Sleepover Surprise

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Chase is a twelve year old fox boy going to his first sleepover with some new friends. The night started like any normal get together, but he soon found out why these boys are such a close knit group.

This story starts off a little slow, but hopefully that makes the fun parts even better.

Sleepover Surprise

It was Andy Newman's twelfth birthday party and every morph boy in the sixth grade was there. That meant there were only five of us, but I'm sure his parents thought that was enough. The festivities had started at the local arcade; with the standard video games, presents, and cake. Afterwards we moved to the birthday boy's house for a sleepover. Except it was already past midnight, and there had not been any sleeping so far. We were a group of eleven and twelve year old boys, hopped up on sugar and adrenaline, and bouncing off the walls. Sometimes literally.

Andy's family had a nice house with a finished basement and everything. I didn't know any other morphs with something like that, and it was our favorite spot to hang out. It was the obvious place for a sleepover. It wasn't huge, by any measure, but it had everything a group of preteen boys could ask for.

I was having the time of my life. My family had just moved the month before, and I had to switch schools. Being the new kid in middle school was already a nightmare, but being a morph made it ten times worse. My old school only had one other morph in the whole grade, and the humans were... not nice. But now I had four best friends. They were a tight knit group before I got there, but welcomed me openly on the very first day. In the short time I had known them we had become inseparable.

John, a deer, was wrestling with Alex, a black and white spotted rabbit, on the remains of a pillow fort. Andy, the birthday boy and a beagle, had his head inside the minifridge; looking for more snacks. I, a red fox, was sitting on the floor with Kevin, a brown and white pinto horse, playing video games. I was trying desperately to keep up with him in a racing game, but seemed to hit every banana peel on the level. It was all in good fun though. It was only the second time I had ever played that game, and I was already doing better than before. I even managed to stay on the track for a whole lap.

Our attention was soon grabbed by the creak of basement stairs, and everyone turned to see Andy's Dad coming down the steps.

"Alright boys it's getting really late, time to start winding down," he said.

This was greeted with a chorus of, "Awwwwwwww." But the older canine held firm.

"Nope, no arguing. You two turn off the video games, and the rest of you clean up, and then everybody get changed for bed."

Andy spoke up, not wanting the party to end quite yet, "But dad it's not even that late yet. Do we really have to go to bed?"

The older beagle give us a smirk, and cemented his status as a cool dad, when he replied, "I didn't say anything about going to bed, did I? Get changed, and keep things quiet so your mother doesn't hear, and you guys can stay up. Just promise me you'll get some sleep."

I only realized his plan many years later. Without any distractions, and a looming sugar crash, it was almost certain we would all be passed out in no time. There was no way for him to know what other activities the boys had in mind.

Kevin and I shut down the console, and put the game and controllers back into place, while the other boys cleared out space on the floor. Then we all spread out our sleeping bags in between the couch and the TV. It was a fairly haphazard arrangement, but they all seemed happy with the results. It was only when they all grabbed their overnight bags that I got my first surprise of the night.

I had assumed that 'getting changed' meant in private. I was expecting everyone to take turns going into the little bathroom at the bottom of the basement steps. That was not what happened. All four boys just started stripping down in front of each other, with seemingly no concern. I, on the other hand, felt extremely self conscious. It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. I did not feel comfortable getting naked in front of anyone. No one had even seen me without clothes for a few years at that age, and I liked it that way. But I also didn't want to be the only one who was too shy to strip. The worst thing a middle schooler could be was different, and I didn't want anyone to think I was weird.

Eventually peer pressure won out. If all my friends were going to jump off a bridge, then I sure as hell wasn't going to be left behind. I grabbed my sleep clothes out of their bag and proceeded to strip faster than I ever had before. I was a little orange blur of activity and, using my bushy tail as strategic cover, was dressed in record time. But this olympic level performance left me with a second problem. Or at least something I considered a problem at the time.

