Echo Bravo

Story by Tanhi Makto on SoFurry

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Next morning, Simon was woken by the sensation of a hand caressing his balls. 'Huh, whazat?' he mumbled groggily. He opened his eyes with a groan, and saw Echo, still half-asleep; and absent mindedly playing with him. With a mischievous grin, he leaned over and blew in her ear, it twitched 'don't!' murmured Echo, sounding like a petulant child. Simon blew again, harder, this had the desired effect and she woke up and shot him a dirty look. 'Don't do that!' she cried, confused as to why he had woken her up so rudely. Simon gave a short laugh, 'sorry, I couldn't resist, and besides, you woke me up first.' 'I did not!' she interjected, pouting. 'Oh, really?' Simon replied, affecting a mocking tone 'care to look what your hand is doing?'

Echo looked down, and to her surprise and embarrassment her hand was still teasing Simon's genitals. Blushing hard, she covered her face with her hands 'I'm sorry!' she moaned. 'Don't worry; I suppose it means you're hungry aye?' Echo nodded, still covering her face 'well then, I have treat for you.' Simon said, moving to stand in front of her. "Ta-Da!" He shouted, pulling her hands from her face 'Breakfast in bed, all you can eat.'

Echo shyly took his semi hard member in her hand, and slowly began to stroke it. Simon quickly grew hard from her soft hand and skilled manipulation of his penis. 'You know just how I like it' he hissed through gritted teeth. Giggling, she replied 'yep, I found that out the first night I visited you.' Smirking at her confidence he asked 'do you know what to do next?' 'Yep!' she answered brightly, and then she took him in her mouth, making a tight seal around his bell end. Slowly she moved down to the base, and just as slowly moved back up to the head. 'Oh God! She's deep-throating me!' thought Simon 'Oh Echo! That's amazing, if you keep this up, I'm going to cum!' In answer, she increased the suction and pace. This was too much for Simon, and his whole body tensed as he shot spurt after spurt of cum into Echo's warm mouth.

Panting hard, he collapsed to his knees in front of her 'that was delicious' she said, licking her lips. With a weak smile Simon sighed 'Thanks, you weren't half bad yourself!' Simon leant in and kissed her and she kissed back, their tongues grappling with each other. Her hands went to his now flaccid cock, coated with saliva and slowly caressed it. It wasn't long before he was hard again.

'Please Simon, make love to me again.' She pleaded, looking at him with puppy eyes. 'aww, how could I resist that look?' he asked, with a grin and a twinkle in his eye.Moving behind her he could strongly smell her scent and he could see that she was sopping wet, her fur was matted and the sheets were soaked with her juices.'Should I stand up?' She asked, glancing behind her. 'Nope, you're fine as is, just move your tail for me.' Once she did so, her heat, rising from her swollen sex hit him, carrying her sweet scent. The assault on his senses filled Simon with lust, and he lost no time in plunging into Echo's waiting pussy. Gasping at the suddenness and eagerness of his thrusting Echo shied away slightly. 'Sorry, Echo, I lost control there for a while' Simon said sheepishly. 'That's ok, it feels good.' She replied, with a hint of lust in her voice.

'O.K then, I'll give it to you just like that!' shouted Simon enjoying her enthusiasm.

He felt a surge of heat building in his balls, and he knew he was close to the limit 'I'm about to cum Echo!' he yelled. 'mhm, me too!' she cried, 'lets come together!'

Simon thrust deep into her 'yes, I'm going to cum deep in your greedy cunt!' Echo's Vagina squeezed down on his dick and with a grunt he spurted his load right at the entrance to her cervix. A whiney and the spasms of her pussy on his cock told Simon she had come too.

After having his own breakfast, Simon gave Echo a quick kiss and then went for a shower 'don't worry, I won't be long.' He had told her when he saw the entreating look on her face when he had made to get up. He still had not fixed the hot water cylinder, or secured the parameter, but he had figured there was little point. Simon pondered his next move, he had allowed himself to get sidetracked from his mission, but then, his mission seemed to have been fairly pointless. He considered those thoughts until he could stand the cold no longer. Getting out and drying himself off, he elected to dress where he was, he was a little sore, and had a lot to do and couldn't risk letting his "lower brain" do his thinking. Entering the room where Echo was waiting for him He asked 'have you seen my cap?' 'Yeah, it's on that bust of that grumpy looking man.' She replied, pulling on her tunic. 'Ahh, thank you honey.' Simon was the happiest he'd ever been. Retrieving it from the bust of the "grumpy man" otherwise known as Winston Churchill, he turned and asked 'well, how do I look?' Echo blushed and coyly said 'you look handsome, you humans have such elaborate clothes.' 'Well today I have to make a preliminary report to my C.O, so I have to dress like this.' 'Oh' said Echo, unsure of what a "seeoh" was; to cover she asked "What does "Manui Dat Cognitio Vires"mean? 'Eh? Oh, it's Latin for knowledge gives strength to the arm.' Simon said, loosing his train of thought.

