What happened at the Party

Story by Ickis_Stares on SoFurry

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It was going to be one of those parties to remember. My friend Billy, ironically a goat, was hosting the party at his house. I'd never been to his house or even known that he had a house to begin with. I thought he lived in an apartment, like everyone our age. I was excited. I'd spent the entire day waiting to clock out, waiting for the party, hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, I'd meet someone. Like in a fairy tale. I'd meet some guy at this party and we would fool around, get plowed, and fall head over heels in love for one another. But those were just stories.

Either way, I was excited. My tail wagged while I brushed my hair, a towel wrapped around my waist.

I was just an eager little mutt, half wolf, trying to get my blackish hair just right. My tummy fur spread itself all over my chest and worked all the way around my shoulders and thighs, making gloves and stalking of my brown-grey arm and leg fur. I was admiring it in the mirror as I worked, completing my hair with some product to hold it in place.

I didn't want to get there too early because I felt awkward in most social situations, maybe one of the reasons I had never had much luck at parties. I'd been single for far too long, but I tried not to let it bother me, tried not to get too nervous or worked up as I laid out clothes for the party. After looking at the clothes for awhile, listening to the music from my stereo (your lover, by fuzztown), my tail wagging not in time to the song, I decided on a dark pair of expensive blue jeans and a greenish shirt with black and silver designs on it.

Inspecting myself in the mirror, listening to the song change, I thought I looked pretty good. My fur was fluffy but smoothed down and my hair looked exactly like I wanted it to. The outfit looked good. The sort of seafoam green was almost the same color as my eyes. I liked that.

I looked at the time and decided that I better get a move on if I didn't want to be too fashionably late. The party was sure to be picking up by the time I got there.

Billy's house was on the other side of town and I could feel my nerves starting to fizz as I drove on, feeling my stomach churn with anticipation. I hated to just "hook up", but I REALLY needed to get laid. Badly.

It didn't take me long to find the house. I was good with directions. Not that I would've needed to be. The whole block was filling up with cars fast, the two houses next to Billy's also booming with music, their windows catching the colorful light coming from within. I parked my little two door compact and swallowed some nerves and spit, looking at myself in the rearview mirror.

"Ok." I panted, inhaling deeply and fixing a smile to my face. I hadn't know it was going to be so crowded, let alone some sort of block party. "Party time." I got myself out of the car and ran a paw down the front of my shirt, smoothing it out and making sure there was no lint on it.

I saw another car parking near mine and quickened my pace, gulping, not wanting to get caught in something by myself.

I reached the front door and was about to knock when I realized that nobody inside would hear it anyway, so I just turned the brass knob and opened the metal door to a rush of musk, music and light. Taken aback for a moment, looking around at all of the furs smiling, talking, holding drinks. I closed the door and spotted Billy right away. He was near what actually looked like a bar in his living room. I walked over to him, seeing through the crowd to the backyard, where lights were trained onto a swimming pool, in which furs were skinny dipping. An unclothed tiger jumped into the pool head first, his dick dangling between his legs. Billy spotted me coming over, though my attention was momentarily fixed on the pool.

"Tommy!" he shouted, placing an arm around me and handing me a drink. He grabbed another from the counter of the bar where numerous cups were lined up. "Glad you came!" he said over the noise, taller than me by a few inches. His horns were small but his muscles were pretty decent. He'd been hitting the gym.

"Here, come here, there's some furs I want you to meet." He said, leading me away from the bar.

I blushed, taking a large swig of my overly strong drink. The musk was already making my head spin, but I didn't much like being introduced to anybody.

He led me up to a group of dogs, a cat stuck in among them. Immeadeately I knew why he was taking my over to this group. There were all gay. It was obvious.

Billy introduced me to the group and stayed awhile to talk. They ended up all being pretty cool and before long, I was blushing from my buzz, conversation coming more easily. The only feline amongst them had come over to my side of the little circle and had had his arm around me for some time. They were all pretty friendly and I felt myself loosening up, getting erect as the feline played more and more with my nipples through my shirt. The group thought it was hilarious.

Looking around at the other guests, feeling self conscious at first, I noticed that other gays with their lovers, female and male, were dispersed lightly through the party at intervals. Billy himself was a bisexual and he like mixed company of mixed sexuality. I wonders what kinds of crowds were in the other houses.