The other boys were really, really cute and I was in a room where all four of them were half, or even fully, naked. I knew it was bad to look at other boys the way I did, and that I would probably get beat up if anyone caught on. But I simply could not stop myself from peeking.

My eyes first landed on John, the skinny little deer boy. He was partially dressed already but at least I got to see his shirtless chest, and cute spotted back. Then I got a look at Andy, and felt my breath catch a little. I saw a peek of his canine sheath as he pulled on a pair of shorts. He looked a lot like I did down there; it was even the same fur color.

Kevin was next, and he was bending over slightly by the time I saw him. I was behind him, so this meant I had a perfect view of his balls. And what a view it was. They looked enormous compared to mine, and I had a sudden desire to know what they felt like. Lastly I moved my eyes over to Alex, the rabbit, but he was already dressed. Curiously he was only wearing a small pair of black shorts. The rest of us were wearing a loose tee shirt or pajama top in addition to some kind of bottom. My eyes travelled up his lean torso to his face where I saw, to my horror, he was looking right at me.

I was caught. A dozen different end of the world scenarios began running through my mind instantly. No one was going to want to be friends anymore, and I'd be lucky to make it out of the room in one piece. But Alex just smiled, and gave me a surreptitious wink, before turning away and readjusting his sleeping bag.

My heart was still pounding in my chest when Andy, now fully changed, announced the start of a new wrestling match. He grabbed John, and pinned the fawn boy against the ground in no time. Before he could even celebrate the victory I pounced, and knocked him prone. After an intense few minutes of grappling I emerged the winner, locking the beagle's arms behind his head. My reign was short lived, however, as Kevin chose that moment to enter the match. The colt had me face down on the floor, unable to move, in about ten seconds flat.

It was Alex's turn next, and I didn't envy the bunny's chances. They started the match standing, and Kevin's greater strength was soon obvious. Two moves later he had the rabbit in a bear hug. Lifting the smaller boy in the air, he deposited him on the sofa and covered the bunny with his larger frame. It looked like the match was over, but then the bunny's hand worked its way between the horse's legs. The colt's suddenly eyes shot wide open and his grip loosened. Alex moved like a flash, spinning around in the larger boy's arms he delivered a kick that sent him flying off the couch.

Kevin landed on the ground with a thud, and we all stopped to listen for the telltale sounds of angry parents coming down to investigate. Except for Alex. He was on the couch giggling like a madman. He stood, placed a foot on the fallen horse, and raised his arms into the air in triumph. When it became obvious that no adults had heard anything we relaxed, but agreed the wrestling was done for the night. That's when I saw Alex put on his most devious smile.

"It looks like the grown ups are asleep for the night. So Andy, that means you can have your real birthday present now," he said.

The other boys chimed in with a chorus of, "Oooooooooooo..." I didn't really understand what was going on, but joined in anyway.

Alex grabbed Andy's hand and started to lead him to the small bathroom on the other end of the basement. The beagle boy looked a little shy at first, but his rapidly wagging tail made it obvious this was something good. They both went into the small room together, but before shutting the door the bunny stuck his head out and said, "Don't wait up for us boys."

I was super confused by what just happened. It was clearly something we weren't allowed to do, but wasn't a secret from any of the other guys. Then why did they want to do it in private? They all felt comfortable getting naked together, so why was this different? I quickly realized I was not going to figure this out on my own. I had to brave the consequences of looking stupid in front of my new friends and ask.

"Umm what... what are they doing in there?" I said, embarrassed by my innocence.

Kevin looked at me and responded, "Dude... you know..."

My look of total confusion must have been obvious because then he said, "Oh right, this is your first sleepover. We've been hanging out so much I guess I just forgot. Alex is giving him a blowjob."

Yeah. He said it just like that. Like it was the most normal thing in the world. I felt my heart pounding in my chest when I realized what I heard. I had only learned what that word meant over the summer. At twelve, sex was still mostly an abstract concept to me. I knew what it was, and I had been masturbating for a few months, so I sorta understood the appeal. But it wasn't a real thing that people I knew actually did.

