buried in puppies, Pongo woke up slowly. He batted softly with a paw and mumbled something so sleep-choked that it didn't even have a vowel in it. Then his keen ears heard it again: a rustling sound down in the basement. His eyes opened sleepily and he cocked his ears to see if he was just hearing things. What could it be? It certainly wasn't enough noise to be an intruder. He supposed it could be Rodger, but what would he be doing down in the basement in the middle of the night? It certainly was strange. Pongo got to his feet slowly, so as not to wake anyone else, and padded softly over to the basement door, looking down. There was enough moonlight coming in through the small basement windows to see. The young father took a few tentative steps down the stairs.

Lucky sighed as he reached his favorite page. Two full-grown Dalmatians stood with their penises completely erect and on display. Lucky never understood why he liked this page the best. A careful paw crept down to his sheath and pulled it back. He would have to be quick, or he risked being caught down here. Behind his knot, he squeezed. He couldn't stifle the moan that came out. His little knot grew so fast he hardly had time to realize it. With his attention fixed on the two large pieces of male anatomy in the magazine, he stroked himself. It felt so good to be doing this again. It was no secret that Lucky loved bedtime, but only he knew why. He stared downward at the picture as his sensations rose, his little penis hardening completely. Another soft moan escaped him as he got close.

From the stairs, Pongo heard a soft noise. It sounded familiar...yet unfamiliar. He took a couple more steps down and heard it again. Probably one of the pups. It was impossible to keep track of them all and he couldn't place which one it might be. He stepped down far enough to see into the basement proper, and there in a shaft of moonlight with his back to Pongo was Lucky. It was almost creepy, the pup down here in the dark basement all alone in the middle of the night. Pongo wondered if he'd been sleepwalking or something. Did dogs even do that? Pongo didn't know, but he supposed they could. He stepped onto the basement floor and said his son's name, wondering if the pup would even respond or if he was still asleep.

"Lucky? Lucky, what are you doing down here, son?"

In what was probably the fastest reflex of his life, Lucky kicked the magazine back under the old chair and laid himself down on the floor to hide his erection. Loud, pounding heartbeats were all he could hear. He did his very best to act innocent. He'd been prepared for the moment when he was caught since he'd started doing this. What he didn't know was what to do next. He was trapped. "Dad... Hi."

Pongo walked concernedly over to his son. "Hi," he said, a little puzzled. If he didn't know better, he'd have thought Lucky was wide awake. And what was that smell? Pongo could smell something, just below the mustiness of the basement. His tired nose couldn't identify it. So many mysteries this evening... He put his paw on Lucky's back. Lucky felt very warm. "Are you ok, son? Are you sick? Bad dream?" he questioned softly.

The pup thanked naivety even if he didn't know the word for it. It was perfect! "Uh...yeah. I had a bad dream." That takes care of what I'm doing down here. Now how to get rid of Dad... He squirmed. The cold floor was rather uncomfortable on the bare flesh of his penis. "You can go ahead and go back to sleep, Dad... I'll be up there soon." He tried to keep his voice from trembling, but there was nothing for it. He knew he probably sounded terrified. In truth, he was. He couldn't even bring himself to look up at his father. He was desperately wishing he'd made better efforts to keep this nocturnal activity a secret.

Pongo could hear the shaking in his son's voice. Something wasn't right here. "C'mon son," he said. "I'll walk you back upstairs. Let's get out of this cold basement." He turned to go, but Lucky stayed put right there in his patch of moonlight. Pongo turned around. "What's wrong, Lu-" he got out, before he saw the corner of a magazine under a nearby chair. His brain stopped for a moment. Suddenly, Pongo knew, or thought he did. " there something you want to tell me?" he asked, not unkindly.

Does he know? How could he know? All Lucky could do was stare underneath the chair at the magazine, still open to his favorite page. His eyes widened when he realized that a little corner of it was still sticking out. His breathing all but stopped and his heart rate shot through the roof. He offered prayer after prayer to whatever puppy gods there were that his father hadn't seen it. "Uuuhh..." was all he could manage. He knew if his dad had seen the magazine, it was over. The page was stained with his fluids from the past few days. Every inch of him wanted to disappear. He finally turned his head to look back at Pongo with not-so-innocent eyes. "I was gonna give it back..." he said stupidly.