I happened to look over at the bar through the various guests, which were increasing in number steadily, and saw Billy. I told my little group that I wanted another drink and they all followed me over, laughing and talking, paying little attention to the goat or the girl he had his arm wrapped around. She was very pretty, a doe, and smiled at me as we all came over.

"Great party!" I yelled over the music. Billy smiled and held up his hand for a highfive, obviously under the influence.

Suddenly, I was roughed aside by a slinky figure. I knocked into the cat, spilling his drink on him. He looked up, my stomach falling. He looked taken aback, more surprised than angry. I pointed to the figure, who had gone behind the bar and had grabbed a bottle of something clear. He took a long, large pull from it and slammed it down on the bar, looking at all of us in turn. I noticed his nose piercing and his sour expression, seeing that he was a rather cute skunk, whose dyed black hair hung low over his forehead. He had his right ear pierced twice, which caught my interest.

The skunk, who was quite tall, belched, picking the bottle back up.

"Bye." He said, smiling for a brief moment, his face falling back into that somber sourness before he skulked off, dressed in all black, bumping and shoving his way through the crowd to the hallway that no doubt led to the bedrooms. I watched him go as everyone else got back to their banter.

"Don't mind him. He's a dick." Billy said, sliding closer to me, still clinging to the doe, who dragged him away towards the back door and the pool before I had time to say anything. I saw her removed her top before her and Billy started making out.

I looked back towards the hallway, still smelling the skunk's musk in the air. It was strong and sickly sweet. I liked it and found my tail wagging despite myself. I listened to the conversation of my little group, the feline again placing his arm around me to play with my nipple, his tail swatting my own as it wagged excitedly, slowly.

"I think I'm gonna go take a leak." I said, pulling the arm off of my shoulder. The group wished me well, the feline wanting to follow. I turned him down and he looked upset, his ears falling. He'd be okay, I thought, and walked on through the crowd towards the hallway, where I knew the bathroom was located.

I walked past the bathroom, seeing that it was occupied, hearing moaning from within, looking quickly over my shoulder to see that nobody was watching me. Everyone was busy partying, talking, dancing, not paying me any attention. The crowd has also aided in blocking me from the view of my little group of gays or from the feline that obviously wanted to play with more of me than he'd so far gotten to.

I swallowed again, my tail wagging, heading deeper into the house through the hallway. One door stood ajar. I peered in, seeing a messy room with a large bed sagging straight on the floor, covered in clothes. I recognized some of the outfits and decided that it was Billy's room, though I didn't know why it was open, so I closed it.

Going on, I tried another knob, feeling that it was locked.

"Occupied!" came bellowing from within. It wasn't the skunk's voice, so I tried the door opposite it. It was the laundry room. I looked down the near end of the hallway and saw that I had come to stairs.

Throwing caution into the wind, my tail no longer wagging, I decided to creep down the steps. I came to a wooden door at the bottom, hearing silence within. The sounds from upstairs were mildly muffled here.

I knocked too softly to be heard, afraid of what the angry skunk might do to me if he caught me intruding. I turned the knob, feeling it twist, not locked, and pushed the door open an inch. It was dim inside, the only light pouring in from windows facing the front lawn. Streetlight was not enough to see by, at least for a second, but I didn't see the skunk anywhere. I opened the door further.

"Hey!" someone yelled, causing me to yip, my fur on end. I opened the door the whole way. "What are you doing here?"

I strained to hear where the voice had come from, my ears pressed low to my head, my tail between my legs, heart racing at being discovered.

I suddenly noticed the figure sitting on a coach some distance in front of me in the gloom. He was shirtless, his hands by his sides, one limply facing the ceiling, the other holding the now nearly empty bottle I'd seen him grab upstairs.

I walked slightly into the room, embarrassed, blushing.

"I-I... uh..." I sputtered, brain whirring to try to cover my mistake. Nothing came to mind.

"Come 'ere." The skunk said, raising his free hand to gesture at me, his voice just a bit heavy. I started to walk to him, whining. "And lock the door."

I locked the door, spinning around to face it so I could swallow and force myself to stop whining, afraid of the big skunk who seemed so morose and mean.