"Haha yeah right," I said, trying to rationalize this new information. There was no way that's what they were doing. Boys are always joking about that kind of stuff.

Then John said, "No, for real. It's super fun."

My mind felt like it was overloading. I couldn't process the words that were coming in, that was the only explanation. There was no possible way they were actually saying what I was hearing. John was the youngest of the group. He was still only eleven, and his birthday wasn't for another couple months, but he was talking about getting a blowjob from Alex. Alex who was a boy.

"But... but... they're both guys? Isn't that... you know... gay?" I asked, absolutely dumbstruck by what was happening.

They both looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. Finally Kevin said, "Dude don't be like that. You sound like a human or something. None of us care if someone is gay."

Now I felt like I was going to cry. I had insulted my best friends and looked like a bigot at the same time.

"I-I'm sorry. I never really had morph friends before so I didn't know. I'm not a homophone I promise."

They both laughed, but I was still nervous, until Kevin threw an arm around my shoulder.

"It's ok. I didn't think you were. I kinda understand now. But don't worry, we morphs stick together."

That really made me feel better. Now that the ice was broken I had so many more questions, but at that moment the bathroom door opened. Andy came out first, with a very goofy look on his face, and a tail that was wagging a little slower than when he entered. Alex was right behind him, wearing a sly grin. They both walked over, and Andy plopped down onto the sleeping bags next to us.

John giggled and poked at the beagle boy saying, "Hehe have fun in there?"

Andy didn't even move and simply replied, "Always."

Alex was still standing up, and pointed right at Kevin saying, "Your turn, big boy."

He wasn't being sarcastic. Kevin was the oldest of the group at twelve and a half, and at least a full head taller than the bunny. The colt wrapped his arm around smaller the boy, and the mismatched pair walked into the bathroom without another word.

This just introduced more questions for me, however.

"But wait I thought he said it was your birthday present. Why is Kevin in going now?" I asked, not really understanding the rules anymore.

Andy said, "Oh haha, that. Alex was just kidding..."

I felt so stupid. Of course he was kidding. I can't believe I actually believed them.

"...he's going to suck you guys too. Don't worry."

Oh my god. He was going to suck me too. I had never even considered that possibility before. I always felt so ashamed when I looked at boys. It never even crossed my mind that one might actually want to do something with me. Now I really needed to know the rules.

"So how does... what do I do?" I asked.

Andy gave me a confused look, until John piped up.

"It's his first sleepover with us, remember?"

"Oh. Ooooh... Haha I guess we kinda dropped you in the deep end, huh?" Andy said, finally understanding my situation.

"You don't really have to do anything. Alex does all the work, you just have to sit back and enjoy"

"Do I have to like... afterwards... Do I have to do it for him too?" I asked, still not really understanding how this worked.

"No. Well, you can if you want to. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, but you don't have to," Andy said.

"But then... If we don't do it to him, why does he want to do it to us?" I said.

"Cause Alex likes boys, and he likes sucking their dicks. It's not really complicated," Andy said, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Alex likes boys. I never knew three words could change my perceptions like those did. My biggest insecurity, and the source of so much shame, was suddenly no big deal.

My epiphany was cut short when the bathroom door opened again, and a very happy horse boy came out. The colt was practically prancing as he walked back to the group. Alex followed right behind, and it wasn't until he got close that I noticed he was rubbing the side of his face.

"Ugh you practically dislocated my jaw with that thing," the bunny said.

Kevin looked concerned, and started to say he was sorry, before the bunny stopped him.

"That's a compliment, buddy. You don't need to apologize for being gifted," Alex said with a giggle. The other boys started laughing and Kevin ruffled the bunny's head playfully.