Pongo looked down at the stricken face of his son. His own face broke into a kindly, doggy grin and he sat down on his haunches, rubbing his son's back with one big forepaw. With a soft chuckle he said, "Does that magazine belong to Rodger?"

Lucky hung his head in shame and nodded. He wished his dad would stop rubbing his back. It felt too good and it wasn't helping his erection. It still throbbed underneath him and Pongo was sitting right there! He'd hoped being so scared would make it go away, but his knot held firm. Yet, the paw was very comforting. He didn't know what to say or do...or if he should say or do anything. His hope now was that his father would at least leave the magazine under the chair. The only thing worse than being caught looking at it would be being caught looking at the males in it.

Pongo had sussed out why Lucky was still lying flat out on the ground. He must have caught him actually in the act. He felt a stirring in his own sheath... Surely, he was just remembering what it was like in his own puppyhood, sneaking peeks at whatever he could, whenever he could. "I suppose now I know why you like bedtime so much." When he realized he was still rubbing his son's back, he immediately stopped. "Well...uh...I guess I'll go back upstairs now," he stammered, suddenly a little embarrassed too. "Remember son, it's only natural...I'm not angry, but you shouldn't take things that don't belong to you." He smiled as a thought came into his head. "When I was your age, I did my fair share of that."

Lucky felt like he'd been hit by a train. "What'd you say?" He stared under the chair at it, thoughts of his father in his position flooding his head. "You mean you used to..." He relaxed a bit. He'd felt like he was in trouble, but apparently, he'd done absolutely nothing wrong, aside from staying up past bedtime and swiping the magazine.

Suddenly, Pongo realized that it sounded like he'd just confessed something else. "I mean I used to nick things and hide them," he swiftly corrected.

Lucky was still confused. "Oh... So, you never..."

The Dalmatian smiled a little sheepishly, almost as if he'd been the one caught down in the basement tonight. He didn't want Lucky to feel weird about what he was doing. That wouldn't be fair. "Well...sure, I did that," he said. "All boys do it," he laughed. "Sooner or later, they work out that it feels good. Honestly, I'd be more worried if that wasn't what you were doing all alone in the basement at night." Being male himself, another thought had to occur. "How long have you been down here?"

Lucky wasn't sure what kind of answer his dad was waiting for. He looked back under the chair again. He almost wanted to pull the magazine back out and continue, but he certainly didn't want to do that with his father sitting there next to him...did he? He looked up at Pongo and noticed something about him. He'd peeked at his father's sheath more times than he could remember since that night with Patch, but this time it was thicker. Much thicker. He couldn't take his eyes off it. He knew he shouldn't stare, but he couldn't help it. "Umm, well...I was almost done," he mumbled, wondering what his father was thinking about him...and finding himself rather excited at the idea.

"Oh, I see." Pongo noticed where Lucky was staring. He smiled softly, wondering exactly what pictures his son had been looking at. He felt his own cocktip poke out of his sheath. He couldn't quite remember the last time he himself had gotten off. Being a father to 99 puppies was a busy job. Perhaps he'd sneak back down after Lucky was done. Maybe have a peek at whatever it was that had Lucky so interested. He couldn't suppress a grin as he thought about it. "Well then," he said, casting a semi-longing glance at the magazine still hidden under the chair. "In that case I'll let you...get back to it." He took a step back towards the stairs, but he paused there. Some hidden, perverted part of him couldn't make himself actually start walking up them.

A pleasant chill ran up Lucky's spine at his father's words. He was still a little confused about not being in trouble over this. "You want me to?" He looked back and saw...something he never thought he'd see. The tip of his dad's penis was peeking out and Lucky got an eyeful of it. This time, he didn't even try to peel his gaze away. He stared blatantly at it.