I walked towards the couch cautiously.

"Come 'ere. Sit right here." The skunk said, patting the couch on his left side.

I walked slowly over, wanting to whimper but resisting the urge. The room smelled strongly of the fur's already strong musk. It was chilly.

I sat down cautiously, not meeting the skunk's gaze. I was nervous now, practically afraid of his calm demeanor and his slow voice. He put his arm around me, pulling me close to his chest.

"Calm down, it's okay." He said, sounding just a bit slurred. I looked up at him and relaxed a little bit, laying a hand tentatively on his chest, feeling my stomach churn. He had a strong six pack.

Taking my hand, he slid it into his pants. I recoiled, moving away instinctively, trying to get away, but his arm held me next to him. He grabbed my muzzle and brought it up to his own, sticking his tongue forcefully into my maw. I retracted, or rather, attempted to. He had me in place. I felt his hand leave and heard his pants unzip. My eyes went wide with fear. I'd wanted to get laid, but not like this!

I attempted to struggle and he kissed me harder. Despite myself, I felt myself getting hard. His mouth tasted good, a bit like whatever had been in the bottle, but good. His hand brushed across the front of my dark jeans. He chuckled.

"See, I knew you liked it." He said viscously while I tried to squirm away, thinking that nobody would hear me if I yelled anyway. Laughter filtered in from outside, mixed with the music thumping overhead. I was terrified. With one hand, he pulled his pants down. I yelped as he pushed my head towards his large, black beasthood.

"No-" I moaned deeply with despair, not wanting this to happen, hoping it was all a dream, trying to distance myself from the situation as it unfolded.

"Oh come on, I know what you're like. I saw you with those guys. I've seen you before, around Billy. You want this." He said, again caressing my meat through my jeans. I felt ashamed at my excitement, blushing and struggling before he grabbed me hard by the scruff of the neck, yelling for me to "suck it!"

I swallowed hard, tears welling up in my eyes, petrified at the whole situation. He shook me by my scruff, forcefully lowering me near his crotch.

Feeling totally ashamed, I stuck out my longue pink tongue, tasting his meat. It throbbed when I did, a drop of pre forming on his tip. He moaned, shoving me fully onto his member in one rough movement. His long cock gagged me. I whined, my tail again between my legs. I started to move my tongue and head, trying to give him what he wanted. He took the scruff of my neck and vigorously pumped my head, making me deepthroat every time I went down.

Tears broke over my eyes as I struggled, whining and crying.

"Hey," he said, lifting my head and releasing me, his eyes red and rimmed. "Hey," he hugged me to him. My eyes snapped wide open as I felt him start to sob. "I'm sorry." He kept repeating, surprising the hell out of me. I found myself hugging him back, scared, worried and in general just confused like crazy. I thought I was losing my mind. Just a moment before this fur had been raping me, forcing me to go down on him and now he was sobbing uncontrollably into my shoulder.

He lifted his head, looking me in the eyes. His own eyes were pink, very pretty, despite the bloodshot look.

"I'm sorry. I just, I've seen you hanging around Billy and- he's always so popular- nobody likes me-" he said, again sobbing heavily into my shoulder. I cooed into his ear, which twitched with my breath. Oddly, I found myself being turned on again.

"I just thought," he said through his muffled tears, "I just thought that maybe you would like me. I'm just so lonely..."

I felt really bad for him, all of my fear and shame gone, replaced by pity, attraction, and a sense of sadness. I knew what he was feeling. Sometimes, more recently, I'd been pretty lonely myself.

"It's okay." I said, kissing the side of his head, which he lifted, kissing me on the mouth. I yipped, being surprised.

"Are you sure? I'm so, so sorry! I just really like you and-" he sputtered, slurring softly. I decided to just go with the flow and kissed him again on the mouth. He purred, that weird sound that his species makes, and leaned into the kiss, his arms still around me feeling up my back. My tail was wagging again.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, to which I just kissed him again, feeling his tongue dance over mine, elated, feeling excited. I was hard again, which he noticed.

"I'm Flax, by the way." He said, lowering his maw to lick and nibble on my package through my jeans. I didn't have time to reply, my moan leaving my throat with sudden spontenuity. He unzipped my pants, pulling out my rod, and started licking it sloppily from top to bottom and back again, coaxing shivers and moans from me.