It was only then I noticed something. On one of the black patches of fur around Alex's mouth there was a white spot. I recognized what it was immediately from my own night time explorations. It was cum. Alex had cum on his mouth. This was not some elaborate joke. This was all real.

The bunny then pointed at John and said, "Your turn, kiddo."

The deer boy didn't hesitate at all. He jumped straight up and grabbed Alex's hand. They walked that way to the other side of the room, before disappearing into the bathroom. I was then struck with the realization that I was next. I was going to have my first sexual experience in just a few short minutes.

As it turned out, that wasn't entirely accurate. It was only about thirty seconds later when we heard the sudden bleat of deer from inside the bathroom. A little while after that, a very timid looking fawn emerged and quickly made his way back to sit on our pile of sleeping bags. Andy threw an arm around the embarrassed boy, and wrapped him in a friendly side hug.

"Don't worry man, he's just super good at that," the beagle boy said, trying to bolster his confidence a bit.

Alex had come back over to our side of the room, and didn't waste any time.

"Chase, do you want to do it now?"

There was no doubt in my mind. At that moment I wanted it more than anything in the world.

"Yes," I said, practically humming with excitement.

Alex reached out his hand, and I took it. His fur felt so soft against my pawpads. When he pulled, to help me stand up, it was like I was floating into the air. We walked like that, hand in hand, across the basement until we reached the bathroom door.

I was anxious. I knew I wanted this, but I also didn't really know what "this" was. I walked into the little room, and Alex followed, closing the door behind him. A thousand things were running through my mind and I could barely calm down enough to stand still. My fidgeting must have been pretty obvious because Alex intervened. I felt a paw on my shoulder, and when I turned around I saw the bunny's smiling face.

"Is this your first time?" he asked, with no judgement in his voice.

"Yeah... I'm kinda nervous I guess," I said, trying to keep my voice even.

"Well, this is my first time with a fox, so we both get to try something new," he said.

It was stupid, but for some reason that actually made me feel a lot better. The fact that he was also treading new ground made it seem like I wasn't alone in my inexperience.

"Do you want me to start?" he said quietly.

I nodded and Alex began lifting my shirt over my head, letting his paws travel across my sides as he went. He threw the shirt away, and his hands travelled back down my body, making light contact with my fur as they went. He stopped at my waist and I felt him undo the button in the rear that held the pants onto my tail. I was wearing long pajama pants that were a bit too big for skinny frame, so they fell down quickly into a pile at my feet. And just like that I was nude in front of a boy for the first time in my life.

I truly understood what it meant to be naked in that moment. It wasn't just a matter of having no clothes. It was being totally exposed, without anyway to hide. The bathroom was so small I really had nowhere to go. It was just large enough for an old style pedestal sink and a toilet. Not exactly the most romantic spot for a first time, but I was in no condition to care.

"Close the lid and sit on the toilet seat, that will probably be easiest," Alex said.

I followed his instructions and sat. I settled down and was greeted with an incredibly erotic sight. Alex knelt down in front of me and locked his eyes with mine. We stayed like that for a few moments, just looking into each others eyes. I could feel his desire by the way he stared; and the fact that he wanted me was the sexiest thing I could imagine.

Alex broke the spell and said, "Scoot forward a bit, and spread your legs for me."

I complied instantly and Alex wasted no more time. He reached out and began stroking my sheath with an expert touch. I was already turned on by what had happened, and my dick was peeking out when he started to stroke me. In almost no time the bunny had my penis fully hard and out of its sheath.

Alex enjoyed this new development and said, "Oh, you have a doggy cock, just like Andy!"

"I do?" I responded, not really able to think.

"Well yours is more red. His is all pink," said the rabbit.

Without so much as a warning Alex leaned forward and sucked my dick into his mouth. It felt like an explosion of sensation across my body. It was like electricity shocking my entire lower half with pleasure. I kept my eyes open and focused on what was happening, watching the bunny's every movement with as much attention as I could muster. He started gently, just taking a few inches at a time and bobbing slowly, up and down. Then, after I became a little more accustomed to the feelings, he started using his tongue. I felt him lick all around my shaft as he moved, making my toes curl with every pass. By this point he was going even further down on my cock. I felt his lips come to a rest on top of my knot and a second later he sucked hard and pulled back all the way to the tip.