Oh, no, Pongo thought. Please don't let this be happening. His mouth was suddenly dry. "Well, I don't necessarily want you to," he stammered. "What you're doing is perfectly natural, but it's very late and you should be asleep. I'd ask you to come upstairs now, but since you were so close, you can go ahead and...finish up first," he explained. He could feel himself blushing as his son gazed at him, and to his horror, he felt his cock slip another inch out.

There was an awkward pause and the pup finally looked up from his father's growing cock to his worried face. Seeing this, he whirled his head back toward the chair, certain beyond a doubt that he'd done something wrong this time. His own little puppyhood was still hard as a rock underneath him. He pawed at the corner of the magazine that stuck out, wondering what to do. I shouldn't have looked, I shouldn't have looked... Why did I have to look? He's gonna be mad at me now... If Lucky had been standing, his tail would've been between his legs. "I wasn't supposed to see that, was I?"

This was all making the pup very uncomfortable, Pongo could easily tell. "No. But it's okay," Pongo said, his voice a little husky. "It's not your fault. It's been a while since I' know," he mumbled. Pongo needed something, anything to make the tension in the room go away. He wanted to run back upstairs, but his legs wouldn't move. Instead, he found himself padding back over towards Lucky. He saw him pawing at the magazine. Pongo was curious now, for a number of reasons. "What were you looking at in that magazine, anyway?" he asked.

Unsure how to answer, Lucky simply pulled the magazine out and slid it over so Pongo could see it, feeling a little ashamed as he did so. He couldn't help but look down at it and his penis throbbed all the harder. He stared at the two gorgeous dogs and their huge tools, and at the numerous droplets of semen that had accidentally landed and wrinkled the page in several spots over the past few days.

Pongo slid the magazine in front of himself and gawked at it. There were the Dalmatians, both males with full erections and useful diagrams explaining their anatomy to whatever human observer happened to pick it up. His eyebrows rose, but only for a moment. So, his son was looking at males... Pongo guessed that would be a discussion for another time, perhaps when his son wasn't fully knotted and he wasn't half-hard inside his own sheath. Oddly enough, the image left Pongo with very little to say. He remembered curiously looking at males himself, although he'd always been fonder of the females, obviously. "Well, that's...certainly a nice picture," he said, glancing over at his son.

At this point, Lucky didn't even care whether his father was being sincere or not. His eyes were drawn to the picture and he couldn't hold himself back any longer. His hips began moving on their own. He almost literally couldn't control them. The cold floor was definitely no warm paw, but his hips didn't care. The simple pressure on his penis was heaven after ignoring it for so long. He sighed. He hoped his father wouldn't detect his soft and subtle thrusts. His hips barely moved at all, but any movement was enough. More than anything, he wanted to sneak another look at his dad's penis, but it was hidden behind his leg.

Pongo gazed down at the magazine. Judging by the state of it, this was obviously Lucky's favorite page. Just thinking of what those stains were made Pongo's cock grow a little bit thicker. He was getting to the point where he'd have to take it out, or he'd regret it. He looked over at his son, and realized neither of them was speaking. Then he noticed the almost imperceptible motions of his son's hips. Lucky was humping the ground! Pongo couldn't stand it. He moved his own paw slowly towards his member, which was aching in his sheath. He pulled it down, exposing his full length, and had to fight back a moan of relief. He realized that still neither of them had talked and he wanted to let Lucky break the silence, but he knew he should say something. He just didn't know quite what. Pongo, for the first time in front of his pup, was nearly tongue-tied. "You don't have to hide yourself, you know. That cold floor can't feel good on it."

Lucky looked up at his dad, who was otherwise silent, then back down at the magazine. His father was right; the floor was indeed becoming much too abrasive. Lucky had to stop. Something possessed him then to sit up and expose himself. He looked up and confessed what he knew Pongo already suspected. "I...I like this page," he hesitated. "It makes me really hard." He held all four inches of it in his paw and blushed, still trying to sneak a glance between his dad's legs.