I pumped my thighs up, my head spinning. A dirty thought was forming in my head. I lifted up his head, putting a paw under his chin.

He looked up in surprise at me, his tongue hanging out comically. I licked it and it retracted back into his maw.

"Hey, could you..." I found myself blushing furiously, "Could you, um... pretend to rape me again?"

It took a moment for the words to penetrate but when they did, Flax's glossy eyes lit up like Christmas lights, twinkling like a madman's.

He picked me up and threw me bodily onto his bed. I yelped, afraid, but knowing that I was okay, at least. I attempted to get up and run for the door but before I'd even gotten up, Flax was ripping my pants off. I stumbled to the floor where he finished ripping my pants off, glowering over me with his naked erection, having kicked his feet out of his pants.

I looked up at his girth and gulped, crawling backwards until I met the wall.

"Where do you think YOU'RE going?" he asked, an evil smirk on his face. He bent down while I whined, grabbing me by the neck, stuffing his tongue into my maw. I gasped and hacked, spitting out his juices. He laughed, slapping me across the maw.

It was so swift and sudden that it caught me off guard. I looked up at Flax in awe.

"Suck it." He said angrily. He was good at this acting thing. I rubbed the side of my face, feeling the sting of his hand still there. I shook my head, liking the whole thing instead of being so afraid, still a bit nervous, not knowing what to expect.

"I said suck it!" he yelled, slapping me again, spurring tears from my eyes. I whimpered and took his member in hand, bringing it up to my face. I licked away a bit of pre from the tip. He moaned, saying vile things to me. I blushed, taking his beasthood tentatively into my mouth. He started pumping into my head when without warning he bent down, his girth popping out of my mouth, and lifted me up again, throwing my onto the bed. I tried to get away, getting on all fours to crawl. He grabbed my legs and pulled me flat.

"Stop!" I cried. "Let me go!" My cries turned into moans as I felt his hand lift my tail and his tongue slipped into my tailhole. I clung to the sheets, messing them up with the force of my clutching at them as he continued to work his tongue deeper and deeper inside me.

"Oh god, stop!" I panted, still playing along. I was really turned on. My rod was rock hard.

He pulled his tongue out and I felt his weight get onto the bed.

"Alright. If you don't want that..." And just like that, with no warning at all, he shoved his long, thick prick into my tight tailhole, making me cry out. My body burned and writhed. I dug my fingers into the mattress, calling out for him to stop. He didn't. Instead, he began hammering his cock into me with viscous strokes. It burned intensely but my dick started throbbing, rubbing against me and the sheets as my body moved forward and back.

He moaned as he started to pump into me, grabbing me by the sides, nearly laying on top of me. I felt his hot breath on my ears and tucked them in. He pumped hard, each thrust causing me new heights of pain and pleasure.

"You like that, don't you slut?" he said, thrusting hard into me.

"Oh, fuck, stop! Please, let me go!" I yelled as I started shooting seed. He pounded me harder, laughing, oblivious to my climax other than the pulsating grip of my tailhole contracting.

He called out, falling away to the side, thumping against the wall. He pulled out so suddenly from me that I felt naked and disappointed, my prostate done firing.

I spun around swiftly, seeing the cat I'd met in the party climb onto the bed. He hugged me, wrapping me up in the sheet.

"You sick bastard!" he yelled at the slowly rising form of Flax. He was rubbing the back of his head.

"Will, stop! Stop!" I yelled as the cat raised his fist again. I grabbed it and made him look at me, seeing the shock and surprise in his eyes. "It's okay. We were just pretending."

The feline struggled for words, looking silently between me and the skunk with his mouth hanging open.

"But- but he had his hands around your neck and everything!" he yelled, obviously wanting to be my knight in shining armor. What he didn't realize was that he had just cold-cocked my knight into the wall.

I remembered the pressure around my neck. I hadn't noticed it before, while I came.

"It was just pretend. It's okay. You shouldn't have hit him." I said, sliding away from the flabbergasted feline, putting my paw out to touch Flax's head. He jerked away, tears in his eyes, anger radiating from him.

"Don't! Just go! Get the fuck out." He said, a growl in his voice.