I saw stars. It was like I was floating, and the only thing I could feel was absolute bliss. Alex was picking up speed, and every time he pulled back with his lips it was like he was trying to suck the cum right out of me. I didn't think anything could feel better than this. Then he grabbed onto my knot. He had been holding onto me with his hand from the start, but when he started massaging the base of my canine dick it was like nothing else before. I felt a bolt of electricity shoot up my spine, and I couldn't help but buck my hips. I was worried I was going to choke the bunny boy, but he didn't even slow down.

My whole body was becoming overloaded. This was my first blowjob ever and I wasn't going to last much longer. I felt my orgasm racing up from deep within. I knew what the signs were, I had jerked off before, but the suddenness surprised me. I could barely mumble a few words of warning to the bunny boy.

"Alex I'm... I'm gonna cum," I said, trying to alert him about what was happening.

Then Alex did one of the sexiest things I've seen in my entire life. Without missing a stroke, he looked right into my eyes and just made a small sound.

"Mm Hmm"

He wanted it. Oh god he wanted it. That was all it took. I felt my whole body tighten and then my orgasm crashed into me like never before. Alex was still sucking the whole time; and I felt my cum fire out of me faster, and harder, than I even thought was possible. My vision went a little blurry as the waves of ecstasy rolled over my whole body. I heard a sound echo in the cramped room, and realized it was my own moans of pleasure. Eventually it felt like I was going to cramp up from the spasms in my penis.

The feelings became too intense, and I had to push Alex's head away. He seemed to understand what was happening and let go of my dick. Then he gave it one last lick and I felt my legs kick out involuntarily.

"Stop, stop. Holy crap that was so amazing," I said, not able to put the experience into words.

Alex gave a quiet giggle and said, "I thought you might like it. Let me get your clothes and we can go back to the others."

But I didn't really want to do that. I didn't want this moment to end, and I had an idea to keep it going.

"Alex, wait," I said, reaching out and putting my hand on his shoulder.

The rabbit boy stopped and gave me a questioning look, not sure what I wanted.

"I want to... Can I suck yours now?"

The smile on his face lit up the room. He stood in front of me, and I got my first look at his tented underwear. I could see his boner straining against the black fabric, and noticed a tiny wet spot near the tip. My hands went to his waistband immediately. For the first time in a very long time I did not feel unsure or conflicted. This is what I wanted to do. I wanted to be sexy with a boy.

I pulled his shorts down quickly, and couldn't help but laugh a little when his boner bounced up and smacked me in the nose. Alex giggled too, and started wiggling his hips, making his dick bounce up and down. He settled down after a few seconds and I got my first real look and his penis. It was really cool looking, and a lot different than mine. It was long and skinny, with no knot at the bottom. I knew that most other species didn't have one, but it was still weird to see. It was a light pink and wide at the base, but tapered down to a very pointy tip. I loved it.

"You look really cool. I've never seen a bunny dick before, but I like it," I said, not taking my eyes off the prize.

"Thanks, I like it too," Alex replied, with a laugh.

"So, uh, what do I do? I've never done stuff with a boy before," I said, finally realizing I was a bit out of my depth.

"It's not complicated. Don't use your teeth, don't go down too far or you'll gag, and just kinda do what seems fun," Alex said.

He was wiggling his hips again, but this time it was more seductive than silly. I didn't need any more instruction than that. I scooted forward a little and grabbed his penis by the base, then leaning forward I slipped my lips onto his shaft and slid down.