Pongo looked down as his son showed off his cute, red puppy cock. Although he certainly didn't want to stare, he couldn't help but give in to fatherly curiosity and cautiously admire it. The first thing he noticed was that Lucky wasn't small. He blushed himself, and smiled, not without a touch of pride. The boy was fully hard and fully knotted and it looked like he took after his old man. Pongo smiled and said, "So I see." He was rubbing softly at his own cock, now fully hard as well. He could see where Lucky was trying to look and so he turned his body, even as his brain screamed that this was not a good idea, until he was facing toward his son. He held up his own cock, all seven inches of it. He idly squeezed it and let out a soft sigh. He supposed he could rationalize all this as nothing more than teaching the pup more about the birds and bees. They had been learning about that anyways.

Looking between his father's strong, firm thighs, Lucky's nervous embarrassment was starting to give way to pure lust. It was like the picture had come to life. He stared right at it, looking it over for the first time. "Oh," he moaned. With no hesitation or regard for what it was they were doing, he immediately began pumping his little puppy cock. He didn't hold back at all, rapidly pawing at himself just like he was alone again. It was beautiful. He stared at every inch of the juicy thing, taking it all in. "I really like looking at you," he said plainly, his voice rocking with his paw. "Those dogs in the picture, too. I can't wait till I grow up and mine's that big."

Pongo could hardly believe it. His son was quite obviously pawing off while looking at him. It made Pongo feel dirty, and yet, at the same time, really horny. He pumped at his cock, mimicking his son's movements. His breathing increased in speed and he felt a few drips of pre-cum drip off his doghood. "If you like looking, there's nothing wrong with that," he said. "Just try not to do it in the open," he chuckled softly. He looked down again at the 4 inches of puppyhood on display, then at the cum-stained page. Unable to place why, Pongo couldn't help but wonder if Lucky always spurted when he came or if he was still having dry orgasms, too. He gulped softly and pumped his cock even more.

Lucky still couldn't believe his eyes. It was so unbelievably thick. He felt himself getting close. His arms and legs were going numb. Doing this in front of his father was certainly giving him the shakes. And to think his dad was feeling the same thing at the same time... "This feels so good..." He stroked the tip of his little cock and carelessly moaned out his pleasure.

Pongo was getting close himself. He could feel wetness building up around his cock. How long had it been since he'd done this? He couldn't remember. He certainly could imagine what his son was feeling right now, though. "It does. Very good." He rubbed his knot, pulling it slightly, then teasing back over the tip, making his paw all wet with precum.

"Nnng!" Lucky twitched as he mocked his father's techniques, slickening his paw with precum from the tip. "I love the part where it gets all tingly," he said through suppressed moans. "You know...that real strong tingle when the sperm comes out." Just talking about it was threatening to push the pup over the edge.

Hearing his son talk about orgasm was almost enough to push Pongo over as well. Neither of them was even looking at the magazine anymore. Pongo shoved it away with his free paw so it wouldn't be splattered (Pongo felt like he might do quite a bit of splattering tonight). It had been some time since his last release. "Oh yeah," he said, almost forgetting he was talking to his son. "That part is the best." He slipped his paw behind his knot. The tingling sensation was there, threatening to build to climax. "I'm almost there," he mumbled, realizing on some level that he was telling his son that he was about to cum, but his mouth seemed unable to stop itself.

"Me too, me too." Lucky said frantically. Again, he saw what his father was doing and he followed suit, slipping his paw behind his knot. It was something he hadn't tried before and when he felt it, he wished he had. His moan was utterly desperate. He shut his eyes and orgasmed instantly. He felt the first squirt come harder than any other time he could remember. Then another, just as strong. "Feels good..." He twitched and moaned as he squirted his young sperm.

With the loudest moan he dared, Pongo felt himself slip over the edge. Oh goodness, it felt amazing! His first squirt came out, and it wasn't just a squirt. It was a full rope of dog semen, spurting out in front of him. With a little whimpering cry, he felt more streams of similar size leave his cock and end up on the floor in front of his son. "Ohhhh," was all he could moan. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed this. His orgasm felt like it might never end.