Echo followed Simon out to the old parade ground, where he had landed his light gunship. 'Is that your ship?' she asked, marvelling at the antennae, satellite dishes, not to mention the weapons. 'yep, that's my ship, "the Siege Perilous" perfect compact espionage vessel, and she can fight her way out of just about any sticky situation too.' enthused Simon, his voice full of pride. 'Right, I'm due to report in two minutes, so I have to go inside alone, I can't let him see you.' Pouting a little she sniffed 'okay' Simon gave her a tight hug and kissed her forehead 'won't be long, I promise'

Sitting himself down in the pilot seat, Simon opened the channel to HMS Galahad

The view-screen filled with the austere, moustachioed face of his C.O, Colonel Basil Mayweather. Simon was strongly reminded of John Cleese by his appearance, reinforced by his uncanny similarity in character to Basil Fawlty. 'Rookmaster!' he snapped, 'you were very nearly late, don't let that happen again.' 'Yes, Sir; no Sir, I won't' he replied, inwardly adding you pompous old git.

'Well? What information have you gathered so far?' the Colonel asked impatiently.

'Sir, the entire base seems to have been abandoned at around the same time reports stopped coming in. the grounds and buildings are in a state of disrepair, as can be expected after 3 years. I have set up a beacon and am constantly broadcasting a beat to quarters on all military wavelengths. If anyone is out there, they should be able to receive the message, Sir.'

Colonel Mayweather nodded thoughtfully 'Good, very good, in any case, we should be arriving in one month to re-enforce the base. Tell me Captain, have you encountered any monsters?' Simon gulped and answered 'I have seen some juvenile Alraune, but I terminated them & I was certain that some of cottages had devil bug infestations. But otherwise, no sign of anything Sir.' 'Is that so?' enquired the Colonel, regarding him over steepled fingers. After a tense silence that stretched for what seemed like an eternity, the Colonel let out a sigh and said 'Very good, carry on as ordered Captain, dismissed.' Simon saluted and turned off the screen, closing communications.

Stepping outside, Simon breathed a sigh of relief 'God that was tense.' were his first words. Echo's ears pricked up and then down, a sure sign of agitation 'you sound stressed out' she said, concern etched into her face. 'Yeah, I think he might suspect something is going on.' Echo looked scared 'what will happen if he does know?' she asked. 'Well, at the very least, I'd have a court-martial and then, well, I don't know. They might abandon this planet, or they might bomb it from orbit to clear all life forms.'

Taking her in his arms he said 'I won't let that happen, if it comes to it, I'll go over his head to ensure the protection of this planet!' Looking down at her beautiful face with her deep blue eyes her quickly changed the subject 'I don't know about you, but I say it's time for morning tea don't you think?' he asked with a sly wink.

After a refreshing round of sex, Simon and Echo made plans for a special night, Simon was going to spend the afternoon fixing the electrical system and getting the cinema projector going. They were going to watch some romantic comedy, then have a romantic meal. In the mean time, Echo was going to sleep, because Nightmares were more nocturnal, and being awake during the day was tiring her out. She gave him one last kiss and said 'I'll meet you outside the cinema at 7pm, and I'll have a surprise for you tonight.' And with a wink and a teasing flick of her tail, she vanished. As Simon worked on the projector, he marvelled at her behaviour. Nightmares were supposed to be shy and nervous by nature, but here she was, actually flirting with him. Simon supposed it was his influence on her.