I spun around to look at the feline.

"Go on. I think you've done enough." I said.

"But, I thought-" he replied, looking crestfallen.

"Just go. He wasn't raping me. Just... just go back to the party." I said, turning to put my arms around Flax.

The feline stared at us before sulkily getting off the bed. He gave us one last look before closing the door behind him. I heard him stomp up the stairs, obviously pissed. He'd wanted to be the one to score with me.

In the silence, Flax muttered obscenities and walked hurriedly over to the door, opening it and ushering for me to leave. I tucked my tail, my ears sagging, and walked over to him. I took the door from him and shut it, hugging him around the middle, feeling tears building up in my eyes.

He resisted my touch for only a brief moment before giving in, kissing the top of my head. I lifted it and gave him a proper kiss.

"I thought I told you to lock the door." He grumbled angrily, rubbing the back of his head.

"I thought I did." I pleaded honestly. I felt so bad. Will must have wondered where I'd went when I hadn't come back and had come to check on me. It was all my fault, which I expressed to Flax.

"No, it's not your fault." He said, squeezing me. "It's that lunatic cat's fault!" he yelled, gesturing at the closed door.

I kissed his chest. Then, feeling horny again, tail wagging, I kissed lower and lower until I was on my knees, taking his dick into my maw, running my tongue along his length.

He moaned, leaning back into the wall for support. I heard the door lock click and jiggle. He was making sure it was really locked this time. We heard a knock just as he was done, leaning back to enjoy my attention.

"Hey, it's Billy. Is everything all right, Will just stormed out bitching about you guys or something." His voice was slurred.

"Go away!" Flax and I yelled in unison. Silence for a moment and then we heard Billy's retreating steps back up to the party, which was louder than ever. I smiled, taking in Flax's meat, closing my eyes, really getting into it, getting him worked up.

I felt him shudder, my mouth going crazy.

"Oooh, I'm gonna cum!" he said, bracing himself and grabbing my head. I opened my mouth, sticking my tongue out, my tail wagging furiously. Before I knew it, Flax's seed shot down the back of my throat, all over my tongue and face before I took it in my maw again and swallowed the last bit, feeling his cock pump and pulsate before finally finishing. He was still hard.

I looked up at him as he moaned and sighed. He smiled at me.

"Wow. You really know what you're doing." He said, meeting my gaze. Then he looked lower and I looked down, seeing that I'd gotten hard again. I was like a diamond in an ice storm.

He laughed, picking me up, standing a little lopsided. I licked his maw and then licked all of his sticky goo off of my face. He carried me over to the bed, stumbling once.

"I can take care of that." He said heavily, laying next to me. Before I could prepare myself, two of his fingers had shot into my tailhole. I arched my back, clenching my hole, crying out. He kissed me full on the mouth, letting his tongue slip in between my lips while he started pumping my cock with his free hand, playing with my hole. I shivered, breathing in our musk. My tail wagged pathetically as much as it could, slapping the bed between us, grazing his still hard erection.

He stroked harder, twisting his fingers. It felt so amazing. I was panting in no time, begging him to enter me. Finally, he pulled his paw out of my tailhole, pulled my back to face him and lined up himself with myself, before plunging in. I gasped, shuddering, feeling him start to stroke my dick again.

It was amazing. His thrusts were hard and deep, hitting all the right spots. I found my tension building again. Before, I had just shot off, but this time, Flax biting and sucking on my neck, I could feel an orgasm coming on.

"I'm gonna cum." He whispered in my ear, making me shudder at the sensation of his breath.

"Me too." I said. "Don't stop."

I moaned, feeling my body tighten. Just as I did, Flax let out a massive moan and I could feel his dick pumping inside of me, spraying hot seed deep within me. I shot my own load, spraying the sheets and wall, which shocked even me. I'd never came so hard in my life and when I'd finished, I collapsed against Flax, both of us panting.

He hugged me hard, licking my neck and the side of my face. He stroked my chest with his strong paw. I listened to his breathing slow and finally become deep and heavy. He'd fallen asleep. I was wired.

I got up carefully, stumbling, trying to be quiet. I grabbed my clothes and left, shutting the door softly behind me. There was a party to be had upstairs, and at the end of the night, a skunk to snuggle up next to.