The first thing I noticed was the taste. There wasn't much. It was a little salty, but otherwise I guess it just tasted like skin. But the feel was out of this world. It was so smooth and soft and hard at the same time, and I could feel his body heat radiating out into my mouth. I started bobbing up and down on his dick. Feeling it move in and out of mouth was amazing. I knew why Alex liked doing this for the other boys, it was just so deeply satisfying.

Once I felt comfortable going down on the bunny I decided to try a few of his own tricks. When I took him into my mouth, as far as I could manage, I made a seal with my lips and sucked hard all the way back up. That had an instant reaction from Alex. He moaned quietly, and both his hands went to the side of my head. He didn't clamp down, he just held on as I tried to pull the cum out of him. Then I tried getting my tongue involved. I was not nearly as talented he was, but the rabbit boy seemed to enjoy it nonetheless. Finally I began to really speed up, still sucking hard on every upstroke. That really got him moaning. His hands started to hold on a little tighter with every move, and eventually he reached his limit.

"Chase, oh my god, I'm gonna cum," said Alex, with a strained voice.

I knew the perfect response.

I looked straight up until my eyes found his and hummed, "Mm Hmm"

I felt his length jump in my mouth, and then the boy started to moan out loud as he came. And he came a lot. I swallowed as quickly as I could when his sperm filled my mouth. This was all new to me, though, and I couldn't quite keep up with his impressive volume. Pretty soon I had to pull off, and a bit of his cum spilled out of my mouth. Alex was still shooting, however, and his last few blasts splashed against the side of my muzzle. It took me a moment to catch my breath, and I finally had a chance to notice the taste of his cum. It wasn't bad. I just assumed it would be gross, but it just tasted different. I kinda liked it, but I would have to try more. Just to be sure.

Alex slumped back against the opposite wall and looked very happy.

"Woooo. You are really good at that," the bunny said, sounding a little tired.

I wasn't used to getting compliments on my dick sucking ability, and couldn't help giggling a bit.

"Hehe thanks, I guess I learned from the best."

The bunny gave me a wink in response, and then reached down and threw me my shirt. We got dressed quickly, and cleaned up a bit. I had to wash some of his cum from my face, but otherwise we looked presentable. Alex was about to reach for the doorknob when I stopped him.

"Umm, can you not tell the other guys that I sucked you?" I said. My bashfulness was returning now that our sexual adventure had ended.

"You know they won't care, right? Its ok if you like boys too," Alex said.

"I know, it's not that. I do like boys, and I don't want to hide that anymore. It's just... that was really special, and I kinda want it to be just between us," I said, hoping that made sense.

Alex looked at me for a little while. I couldn't really tell what he was thinking. I was just about to worry when he leaned forward and kissed me, right on the lips. It was quick, just a bit more than a peck, but it was magical. He pulled back and I saw something new on his face. He looked shy.

After it finally registered what happened, I felt a smile stretch all the way across my face. Alex beamed with joy. We started giggling together, and it felt like we would never stop. It was ok, we were ok, and things were going to be different now.

We finally regained our composure and started to leave the bathroom. Alex left first and I was right behind him. But before started moving I grabbed onto the rabbit's hand. And that's how we rejoined our friends, walking hand in hand.

The boys were chuckling a little as I sat back down on the floor. I probably did have a goofy expression on my face, but I didn't mind. We were more than just friends now. We all shared something special and I was really part of the group.

Andy was the first to speak. "You two were in there for a long time. What, did you go back for seconds?"

I still wanted to keep our little secret together, so I didn't really know how to respond.

Alex surprised me when he said, "No way, Chase is a stud. He lasted that whole time."

The other boys looked suitably impressed by this answer. I couldn't help but look at Alex with hearts in my eyes. He was so cool and cute and wonderful. It probably wouldn't be long before the others figured out how we felt about each other, but that was fine. I'll tell them I like boys. I was done pretending to be somebody else.

Andy piped up one more time to ask, "So what do you think, do we know how to party or what?"

I knew my answer right away.

"I'm coming to every sleepover now."