That evening after a shower, he changed into his dress uniform and climbed into a jeep that he had found in the car-pool. He pulled up outside the cinema, parked the jeep and checked his watch, he had five minutes. He stood stock still, one arm resting in the small of his back, the other at his side, ready to be offered to a lady in assistance. The clopping of hooves alerted Simon to Echo's appearance. Turning, Simon saw Echo, as he never had before, instead of just a tunic, she wore a Caparison* like dress that any fashion designer would have killed to have skill to produce. It was like a liquid ruby, and shone brighter than any of the stars in the sky. She was also wearing some of the most intricate jewellery Simon had ever seen. Simon wasn't sure of whether it was the streetlamp behind her, his love for her, or magic but she seemed like a beautiful Kentaurid angel sent from heaven. Finally finding his voice he said 'you look lovely, amazing, simply stunning." Echo blushed slightly "You're not looking too bad yourself." She replied. Offering her his arm, Simon said 'tonights' special screening is a classic of the early 21st century genre of romantic comedy entitled "Kate and Leopold" Please allow me to escort you to your seat.' Beaming at Simon's silly, but romantic gesture, Echo demurely took his proffered arm and with a giggle said 'why thank you, kind sir.' As they stepped into the deserted theatre, Echo saw how much work he had done that afternoon. He had cleared a path and a space for her to sit. The hint of smoke in the air told her that he had probably used explosives 'did you?' she began to ask 'yep!' he said with a grin 'small shaped charges, cut right through the steel. And that's not all,' he continued 'check this out, I made this modified seat for you so you don't have to sit on the floor or stand up.' Echo pulled him close and kissed him 'you're the most thoughtful guy I know!' she gushed. 'Aren't I the only guy you know?' Simon asked teasingly, his eyebrow cocked. 'Well, yeah,' Echo conceded 'but that's not the point!' she said blushing bright red. Seeing she was getting frustrated by the rapid flicking of her ears Simon hugged her tight 'wait right here, I'll go start the projector.' He told her and kissed the top of her head.

After the movie, they went to the old officers club for their dinner Echo rode in the back of the jeep, a ride made more comfortable by the addition of a small mattress for her to sit on. Simon had pre-set everything, the computer controlled kitchen had been brought back on-line and the robotic cooking bots, and waiting droids were fully functioning.

They had a full three course meal of spaghetti Bolognaise followed by soufflé. Simon was puzzled by this and asked 'How are you able to eat this? I thought Nightmares' food was semen?' Echo tittered 'Silly. We're not Vampires, we can eat "human" food, but we need semen to survive.' Nodding his head Simon replied 'amazing, I had no idea.'As they left, Echo leaned into Simon and whispered into his ear 'for being such a gentleman, I have some pleasant surprises for you when we get back.'

True to her word, she immediately got to work when they got back to the house they had chosen as their home. She had quickly unbuckled his Browne belt and was now feverously unbuttoning his jacket. He found himself in just his boxers and socks before he managed to convince her to stop. 'Hey! It's not fair that I'm down to my smalls and you're still looking like you're ready to meet the king!' he protested. 'You're right,' Echo admitted 'you strip me now then, it's only fair.' Simon was only too eager to comply.

He started with her earrings and necklace, which on closer inspection were gold, inlayed with Silver and studded with diamonds and Sapphires. Then he moved to take off her dress, which seemed to be spun from the air itself it felt so insubstantial. 'Umm, Simon?' Echo said, her shyness returned. 'Yes, my love?' he answered, stopping with his hands around her waist. 'It's about why I was in such a rush to get home tonight, and why I practically ripped your clothes off' Simon pulled her dress up over her head and let it drop to the floor 'my heat has started.' Echo said, wringing her hands.

Simon stood there for a moment, his mouth agape. Though not because of what she had just told him, no, the reason was because of the fact she was wearing underwear. 'Did you hear me?' Echo asked, snapping him out of his reverie. "Oh, sorry, darling.' he replied, 'yes I did hear you'. Echo scuffed the floor 'are you ok with what that means?' Simon chuckled, and gave her a reassuring hug 'of course I am!' he exclaimed 'I love you, and I have no objections to mating with you during your heat.' With tears running down her face Echo hugged him, she was too overcome with emotion to speak, but Simon knew what she was saying.

After a long passionate kiss Simon smiled down at her 'are you ready to start now?' he asked. 'Yes! Make love to me all night!' she replied. Still marvelling at her lingerie, Simon asked 'how did you make these, much less get them on?' they were translucent white lace and the knickers had a slot for her tail. 'Magic' came the enigmatic answer.

Shrugging, Simon undid the clasps of her Bra, freeing her D-cup breasts, her nipples were hard and areola had expanded with arousal. When he moved to her rump, to take off her knickers, he saw she really was in heat, as they were soaked through and a small puddle had formed on the floor between her legs. His own arousal burst through the damn of his reserve and he quickly peeled them off her and began a night of wild lovemaking. In total, they made love six times, and as he spurted his last load in her, he felt her womb contract, and he knew that they truly had become one. They cuddled each other and fell asleep as a sliver of light on the horizon darted out to bath them in orange light, the start of a new day, and a new world.

*Authors note, Caparison is a covering for a horse such as worn by chargers during tournaments in the middle ages.