As Lucky climbed his own peak, several thick streams of his dad's sperm landed in front of him. Lucky just giggled. Not only did he not mind the smell, he actually liked it. It seemed to fuel his orgasm, which kept him twitching as he added his own mix to the floor. In a brief moment of calm, he was able to speak. "How's yours feeling, dad?"

"...So great," Pongo managed to say. He looked down at the floor, at the long streams of cum that had flooded out of him and were still bursting from his throbbing cock. He humped his hips forward a little in an effort to keep his orgasm going. He'd been trying to count the spurts, but had lost track at 12. He started again...3...4...5... "How's yours," he stammered, seeming to have more trouble talking than Lucky.

The pup tried not to drool, but he couldn't quite help it. This was definitely the best orgasm Lucky had experienced since he started doing this. "Feels soooooo good," he moaned as his back spasmed. He couldn't remember it lasting this long. He'd had a couple that started early and finished late, but never an orgasm that dragged itself out like this, and certainly never one that kept him going past five squirts. Way past five, now. He hadn't been counting, but he knew it was at least ten and still coming. "I hope it keeps going like this. This one's...really long." He felt out of breath, squeezing his knot and concentrating on how good the deep tingling sensation in his cock felt.

"Just...keep squeezing behind your knot like that," Pongo said, his voice gaining strength. "Sometimes when I do lasts...a long time." He looked at the floor between them. It was a huge mess already with the both of them cumming all over. He remembered one of the times he had a 'long one' while he and Perdita were mating. She hadn't been able to believe how much was going into her until it started running out of her around his cock and pooling on the ground. This memory made him shiver.

Lucky squeezed harder and relished in the heightened intensity of the orgasm as he tried to control it. He was having trouble sitting up. The sensations were so strong now that they seemed to be spreading between his legs. His thighs were starting to tingle now and the squirts weren't stopping. He struggled to look up. "It's still going, Dad... What do I do?" he asked, almost stunned.

"You must not have had one of the long ones yet," Pongo mused, half to himself. "Sometimes it just lasts a long time. Nothing to do but...enjoy it." He worked his own knot with his paw. He felt like he had a low-grade electrical current running though him, every sense heightened, his whole body united in the amazing feeling. The spurts hadn't stopped from Pongo's cock either. The puddle between them kept growing, except now it was nearly a solid puddle of cum from one dog to the other.

"O...Okay." The wonderful feeling seemed to spread to the rest of his body. As he looked down and watched himself run dry, the pleasure heightened even more and he keeled over, trembling in incredible ecstasy. "I...I can't... Feels so good, dad..." He didn't care why it felt like it did. He knew his father was feeling the same thing and that made it even better. He clenched his teeth and moaned as a particularly powerful wave hit him. And to think, just seeing his father's penis was the most he had expected tonight.

After seeing his son this way, Pongo regretted not telling him more when he'd asked about sex. If he'd known Lucky had matured so much, he might have divulged every last messy detail. He supposed this would have to make up for it. Lucky wasn't even squirting anymore, but he was obviously still deep in orgasm. Pongo smiled. He wanted to say something, but as his own orgasm came to a screeching halt, he realized his son was still going. Lucky had actually outlasted him.

The pup's victory was short-lived. His pleasure died down shortly after his father, and it was like finally hitting the ground after inexplicably floating around the room. With the feeling gone, he suddenly felt exposed again. He looked up at his father and smiled shyly.

An orgasm like that could do a number on the most virile adults. Pongo couldn't believe Lucky was even awake after that. "Go on upstairs and get some sleep. I'll get some newspaper and cover up all this. It should be dry by morning, so don't worry about it."

Lucky had no problem with that. He was too tired to worry about anything except getting up all those steps before he collapsed. He felt like he'd been hit by a train. But he managed, leaving his father to take care of the mess, which he still couldn't believe he'd helped make. And soon enough, he was among his brothers and sisters again, picking the closest spot and plopping down. He was asleep right away, but not before wondering if he'd wake up tomorrow and think it was all a dream.